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Thread: When will this stop? Anti-Trump protest, kill everyone

  1. #41
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Mate i keep watching that video. Over and over. If White people make up 10% of the world population and yet we still rule the world. Clearly we where chosen to lead the people of the earth.
    To put it bluntly I believe you are right. If a culture/race cannot, within itself, fix it's own economic problems... Sending members of that culture to a forein country full of people they understand even less than their own race, is not going to do anything but spread their failure onto their host country. Yep we could probably feed every starving mouth in south Africa over here. After about ten years of it we would be the new South Africa. Then who would save us? Immigration to fight poverty is a complete joke. All it does is spread it.

  3. #43
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    I always watch this on leg day gets me so angry and pumped that when im standing in the squat rack with the bar on my traps all i see in the mirror looking back at me is a muslim and sometimes i even yell out mohhamad!!!!!!!!!!!!! You want to clear out a weight room? just start screaming out slurs like a crazy bastard.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Good God...

  5. #45
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    You look back at history no body wants a hitler type person in charge. But why did hitler get voted in? Because the people where so angry they wanted change. The same thing is going on with trump. The people have had enough so they go a bit more to the right.

    Germany and france have elections this year. The EU will break up as we know it within 2 years.

    One crazy fact about hitler was he did what he said he was going to do. If only every politician whould do the same. Looks like mr trump is doing what he said he would.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    To put it bluntly I believe you are right. If a culture/race cannot, within itself, fix it's own economic problems... Sending members of that culture to a forein country full of people they understand even less than their own race, is not going to do anything but spread their failure onto their host country. Yep we could probably feed every starving mouth in south Africa over here. After about ten years of it we would be the new South Africa. Then who would save us? Immigration to fight poverty is a complete joke. All it does is spread it.
    People need to fix their countries mate. It is not our duty to help them.

    Why is it that every shit country in the world is a non european country?

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    People need to fix their countries mate. It is not our duty to help them.

    Why is it that every shit country in the world is a non european country?
    We know why. That makes us bigots though

  8. #48
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    I had a few heated debates with BG a few years ago about that iran deal. I thought islam cant be that bad. Fuck me how wrong was i. Sorry BG it took my own research to understand the truth. If only i had my time in afghan land again. I did not hate islam then i mean i new they were in the year 700 but i did not realise how evil it was.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    We know why. That makes us bigots though
    I have a 8 year old nephew that i help my sister raise. He eats pork. His skin is a tanned white, he speaks english and As far as i know he has foreskin. That is the way it has been and the way it will stay. I raise him like a son. Its my duty to make sure his rights as a european white are not taken away.

    If that is a bigot then thats who i am. Why should multiculturalism Be forced upon me? Im white i live in a white country i enjoy being white. Indians should love being indian just do it in india. Etc etc etc

    Should i go to india and tell them how stupid they are for having 6-10 kids even tho they do not have the money to look after them? No thats their country not mine so i could not care less what they do.

  10. #50
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    Hey OBS lets go to dearborn hahahaha and wear our trump in islam out shirts

  11. #51
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    too bad the ratings on the apprentice are falling - that's most important here

    And this is what it came to - "that" as a US president. Fvck, put Arnold in there - it can't b worse

  12. #52
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  14. #54
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  15. #55
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  16. #56
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  17. #57
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  18. #58
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  19. #59
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    looks like a bunch of rats fleeing from fire

    bunch of animals!

  21. #61
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    That's pretty much it, comical nonsense

  22. #62
    Join Date
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    Good god my friends.
    As an European, who thinks both Hilary and Trump were about the worst candidates I've ever seen, i just have these points to make;
    1) the article about some bat shit crazy (apparently teacher) anti Trump demonstrator just says to me there are plenty of crazy people.

    2) the attitude that Trump inspires,
    Seems to me to be just fear mongering and paranoia.
    The politics seems more based on emotion than any actual logical reasoning.

    3) I never thought Trump would even attempt something as stupid as building a wall. Building a wall never worked for China, (simply drained resources),
    and in smaller places: like Berlin, it worked best at keeping people IN, not out.
    But the wall Trumps talking about would be more akin to the Great Wall of China. Be prepared for some spectacular excuses why everyone else (than Trump) is to blame for that walk never being built, that's my prediction.

    It doesn't sound constructive at all, where the focus is.
    I thought Trump got elected for wanting to help the US citizens who have become poorer over the last decades. So far all we see (outside the US, I hope it's different inside) is blaming others.
    That just sounds like lazy bullshit. Like a stupid version of Hitler.
    Hitler had enough sense to get all Germans into work and rebuilding the country, while at the same time blaming others for their problems.
    It just seems to me to be retarded.
    Hopefully I don't see the picture because of media bias over here, bit has Trump actually done anything constructive yet?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Good god my friends.
    As an European, who thinks both Hilary and Trump were about the worst candidates I've ever seen, i just have these points to make;
    1) the article about some bat shit crazy (apparently teacher) anti Trump demonstrator just says to me there are plenty of crazy people.

    2) the attitude that Trump inspires,
    Seems to me to be just fear mongering and paranoia.
    The politics seems more based on emotion than any actual logical reasoning.

    3) I never thought Trump would even attempt something as stupid as building a wall. Building a wall never worked for China, (simply drained resources),
    and in smaller places: like Berlin, it worked best at keeping people IN, not out.
    But the wall Trumps talking about would be more akin to the Great Wall of China. Be prepared for some spectacular excuses why everyone else (than Trump) is to blame for that walk never being built, that's my prediction.

    It doesn't sound constructive at all, where the focus is.
    I thought Trump got elected for wanting to help the US citizens who have become poorer over the last decades. So far all we see (outside the US, I hope it's different inside) is blaming others.
    That just sounds like lazy bullshit. Like a stupid version of Hitler.
    Hitler had enough sense to get all Germans into work and rebuilding the country, while at the same time blaming others for their problems.
    It just seems to me to be retarded.
    Hopefully I don't see the picture because of media bias over here, bit has Trump actually done anything constructive yet?
    If Le Pen wins we are in fucking big trouble

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Good god my friends.
    As an European, who thinks both Hilary and Trump were about the worst candidates I've ever seen, i just have these points to make;
    1) the article about some bat shit crazy (apparently teacher) anti Trump demonstrator just says to me there are plenty of crazy people.

    2) the attitude that Trump inspires,
    Seems to me to be just fear mongering and paranoia.
    The politics seems more based on emotion than any actual logical reasoning.

    3) I never thought Trump would even attempt something as stupid as building a wall. Building a wall never worked for China, (simply drained resources),
    and in smaller places: like Berlin, it worked best at keeping people IN, not out.
    But the wall Trumps talking about would be more akin to the Great Wall of China. Be prepared for some spectacular excuses why everyone else (than Trump) is to blame for that walk never being built, that's my prediction.

    It doesn't sound constructive at all, where the focus is.
    I thought Trump got elected for wanting to help the US citizens who have become poorer over the last decades. So far all we see (outside the US, I hope it's different inside) is blaming others.
    That just sounds like lazy bullshit. Like a stupid version of Hitler.
    Hitler had enough sense to get all Germans into work and rebuilding the country, while at the same time blaming others for their problems.
    It just seems to me to be retarded.
    Hopefully I don't see the picture because of media bias over here, bit has Trump actually done anything constructive yet?
    Trump is not creating Paranoia, the Democrats are. George Soros is funding all of that crap

    There is already a wall up on the Texas border with Mexico in some places. Other places, you can just swim or climb across. Something needs to be done! I currently live in Houston and there are South Americans everywhere!!! I grew up in South Louisiana, there were hardly any South Americans in my part of the world in 2000. Now, they are everywhere!

    Sounds like you are right, in regards to the bias media. The media is in bed with all of the democrats and libtards out there. I am a registered independent and hoping that maybe one day there is a candidate that can muster up enough money and pull to be a good candidate.

    If Hitlary would have won, all of this stuff/protesting in the US would not be happening. Crazy that people are getting their knickers in a twist because their candidate lost an election.

    Looks like there is going to be a huge protest in Houston for the Superbowl. Secretive anti-Trump protests to erupt Super Bowl weekend in Houston i mean, circumcision for fvcks sake!!!

    they better not be close by to me, i am always armed!

    always good to see others views on this, thanks for posting DocT

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    Trump is not creating Paranoia, the Democrats are. George Soros is funding all of that crap

    There is already a wall up on the Texas border with Mexico in some places. Other places, you can just swim or climb across. Something needs to be done! I currently live in Houston and there are South Americans everywhere!!! I grew up in South Louisiana, there were hardly any South Americans in my part of the world in 2000. Now, they are everywhere!

    Sounds like you are right, in regards to the bias media. The media is in bed with all of the democrats and libtards out there. I am a registered independent and hoping that maybe one day there is a candidate that can muster up enough money and pull to be a good candidate.

    If Hitlary would have won, all of this stuff/protesting in the US would not be happening. Crazy that people are getting their knickers in a twist because their candidate lost an election.

    Looks like there is going to be a huge protest in Houston for the Superbowl. Secretive anti-Trump protests to erupt Super Bowl weekend in Houston i mean, circumcision for fvcks sake!!!

    they better not be close by to me, i am always armed!

    always good to see others views on this, thanks for posting DocT
    I get it, its always problems with immigration, even when it's needed or when it's not, there will be clashes.
    But is that the only thing wrong with the US, or let me rephrase, the only issue that needs attention?

  26. #66
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    What I mean is simply, that's where the focus seems to be.
    On Mexicans or Muslims.
    But what has Trump actually done for the US?

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    What I mean is simply, that's where the focus seems to be.
    On Mexicans or Muslims.
    But what has Trump actually done for the US?
    These are my thoughts exactly, with what you posted above

    Some of these protests are just ridiculous and actually contradict the cause. The shit he does or says, has no backing damn near whatsoever - I hate Mexicans, build a wall - Damn it!

    We'll see where all of this goes - I do have to say, this is the most I have been entertained by politics. So, he's political ratings must be great

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    What I mean is simply, that's where the focus seems to be.
    On Mexicans or Muslims.
    But what has Trump actually done for the US?
    It is what a lot of the focus is on because that is what stirs everyone up. The travel ban from has happened before. When Obama took office, he did the same thing to Iraq, took visas away for 6 months or something like that. There was no uproar then. All of these shenanigans are occurring because they are getting funded by the democrats and george soros.

    I do not know if yall saw this on your side of the pond.

    So far, he has brought some of the US companies (Ford/Carrier) that were building billion dollar factories in Mexico back to the US. He is getting rid of a lot of non-sense government jobs and regulations. Hopefully he and his staff will give some power back to the States and lessen the power of the Federal Gov't. I'm sure that there will be things that do will not benefit everyone but I think he may be able to stop a bunch of BS spending that the USA has been doing for years. Like why did Obama give Pakistan 200 million dollars a few days before leaving office when Congress disapproved it?

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    looks like a bunch of rats fleeing from fire

    bunch of animals!
    Islam. Got to love it. They want to live under the law of their god and yet islamic countries are so shit.

  30. #70
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    What has trump done for the usa? Well firstly he has been top dog for 2 fifths of fuck all so give him time.

    He cancelled the TPP. Which is the worst deal of all time. It allowed foriegn companies the right to sue the governments of australia and america if profits fell. And it allowed companies to bring in foreign workers.

    He knows the threat of islam and he is going to stop the rise of muslims in the west.
    Love him or hate him but you know what? He is doing what he said he will do. And that is how you should judge a leader.

    I agree the wall is a stupid idea. You have the most powerful military in the world fucking use it to defend your border. That is the primary role of an army to defend its land.

  31. #71
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    I feel you rajin cajun my friend. Black africans never existed in my country now i see about 1-2 a week its gross. They are so tall like over 2m with like hair that is not real hair its like fuzz. And their skin is not even black its like purple. They do not speak english they mutilate their daughters vaginas and they wear dresses. Deadset you see them wearing a dress. Fuck off you archaic cunts you are not welcome. One tried to talk to me once. The fool could not even speak english and i just spat on the ground infront of him to show him i do not want your uncivilised kind here

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    It is what a lot of the focus is on because that is what stirs everyone up. The travel ban from has happened before. When Obama took office, he did the same thing to Iraq, took visas away for 6 months or something like that. There was no uproar then. All of these shenanigans are occurring because they are getting funded by the democrats and george soros.

    I do not know if yall saw this on your side of the pond.

    So far, he has brought some of the US companies (Ford/Carrier) that were building billion dollar factories in Mexico back to the US. He is getting rid of a lot of non-sense government jobs and regulations. Hopefully he and his staff will give some power back to the States and lessen the power of the Federal Gov't. I'm sure that there will be things that do will not benefit everyone but I think he may be able to stop a bunch of BS spending that the USA has been doing for years. Like why did Obama give Pakistan 200 million dollars a few days before leaving office when Congress disapproved it?
    He gave pakistan 200 million? And he pardoned that transexual spy. Obama has no backbone.

  33. #73
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    What I am waiting for is something big & irreversible to happen - there is no way this "guy" can handle a true natural or unnatural disaster properly

    At least personally I am mostly out of harms way - not in any major city or a capital & in a very civil fairly remote area

    The rest - well, give it time

    It's such a odd feeling, in the US at least to not know how tomorrow will go.

    I lived through communistic USSR, it was def an interesting time & place to say the least . . . . Like watching your parents full on get in a fist fight over food for the next week . . . . Not many US Sheeple can say that they lived through anything even close to something similar(some, maybe).

  34. #74
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    By 2050 the white christian will be less then 50% of the usa population. I wonder with more and more non europeans flooding into the usa will it stay as the number 1 economy/military in the world???

  35. #75
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    What created the usa? European immigration. So why allow so many others into your country? They do not share your values of democracy. They just want to take take take

    Central americans belong in central america that is their homeland. Show some pride and build your country do not run away like a girl

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    I feel you rajin cajun my friend. Black africans never existed in my country now i see about 1-2 a week its gross. They are so tall like over 2m with like hair that is not real hair its like fuzz. And their skin is not even black its like purple. They do not speak english they mutilate their daughters vaginas and they wear dresses. Deadset you see them wearing a dress. Fuck off you archaic cunts you are not welcome. One tried to talk to me once. The fool could not even speak english and i just spat on the ground infront of him to show him i do not want your uncivilised kind here

    i don't have a problem with black people

    i have a problem with trash. trash is every color

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    i don't have a problem with black people

    i have a problem with trash. trash is every color
    I do not have a problem with skin colour either. I have a problem if you act like a non westerner in a western country. And those cunts from sudan are animals

  38. #78
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    One down. Only another billion left. This not looking good for us gents. We are better in everyway and yet we are losing!!!!

    Louvre attack suspect identified as 29-year-old Egyptian national - France 24

  39. #79
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    The man seems like a high wired mother fvcker, But i think he is doing the right thing. He is getting the backs up of a lot of ppl but one day i think he will be thanked, The guy has BIG BALLS to stop these ppl as in terrorists.
    Come on ppl, these cvnts come in to our countries as famlies we know this and blow us up.

    Then his/her wife/man are like, ohh my god i had no idea.... I fvcking right then ya cvnt yous know what you were doing, Listen i have no time for this crap ok full fvcking stop.....

    Innocent ppl all over the world are getting killed by these ppl ok, For once someone is doing something about it and thank fvck. Hopefully the world will follow him and not act like fvcking stupid wee dicks, like ohh thats not right. Ehhh i it is, its the only way to get this sorted...

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    The man seems like a high wired mother fvcker, But i think he is doing the right thing. He is getting the backs up of a lot of ppl but one day i think he will be thanked, The guy has BIG BALLS to stop these ppl as in terrorists.
    Come on ppl, these cvnts come in to our countries as famlies we know this and blow us up.

    Then his/her wife/man are like, ohh my god i had no idea.... I fvcking right then ya cvnt yous know what you were doing, Listen i have no time for this crap ok full fvcking stop.....

    Innocent ppl all over the world are getting killed by these ppl ok, For once someone is doing something about it and thank fvck. Hopefully the world will follow him and not act like fvcking stupid wee dicks, like ohh thats not right. Ehhh i it is, its the only way to get this sorted...
    Sing it clarky!!!!! Trump may be a dick at times but he is doing what is right.

    Trumps mother is from your scotland just like the guys from ACDC

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