Morning all,
In the light of how well the recent competition with Obspowerstroke, Capebuffalo and Nach3 went, we have decided that we should in fact do more of these. It brings a bit of healthy competition to the forums, and really seemed to get people talking again. It seems in recent months that members (myself included!) have fallen into a bit of a pattern of sticking to their forum of choice, and repeating themselves to the same old queries.
We used to have such a great team atmosphere here, great camaraderie. We want to ignite that again!
So, without further adieu, I introduce the Competition Organisers:
Between the four of us, we will be organising, participating, and managing the running of the competitions. We will be outsourcing the judging of each to the Vets.
We'll be launching a new sub-forum to host all of this, including rules and proposed dates.
So.. I call Back in Black and TarmyG out! Fancy a challenge?