Last nights workout;
Flat bench 112,5*4,3,3
Db incline 40*15,7,6
JM press 62,5*12,11,7
Last edited by cousinmuscles; 09-05-2017 at 10:27 AM. Reason: Typos
Also with JM press you minimize movement of upper arm but still don't make it an extension, just slightly modified in the pressing motion.
From another thread
Derp derp derp derp. Typical obs glorifying himself. Such a badass that he enters threads and rips people up. Obs, I put a bowl of bird food by the window of the nearest gym to you. Still waiting for you to make a stop and decide if you'll finally start training.
All I can say is this
Einer-way is pig Latin for "weiner"
Shoulder today.
4 sets of seated dumb press
4 sets lateral extensions
4 sets of seats reverse flys
4 Sets of cable side lateral raises
7 sets dumbell bench drop sets
3 sets flat dumbell flys
And a big glass of powdered funky hate (dymatise whey)
Stepped on the scale this morning, 138.25. I drop 3-4 more and I'm starting my cycle.
18 weeks of test with 10 weeks of masterone in the middle. As well as a 3x a week test base boost for chest back and shoulders days
I'm going full tard and completely over looking legs except for my 4x a week 10-15 mile rides.
Got another new bike today,TREK marlin 5 hybrid gary fisher edition, 15" frame, 29" tire hydro disk brakes with SRAM deraileurs
Sent from my LGLS775 using Tapatalk
Last edited by Couchlock; 09-05-2017 at 07:22 PM.
No food today until 8 pm same as yesterday.
Tonight was 2.5 lbs (After cooking) of lean chuck burgers
With buns, pickles, mustard, lettuce and tomatoes. 4 total
Will have a mass gainer shake after workout.
Ephedrine all day. Pushed it too hard lately either losing muscle or losing fat.
Strong but feel like I am half the size I was a week ago.
Strong but feel like I am half the size I was a week ago.[/QUOTE]
That's cuzz you are.
You about shrunk to my size, a few more trees, and a couple tabs of bronk. You'll be 135 overnight.
Betta up that NPP
I like them more than regular close grip bench. No pain in my forearms.
Have you tried using the smith machine and keeping elbows tucked in, but set the bench or your body so the bar is coming down to the top of your sternum or a tad higher?? I get much better isolation in tris and I can really bump up the weight... I also like the smith for incline work if not using DBs or if I use it first I'm warmed up for DBs etc
Do you have tendinitis in forarms already
Arms today
4 sets hammers
4 sets cable concentration
2 sets inside, 2 sets outside EZ bar
4 sets Tricep press machine
4 sets behind the head Tricep extension with cable rope
4 sets pull downs
And 100 real dips
Tonight's workout;
Rack deads 250*7
SLDL 160*10,10,8
Single leg calf raise 30,30,30
Seated calf raise 25*27,21,27
Well, I didn't have a chance to workout.
I was assuming my dentist appointment would be quick. But no.
Had a "deep root cleaning and re-planning" also I have 8 fucking cavities, and bone loss like a mother fucker. And all 4 wisdom teeth gotta come out, not from impaction, but from cavities.
Spent. Tried to workout, failed. Started with my last working set for 10 reps bench, couldn't get a single rep. Dropped 50 lbs off and got 3 reps.
Too much work, not enough food. Time to focus on food.
Work is gonna have to start fitting my schedule better. Just gonna force feed and take some time off lifting to recover. No days off work in sight. Property management company has been running me ragged and my mind is there but my body is not. I love this life, love being overwhelmed but fuck man!
Gonna drop off the radar for a bit. Couch, rns, yb...
Better not fuck around in my absence. I will talk to you before the finals, when I embarrass you. I will either come back a skeleton or a fucking beast. No promisesat this point.
I can be reached by pm, eventually.
Tonight's workout;
V chins 26,13,10
Wide grip pulldowns 65*10,10,10
Bb row 85*12,12,12
1 arm machine row 45*20,20,20
Db curl 20*10,7,6
Are those first numbers denoted with "*" the weight in Kg, or reps?
Doing back today. I like back day.
4 sets wide pulls
3 sets center pulls
3 sets center pulls supinated like a chin up
4 sets seated rows
3 sets DB rows
Side note, daddy got a new toy yesterday
S&W Performance Center 629 44mag. 2 5/8" snubby. She's getting workout after me. Moohoohehehahaha
Congrats on the gun couch!
Things aren't going well here.. feeling a little demotivated. Started tren A about 4 weeks ago and haven't felt anything yet. Cut my cheat meals from 2-3 a week to just one, and have decreased calories and haven't seen a single change.
I know with a decrease in calories I'm not going to see muscle gains or huge strength increase but you'd think tren would allow that to happen even on restricted calories. I got it from a great source and it's a reputable lab so I have no reason to believe it's fake. Plus I did get a cough from it once. It's like my body is just rejecting it.
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