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Thread: August Most Improved Competition

  1. #721
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Tonight's workout;

    Deadlifts 220kg *4
    Lying leg curls 90*7,5,4
    Inverse leg curls on floor, 2 sets of 6 negatives
    Single leg calf raises 30,25,25
    Seated calf raises 25*30,30,40

  2. #722
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Rubber sandals sacramental for the followers here so I place them as close as I can to the lift.

    I see you're admiring obs. When will you start training legs?

  3. #723
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Rubber sandals sacramental for the followers here so I place them as close as I can to the lift.

    I see you're admiring obs. When will you start training legs?
    Probably tonight. That was a good lift. We are about identical on deads and squats.

    Well... For a couple weeks. I am not fucking about with the tren this go round. Gonna trade my testicles for tits and gain some real mass. Gonna be hard to keep my biscuit in the oven this time. It took me four weeks to settle into my tren last time. Till then I was a wreck.
    Last edited by Obs; 09-18-2017 at 06:50 PM.

  4. #724
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Probably tonight. That was a good lift. We are about identical on deads and squats.
    You have $1000 in Bitcoin if you post a video of this

  5. #725
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Obs if you're so big you can't even wipe your own ass, how will you squat down to grab the bar?

  6. #726
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    You have $1000 in Bitcoin if you post a video of this
    You would just find a way to say it was fake. I have no way of posting videos. Never have. Believe me if I were dishonest I would say I could do that with 600lb

  7. #727
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    You have $1000 in Bitcoin if you post a video of this
    I'll be your huckleberry
    How much I gotta squat to get $1,000...

  8. #728
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Obs if you're so big you can't even wipe your own ass, how will you squat down to grab the bar?
    Just so you know, I am ashamed of all my lifts. Dont know why you are so proud

  9. #729
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I doubt I can bench more than you but you are a pussy bitch anyway. Enlighten me ya ass wipe.
    Mixed messages here obs. This isn't the first time I have to mention you're crammed full of shit.

    faking it isn't easy, if it's 220kg or 484lbs the bar bends as in the video and it sounds like it does. I'll give you another offer though. if you post a vid of you doing 4 plates you get $100. 5 plates you get $1000.

  10. #730
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    I'll be your huckleberry
    How much I gotta squat to get $1,000...
    Hell no! You are not obs, if everyone on the site gets this challenge from me I am ruined financially lol

  11. #731
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    We are nothing special in any way.
    I knew I had zero chance in the powerlifting world immediately. You don't either. There are videos of 80 year olds deadlifting what we do.

    Act like the embarrassment you are. Dont post videos of that shit.

  12. #732
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post

    Mixed messages here obs. This isn't the first time I have to mention you're crammed full of shit.

    faking it isn't easy, if it's 220kg or 484lbs the bar bends as in the video and it sounds like it does. I'll give you another offer though. if you post a vid of you doing 4 plates you get $100. 5 plates you get $1000.
    I dont own that many plates.

  13. #733
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I will make you a deal, why dont we turn this into a most improved, bodybuilding comp instead of a wannabe 8th grade level powerlifting comp?

    There are some strong 8th graders out there.not gonna embarass myself kiddo.

  14. #734
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    We are nothing special in any way.
    I knew I had zero chance in the powerlifting world immediately. You don't either. There are videos of 80 year olds deadlifting what we do.

    Act like the embarrassment you are. Dont post videos of that shit.
    Seems I really am old enough mentally to be your grandfather. There is no pride in how much I lift, but there is love for training and finding ways to progress and take on new challenges. Something you lack and only feel shame for when you can't, all while shooting way too high amounts of the most dangerous substances and trash talking ifbb pros who have walked the walk.

    Beyond the fact that I find it fun to share the vids for whoever wants to see what I'm doing during this competition, I am really amused at the negativity the two chickenshits feel when they see them. Have to agree with nach3 it seems they not happy with where they are and have a hard time facing reality.
    Last edited by cousinmuscles; 09-18-2017 at 07:19 PM.

  15. #735
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Great chest workout tonight. Managed 315 for 8 on flat bench.... not my greatest lift considering all the shoulder injuries I've had that have kept me from doing it but I'm happy with it. Had my girlfriend there to train with me for the first time in a while. It's amazing how much better your workouts can be when you have someone there to help with forced reps or stripping weights for a drop set. Weight is still the same at 225 but like I said I had to go in a notch on my belt so I guess that's a good thing?

  16. #736
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Seems I really am old enough mentally to be your grandfather. There is no pride in how much I lift, but there is love for training and finding ways to progress and take on new challenges. Something you lack and only feel shame for when you can't, all while shooting way too high amounts of the most dangerous substances and trash talking ifbb pros who have walked the walk.

    Beyond the fact that I find it fun to share the vids for whoever wants to see what I'm doing during this competition, I am really amused at the negativity the two chickenshits feel when they see them. Have to agree with nach3 it seems they not happy with where they are and have a hard time facing reality.
    Part of that is dead on but you have me confused with someone. I have never trash talked any ifbb. I am not at all happy where I am. I am fucking ashamed I cant bench 400lb as thick as I am. I am never going to be ok with were I am and most days I look in the mirror and see a 5' 11" squirrel that weighs 120lb. I am ashamed every time I see a teenager deadlift 800lb or a 60 year old deadlift more than I can dream of. I am no gd powerlifter.

    I also will continue to shoot ridiculos amounts of the most dangerous substances until I am happy with were I am, which will never happen. I hear the clock counting down. I worry at times, i would be lying f I said I didn't. 180/110 bp constantly last comp.

    I ate eca till my nose throat and gums had a steady sweat of blood. It doesn't scare me enough to stop.
    Doing what I like and doing what I feel I can't live without.

    I said good lift and I meant it. I like you, wasn't born with a gift. Working my ass off is all I know since I was a little boy. Demean me all you want but I am one honest man.

  17. #737
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Seems I am actually comparable to a :

    An athlete competing in strength sports. Keep in mind, the standards shown in the tables do not represent the highest level of strength performance possible
    From Weightlifting Performance Standards
    Deadlift Standards

    And their 1 rep max calculator has my max at 240kg
    Predicting One-rep Max

    Obs, if I actually found happiness only if I could be better than others, do you still think I would feel shame? Think I would have gone to a forum and just lied to make myself feel better, like if I ever trained legs?

  18. #738
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Demean me all you want but I am one honest man.
    I cut out the masochistic part, that's disgusting. But this one deserves an award. Really, it gave me a good laugh.

  19. #739
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Great chest workout tonight. Managed 315 for 8 on flat bench.... not my greatest lift considering all the shoulder injuries I've had that have kept me from doing it but I'm happy with it. Had my girlfriend there to train with me for the first time in a while. It's amazing how much better your workouts can be when you have someone there to help with forced reps or stripping weights for a drop set. Weight is still the same at 225 but like I said I had to go in a notch on my belt so I guess that's a good thing?
    Good stuff man, do you do preventative work like external/internal rotations? I found that it feels a lot better when doing them, never had injuries though.

  20. #740
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I do a lot of warming up before i train chest or shoulders. For the longest time I could never barbell bench. But I found that if I properly warm up my shoulders I can do it without any issues. I never go too heavy... I like to stay in the 6-8 rep range. I also come down to about an 1" or 2" above my chest... I feel that really saves a lot of strain on the shoulders and you still keep good tension on the chest.

  21. #741
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    Nov 2016
    Yeahbuddy, tell me honestly, isn't it funny lil twiglegs thinks he'll get to me if he posts that he's about the same on deads/squats, and then I remind him of a post he made that he doesn't think he can even do the worst of my lifts, my bench?

  22. #742
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    And refuses to post vids. He is a honest man really lol. Next thing you know lil twiglegs starts training legs. Hope you do better than couch, obs, don't quit just because you get sore the day after.

  23. #743
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Seems I am actually comparable to a :

    From Weightlifting Performance Standards
    Deadlift Standards

    And their 1 rep max calculator has my max at 240kg
    Predicting One-rep Max

    Obs, if I actually found happiness only if I could be better than others, do you still think I would feel shame? Think I would have gone to a forum and just lied to make myself feel better, like if I ever trained legs?
    Thats fine. I'm not cutting you down untilyou throw your not so impressive shit in my face. Nice lift.
    You turned it into "you can't do that".

    Believe me we ain't elite unless you are softening the definition to meet todays soft standards.

    I complimented your lifts, legs, and ability until you threw it in my face. Now you get the truth, you are average same as I.

    I have zero interest in competing for strength because I wouldn't stand a fucking chance.

    You should have joined a powerlifting comp.

  24. #744
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Yeahbuddy, tell me honestly, isn't it funny lil twiglegs thinks he'll get to me if he posts that he's about the same on deads/squats, and then I remind him of a post he made that he doesn't think he can even do the worst of my lifts, my bench?
    Bench is my worst as well.

  25. #745
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Thats fine. I'm not cutting you down untilyou throw your not so impressive shit in my face. Nice lift.
    You turned it into "you can't do that".

    Believe me we ain't elite unless you are softening the definition to meet todays soft standards.

    I complimented your lifts, legs, and ability until you threw it in my face. Now you get the truth, you are average same as I.

    I have zero interest in competing for strength because I wouldn't stand a fucking chance.

    You should have joined a powerlifting comp.
    I just posted the vid, unless you're blind there was talk early in this thread instigated by couch that we post up a vid with our best lifts. Tell me obs, why does merely posting that vid offend you? Why do you feel I threw something in your face? Why, obs... Lol, why does it make you react this way. You and couch must be the forums most insecure people.

    Todays soft standards? Lol WTF are you talking about, can you even read the study it references to? Honest man!

  26. #746
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Can't wait to see your responses obs, once you start the tren!

  27. #747
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    I just posted the vid, unless you're blind there was talk early in this thread instigated by couch that we post up a vid with our best lifts. Tell me obs, why does merely posting that vid offend you? Why do you feel I threw something in your face? Why, obs... Lol, why does it make you react this way. You and couch must be the forums most insecure people.

    Todays soft standards? Lol WTF are you talking about, can you even read the study it references to? Honest man!
    Video was fine I complimented it. You are jealous that I can do the same, so you turned it into more babbling wannabe trash talk. I didnt follow your links but you ain't elite sir.

    It will be a cold day in hell before you se a video of me on here lifting. I get laughed at enough without that.

  28. #748
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Can't wait to see your responses obs, once you start the tren!
    Maybe I should spend $1000 on tissues for him to wipe his tears.

  29. #749
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Can't wait to see your responses obs, once you start the tren!
    I will probably drop out four or five times and break my phone a couple times.

  30. #750
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Maybe I should spend $1000 on tissues for him to wipe his tears.
    I only cry at the end of movies. Mary Poppins touched so many lives though...

  31. #751
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    Every guy on this forum could post a video of their best lift and there is no way I would.
    Thats just too goddam personal to me!

  32. #752
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    babbling wannabe trash talk
    Claims he can lift some poundage, refuses to prove it despite being offered money, then claims the real reason someone questioned his ability is jealousy.

  33. #753
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Every guy on this forum could post a video of their best lift and there is no way I would.
    Thats just too goddam personal to me!
    And this is supposed to be funny?

  34. #754
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Claims he can lift some poundage, refuses to prove it despite being offered money, then claims the real reason someone questioned his ability is jealousy.
    Wanna see my dick? I will post a video of that!
    Seriously! I will lay a ruler by it.

    Not doing a lift video.

  35. #755
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    And this is supposed to be funny?
    No humor here. I am dead fucking serious. The shit I find embarrassing and the shit you find embarrassing are two completely different things.

    Me posting my nutsack was funny though because numbere is the one who saw it first. I posted it for medical opinion but numbere saw it...
    He was offended as hell and I loved it.

    Buncha whiners never saw a medical book.

  36. #756
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Shit I care about his deadlifts. Pretty damn impressive to me.

  37. #757
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    although his deadlifts are impressive they have no bearing on this supposed most improved competition that goes for how strong anyone is for that about some progress pics everyone?...I don't care how strong anyone is or how big your ego is either...the last comp I was involved in was very civil and supportive, that may make for boring reading but we all took it seriously and didn't need to hate each other to compete and knowing what everyone was doing pushed us to try having a hard time following this with all the shit talk...start posting pics to give peeps that are following an update...

  38. #758
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    although his deadlifts are impressive they have no bearing on this supposed most improved competition that goes for how strong anyone is for that about some progress pics everyone?...I don't care how strong anyone is or how big your ego is either...the last comp I was involved in was very civil and supportive, that may make for boring reading but we all took it seriously and didn't need to hate each other to compete and knowing what everyone was doing pushed us to try having a hard time following this with all the shit talk...start posting pics to give peeps that are following an update...
    I already did a progress not too far back. I cant sleep. Laid in bed for five hours sweating and cursing. I will do another soon. Did legs last night so today should be hell with no sleep.

  39. #759
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    see this is how I'm reading his horseshit through quotes please don't quote this fucking jackass anymore

    For what it's worth I have not dropped out I'm just done with the tit-for-tat childish talking RN

    You're like a bully in high school you you seem like but I tell you this much I was a little fat kid in high school but bullies didn't get very far with me because I was given carte blanche to take a suspension or an expulsion fighting a bully to defend myself and always went in my favor and when it didn't I grab something to equalize the odds

    Why don't you get over yourself my man nobody gives a flying fuck about your deadlifts

    Coming from the guy who instigated the idea that we should post vids of our best lifts.

    If you don't give a flying fuck about it, why are you not ignoring it like the other thousands of members on the forum?

    I see though, I'm tingling that part of your brain that not only got you triggered, but is now bringing up your issues. Insecure little chickenshit starts talking about being bullied in high school. Listen here chickenshit, in my high school there were no luxuries like detention, let alone time or resources for any adult to give a crap about some fatty being bullied. The school staff had enough difficulties ensuring their own safety. If you want to make a thread about how you handled being bullied in your middle class high school, go ahead, don't bring this crap to me and hope I'll shed a tear for your past. You've got issues, very big issues, if you are getting so upset by this. It's alright lil chickenshit you don't have to train legs or feel soreness from workouts, just dig your head deeper into the ground, put even more members in your ignore list if they make you feel things.

  40. #760
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Agreed GB. Let's have one best body part picture. Weight changes? Added or taken away any substances. What has been the hardest part to date? What's the easiest? What are your thoughts on progress so far?

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