Hi, I am 20 years old and wanna get jacked in a two month period so I have laid out the following cycle:
Week 1-20 1000mg of Tren E per week
I am looking forward to any advice but if someone says something I don't want to hear, I will lash out irrationally.
Its simple really, I want to get huge quickly without effort.
I am a doctor.
Actually I am a veterinarian.
Actually a veterinarians assistant.
Actually I clean the vets office twice a week.
But I am in the health field!
I know people say I am too young but my mother tells me I am super mature for my age. I don't need AI because I don't have gyno. I have been told hcg can increase intratesticular estrogen so I wont be needing that, after all, I don't run AI.
I am considering just swapping out the tren for 150mg of halotestin per day because I really dont like needles.
I hear pct is not necessary (I can post a link where a pro says so) I wont be needing that either. I have been training for 18 years and have put over 7 years of study into AAS.
I am ready to take my instant gratification to the next level. My diet is on point and for my first cycle I will be force feeding 2200 calories per day. I don't manage macros because I read macro management can be detrimental to your business and I hear it really pisses people off when someone macromanages. I train every day for hours (right arm is jacked). I am 6' 7" and about 142 lbs. I just cut down from 150 in preparation.
Anyway, glad to be here looking forward to giving you all advice.
Don't fucking argue with any of this!