Ok guys, this story starts out kind of complicated but picks up real quick, so I'll try to make it as simplified as I can.
Here are the people involved:
Jen - A good friend who I have hooked up with pretty consistently over the last 7 months or so when she is in town. She used to be the gf of one of my best friends but their relationship went downhill when she found out he was cheating on her...so she devised a plan and cheated on him with me last year and it has been going on ever since.
Jenny - Best friend of Jen that has had a thing for me for a while. Hadn't seen her for a while until this Tuesday but we danced at the bar and flirted all nite. Got her new cell number so I could reach her to go out for her 21st birthday. Chemistry was maxed out and we were having great conversation so I knew that there was potential.
Girl I didn't know - A friend of Jenny's...this girl makes this story worthwhile.
Ok, so I get to the bar with 2 of my buddies and we see them all there huddled around the bar buying Jenny shots for her birthday. I go up and say hello and she gives me a nice peck on the cheek and makes nonincendental contact with my thigh. I tell her I will be back in a few minutes and then my buddies and I go to play pool.
She comes over after we have been gone for around 20 minutes and starts whispering 'you better save me a dance after do some shots.' so i am still there trying to keep it cool and not follow her around but rather kind of play hard to get.
after another game of pool we go back in to the other part of the bar and she says she wants to do a bodyshot off of me. i tell her that would be fantastic and i buy her shot. she tells me she wants to do it off my abs, so i am all about it. she does the shot and then keeps kissing me long past the lime juice is sucked and can't keep her hands off of me.
now, this interlude here is to tell you all what kind of trouble i am in this situation. the last time i had sex with Jen was around 2 weeks ago, so the emotional attachment she felt was in the present. so days later i run into her friend that is smoking hot and totally digs me, so i am thinking what the hell, i will go for it. Jen told me 2 weeks ago that if I ever hooked up with any of her friends regardless of who it is, she would never speak to me again.
apparantly on Tuesday one of Jen and Jenny's mutual friends saw us flirting and warned Jen, so I got a phone call to remind me not to touch the forbidden fruit, or else. Jen enlisted one of their other mutual friends to spy on us and make sure there wasn't anything happening, so she was definitely watching us when I lifted up my shirt and had Jenny licking my abs before kissing me. back to the present.
so Jenny just did the shot and is all over me, whispering dirty things in my ear while im standing there licking her neck and a girl who I didn't know puts her arms around me from the other direction and whispers "i want to kiss you too'.
now at this point i am thinking 'holy shit, life can't get any better than this.' so Jenny does 3 more body shots off of me and her friend gets pretty drunk as well by the time close rolled around.
i conveniently offer to take them home and we leave to go back to Jenny's place. we go into her bedroom and it turned into something straight out of a porno; ridiculous. i rate it as my top sexual experience so far for the quality of girl involved and how kinky it was.
so here i am, pretty much going behind the back of a girl that is very much into me with her friend nonethelesss and then another girl is added into the equation with what transpired from this. not only was the sex awesome, but Jenny and I connect on a level that Jen and I don't, so I am really thinking of seeing where this goes, regardless of Jen she is going to find out one way or another, so i don't think lying is going to be the best way to go about it. however i also don't want to bring it up because she already warned me, so then i look like a dick in front of both of them when Jen bitches both me and Jenny out. any advice for this situation? i really need some potential solutions to this so this works out...