All my life I have had a deviated septum that has caused some breathing issues and sinus infections. I finally got fed up and was referred to a good surgeon. I’m having the surgery done Friday.
It will be the ENT surgeon as well as a plastic surgeon because my septum is so bad but it is a functional surgery and very little if any cosmetic changes will be noticeable.
I have had this done before when I was younger but not to this extent. They are talking about the possibility of breaking my nose if they need to and making incisions on my nostrils and flipping my nose back to work on it. And if they have to they will cut cartilage out of my ear to use in my nose.
I’m definitely not ready for this lol I think my biggest fear is going to sleep. I hate that part. Also not being able to breathe through my nose or taste anything will suck...
Anyone have this surgery before and can hopefully share a positive experience??? Lol