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Thread: Septoplasty

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    All my life I have had a deviated septum that has caused some breathing issues and sinus infections. I finally got fed up and was referred to a good surgeon. I’m having the surgery done Friday.
    It will be the ENT surgeon as well as a plastic surgeon because my septum is so bad but it is a functional surgery and very little if any cosmetic changes will be noticeable.
    I have had this done before when I was younger but not to this extent. They are talking about the possibility of breaking my nose if they need to and making incisions on my nostrils and flipping my nose back to work on it. And if they have to they will cut cartilage out of my ear to use in my nose.
    I’m definitely not ready for this lol I think my biggest fear is going to sleep. I hate that part. Also not being able to breathe through my nose or taste anything will suck...
    Anyone have this surgery before and can hopefully share a positive experience??? Lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Good luck man! The quicker you get it done, the quicker you'll be happy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Not being able to breathe through your nose and being able to taste are only temporary. Have no personal experience but guys I have trained martial arts with did some kind of nose surgery (not sure if its exactly the same kind as yours though tbh!), though they said it made their nose normal like before they damaged it. Best of luck bro the pain will only be temporary.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Good luck bro!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I had a Septoplasy about 5 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did!
    Like you mentioned I was constantly getting sinus infections and having really bad breathing issues..I would not be able to pass any air through my nose when i would lay down to go bed at night.
    Also the best I ever had was 1 side of my nose open during the day.
    The good thing is i don't believe they stuff your nose with packing when getting this operation these days.The way i looked at it is this had to be done yeahbuddy. I'm sure it's really affecting
    your quality of life.
    You are right it does suck not being able to breathe out of your nose after the operation. But that's pretty much what you have now most of the time right? Some people get this operation and can breathe way better a couple
    days after. One question i would ask the doctor is if he is reducing your turbinates. Mine did not for some reason and now i have to get this done now. It's not nearly as hard to recover as a Septoplasy is however breathing out of your nose becomes a problem for a couple weeks. Best of luck to you! Just remember not being able to breathe out of your nose after is only temporary.. You feel so much better and wonder how you lived like that before.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Thanks for the support guys.

    J diesel, yes they are doing the turbinate reduction too. And there will be no packing and he said he might not have to use splints. But I will have a paper cast on my nose.
    There will be an ENT and a plastic surgeon doing this and the plastic surgeon said he is going to break my nose if he feels it will help me breathe better, which really made me feel worse about this whole thing lol

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