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  1. #1
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!

    Thoughts on Mustang Saleen worth it?

    Well it's getting hot and it's been a while since my Yamaha R1 was stolen so I was thinking that it's about time to get a new toy.
    Not ready for a new bike though. After totally my Hayabusa and then getting my R1 stolen right in front of my house I think I'll leave the bikes alone for a while longer.

    Anyhow, I was looking into and drove a Saleen Mustang this weekend.

    I'm just wondering if it's worth the money.
    I'm pretty sure that it's also going to be a high maintenance car which I wouldn't like. Maybe I'm wrong?

    I did like it though, the car is very sharp and it was VERY fast!

    Just trying to make up my mind because of the cost. There are alot of cars out there so it's just making me wonder if it would be worth it.

    I haven't driven a Vette but the Saleen and the C5 are almost the same price.

  2. #2
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    This is what it looks like
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Thoughts on Mustang Saleen worth it?-saleen01.jpg  

  3. #3
    chevy44's Avatar
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    i think its a beautiful car! its the only ford i like. it looks good, is fast and as far as the maintenance, im thinking it wont be too bad!

  4. #4
    flexgolf's Avatar
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  5. #5
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    I've cruised a few mustang boards, only thing I don't like is that everyone over there will say yes... it's a mustang enthusiast board.

  6. #6
    ichiban's Avatar
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    I would say no and look at something else. My neighbor in highschool had one, silver too. I drove it a couple times and was not impressed (and, yes I know how to drive). It was nothing special and did not last long. Also, I just don't like mustangs....but that is just a girl's opinion. Take it for what it's worth.

  7. #7
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Thanks for the input, I've decided though that it's gonna be too much maintenance for me.

  8. #8
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    That and I'd probably have a piston blow the first week I had it.

  9. #9
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I know you said you want to stay away from bikes but..........I have found just the right toy.

  10. #10
    bermich's Avatar
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    Nice engine but that is about it. It is a Ford for one thing. The cars HANDLE LIKE SHIT. Not reliable after 3 years. EVERYONE I know who drives a mustang is an ASSHOLE. Something about it just makes them think they are a bad ass when they arent. Same with cameros.
    Get a MINI coup. 20k
    New 350 Z

  11. #11
    Strut99GT's Avatar
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    First off, I don't know what y'all are thinking. A Saleen Mustang is a glorified version of a Mustang GT, and doesn't have any maintenance problems above and beyond a regular Mustang GT. Having said that, I had a 99 GT, my friend had a 98 GT, and another had a 98 Cobra, and none of us had any problems with our cars unrelated to the mods that we applied to them. i.e. I had a pinion seal go out, but it was because I changed the gears. I fried an alternator, but it was because I installed underdrive pullies. A Mustang as-is is a very reliable and affordable car. Now, there are other things to consider: is that an S281E, i.e. is it supercharged? If not, then you're better off getting a GT and modding it to your specs.

    Now, the vette: I have a Z06 (well, got into an accident recently and I'm not sure it's coming back) and it can absolutely suck the doors off pretty much any Mustang other than 2003 Cobras, but that's a different ballpark. It also handles, looks, feels, and does everything better than the Mustang. But then again, the Corvette is a sports car, and the Mustang is a pony car. It's not an equal comparison, not to mention that the vette is much more expensive.

  12. #12
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Nice engine but that is about it. It is a Ford for one thing. The cars HANDLE LIKE SHIT. Not reliable after 3 years. EVERYONE I know who drives a mustang is an ASSHOLE. Something about it just makes them think they are a bad ass when they arent. Same with cameros.
    Get a MINI coup. 20k
    New 350 Z
    i know exactly what u mean, every single guy u see drivin a mustang is arrogant as fuck, and think they got a ferrari or something, generally its the young ones that are like that. if i were u, id definately not get a saleen, possibly a ws6 trans am or the new 2003 pontiac GTO has 350hp stock which isnt bad.

  13. #13
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    u guys cant say the saleen looks better then this........dam i love this car
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Thoughts on Mustang Saleen worth it?-nice....jpg  

  14. #14
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I agree w/ strut99gt.
    IMO saleens are for spoiled high school kids. Go with a C5 corvette. It will perform one hell of a lot better. (nat. aspirated engine, real chassis, rear ind susp.....)
    I love my vette, and have had a few problems with it, but nothing that i couldnt perform by myself in my garage. Not too high maintainace IMO.

    And above all, "The Vette gets em wet!" (I could pm you stories...haha)

  15. #15
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Are you looking for a daily driver or a toy to bring out on nice days?

    I'd go with a 86 or 87 Grand National. These cars will be worth a mint. You can pick a real nice one up anywhere from $18k on up.

  16. #16
    bermich's Avatar
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    Go with the geo metro. Those cars have some awesome horsepower. Something like 30 hp I think it is. Talk about fast...

  17. #17
    Needtobeswoledup is offline Associate Member
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    First off what model saleen is it, is it the supercharged one or just the s281(body kit and exhaust on a gt)? If it's the s281 i'd say no dont get it. The higher model(Forgot the number) has 450hp(I think) is supercharged and will handle on a dime if it's that one i'd say go for it. Although if you aren't concerned about taking corners just get a 03 or 04 cobra... and of course like everyone said the c5's are very nice too esp the z06.

  18. #18
    Needtobeswoledup is offline Associate Member
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    Oh and if your looking to pay 40k(isn't that about what vettes are going for) you could always look into a used viper.

  19. #19
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Go with the geo metro. Those cars have some awesome horsepower. Something like 30 hp I think it is. Talk about fast...
    Fuck that..all I have to say is Ford Focus!

  20. #20
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    I know you said you want to stay away from bikes but..........I have found just the right toy.
    Man that makes me want to get another bike! My busa had the same color scheme, no mods though, definately nothing like the bike for sale there!

  21. #21
    symatech's Avatar
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    not where I want to be
    saleens are tight mustangs. actually they are the only ones I like. but if it were me i wouldnt pay nearly as much as they are. just my opinion

  22. #22
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by G Child
    Man that makes me want to get another bike! My busa had the same color scheme, no mods though, definately nothing like the bike for sale there!
    Bro, Think about that bike, 400 HP, 240lbs of torque with a turbocharger!
    What the fuck would that be like to climb on?????????

  23. #23
    Rastus is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khull_Khuum
    u guys cant say the saleen looks better then this........dam i love this car
    Too bad they don't make these any more!!!!

    We need more info on the Saleen...Year, Supercharged?, etc.

    I just got rid of a 2001 Cobra and all I can say is I LOVED THAT CAR!!!!! Never had any real problems out of it, and it wasn't like I drove it very innocently. They are good cars, but don't get the Saleen if it isn't the supercharged version - you will be laughed at when a GT with some mods spanks your ass!!!!!

    FYI - I got rid of the Cobra because it isn't very kid friendly and I lowered my monthly payment by about $200 so I could buy a bigger house.

  24. #24
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rastus
    Too bad they don't make these any more!!!!

    i didnt say they still make them bro, i guess u didnt read that rite or something. another thing about mustangs is just about every other car u see on the road is a mustang or some type of mustang......

  25. #25
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    You have anything done to your z06? I have abandoned the saleen for now, I've been looking at the c5 and also a Magna Charger for it but still unsure.

  26. #26
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    i live in louisiana, and if you saw the type of people that drive mustangs around here, you would think twice about actually paying money for one...LOL...go with the vette

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