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I’ve been going to an old branch of an L.A. Fitness, with a lot of older members. Regularly see a guy that I’m sure is in his 50’s that is insanely ripped. I’m talking Helmet Strebl PLUS here. Please don’t give me shit, but the dude struts comfortably around the locker room naked (hey, I looked, I actually teach Anatomy, sorry, the dude is a walking anatomical diagram). I’m talking NO fat, striated glutes relaxed, lat insertions again, relaxed. In the gym, brachialis (muscle under the biceps), clear as day. Delts, triceps, quads, calves, striated like a mofo. But like Strebl, somewhat normal vascularity.
He was the locker next to me last weekend, so I struck up a conversation. His facial skin is not like BB’s that cut weight, there just isn’t any fat. He told me that he is always trying to put on mass, wants to be bigger & should have seen him when he was younger. Had a nice conversation, good dude, he ain’t using shit.