Gh has helped with this a lot too.
For instance many vets are trying insulin now that would have never consdered it before.
Most guys saying it is too dangerous only say so because thats what someone told them. Not long ago it was barely spoke of. I would say DNP falls into the same category, deadly, so we don't speak of it much.
In all seriousness the lack of subject matter on it is more dangerous than teaching responsible use.
It is always shot down with, "its all ugl so no one knows how its dosed and shouldn't be taken because it is poison".
Thats cute.
But people take it every day and dont kill themselves, ugl and all. People are going to take it regardless of how dangerous it is but rather than establish the safest protocols it just gets shot down and shit on.
GH can explain the synergistic effects of SLIN AND DNP .... Dear God! A guy takes that and he might as well go into a coma inside a microwave right!?