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Thread: Been a while BuzzardMarinePumper here & still 11/12 , alive but experienced a lot !

  1. #1
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave

    Been a while BuzzardMarinePumper here & still 11/12 , alive but experienced a lot !

    Hello everyone not sure if anyone noticed I have not been making any noise or offering my thoughts on anything .

    Well here is a real but , not positive account of what all has been going good . I guess the positive is I will be released to like gym time in about a week .

    I have not lifted in over a year . It is amazing what a year off does to all of the hard work . I am 59 now and not being conceded I still look like I am in better condition than the majority of the men my age . Oh but the thing that really almost shocked the piss out of me was the amount of size and definition I have lost . Lost so much in my Biceps that when I hold them out to the side in a T and flex I have the beginning of bat wings ..... Lord have mercy not me even at 80 ! Gone up 4in. in waist size from a 34 to a 38 ; weight has actually decreased , from 250 lbs to 240 lbs. and I feel like the blob . High blood pressure , cholesterol not balanced . Friends have said I look great for my age (I HATE THAT ) .Over the past year I have had what felt like destroyed shoulders and have had PT or OT for about 4 mths 3 days a week . I did take Deca , TB - 500 and bhp . The Ortho was surprised at my super fast recovery . They are 85% use able and the PT lady and man were both sports therapist . The will release me to return to the gym in a couple of weeks . They told me straight up that I am my own worst enemy and if I wanted to avoid surgery that slow and light weight over time and a modified routine ...... in about a year I would be able to lift a little heavier if doing so smartly .

    Also been getting back injection every other month and I have completed my 3rd injection and the injections along with another surgery my back pain is tolerable 85% also .

    Had a hip replaced July 30th 2018 , along with a blood filter July 26th due to my blood clot history ( did not know it but that qualified me for a Law Suite against the manufacture ) removed it Aug. 9th if I remember correctly . I am doing anything I desire with in reason ; not back backpacking yet ...... just need to build my quads up more . Dr did say I could 1/2 squats ( I guess that would be 45* ) with not over 100 lbs . Still not on pain meds that are opiates the strongest thing I take is Tramadol . All I can tell it does is speed up my heart rate .

    All Dr's and PT's agreed I was to a level that smart & proper exercises in the gym would make me feel even less pain . (SMART ? lol)

    Did not have another Biopsy for Prostrate Cancer ...... honestly I have not recovered from the biopsy 2 1/2 years ago . Had to be put on Flow Max . Don't believe all that BS from Dr's that say you will be a little uncomfortable for a couple of weeks - more like 2 mths to stop pissing blood . As opposed to a biopsy I requested an MIR , This just shows that the cancer is still encapsulated in the prostrate . I chose to watch and wait as opposed to surgery . The reason being the mortality rate for me according to the 1st biopsy only 2% POSSIBLY death in 15 years , I bet the odds of dying in a car crash are higher , that would put me about 72 . I figured after all I have been through , had several bad crashes and walked away from and sometimes in the hospital for as long as 3 mths. All the crap in the Marines ...... I will play the odds and few want to have to have someone wipe the drool off their chin , wear diapers and not get a woody , plus have even more sever health issues . I do not expect to see 73 .

    So in a coupe of weeks I will be back in the gym and I know their are PT's on the forum I will be asking questions as to exactly what not to do . I hope you will please assist as I have had shoulder surgery and never want to go through that again . None of the therapist would offer any suggestions and said that they could get in trouble for suggesting exercises not under their supervision ?

    So I am back and headed to 60 years old and want to keep my weight down to about 225 lbs this time and do lots of different cardio . Please forgive me , I may even look into some of the Cross Fit routines . So lighter is better and smarter means longer lifting .
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-13-2018 at 07:44 AM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Glad you're back Buzz. Sorry to hear about the health issues but it's good to see you have a positive attitude. Just go slow and steady and keeps things in their proper perspective. Live life every day!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
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    Good luck man, and good to see you back!

  4. #4
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    Welcome back.
    Achieve your goals and get better every day

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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Glad you're back Buzz. Sorry to hear about the health issues but it's good to see you have a positive attitude. Just go slow and steady and keeps things in their proper perspective. Live life every day!
    Man it is so good to see you still active here !! You know you have assisted me a lot with you knowledge ! Thanks ! Thank you to all for the good words and they really do matter ! I think you are a few years younger than me so I think I can share this ? You have to be a Bad Ass to grow old with dignity .

    Oh I bet some may think this could never happen to you - but to be in so much pain that you cannot even get out of bed and an actual challenge to get out of bed and shower . I usually end with this statement . These things I have actually experienced and not rumors , lol "Fake News"

    I have never considered myself anything resembling a body builder just a man attempting to improve my health . To not be in the gym and hurt so bad eating clean is the last thing on your mind ! I so look forward to walking back into the gym and have a fresh start to build and shape my body differently and not be as concerned with size as definition . I have already been back to check out new equipment and got all the jokes ...... the most common was "where and how have you been , you look like you have AIDS ,very reassuring and I expect a lot more the more regular I go , lol ! IMHO I would not be alive without TRT . I am actually fortunate to be pushing 60 and hope my muscles do not have dementia - I hope they have great memory .

    This I know to be true ..... as all have been told ! You have to eat to loose fat . Not eating just causes you to loose muscle ! Again I speak from personal experience ! Amazing how fast we can turn into a blob !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-12-2018 at 12:44 PM.

  6. #6
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    Hey Buzz, welcome back. I remember you, hopefully you remember me.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Hey Buzz, welcome back. I remember you, hopefully you remember me.
    I sure do how have you been doing ?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I sure do how have you been doing ?
    Very happy you do! Not bad Buzz, better now. Shot you a PM. Glad to see you again!

  9. #9
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    This is a little random ; but still a real question . Does anyone know the oldest active member on this Forum ?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    This is a little random ; but still a real question . Does anyone know the oldest active member on this Forum ?
    Dobt there is one. We have random guys show up from 01 a lot

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    This is a little random ; but still a real question . Does anyone know the oldest active member on this Forum ?
    Since I’ve been here I don’t recall anyone in their 60’s . WE might be.

  12. #12
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    I read that wrong.... Sorry... Stupid 32 year old talking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I read that wrong.... Sorry... Stupid 32 year old talking.

    You know what is really amazing ! I am almost 2 x's your age and my body feels it but my mind refuses to . There lies the issue how to embrace your age and not allow you body to over take your mind , yet still not allow your mind to abuse your body .

    During my PT the PT's said their least favorite term was ''no pain no gain'' . They disliked to the point of an attitude . They said you are a perfect example of that , if you would have not been so stubborn and listened to your body you would not be here now .
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-13-2018 at 07:31 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    You know what is really amazing ! I am almost 2 x's your age and my body feels it but my mind refuses to . There lies the issue how to embrace your age and not allow you body to over take your mind , yet still not allow your mind to abuse your body .

    During my PT the PT's said their least favorite term was ''no pain no gain'' . They disliked to the point of an attitude . They said you are a perfect example of that , if you would have not been so stubborn and listened to your body you would not be here now .
    A person has to differentiate between muscle pain & joint pain. No pain, no gain is still a fine attitude for muscles, but tendons and joints, huge no-no.

    What do the x-rays say about the degeneration of your shoulder joint? My cuff is gone, but I’ve managed to preserve my joint cartilage fortunately.

  15. #15
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Hello MB. Nice to see you back and ready to get back in the game albeit modified. It’s all good. movement is good!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Hello MB. Nice to see you back and ready to get back in the game albeit modified. It’s all good. movement is good!
    Some movement, but not all, regrettably.

  17. #17
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    I do not really trust the Orthos ...... they do not make $$$$ unless they operate and they fail to mention the % of failur after operation ...... so I try anything to avoid the knife . Looking into stem cell injections for knees .

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    A person has to differentiate between muscle pain & joint pain. No pain, no gain is still a fine attitude for muscles, but tendons and joints, huge no-no.

    What do the x-rays say about the degeneration of your shoulder joint? My cuff is gone, but I’ve managed to preserve my joint cartilage fortunately.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I do not really trust the Orthos ...... they do not make $$$$ unless they operate and they fail to mention the % of failur after operation ...... so I try anything to avoid the knife . Looking into stem cell injections for knees .
    Yeah, the medical profession is driven by $. Just have to find someone to trust.

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    They never really could prove anything to me by x rays of my shoulders . I still had space in my joints and saw no noticeable shoulder damage . However I do have weak spots and only 85% range of motion . Everyone involved seemed to think wise gym time with super light weights would actually increase the range of motion . What do you think Doc from your experience Prox ?

    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I do not really trust the Orthos ...... they do not make $$$$ unless they operate and they fail to mention the % of failure after operation ...... so I try anything to avoid the knife . Looking into stem cell injections for knees .
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-20-2018 at 04:42 PM.

  20. #20
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    First off, GREAT news about the joint space, keeping the cartilage in tact is priority one.

    If the cuff is damaged, then you need to watch certain movements that create what is called impingement. Try googling that & if you need deciphering, I’d be more than happy. Did they tell you how much of your cuff is gone?

    I’d watch heavier weights as well more from a impingement stand point because of the cuff.

    Can you clarify your exact limitations in motion for me please. That way I could give you better advice.

    My cuff is gone, in some instances I have to lift my hand up to a bar with my other hand, lol.

    Hey hope you see the other side of 73. Me myself, I think the alcohol will do me in sooner rather then later. Hopefully I have my grandfathers liver (alcoholic), he lived into his 80s.

    So nice to post with you buddy. It would be a joy to share workouts one day.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    First off, GREAT news about the joint space, keeping the cartilage in tact is priority one.

    If the cuff is damaged, then you need to watch certain movements that create what is called impingement. Try googling that & if you need deciphering, I’d be more than happy. Did they tell you how much of your cuff is gone?

    I’d watch heavier weights as well more from a impingement stand point because of the cuff.

    Can you clarify your exact limitations in motion for me please. That way I could give you better advice.

    My cuff is gone, in some instances I have to lift my hand up to a bar with my other hand, lol.

    Hey hope you see the other side of 73. Me myself, I think the alcohol will do me in sooner rather then later. Hopefully I have my grandfathers liver (alcoholic), he lived into his 80s.

    So nice to post with you buddy. It would be a joy to share workouts one day.
    Hey that is a thought ! PM me if you have the time . I will be giving Turkey updates !

  22. #22
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    Always good to see a older juicer still kicking - gives me hope

    Keep up the good work - we just need to stretch out our time the best we can(way I see it now, at least)

    I met a guy a few months back at one of the gyms here - Canadian, 62+ & I swear in great shape - it was chest day, we did damn near the same weight all the way through. . . Same height and build as me, shit - I'd b happy as shit to be like this dude at 50+

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    That ole saying use it or loose it ? I have been out of the gym over a year and just pray I can get back to where I was except even leaner !

    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Always good to see a older juicer still kicking - gives me hope

    Keep up the good work - we just need to stretch out our time the best we can(way I see it now, at least)

    I met a guy a few months back at one of the gyms here - Canadian, 62+ & I swear in great shape - it was chest day, we did damn near the same weight all the way through. . . Same height and build as me, shit - I'd b happy as shit to be like this dude at 50+

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    • Well more repairs Getting the right side of the nerve at my L5 cauterized supposed to be OK long enough to get home and then said getting out of bed may be a challenge for as many as 7 days - Anyone out there had this done ?

  25. #25
    BG's Avatar
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    Try dropping the TB and see what happens with your bp.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    • Well more repairs Getting the right side of the nerve at my L5 cauterized supposed to be OK long enough to get home and then said getting out of bed may be a challenge for as many as 7 days - Anyone out there had this done ?

    Let me investigate. I just asked my wife and she sees it done at her place. However she’s not treating them. Let me check out some sites for info.
    What kind of symptoms were you getting from that L5 spinal nerve?

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    This was an informative site.

    Sounds promising and shouldn’t mess with your workouts after the initial issues wear off.

  28. #28
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    Proximal Thanks man ! I was hurting so bad before I met this Dr. even with all the pain I am used to I wanted to die ! NS I am not JKN. He did an epidural 1st the 2nd & 3rd time he did were what he called diagnostic injections each one actually did improve my back pain ! The 3rd injection he did 9 and the max dose . The VA gave me a 2 mth pause due to changing from choice to community care .

    Now the only pain I have is the right side of the L5 which feels like a throbbing pain when standing or sitting . but if to long the pain is sharp and stabbing also when I stand from sitting . Dr was pleased with results . and when I showed him where the pain is he knew right off what he wanted to do . said may stop pain forever or may only last a year or so according to how the nerve healed ?????

    Thank you for your response and I will read the link in detail

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    This was an informative site.

    Sounds promising and shouldn’t mess with your workouts after the initial issues wear off.
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-08-2018 at 12:44 PM.

  29. #29
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    Thank you BG for the advise . I use the TB - 500 to assist with issues most do not even imagine . I have blood clots in my left lower extremity . I use the TB - 500 to assist with the healing of external ulcers/soars . My BP is in line with the new standards 130/80 . I am pretty sure if all I use is Deca and super testosterone as my TRT . When I start back with cardio and lifting all my BP and Cholesterol will be back in line ? I was using tren when my cholesterol went haywire & BP went crazy . I dare not second guess you but from what I have seen my lazy lifestyle due to shoulders rehab , hip replacement , & back issues are my BP and cholesterol issues . I was hoping to start back about TG but the PT ppl worked my Quad and hamstring so much I could not walk for 5 days . when the hip replacement was done he legthened my leg 3/4 of an inch . IMO they are and I am pushing to hard on lunges and squats with no weight ........ really disheartening ..... one set back after another . I just have to get back in the gym ...... I was going late at night when no one was in the gym and PT started hitting my quads and calves and hamstring so hard I could not walk . IMO it is as much building better strength as it is stretching the muscles that cause the sever pain .

    Before my injuries I had no BP or cholesterol issues . I had used TB-500 for 3 years and no issues . Any more thoughts on the matter .

    If I stop the TB 500 my wounds will not heal ........ just a old man's body and a young man's mind ........ I refuse to quit but is taking longer than I had expected or wanted ! Over a year with no real gym routine and I plan to be that old man in the gym still hitting the weights .

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Try dropping the TB and see what happens with your bp.
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-08-2018 at 12:41 PM.

  30. #30
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post

    Thank you BG for the advise . I use the TB - 500 to assist with issues most do not even imagine . I have blood clots in my left lower extremity . I use the TB - 500 to assist with the healing of external ulcers/soars . My BP is in line with the new standards 130/80 . I am pretty sure if all I use is Deca and super testosterone as my TRT . When I start back with cardio and lifting all my BP and Cholesterol will be back in line ? I was using tren when my cholesterol went haywire & BP went crazy . I dare not second guess you but from what I have seen my lazy lifestyle due to shoulders rehab , hip replacement , & back issues are my BP and cholesterol issues . I was hoping to start back about TG but the PT ppl worked my Quad and hamstring so much I could not walk for 5 days . when the hip replacement was done he legthened my leg 3/4 of an inch . IMO they are and I am pushing to hard on lunges and squats with no weight ........ really disheartening ..... one set back after another . I just have to get back in the gym ...... I was going late at night when no one was in the gym and PT started hitting my quads and calves and hamstring so hard I could not walk . IMO it is as much building better strength as it is stretching the muscles that cause the sever pain .

    Before my injuries I had no BP or cholesterol issues . I had used TB-500 for 3 years and no issues . Any more thoughts on the matter .

    If I stop the TB 500 my wounds will not heal ........ just a old man's body and a young man's mind ........ I refuse to quit but is taking longer than I had expected or wanted ! Over a year with no real gym routine and I plan to be that old man in the gym still hitting the weights .
    I was having bp spikes from TB, may have just been me. Cardio definitively helps my bp for sure and keeping my sodium down. When running trt we are holding more water then usual because of higher T levels (unless you keep yours in the 400-500 range) so sodium intake should be watched, I just started taking saw palmetto about 5 weeks ago and is by far the best supp I ever used. Reduced my E, I dropped water, stop peeing so much, definite must imo in our older ages.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I was having bp spikes from TB, may have just been me. Cardio definitively helps my bp for sure and keeping my sodium down. When running trt we are holding more water then usual because of higher T levels (unless you keep yours in the 400-500 range) so sodium intake should be watched, I just started taking saw palmetto about 5 weeks ago and is by far the best supp I ever used. Reduced my E, I dropped water, stop peeing so much, definite must imo in our older ages.
    Going to try the saw palmetto. TY.

  32. #32
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    BG with your experience , it means a lot for you to share with an old ......... I guess I could be called novice even at 59 . As a matter of fact my gym trips start back tonight in the am ........... all my old lifting buds make fun of me when they see me . I was well on my way to really developing the shape I desired . I see now at my age there is no reason to be huge (I hope lightening does not strike me) I hope to shred lbs in the next 90 days and be down to near 200 lbs and only gain back to 225 lbs ! I still have a little shape but I am a frumpy 245 to 250lbs with smaller muscles and a gut . One pic is all the motivation I need ! I will post in this thread how my goals go but IMHO I plan to go to a near liquid diet and only eat meat when I am just starving ! This will take discipline , but I have that !

    Thank you BG and Prox for the input ! I am most grateful and my new journey begins at 2:00 am EST 12/11/2018 . When I started TRT I was 285 and lost down to 219 the up to a good and pleasant 245 . It was good for my ego but I am single and actually seemed to scare some women off because they felt inferior or thought I expected a lot more from them than I did . So I am not going for size as much as I am lean and cut ! Trying to get my testosterone down to around 500 to 700 because it was off the 1500 charts with 200mg of Supertest a week . I have been staying mainly with Cyp and only 100mg a week , of course 2 x's a week at 50mg . If it drops below 500 I am not going to worry until I get a good routine down !

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I was having bp spikes from TB, may have just been me. Cardio definitively helps my bp for sure and keeping my sodium down. When running trt we are holding more water then usual because of higher T levels (unless you keep yours in the 400-500 range) so sodium intake should be watched, I just started taking saw palmetto about 5 weeks ago and is by far the best supp I ever used. Reduced my E, I dropped water, stop peeing so much, definite must imo in our older ages. I like this and hope I find it to be true ! with my prostrate issues I pee non stop with a gallon of water a day , lol !

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    Buzz, you think you might want to start an accountability thread together? I’m ready. I was thinking of one already, but you and I are pretty similar & right now I’m thinking TRT only(and MK-677).

  34. #34
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    Sure would be the next best thing to a training partner ! PM me and we can discuss details . I am going slow as in snail slow and backing way off on compounds ! Not sure that I will not be going so slow I would hold any female I have ever trained with back , lol . I just cannot take a chance on another injury . I know I was pushing to hard before !

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Buzz, you think you might want to start an accountability thread together? I’m ready. I was thinking of one already, but you and I are pretty similar & right now I’m thinking TRT only(and MK-677).
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-10-2018 at 07:34 PM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Sure would be the next best thing to a training partner ! PM me and we can discuss details . I am going slow as in snail slow and backing way off on compounds ! Not sure that I will not be going so slow I would hold any female I have ever trained with back , lol . I just cannot take a chance on another injury . I know I was pushing to hard before !
    Will PM you. Yeah, slow as a snail & in injury avoidance is good. Let’s do this.

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