Hello everyone not sure if anyone noticed I have not been making any noise or offering my thoughts on anything .
Well here is a real but , not positive account of what all has been going good . I guess the positive is I will be released to like gym time in about a week.
I have not lifted in over a year . It is amazing what a year off does to all of the hard work . I am 59 now and not being conceded I still look like I am in better condition than the majority of the men my age . Oh but the thing that really almost shocked the piss out of me was the amount of size and definition I have lost . Lost so much in my Biceps that when I hold them out to the side in a T and flex I have the beginning of bat wings ..... Lord have mercy not me even at 80 ! Gone up 4in. in waist size from a 34 to a 38 ; weight has actually decreased , from 250 lbs to 240 lbs. and I feel like the blob . High blood pressure , cholesterol not balanced . Friends have said I look great for my age (I HATE THAT ) .Over the past year I have had what felt like destroyed shoulders and have had PT or OT for about 4 mths 3 days a week . I did take Deca , TB - 500 and bhp . The Ortho was surprised at my super fast recovery . They are 85% use able and the PT lady and man were both sports therapist . The will release me to return to the gym in a couple of weeks . They told me straight up that I am my own worst enemy and if I wanted to avoid surgery that slow and light weight over time and a modified routine ...... in about a year I would be able to lift a little heavier if doing so smartly .
Also been getting back injection every other month and I have completed my 3rd injection and the injections along with another surgery my back pain is tolerable 85% also .
Had a hip replaced July 30th 2018 , along with a blood filter July 26th due to my blood clot history ( did not know it but that qualified me for a Law Suite against the manufacture ) removed it Aug. 9th if I remember correctly . I am doing anything I desire with in reason ; not back backpacking yet ...... just need to build my quads up more . Dr did say I could 1/2 squats ( I guess that would be 45* ) with not over 100 lbs . Still not on pain meds that are opiates the strongest thing I take is Tramadol . All I can tell it does is speed up my heart rate.
All Dr's and PT's agreed I was to a level that smart & proper exercises in the gym would make me feel even less pain . (SMART ? lol)
Did not have another Biopsy for Prostrate Cancer ...... honestly I have not recovered from the biopsy 2 1/2 years ago . Had to be put on Flow Max . Don't believe all that BS from Dr's that say you will be a little uncomfortable for a couple of weeks - more like 2 mths to stop pissing blood . As opposed to a biopsy I requested an MIR , This just shows that the cancer is still encapsulated in the prostrate . I chose to watch and wait as opposed to surgery . The reason being the mortality rate for me according to the 1st biopsy only 2% POSSIBLY death in 15 years , I bet the odds of dying in a car crash are higher , that would put me about 72 . I figured after all I have been through , had several bad crashes and walked away from and sometimes in the hospital for as long as 3 mths. All the crap in the Marines ...... I will play the odds and few want to have to have someone wipe the drool off their chin , wear diapers and not get a woody , plus have even more sever health issues . I do not expect to see 73 .
So in a coupe of weeks I will be back in the gym and I know their are PT's on the forum I will be asking questions as to exactly what not to do . I hope you will please assist as I have had shoulder surgery and never want to go through that again . None of the therapist would offer any suggestions and said that they could get in trouble for suggesting exercises not under their supervision ?
So I am back and headed to 60 years old and want to keep my weight down to about 225 lbs this time and do lots of different cardio . Please forgive me , I may even look into some of the Cross Fit routines . So lighter is better and smarter means longer lifting.