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Slyp, relax bro! I had a blind date with one of my buddies sister and there was him and his wife, our other buddy and his wife , and me and her. Dinner was terrible, the food sucked the royal Ass! and then he and his wife start fighting at dinner. Full on F-You's! So, I start drinking more beer because I'm about to have a f'n heart attack. I wanted it to be good, but it wasn't going that way. So someone comes up with the idea we all go bowling...well, we go and we barely talk she's very stand offish. I'm a very outgoint hyper assed ADHD MF'er! and I'm just like wtf! I suck sooooo bad...well, I tell her let's go get a beer, so we walk up to the bar and I just said hey, let's just go out to dinner you and I so we have a better chance to get aquanted. etc...
Well, we got married on the 4th of July bro (after 3 years of going together)... from what she says, she was very put off by me because she was shy and I was "Hot!" ; ) Just relax call her say hey lets go out and talk and kick around....you never know bro! Don't stress!