Total lack of motivate.
Incline leg press pyramid to 900 adding w plates at a time for 8 reps. No failure but got my knees to cooperate finally.
Leg ext x3 to fail
Leg curl x5 to fail
Roman chair x5 to fail
Bad girls x5
Seated leg press maxed to fail x3
Seated calf raise x5
Stand calf x5
Nausea, bloating, death.
Something cut loose on the seated leg press tonight.
Second set I busted out reps until I lost count.
My legs looked better tonight than they ever have. I got to finally see their potential and I am not disappointed.
No I am not there yet but I have the capability to do someting great wit them and they have a unique shape. Patience and dedication will set me apart. Just gonna take a lot of both.
Unless you have actually put on some REAL mass, changed body composition or competed... Shut the fuck up keyboard warrior.
Ok. The order I just got has no pip. But I’ve never had too many things that have pip. So no big deal. But I usually will get a small knot if the injection is to fast. Doesn’t happen with the npp or cyp. I’m actually shooting faster to see if it will make a knot and nothing. I’ve actually hit the same spot 2 days in a row and had 0 issues.
My pharma grade is the only thing that doesnt really have pip besides ******* that I have used. They definitely have the ratios perfected.
Taking gf to the gym. God be with me.
I took the lady with me yesterday ... It wasn't to bad , she noticed all the fit woman and I noticed all the creepers eyeing her.
Only issue I had was I didn't get to get pumped because we didn't use headphones, so no loud music to motivate me.
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Damn, 48 hour turn around from the moment I sent WU to delivery.
Good shit.
Faith's been sneaking down here in between feedings, doing some leg extensions and lunges
She don't realize she's already back to pre-pregnacy weigh, only think is, when she weighs herself (we use a 250lb capacity refrigeration digital scale) I help her get the scale out and leveled, but I sneak my foot on the corner and add about 10lbs to her.
It's the only way I can motivate her
She sees that thing read 110lbs and she thinks it's time to play phone games, she sees 121lbs, she goes and exersize, may be brief, 15 minute, but she does it on her own.
Really , she's trying to lower A1 -c so this is good for her to think she's fat.
How is the wine tasting going tonight? Any anabolic shit going on in that glass?
Damn I dont even want puss tonight. I would settle for a bj from the gf.
If I got enough bjs I wouldnt even want puss. But after 48 hours without either I gotta have puss.
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