yes Sil you and I were in agreement about cholesterol not being that major of a health factor. BUT if you remember the context we were discussing high LDL and high cholesterol itself . I said that wasn't really a big health risk factor, pointed out some research by a cardiologist that showed that people with too low of an LDL cholesterol have a higher mortality rate then those with high cholesterol.
so yes we are still in agreement. and AI usage has nothing to do with this.
NOW on the other hand. HDL cholesterol being TOO LOW we never discussed. and I never did state that having low HDL was ok. in fact I've said many many times on these forums that having too low of estrogen levels its a bad idea because elevated serum levels of estrogen are needed to pass through the liver and produce HDL.
AI use can hinder this process as well as have other possible indirect effects on lowering HDL
and yes your right , taking oral steroids, and tren etc. do pose a risk to HDL levels and lower them. . so the last thing we want to do is add an AI to these drugs (an AI isn't needed with these drugs anyways) and make the HDL levels even worse.
in fact, one reason why in studies things like Var were shown to decrease HDL levels. was simply because estrogen levels went down in these studies because of the VAR (there was no testosterone supplemented) causing some suppression and thus lower aromatization..
same with tren only cycles, or winstrol only cycles. they can kill your HDL by the simple fact that they can crush your estrogen. estrogen is needed for HDL production. AI's do the same thing. they suppress aromatization, lower estrogen and bring down HDL (which is probably not a good thing for your health).
BUT apart from health.. my issues with AI's was never really about health in the first place. my biggest gripe with them is that they are simply un needed for most cycles and that they hinder GAINS . I'm more worried about the gains they hinder then the health issues they may or may not cause