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Thread: Dave Palumbo says AI's are the evil villian

  1. #1
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    Dave Palumbo says AI's are the evil villian

    you all know I've been talking shit about AI's for quite some time.

    Now Dave Palumbo just came out and said AI's are the evil villain in bodybuilding and bad for our health and way over abused and won't prevent Gyno.

    interesting. He will be putting out a more official video on the topic soon. but for now he just mentions this shortly in his ask Dave show , around the 2:20 mark

    of course I've always said AI's still have there place in bodybuilding/aas use , they just need to be used carefully and in the right context only . NOT every Joe blow newb AAS user should be running massive dosages of AI's like you've heard preached on some of these forums for years.

    also for gyno prevention I've preached that SERM use is the best option, not AI use .

    just nice to see times are finally changing as the research and practical experience is now catching up. I was demonized years back for talking shit about AI's and it was considered heresy when I advised guys to NOT use an AI on cycle
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-20-2019 at 09:33 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you all know I've been talking shit about AI's for quite some time.

    Now Dave Palumbo just came out and said AI's are the evil villain in bodybuilding and bad for our health and way over abused and won't prevent Gyno.

    interesting. He will be putting out a more official video on the topic soon. but for now he just mentions this shortly in his ask Dave show , around the 2:20 mark

    of course I've always said AI's still have there place in bodybuilding/aas use , they just need to be used carefully and in the right context only . NOT every Joe blow newb AAS user should be running massive dosages of AI's like you've heard preached on some of these forums for years.

    also for gyno prevention I've preached that SERM use is the best option, not AI use .

    just nice to see times are finally changing as the research and practical experience is now catching up. I was demonized years back for talking shit about AI's and it was considered heresy when I advised guys to NOT use an AI on cycle
    Strongly disagree. Gyno.. What thefuck. I use AI to keep my test. And e2 Just a bit elevated.
    Dave also Said anavar is 10 times better than LGD.
    Bostin Loyd says Dave is too busy with his Company to be updated.
    Dave is very wize. A Wikipedia. But he has some flaws.. Or what u guys call it.

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  3. #3
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    well if I recall correctly Sil , you mainly run low dose test cycles. so if your needing to use AI's running low dosage, then you must be estrogen sensitive. thats ok, heck probably one in ten guys are estrogen sensitive. but for the 9 in 10 guys that are not estrogen sensitive, theres really no point in running an AI when blasting a cycle (especially most cycles , being most AAS don't even aromatize to begin with). theres really zero need for all these guys to be running AI's all the time with their cycles. its not needed. its a waste of $ and a hinderer of gains and causes more negative side effects then positives.

    of course there are some situations and context where AI's are a very useful tool . but in general they are definitely over used.

    I think some guys are just using AI's to chase a number on a piece of paper , that number being their E2 on blood work. which when OFF cycle should be in normal range.. but on cycle it does't need to be , just like your androgen levels don't need to be in normal range when on cycle.

    and if guys are estrogen sensitive and a guy needs to run an AI cause of Test aromatizing.. well just stop running Test only cycles and start running cycles of the 20+ other AAS that don't aromatize in the first place. pretty easy solution instead of keeping abusing the AI's and F'ing up your Lipids and HDL

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Strongly disagree. Gyno.. What thefuck. I use AI to keep my test. And e2 Just a bit elevated.
    Dave also Said anavar is 10 times better than LGD.
    Bostin Loyd says Dave is too busy with his Company to be updated.
    Dave is very wize. A Wikipedia. But he has some flaws.. Or what u guys call it.

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    How have you been, Starfire?
    Your dosages of the AA that is S are so small you do not know that which is the test or the estrogen.

    Your attitude is the anti estrogen which you know best scaring of women with yourr mouth.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    How have you been, Starfire?
    Your dosages of the AA that is S are so small you do not know that which is the test or the estrogen.

    Your attitude is the anti estrogen which you know best scaring of women with yourr mouth.
    Im not gonna let u destroy this thread also, numbnuff

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well if I recall correctly Sil , you mainly run low dose test cycles. so if your needing to use AI's running low dosage, then you must be estrogen sensitive. thats ok, heck probably one in ten guys are estrogen sensitive. but for the 9 in 10 guys that are not estrogen sensitive, theres really no point in running an AI when blasting a cycle (especially most cycles , being most AAS don't even aromatize to begin with). theres really zero need for all these guys to be running AI's all the time with their cycles. its not needed. its a waste of $ and a hinderer of gains and causes more negative side effects then positives.

    of course there are some situations and context where AI's are a very useful tool . but in general they are definitely over used.

    I think some guys are just using AI's to chase a number on a piece of paper , that number being their E2 on blood work. which when OFF cycle should be in normal range.. but on cycle it does't need to be , just like your androgen levels don't need to be in normal range when on cycle.

    and if guys are estrogen sensitive and a guy needs to run an AI cause of Test aromatizing.. well just stop running Test only cycles and start running cycles of the 20+ other AAS that don't aromatize in the first place. pretty easy solution instead of keeping abusing the AI's and F'ing up your Lipids and HDL
    My main point would be. AI unhealthy? Well cholestrole wize they would say. Well.... Thaugth u agreed on that cholestrole is not that big of an issue GH?
    And if ur running high test, dbol, tren and shit which for sure fucks up your lipids... Even primo does that, sarms too.... Well, adding a girly AI wouldnt mean shit in that equation. Your cholestrole would be fucked up anyhow. Even powerheartstroke would understand that.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    My main point would be. AI unhealthy? Well cholestrole wize they would say. Well.... Thaugth u agreed on that cholestrole is not that big of an issue GH?
    And if ur running high test, dbol, tren and shit which for sure fucks up your lipids... Even primo does that, sarms too.... Well, adding a girly AI wouldnt mean shit in that equation. Your cholestrole would be fucked up anyhow. Even powerheartstroke would understand that.
    yes Sil you and I were in agreement about cholesterol not being that major of a health factor. BUT if you remember the context we were discussing high LDL and high cholesterol itself . I said that wasn't really a big health risk factor, pointed out some research by a cardiologist that showed that people with too low of an LDL cholesterol have a higher mortality rate then those with high cholesterol.
    so yes we are still in agreement. and AI usage has nothing to do with this.

    NOW on the other hand. HDL cholesterol being TOO LOW we never discussed. and I never did state that having low HDL was ok. in fact I've said many many times on these forums that having too low of estrogen levels its a bad idea because elevated serum levels of estrogen are needed to pass through the liver and produce HDL.
    AI use can hinder this process as well as have other possible indirect effects on lowering HDL

    and yes your right , taking oral steroids, and tren etc. do pose a risk to HDL levels and lower them. . so the last thing we want to do is add an AI to these drugs (an AI isn't needed with these drugs anyways) and make the HDL levels even worse.

    in fact, one reason why in studies things like Var were shown to decrease HDL levels. was simply because estrogen levels went down in these studies because of the VAR (there was no testosterone supplemented) causing some suppression and thus lower aromatization..
    same with tren only cycles, or winstrol only cycles. they can kill your HDL by the simple fact that they can crush your estrogen. estrogen is needed for HDL production. AI's do the same thing. they suppress aromatization, lower estrogen and bring down HDL (which is probably not a good thing for your health).

    BUT apart from health.. my issues with AI's was never really about health in the first place. my biggest gripe with them is that they are simply un needed for most cycles and that they hinder GAINS . I'm more worried about the gains they hinder then the health issues they may or may not cause

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes Sil you and I were in agreement about cholesterol not being that major of a health factor. BUT if you remember the context we were discussing high LDL and high cholesterol itself . I said that wasn't really a big health risk factor, pointed out some research by a cardiologist that showed that people with too low of an LDL cholesterol have a higher mortality rate then those with high cholesterol.
    so yes we are still in agreement. and AI usage has nothing to do with this.

    NOW on the other hand. HDL cholesterol being TOO LOW we never discussed. and I never did state that having low HDL was ok. in fact I've said many many times on these forums that having too low of estrogen levels its a bad idea because elevated serum levels of estrogen are needed to pass through the liver and produce HDL.
    AI use can hinder this process as well as have other possible indirect effects on lowering HDL

    and yes your right , taking oral steroids, and tren etc. do pose a risk to HDL levels and lower them. . so the last thing we want to do is add an AI to these drugs (an AI isn't needed with these drugs anyways) and make the HDL levels even worse.

    in fact, one reason why in studies things like Var were shown to decrease HDL levels. was simply because estrogen levels went down in these studies because of the VAR (there was no testosterone supplemented) causing some suppression and thus lower aromatization..
    same with tren only cycles, or winstrol only cycles. they can kill your HDL by the simple fact that they can crush your estrogen. estrogen is needed for HDL production. AI's do the same thing. they suppress aromatization, lower estrogen and bring down HDL (which is probably not a good thing for your health).

    BUT apart from health.. my issues with AI's was never really about health in the first place. my biggest gripe with them is that they are simply un needed for most cycles and that they hinder GAINS . I'm more worried about the gains they hinder then the health issues they may or may not cause
    Well. As for health my cholestrolguru says its waisted to talk about hdl or ldl cause he says there is no such ting As bad and good and bad cholestrole.
    I know 70%disagree. Why risk it?
    Well.. I also have pubmed studies showing BB with real fucked up hdl for years without plaque builtup.
    Even Piana had No more plaque than others at his age. And i guess he had subzero hdl value since he was 18!

    I Will say AI promote gains. They make sure your precious anabolic test do notconvert to the much less anabolic estrogen.
    IT also helps in lowering BP As elevated BP comes with elevated e2.

    But. They migth be misused. So using them correctly allowing a sligth e2 elevation, would be the most optimal.

    I also would like to add. For 500 mg test or less, u migth wanna drop AI for DIM. For a low test high tren/deca/dht adding DIM instead of AI would also be wize.

    But for 750 test dbol drol etc u need it. No q

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  9. #9
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    I’ve stopped using ai’s And now am having the best results ever but I also only run low test(250mg per week) just started my deca blast phase at 900mg/week and will be adding in dbol at 75mg ed shortly with no plans of using an ai unless I feel the need I still have Adex on hand.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I’ve stopped using ai’s And now am having the best results ever but I also only run low test(250mg per week) just started my deca blast phase at 900mg/week and will be adding in dbol at 75mg ed shortly with no plans of using an ai unless I feel the need I still have Adex on hand.
    I am sure you already do because you been doing this so long but I always keep plenty of nolva on hand and a little AI.

    I dont run caber on a regiment either but always have some in case.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    I Will say AI promote gains. They make sure your precious anabolic test do notconvert to the much less anabolic estrogen.
    well this is said quite often. taking an AI will stop test from converting to estrogen so you have more actual test available for "muscle building".
    I think this idea is based on a mis understanding of both Testosterone and Estrogen.

    Testosterone is technically an androgen (not an anabolic steroid). its produced in the body to provide the body with DHT and Estrogen. both of which are critical hormones (fyi - estrogen is not a female hormone. its the hormone that control the male sexual libido). DHT is NOT anabolic in muscle tissue. Estrogen IS anabolic in muscle tissue, and has secondary anabolic properties like IGF production, and glucose metabolism.

    So. really Estrogen is a huge part of what makes the parent hormone, ie., the Androgen, Testosterone, anabolic in the first place. Take away the estrogen and your not left with a whole lot of anabolic effects for muscle tissue.. take an AI and stop test from converting into estrogen and then more test will just convert over to DHT , which is absolutely NOT anabolic (because of the 3 hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase enzyme in muscle tissue that binds to DHT and renders it inactive in muscle tissue).

    so again, I say AI's hinder gains because they stop some of the anabolic effects of Test, and make more of that Test convert over to the non anabolic DHT.

    and again, Estrogen is a huge part of what makes Testosterone anabolic in the first place. Estrogen is extremely anabolic in the presence of elevated Androgens (Test is an androgen , get your test levels high and then get your estrogen levels high along with that and that estrogen is an anabolic work horse for you).. so why hinder gains by blocking the production of estrogen when estrogen is providing you an anabolic response when test levels are high ?

    Estrogen is anabolic enough that if you were to run say for example a Tren only cycle, and your natural testosterone production crashed and thus your estrogen when down to zero, that if you simply started injecting pure estrogen with that tren, you would then get massive gains.
    estrogen is that anabolic. yes UGLs should start bottling and selling pure estrogen

    take the cattle industry for example.. They will inject their cattle with Tren to help with feed efficiency. but the cattle will not grow and put on any more size UNLESS they inject the cattle with a shit ton of estrogen at the same time. The estrogen becomes super anabolic in the presence of the very androgenic Tren and the cattle will put on 100 pounds of LBM.
    without the estrogen this does not work.

    by running AI's and blocking your estrogen your essentially doing this same thing.. running androgens with little estrogen and hindering your mass gains.

    now thats an example from the cattle industry.. heres one from bodybuilding.
    Jordan Peters. he was 130 pound athlete in college. tried putting on weight and eventually got to 310 pounds and lean (see pic). he ran his cycles with no AI's (he is another guy that does not recommend them except for maybe contest prep).
    without doubt him letting his serum levels of estrogen elevate during his attempt at putting on 180 pounds of muscle played a big part . just like the cattle industry using estrogen to put size on the cattle.

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    AI's don't make your precious test stay anabolic at all , they cause your Test to convert over to the non anabolic DHT.
    by allowing your test to naturally convert over to estrogen, you get the anabolic benefits that come with the synergy of androgen/estrogen together . test converting to estrogen IS part of the anabolic process . AI's stop this process
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-21-2019 at 01:45 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I’ve stopped using ai’s And now am having the best results ever
    I believe it . as I said above, by stopping the aromatization process your blunting some of the anabolic processes that come with test in the first place. And your causing more test to convert over to DHT which is not anabolic at all.

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    I have a client that came to me running 200mg per week of test and using an AI with that low a dose.. we dropped the AI completely and tapered the Test dosage up to 1000mg per week. at first he was hesitant to trust me. but after 3 moths he is delighted with the gains he has made and how great he feels (he has added a lot of size and gotten leaner in the process)

  14. #14
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    I have another one for u GH. Those who do well without AI is more likely to die before their time. Because the aromaze enzym is important and plays a big part in human evolution. I have red Dexter Jackson never uses AI. Because he misses that enzym or has not much of it. Yet he migth be facing serious health complications soon.
    So i wouldnt be to loudmouthed and smiling at those of your clients who can run high test without AI.
    But this isnt a part of the previous argue, i guess non aromaze dudes are fucked anyway. And not constructive. Just thaugth i should mention it.

    Dont remember the source. Maybe James West. And the source migth be wrong. Im no doc...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    I have another one for u GH. Those who do well without AI is more likely to die before their time. Because the aromaze enzym is important and plays a big part in human evolution. I have red Dexter Jackson never uses AI. Because he misses that enzym or has not much of it. Yet he migth be facing serious health complications soon.
    So i wouldnt be to loudmouthed and smiling at those of your clients who can run high test without AI.
    But this isnt a part of the previous argue, i guess non aromaze dudes are fucked anyway. And not constructive. Just thaugth i should mention it.

    Dont remember the source. Maybe James West. And the source migth be wrong. Im no doc...
    Dexter jackson also never did cardio or trained abs and attributed that to being able to perform at his level/age.

    Just a little clue for you, mass monsters dont live to be old. If they do they are in shit shape.

    It's called goldman's delimma.
    The willingness to sacrifice life span for being a champion. Safe guys wind up like you, void of shape and definition. Pussycats needn't school lions on achieving goals.

  16. #16
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    Franco columbu alive and active @ 77 years old

    Lou ferrigno, 68 years old. Still in gym daily

    Arnold (I know) 71 looking good as shit, daily gym.

    Lots of golden age BBs still alive. Didn't have AIs back then

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Franco columbu alive and active @ 77 years old

    Lou ferrigno, 68 years old. Still in gym daily

    Arnold (I know) 71 looking good as shit, daily gym.

    Lots of golden age BBs still alive. Didn't have AIs back then
    None close to todays mass.
    Watch what happens to the 300+ guys.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    I have another one for u GH. Those who do well without AI is more likely to die before their time. Because the aromaze enzym is important and plays a big part in human evolution. I have red Dexter Jackson never uses AI. Because he misses that enzym or has not much of it. Yet he migth be facing serious health complications soon.
    So i wouldnt be to loudmouthed and smiling at those of your clients who can run high test without AI.
    But this isnt a part of the previous argue, i guess non aromaze dudes are fucked anyway. And not constructive. Just thaugth i should mention it.

    Dont remember the source. Maybe James West. And the source migth be wrong. Im no doc...
    the Aromatase enzyme in males is located within fatty tissue , and the more fat you have the more of the aromatase enzyme you have. This is for evolutionary survival and biological reasons.
    heres why..

    Estrogen is responsible for controlling the male libido. no/low estrogen will take away your desire to have sex or even sexually perform. Sex of course is for procreation and continuation of our species.. but the body should not procreate during times of starvation or famine (this is true in multiple species).
    So the reason we men have Aromatase Enzyme that makes Estrogen (which controls our sex drive) within fatty tissue is so that our libido and sex drive can be modulated and procreation limited during times of famine or starvation . if your going through a famine or starvation period, your fat stores go nearly down to zero , and so does then your Aromatase Enzyme, and thus so goes down your estrogen .. and thus you have no desire to have sex and procreate.
    this is built in for biological survival of our species.

    taking too much AI and limiting Aromatase enzyme from doing what it was designed to do is kinda like putting yourself in a biological state of starvation.

    those who do well without an AI are those who do well during times of plenty and convert into estrogen just fine and who procreate and continue the species.

    I'm not sure what your point really was. but having high levels of aromatase enzyme generally signals to your body that your well fed and able to procreate and have offspring . having very low levels of aromatase enzyme resulting in low low levels of estrogen signals to your body that your in a state of starvation and your not healthy enough to procreate (which is why AI's when crashing estrogen will crash your libido)

    you are very correct in what you said
    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    aromaze enzym is important and plays a big part in human evolution
    and I agree with you

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    None close to todays mass.
    Watch what happens to the 300+ guys.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Liver kidney and heart failure.
    Dallas was a perfect example.
    Roelly be dead by 50

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Dexter jackson also never did cardio or trained abs and attributed that to being able to perform at his level/age.

    Just a little clue for you, mass monsters dont live to be old. If they do they are in shit shape.

    It's called goldman's delimma.
    The willingness to sacrifice life span for being a champion. Safe guys wind up like you, void of shape and definition. Pussycats needn't school lions on achieving goals.
    Goldmans delimma ey?... Then what is Obs dilemma?
    Isnt Tori Spelling from the same country as you? Maybe you should ask for a date?

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-21-2019 at 09:58 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Goldmans delimma ey?... Then what is Obs dilemma?
    Isnt Tori Spelling from the same country as you? Maybe you should ask for a date?

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    Clothes ripped like the Incredible Hulk
    I spit when I talk, I'll fuck anything that walks (C'mere)
    When I was little I used to get so hungry I would throw fits
    How you gonna breast feed me Mom? You ain't got not tits!…

  23. #23
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    so the video just released today.. AI and estrogen talk starts 11 or so mins in. the prediction that guys are going to start dropping like flies cause of the modern addiction to AI's starts about 30 mins in

    If you watch the whole video you may think a lot of the stuff I've said on this forum over the years is parroted from this ,, but this interview just happened. A lot of these ideas have been in the works for quite awhile now.

  24. #24
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    Ai’s r bad, huh?

    I have only used aromasin(xTane, or whatever) and it worked great until I got into heavy doses

    When I got completely gear retarded & was pushing close to 3 grams a week, I used Letro as an Ai

    Now - I finally dropped all of em after pulling my doses way down

    It just depends, I think - this gyno shit of mine is quite annoying. Up until recently, I battled it well - to where it would completely go away

    But, now it set in - hard as shit < I was still on my Ai & Dex - and, it still grew & set

    Moral of the story - we’re playing Russian Roulette. . . You might get a sterile abscess, you might not - you might grow some mad sexy man tits - you might not

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I’ve stopped using ai’s And now am having the best results ever but I also only run low test(250mg per week) just started my deca blast phase at 900mg/week and will be adding in dbol at 75mg ed shortly with no plans of using an ai unless I feel the need I still have Adex on hand.
    75 mg dbol without ai from Day one.. . Good for u mr BB, the E=mc2-dude quited and Bib is retireing. They would ride u pretty bad for that one..

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  26. #26
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    Why did B.B. & Numbere quit? Liked them at first, then really bumped heads with them at the end of my last stay.

    No offense GH, when I first came back, I mistook you for Numbere for a while.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Why did B.B. & Numbere quit? Liked them at first, then really bumped heads with them at the end of my last stay.

    No offense GH, when I first came back, I mistook you for Numbere for a while.
    Me and number went out of the few times but all-in-all he gave me some really good advice my first cycle and stop me from fucking myself up

  28. #28
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    its cold alot
    I say growing breasts would be worse

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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Why did B.B. & Numbere quit? Liked them at first, then really bumped heads with them at the end of my last stay.

    No offense GH, when I first came back, I mistook you for Numbere for a while.
    interesting.. well if I recall correctly my last interaction with him was him saying that my ideas are too advanced for this open forum and should be only talked about in a high level bodybuilding forum only , that all the "average" guys here shouldn't have access to advanced information on AAS usage (I of course strongly disagreed and believe plenty of average gym bros should have access to as much knowledge as possible)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Me and number went out of the few times but all-in-all he gave me some really good advice my first cycle and stop me from fucking myself up
    Agreed, great advice! He helped me as well. I just got on his and a few guys wrong side and that was that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by teejey View Post
    I say growing breasts would be worse

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    worse the what exactly ? AI usage is not exactly the best or most efficient way to prevent gyno. plenty of guys with gyno issues run AI's to no avail . plenty of guys with lower levels of estrogen get gyno, and plenty of guys like myself who has had 10x above normal estrogen levels with no AI never even get an itchy nipple let alone gyno .

    like the vid stated, your either genetically pre disposed to gyno or your not.

  32. #32
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    Ya I agree to genetic predisposition i guess everyone's gotta experiment to find out. I discovered,pretty quick when I tried the no a.I. cuz everyone abuses,it philosophy and got some sweet kidney bean lumps almost immediately on my first test blast. They shrink down to almost nothing with nolva or discontinuing whatevers making them flare like h.c.g. but I def need an a.I.
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    worse the what exactly ? AI usage is not exactly the best or most efficient way to prevent gyno. plenty of guys with gyno issues run AI's to no avail . plenty of guys with lower levels of estrogen get gyno, and plenty of guys like myself who has had 10x above normal estrogen levels with no AI never even get an itchy nipple let alone gyno .

    like the vid stated, your either genetically pre disposed to gyno or your not.
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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by teejey View Post
    Ya I agree to genetic predisposition i guess everyone's gotta experiment to find out. I discovered,pretty quick when I tried the no a.I. cuz everyone abuses,it philosophy and got some sweet kidney bean lumps almost immediately on my first test blast. They shrink down to almost nothing with nolva or discontinuing whatevers making them flare like h.c.g. but I def need an a.I.

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    sounds like your pre disposed to gyno then . what I would recommend is to always run a low dose of Nolva with all your cycles you do , and run Masteron ("mast" means "breast" -- its one of few gyno protective AAS out there).

    also, keep in mind that 90% of the steroids available to us don't even aromatize into estrogen in the first place . so you can run a multitude of different drugs and cycles for years on end without ever having to worry about it. just don't run these ever so popular 'test only' cycles like guys do now days

  34. #34
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    its cold alot
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    sounds like your pre disposed to gyno then . what I would recommend is to always run a low dose of Nolva with all your cycles you do , and run Masteron ("mast" means "breast" -- its one of few gyno protective AAS out there).

    also, keep in mind that 90% of the steroids available to us don't even aromatize into estrogen in the first place . so you can run a multitude of different drugs and cycles for years on end without ever having to worry about it. just don't run these ever so popular 'test only' cycles like guys do now days
    I'm running low test with primo right now with 0 gyno and its fuckin sweet. I think ill be trying more low test cycles for sure.

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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    interesting.. well if I recall correctly my last interaction with him was him saying that my ideas are too advanced for this open forum and should be only talked about in a high level bodybuilding forum only , that all the "average" guys here shouldn't have access to advanced information on AAS usage (I of course strongly disagreed and believe plenty of average gym bros should have access to as much knowledge as possible)
    TY for your approach & your assistance.

    Sincerely, you are helping me achieve a life goal. Most guys here pursued this at a young age, I could not for various reasons.

    The previous forum advice of 500mg. of test and “you have to eat big to get big”, did nothing for me except get me fat and depressed that I was a freak of nature that could not respond. My max weight in my life was 215 at about 30% bf (Due to degenerated hips & a pituitary melanoma with prolactin above 400). Today I weighed in at 210 (8 pounds heavier than after my test blast) with less than 15 % body fat. And I am going on 61 mf’ing years old!

    You’ve jump started my metabolism & appetite, are causing me to destroy PB’s on all of my lifts & outgrow all of my shirts. This is in as little as 2 1/2 months & done very safely & conservatively. If I die tonight, I will go out with the memory that I can do this stuff and grow like everyone else is (and is supposed to when you put in the work).

    How that can possibly be bad or dangerous for the average guy is beyond me.

    You have my ultimate respect and thanks, the forum is a much better place with you here!

  36. #36
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    interesting.. well if I recall correctly my last interaction with him was him saying that my ideas are too advanced for this open forum and should be only talked about in a high level bodybuilding forum only , that all the "average" guys here shouldn't have access to advanced information on AAS usage (I of course strongly disagreed and believe plenty of average gym bros should have access to as much knowledge as possible)
    He said that?

    Smh .

    Don't give info to people. Sounds very Hitler-esq

  37. #37
    BG's Avatar
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    Hooker had a real good idea loooong ago, only run test to where you don’t need an anti-e, don’t take so much of something that makes you need to take another drug to control its side effects.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  38. #38
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    My thoughts are test is evil...........but needed. Learn to control it and compliment it with secondary compounds.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Why did B.B. & Numbere quit? Liked them at first, then really bumped heads with them at the end of my last stay.

    No offense GH, when I first came back, I mistook you for Numbere for a while.
    Lmao I hated both of them.
    Number hated my guts once we got in an argument over politics.
    Good times.

    I was supposed to have had my dick fly off, tits, cancer and God knows by now according to them.

    Jokes on them. My tits flew off, my dick got bigger, and I was born a cancer!
    Last edited by Obs; 03-22-2019 at 10:24 PM.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Hooker had a real good idea loooong ago, only run test to where you don’t need an anti-e, don’t take so much of something that makes you need to take another drug to control its side effects.
    Thats like running alcohol and never gettin a buzz.

    No sir.
    We get smashed and drink v-8. and a beer the next day, where I am from.

    You want to run enough test the ends of your right middle toes and pinky finger get a little... Feeling.

    Not sure what that felling is but I am on a lotta test and stuff with no ancilliaries.

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