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  • 1 Post By EDCG19
  • 3 Post By HoldMyBeer
  • 4 Post By BG
  • 1 Post By redz
  • 2 Post By Proximal
  • 5 Post By Octaneforce
  • 2 Post By fiddlesticks
  • 2 Post By EDCG19
  • 2 Post By Proximal
  • 3 Post By Couchlockd
  • 1 Post By EDCG19
  • 1 Post By Too-$mall
  • 1 Post By Chrisp83TRT
  • 2 Post By Obs
  • 2 Post By Mooseman33

Thread: Met this chick and couldn't get my mind off of her

  1. #1
    EDCG19's Avatar
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    Met this chick and couldn't get my mind off of her

    So i met someone a few weeks ago and i just got home a few hours ago after spending some time with her but i kind of realized this isn't for me and i'm not interested in her anymore (i dont know if this is true and i dont know where this is headed but i am trying to pull back and out of this completely or not, idk right now damnit)

    Here's the problem, im kind of stuck and i cant stop thinking about her
    I guess all i can do for now is see where things go and where we end up, here's the problem when i dont see her my mind is kind of on her and i cant stop thinking about her or focus on myself anymore.
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  2. #2
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Less tren , up the AI to tank E2, problem solved
    Joking, dealing w a similar situation myself for about a month. Lmk if you find a solution

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  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
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    What’s making you not interested in her? Because it seems that your mind is interested in her.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  4. #4
    CA_DXB_85 is offline Associate Member
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    Bro, I think you need to give it more time before you jump into any decisions/conclusions.

    So you suddenly decided you don't wannabe with her but at the same time you can't stop thinking about her? I think that should be a sign for u

    Just give it more time and go with the flow and see how you feel then... I'm sure you will be in a better position to make more informed decisions then

    Good luck!

  5. #5
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    Knock her up.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    I guess all i can do for now is see where things go and where we end up, here's the problem when i dont see her my mind is kind of on her and i cant stop thinking about her or focus on myself anymore.
    Oh shit...
    I did this once.
    Woke up with two kids married to someone I hated.

  7. #7
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    I’m guessing this is the type of thing that simply won’t go away by jerking off?

    What are the pros and cons with this chick that makes the choice so difficult ?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I’m guessing this is the type of thing that simply won’t go away by jerking off?

    What are the pros and cons with this chick that makes the choice so difficult ?
    It feels like she understands me and she knew what was going on, idk right now but i have been thinking about her for weeks and we met up again last night, i wonder where this will go but i dont think there is anything really here

    Some weird shit going on though. i cant explain
    Its weird

    I was also wrong about women, she could tell something was "wrong" with me and my stress levels are through the roof, my mental breakdown really fucked me up and she could tell but she didn't judge at all
    Last edited by EDCG19; 03-30-2019 at 12:47 PM.

  9. #9
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    It feels like she understands me and she knew what was going on, idk right now but i have been thinking about her for weeks and we met up again last night, i wonder where this will go but i dont think there is anything really here

    Some weird shit going on though. i cant explain
    Its weird

    I was also wrong about women, she could tell something was "wrong" with me and my stress levels are through the roof, my mental breakdown really fucked me up and she could tell but she didn't judge at all
    Just from my perspective, those are valuable things that you want in a partner.

    You’ve just got that “feeling”, that’s not a bad thing. I wouldn’t call it weird, seriously; like we are all supposed to have complete understanding of everything at every moment?

    Of course, if YOU aren’t ready for something that is leading to something more serious or a commitment, that’s going to cause an issue.
    CA_DXB_85 and Too-$mall like this.

  10. #10
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    Bang her and if you arent scanning for exits immediately after, then its a relationship worth exploring.

    On the flip side, if you start looking for escape routes right after hooking up with a chick, then pick an exit and keep fuckin running.

  11. #11
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    99.99% of girls lack any ability to understand a man.

    So how to get your mind off her?

    This girl must have a dick.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Bang her and if you arent scanning for exits immediately after, then its a relationship worth exploring.

    On the flip side, if you start looking for escape routes right after hooking up with a chick, then pick an exit and keep fuckin running.
    I dont know what it is yet, im already looking for an exit and i see it now
    The thing is she did mention we'll get together again so im looking forward to that but i have something else to focus on right now anyway so she isn't my #1 priority, all of this just caught me off guard and not something i have been looking for but damn, i really feel like she understands something deep about me
    She could sense it and told me

    truth is i am interested in her and im honestly fucking happy to have her on my mind instead of work problems or other shit that messes up my head
    Its a comforting thing to have someone else in your head who isn't trying to stop you from doing what you need to do.. anyway idk right now guess im thinking too much about this right now but it brought some light into my life
    Last edited by EDCG19; 03-30-2019 at 03:42 PM.
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  13. #13
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    99.99% of girls lack any ability to understand a man.
    Thank God I met and got married to the 00.01% (and she doesn't have a dick).

    Octane, your advice is as good as it gets man.
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  14. #14
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    EDC, this is your first blast of gear other than TRT?
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    EDC, this is your first blast of gear other than TRT?
    no, and im still running the same TRT regmine
    Only difference is nofap and hitting squats/deadlifts harder than ever before + nofap
    I relapsed so idk, but nofap feels like it does raises test infact i do semen retention has benefits as i dont watch much porn anymore since 2019 hit, been focusing on staying away from porn
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  16. #16
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    Last edited by EDCG19; 03-31-2019 at 02:30 PM.

  17. #17
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    awesome post. i really like it. interesting topic.

    i like when that happens. i feel like it's romantic, but i keep that shit to myself mostly. nobody wants to be over whelmed. am i right?

    I've been staying away from porn too. that's awesome man. i really feel like porn takes away for the work we men could be doing on ourselves. I also feel like it's desensitizing. The more i live without porn the more i realize how i can better find the right woman through just being myself. And i don't settle anymore man. I've definitely grown up, but my taste in younger women is still very much the same.

    i'd relax. especially if you KNOW that B is manipulating you. and if you think she sounds crazy tell her. if a woman starts talking about that shit to me that's a red flag. ya'll probably haven't even seen each other's places. have you seen her place? you know what she does for a living?

    And i try to accept the idea that most people don't have bad intentions and if they are doing something bad it's more so because they are stupid and can't help it.

    you're obviously not in love with her. have some fun and cut her loose. block her number, change your number. whatever you got to do to shake her. she sounds crazy.

    These days man i try to keep my standards high. If i'm not feeling it i either tell the B, or just ghost her. anything else is just going to be a disappointment and it'll get old real fast. then shit will go south, or she won't ever f'ing leave you because she's crazy and you'll be miserable.

    be careful too man. women can sense weakness in men and they take advantage of it if you let them because we are stupid and do what our dicks want us to do. she may be trying to get you into a serious relationship that leads to marriage. you good looking? would you say you could do better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Oh shit...
    I did this once.
    Woke up with two kids married to someone I hated.
    my situation...

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Just from my perspective, those are valuable things that you want in a partner.

    You’ve just got that “feeling”, that’s not a bad thing. I wouldn’t call it weird, seriously; like we are all supposed to have complete understanding of everything at every moment?

    Of course, if YOU aren’t ready for something that is leading to something more serious or a commitment, that’s going to cause an issue.
    wow, that sounds like good wholesome advice. very normal. i think it's better than my advice. we are all different though. must be nice to be happy. lol.

    i really wish i could start over. i would if it weren't for my son. i'm not gonna do that to him... it would be so easy to drop my wife like a hot rock, but i can't do that to my boy. just can't.

    I've been away from home for 7 weeks and I've been on dates. I haven't cheated, but I've explored the single life and i feel the single vibe. wish i had my testosterone on hand. i like the feeling of starting over again, and staying away from porn. allows me time to work on understanding myself better.

    I also like not hooking up with women that i'm not super into. being honest. it'll just end badly if i'm not honest. i'm smarter now and i know what I want and how detrimental it can be to settle. i should have listened to my mother...

    I'm also feeling like i'm starting to understand women more. women are very insecure and really care about men's personalities. they are also highly emotional. [personality is probably my weakest area.] i feel like a woman will date a lesser man because she's afraid of a man that could possibly do better than her. And women don't like men who they view as "players." it makes them insecure. Women also want 100% of a man's attention because they know that's highly indicative of the man's affinity for her. if he's not fawning then he's not really into it. women also like control because they have so little of it in life. i think that's a reason not to watch porn. giving a woman the rights over whether or not a man can cum is powerful. I have soo much more to say about this stuff, but i'm going to stop here because it's late.

    last thing i'll say. A guy i know well told me. "Women don't line up for men, but men line up for women." this guy has nothing other than his personality and property going for him. he's ugly, doesn't have a big dick, has an ugly skinny fat block shaped body. his girlfriend is hot. he's been through a bunch of shitty relationships, he's 35, and he's never been married, or had a kid, so keep in mind that he doesn't know it all, but my point is that his girl is fine AF. i've seen her. now granted she's currently 140lb, which may be gross, but that really depends on how tall she is. anyways, she's really got no reason to be with him other than his personality and loyalty to her because she's good looking. I've seen her practically nude. she's got a nice body and a really pretty face. him on the other hand. his face looks like a dog's butt-hole on a pumpkin with ears that stick out about an inch.

    so what i'm thinking is this: find a girl you couldn't possibly do better than. you get what you want and she know's you'll never leave her.

    i'm pretty screwed up and stupid so somebody please tell me what you think if it's different from how i think. i welcome different perspectives to change my own.
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 03-31-2019 at 04:20 PM.
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  18. #18
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    dont quote this shit!!!
    Last edited by EDCG19; 03-31-2019 at 03:14 AM.

  19. #19
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    So i met someone a few weeks ago and i just got home a few hours ago after spending some time with her but i kind of realized this isn't for me and i'm not interested in her anymore (i dont know if this is true and i dont know where this is headed but i am trying to pull back and out of this completely or not, idk right now damnit)

    Here's the problem, im kind of stuck and i cant stop thinking about her
    I guess all i can do for now is see where things go and where we end up, here's the problem when i dont see her my mind is kind of on her and i cant stop thinking about her or focus on myself anymore.
    This makes no sense to me .

    You can't get her off your mind but you aren't Interested ?

    Am I reading this wrong ...

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  20. #20
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Knock her up.
    No! lol

    LOL! check out this shit i found.

    Brittle Brian - Lizard Eyes.

    Men i trust - Tailwhip

    Grimes - Oblivion

    Crystal Castles - Not in love

    Warpaint - Undertow

    In this moment - WHORE

    Kevin Gates - Posed to be in love

    FFDP - Jekyll and Hyde
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 03-31-2019 at 04:37 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Too-$mall View Post
    awesome post. i really like it. interesting topic.

    i like when that happens. i feel like it's romantic, but i keep that shit to myself mostly. nobody wants to be over whelmed. am i right?

    I've been staying away from porn too. that's awesome man. i really feel like porn takes away for the work we men could be doing on ourselves. I also feel like it's desensitizing. The more i live without porn the more i realize how i can better find the right woman through just being myself. And i don't settle anymore man. I've definitely grown up, but my taste in younger women is still very much the same.

    i'd relax. especially if you KNOW that B is manipulating you. and if you think she sounds crazy tell her. if a woman starts talking about that shit to me that's a red flag. ya'll probably haven't even seen each other's places. have you seen her place? you know what she does for a living?

    And i try to accept the idea that most people don't have bad intentions and if they are doing something bad it's more so because they are stupid and can't help it.

    you're obviously not in love with her. have some fun and cut her loose. block her number, change your number. whatever you got to do to shake her. she sounds crazy.

    These days man i try to keep my standards high. If i'm not feeling it i either tell the B, or just ghost her. anything else is just going to be a disappointment and it'll get old real fast. then shit will go south, or she won't ever f'ing leave you because she's crazy and you'll be miserable.

    be careful too man. women can sense weakness in men and they take advantage of it if you let them because we are stupid and do what our dicks want us to do. she may be trying to get you into a serious relationship that leads to marriage. you good looking? would you say you could do better?

    my situation...

    wow, that sounds like good wholesome advice. very normal. i think it's better than my advice. we are all different though. must be nice to be happy. lol.

    i really wish i could start over. i would if it weren't for my son. i'm not gonna do that to him... it would be so easy to drop my wife like a hot rock, but i can't do that to my boy. just can't.

    I've been away from home for 7 weeks and I've been on dates. I haven't cheated, but I've explored the single life and i feel the single vibe. wish i had my testosterone on hand. i like the feeling of starting over again, and staying away from porn. allows me time to work on understanding myself better.

    I also like not hooking up with women that i'm not super into. being honest. it'll just end badly if i'm not honest. i'm smarter now and i know what I want and how detrimental it can be to settle. i should have listened to my mother...

    I'm also feeling like i'm starting to understand women more. women are very insecure and really care about men's personalities. they are also highly emotional. [personality is probably my weakest area.] i feel like a woman will date a lesser man because she's afraid of a man that could possibly do better than her. And women don't like men who they view as "players." it makes them insecure. Women also want 100% of a man's attention because they know that's highly indicative of the man's affinity for her. if he's not fawning then he's not really into it. women also like control because they have so little of it in life. i think that's a reason not to watch porn. giving a woman the rights over whether or not a man can cum is powerful. I have soo much more to say about this stuff, but i'm going to stop here because it's late.

    last thing i'll say. A guy i know well told me. "Women don't line up for men, but men line up for women." this guy has nothing other than his personality and property going for him. he's ugly, doesn't have a big dick, has an ugly skinny fat block shaped body. his girlfriend is hot. he's been through a bunch of shitty relationships, he's 35, and he's never been married, or had a kid, so keep in mind that he doesn't know it all, but my point is that his girl is fine AF. i've seen her. now granted she's currently 140lb, which may be gross, but that really depends on how tall she is. anyways, she's really got no reason to be with him other than his personality and loyalty to her because she's good looking. I've seen her practically nude. she's got a nice body and a really pretty face. him on the other hand. his face looks like a dog's butt-hole on a pumpkin with ears that stick out about an inch.

    so what i'm thinking is this: find a girl you couldn't possibly do better than. you get what you want and she know's you'll never leave her.

    i'm pretty screwed up and stupid so somebody please tell me what you think if it's different from how i think. i welcome different perspectives to change my own.
    Try working shit out with a wife.
    Then get a damn divorce. Never stay together for kids or you will leave them with the understanding that they should be miserable in a relationship.

    My kids will see that my ex left me abd cheated.
    My gf's kids will see that a man should bring flowers to her and not argue all the time. They will see two people that belong together. They will expect the same from their relationships. They will hear from us both that you don't wait for good things to happen that never will. You make them happen together.

    I was raised to believe divorce was the worst thing I could do by people who hated their spouses and lived miserably, broke, and fought constantly.

    One of the best things I ever did was divorce that pos. She cant find anyone.
    I just left my gf a note for when she wakes up that will make her smile. She will go to work feeling good. I have bought her flowers 6 times already this year.
    End of the day, when one of us has had all we can stand, the other will be there as a shelter from the storm.

    If your partner is not your partner forsaking all the bullshit then move on. When your other half is just a battle you have to fight you will just begat more negative shit and nothing will ever work out.

    Take a look outside and look at the sunrise. You dont get that many. You have a kid so you know how fast time flies. You better live this fucker to its fullest.
    You need a girl that rocks in bed and has chemistry with you. You can't go through life living it for other people. You live it for yourself and include others, doing good for them.

    You know how many times I have helped someone in need my ex never would have allowed me to?
    Fuck that. She cared about herself and her happiness and I was juat a tool to give it to her. I blew my 20's on a bitch that hated my guts.

    Now today after three years my gf will get tearful when she reads my note.

    That is another positive thing that would never have happened if I had stayed with that fat fucking bitch of a leech that is my ex. There are thousands of great things stemming from that cunt being out of my life and it will be much much better for my kids.


    We dont just cut and run but you dont stay "for" a kid. You will set a terrible example.
    I was so indoctrinated with the belief from my southern baptist upbringing that I could not divorce having watched my parents and grandparents that I wasted years holding something together I should have never even started.

    I finally decided that if I "sinned" it was when I allowed that disgusting hoe in my life.
    ghettoboyd and Too-$mall like this.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    So i met someone a few weeks ago and i just got home a few hours ago after spending some time with her but i kind of realized this isn't for me and i'm not interested in her anymore (i dont know if this is true and i dont know where this is headed but i am trying to pull back and out of this completely or not, idk right now damnit)

    Here's the problem, im kind of stuck and i cant stop thinking about her

    I guess all i can do for now is see where things go and where we end up, here's the problem when i dont see her my mind is kind of on her and i cant stop thinking about her or focus on myself anymore.

    drop her. Dump her right away. may want to move, change ur number and get a new name. ok that may be much but u get my point.

    Do not second guess ur gut man. If you are having doubts now, end that shit.

    or u will be like me with a soon to be ex who just fucking sucks.
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    drop her. Dump her right away. may want to move, change ur number and get a new name. ok that may be much but u get my point.

    Do not second guess ur gut man. If you are having doubts now, end that shit.

    or u will be like me with a soon to be ex who just fucking sucks.
    Well, she cut off contact a few days ago and i have been in hell basically because of it and she didn't understand what happened..
    I was drunk and high, started acting crazy and shes gone but i think i may have another chance idk right now, i think i can work on this and maybe i should not drink or get high anymore. It brings something out of me that ios insane, i am not a drunk but damnit sometimes i drink to much

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Knock her up.
    Now that is the redz we all know and love :-)

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Well, she cut off contact a few days ago and i have been in hell basically because of it and she didn't understand what happened..
    I was drunk and high, started acting crazy and shes gone but i think i may have another chance idk right now, i think i can work on this and maybe i should not drink or get high anymore. It brings something out of me that ios insane, i am not a drunk but damnit sometimes i drink to much
    Okay now it all makes sense. It's the same with most any guy, we all want what we can't have. You messed up so now you want her back but if you dumped her it would be fine and you would be over her most likely.

    Okay this maybe a little harsh and sound very chauvinistic but there's a lot of truth to it. The best way to get over one chick is to get on top of another.

    By the way it would probably be a good idea to stop drinking too much and getting high especially when you are trying to make a good impression on someone.

  26. #26
    CA_DXB_85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Well, she cut off contact a few days ago and i have been in hell basically because of it and she didn't understand what happened..
    I was drunk and high, started acting crazy and shes gone but i think i may have another chance idk right now, i think i can work on this and maybe i should not drink or get high anymore. It brings something out of me that ios insane, i am not a drunk but damnit sometimes i drink to much
    Bro, i think what happened is good... She's gotta see that side at least once or even a couple of times so you can see how she's going to react and if she's going to come back and if she's worth your time.
    Ya, don't drink but keep smoking ; it's the alcohol that brings out the crazy shit!

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