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  • 6 Post By charger69
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Thread: It's stupid, but I'm aggregated

  1. #1
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    It's stupid, but I'm aggregated

    So I can't think clearly. Need input
    GF and I decided to get dessert
    She what I wanted. I said coffee roll and a donut, if they don't have that, let's go to the store and get cinnamon rolls
    They didn't have it, so she got other donuts. I threw them out and went to the store to get what I wanted (so I didn't eat both). Now she's mad at me for throwing away the donuts (that she would not have eaten anyways)
    In itself, not too bad. But earlier she showed me this racist ass jpg that basically said if a minority kills someone, we do something about it (increase police presence, travel ban, etc). If a white person kills someone, we do nothing. I explained to her how there's a correlation of black on black crime and gang activity and increased patrols can help, the percentage of extremists and travel bans, etc. There's a correlation and a direct action that can be taken. With white murderers, it's all across the board and there is no one thing that will help it.
    So I was already unhappy w her. I want some time apart but every room except the bedroom is hot as hell. And idk if just leaving altogether will be overkill and just hurt her feelings.
    Am I being crazy?
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  2. #2
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    NVM, I'm sure once I eat my cinnamon rolls I'll feel 100 percent better!
    Fuckin dough boy cure all

  3. #3
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    So I can't think clearly. Need input
    GF and I decided to get dessert
    She what I wanted. I said coffee roll and a donut, if they don't have that, let's go to the store and get cinnamon rolls
    They didn't have it, so she got other donuts. I threw them out and went to the store to get what I wanted (so I didn't eat both). Now she's mad at me for throwing away the donuts (that she would not have eaten anyways)
    In itself, not too bad. But earlier she showed me this racist ass jpg that basically said if a minority kills someone, we do something about it (increase police presence, travel ban, etc). If a white person kills someone, we do nothing. I explained to her how there's a correlation of black on black crime and gang activity and increased patrols can help, the percentage of extremists and travel bans, etc. There's a correlation and a direct action that can be taken. With white murderers, it's all across the board and there is no one thing that will help it.
    So I was already unhappy w her. I want some time apart but every room except the bedroom is hot as hell. And idk if just leaving altogether will be overkill and just hurt her feelings.
    Am I being crazy?
    What compounds and dosages are you on?

    I get negative at silly things unnecessarily and my gf says, "It doesn't matter what I say you will cut it down."

    I swear I don't mean it that way.
    I just give my insight but it naturally comes out as negative to her ears.

    I have accepted that I am not right in my head so I try to understand wtf is wrong with me.

    Last night it was a post of a male foreign exchange student looking for a place to stay.

    She was trying to explain the similarities between us but I jumped in and said "Yeah, thats just what I am gonna do... Move a late teen male into our house and leave you here with him all day!"

    She would never suggest anything like that.

    Before I cut her off, she was going to say, "stays to himself, goes to gym, and studys."

    Instead I cut her off and she said "I don't even like being around you any more."

    Not that she did anything wrong. It was me.

    But I hope the door doesn't hit her in the ass on the way out.

    These are my thoughts.
    Makes no sense.
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  4. #4
    i_SLAM_cougars is offline Banned- for my own actions
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    Does she understand the significance of having junk food temptation in the house? I think there are a lot of people that don't. I have to ask my wife to hide any chocolate, rolls, candy etc so I'm not tempted to inhale it. (News flash - she isn't always successful)

    But Obs has a good point: your current pharmaceutical regimen might be impacting your mood. Or maybe the cinnamon rolls will cure everything! If so, just tell her 'please excuse the things I said when my blood sugar was bottomed out'
    Please excuse the things I say when my blood sugar is bottomed out, when I’m carb depleted, when my E2 is sky high, when I’m running heavy androgens and you want to talk about something stupid or annoying...
    Obs, HoldMyBeer, Cylon357 and 2 others like this.

  5. #5
    charger69's Avatar
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    Here’s advice from the old man. Sit down and talk with her about it..... when you both can talk. Just sit back and listen, do not interrupt her, let her get things off her chest.

    Tell her why you threw them out because she would not eat them and they are a temptation for you.
    The good thing here is you are aware of your condition. Now trying to control it is difficult, but you need to be aware first.
    I usually think, what do I get if I win, the answer is usually nothing so there is no point in arguing over it.
    I hope this helps. I do not have a perfect marriage and my wife is Latino ( they can be downright mean. LOL) but I have been married 28 years

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  6. #6
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Here’s advice from the old man. Sit down and Interrupt her, get her chest.

    Tell her you would eat them and they are a temptation for you.
    The good thing here is trying to control my wife (they can be downright mean. LOL) but I have been 28 years.

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    Damn thats dark man....
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  7. #7
    jolter604's Avatar
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    Man woman are just crazy when mine does this stuff I explain that when I eat a food item that's gonna do negative to my goals it has to be quality and exactly what I am craving or it's a waste and I am not satisfied.

    She is very understanding about this especially because she loves ice cream and I do not.
    It gives me unreal rank ass gas so she is not all for me having what she wants.

    If she still gets on my nerves I just slip my thumb in her butt and ask if I can rip the ass.


    Sad part for me is alone time is rare I have 2 daughters to fill in the gaps

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  8. #8
    jolter604's Avatar
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    I suggest you take her to the movies they should have AC and after a good movie it might get you cleared up


  9. #9
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    So I can't think clearly. Need input
    GF and I decided to get dessert
    She what I wanted. I said coffee roll and a donut, if they don't have that, let's go to the store and get cinnamon rolls
    They didn't have it, so she got other donuts. I threw them out and went to the store to get what I wanted (so I didn't eat both). Now she's mad at me for throwing away the donuts (that she would not have eaten anyways)
    In itself, not too bad. But earlier she showed me this racist ass jpg that basically said if a minority kills someone, we do something about it (increase police presence, travel ban, etc). If a white person kills someone, we do nothing. I explained to her how there's a correlation of black on black crime and gang activity and increased patrols can help, the percentage of extremists and travel bans, etc. There's a correlation and a direct action that can be taken. With white murderers, it's all across the board and there is no one thing that will help it.
    So I was already unhappy w her. I want some time apart but every room except the bedroom is hot as hell. And idk if just leaving altogether will be overkill and just hurt her feelings.
    Am I being crazy?
    Jepp. Big mistake. Never try to understand or talktalk to women. Just love em.
    Figth for your rigth other places, streets, gym, job, other dudes.

    Believe me, if u really really love your gf, this is the best approach.

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  10. #10
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Here’s advice from the old man. Sit down and talk with her about it..... when you both can talk. Just sit back and listen, do not interrupt her, let her get things off her chest.

    Tell her why you threw them out because she would not eat them and they are a temptation for you.
    The good thing here is you are aware of your condition. Now trying to control it is difficult, but you need to be aware first.
    I usually think, what do I get if I win, the answer is usually nothing so there is no point in arguing over it.
    I hope this helps. I do not have a perfect marriage and my wife is Latino ( they can be downright mean. LOL) but I have been married 28 years

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    Gave up trying to understand all the things my wife does a long time ago. 28 years dude, must have done something right or just stubborn AF :-) 19 years here.
    HoldMyBeer and Proximal like this.

  11. #11
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Just 175 test and 333 primo. Nothing don't think anything that would really effect my head too bad. And no one seems to understand about not having that kind of food in the house. I bought a blueberry pie once, and when I got home I threw it in the trash. The GF was quite confused and not understanding wasting money like that. I said to her, "the pie costs X dollars, I made an impulse buy and cannot really eat it. I would pay X dollars to not eat that pie and fuckup my diet. So I threw it away." My family doesn't understand, when we get together and there's a bunch of unhealthy food out, and I try to abstain and tell them I am trying to be good about my food consumption, they all give me shit. People just don't get it.
    But, eating cinnamon rolls and sex cured it last night pretty quickly. So we're good
    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 08-06-2019 at 04:30 AM.
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  12. #12
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Just 175 test and 333 primo. Nothing don't think anything that would really effect my head too bad. And no one seems to understand about not having that kind of food in the house. I bought a blueberry pie once, and when I got home I threw it in the trash. The GF was quite confused and not understanding wasting money like that. I said to her, "the pie costs X dollars, I made an impulse buy and cannot really eat it. I would pay X dollars to not eat that pie and fuckup my diet. So I threw it away." My family doesn't understand, when we get together and there's a bunch of unhealthy food out, and I try to abstain and tell them I am trying to be good about my food consumption, they all give me shit. People just don't get it.
    But, eating cinnamon rolls and sex cured it last night pretty quickly. So we're good
    Now that is the answer I expected from Obs. Sex and cinnamon roles but he would say you need her poop chute. LOL

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  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Wtf - is it all of our time of the month or what?

    I just found myself eating ice cream & my tits ache < wtf

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  14. #14
    teejey's Avatar
    teejey is offline Junior Member
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    its cold alot
    My girl constantly brings junk in the house. It takes extreme mental fortitude to be dieting and not go binge on the cookies or donuts or whatever. I think she's an evil bitch for doing it. When I'm blasting it makes me wanna call her a fat cunt cuz I just wanna eat the whole Amish made pie. I think she does it on purpose then will say something like "yea your love handles do look bigger" w3ll I've been dieting hard and some asshole brought a whole delicious pie home and just left it there for days and I couldn't stand watching it go bad so I woke up at 2 am and ate it all now I hate myself. Thanks bitch.

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