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  • 2 Post By kelkel

Thread: Gratitude

  1. #1
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    I had to go to Springfield Missouri to drop my kids off for custody Exchange. My kids were hungry and I didn't want to send them home on an empty stomach so we stopped by a McDonald's that I hate.

    This particular McDonald's is loaded with methamphetamine users bums and just scum of the earth in general. I didn't eat anything and we sat in the back near a little person in a wheelchair.

    He asked me about my day and just random questions striking up a conversation. He said how grateful he was to have finally found a job after years of searching for a place that would hire him in his condition. He said he didn't understand why there were so many bums.

    He said you look at me and he said to an employer I look like nothing more than a liability waiting to happen. He said I watch these able-bodied methamphetamine users and bums that act like they can't get a job begging for money and it makes me Furious. He said I would give anything to be able to be in their body and do the things that they are capable of.

    He said I am so grateful to finally be able to take care of myself and pay my own way instead of my parents having to see to it. If I outlive my parents it's going to be hard for me to take care of myself but for a change I can give them some money for all they've done for me.

    He was not bitter or angry he was more joyful and upbeat throughout the conversation. He asked if I was a single dad I said no I am divorced I said I'm just meeting their mother for custody Exchange. I told him that one of us is always late at custody meeting it seems like that's just the way it goes. Tonight I'm glad that she's late cuz I get to talk to you.

    We went back and forth for quite a while talking about kids and Christmas coming up Thanksgiving Etc. When my ex finally pulled in I stood up and told him that I had to go but it's been great talking to him. I shook his hand and said you have a great Thanksgiving and a merry Christmas.

    Now I am headed back home on the 2 and 1/2 hour trip. I can honestly say I am totally 100% grateful for my Able Body and the things that I can do, my family, and all the blessings that I have.

    I do my fair share of whining but I can assure you that myself nor most of you out there have had to endure the struggles that that guy did. Yet he was happy and thrilled to finally have a f****** job.

    Every single thing that guy has to do is 10 times as hard for him as it would be an able-bodied person. Yet he was happy and upbeat smiling laughing.

    Don't piss away your potential and be grateful for your accomplishments.

    Most of this is from voice to text so the punctuation is quite a bit off. You get the idea though get out there and kick some ass and use what you've been given.

  2. #2
    Fiskevatten's Avatar
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    I can honestly say that I should be MUCH more grateful than I am, and it's sad that horrible situations or wonderful people like that
    has to be a reminder of my ways and thinking.
    Bless him!
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  3. #3
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    I did 3 years of college, got a degree, then did 2 more years of college and got a second degree.

    Graduating with the best overall project award, I was a shoe in for a job on the grounds of the school. The first few weeks were okay until I realised that all my colleagues were doing unpaid overtime. The boss referred to unpaid overtime as "putting in the work", and this intricate psychological manipulation worked splendidly on my colleagues. He hadn't a hope of fooling me though, so he spent the next 6 months trying to break me. He wouldn't have been able to do as much harm as he did if he hadn't got the support of lecturers and department heads in the college (i.e. people whom I knew and trusted for 5 years).

    So I pounced on the opportunity to get him to fire me - I mean I really did it in style - and then I started importing Valium 4,000 pills at a time and selling tubs of a thousand.

    Your meth head friends in McDonalds might have a similar story.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great story Obs. Puts things in perspective.

    Reminded me of this shirt:

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  5. #5
    Gallowmere's Avatar
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    This kind of stuff is why almost nothing can induce a problematically stressed state in me. I’ve become very good at being able to take a look around and just enjoy everything that I have and everything that I am able to do.

    I don’t HAVE to do shit. I get to do these things. At any given point, there’s a loaded .45 next to my bed, and I can opt out of literally everything. I’m not about to let the things that I choose to do make my life miserable.
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  6. #6
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Not here.
    Last week it was announced that the first penile & scrotal transplantation was considered a success and full function is expected. Done on one of many servicemen that have had more than their legs blown off.

    I have absolutely nothing to complain about.
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  7. #7
    balance is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for taking the time to share this Obs.
    It’s a great reminder how fortunate and blessed I am. It’s amazing how small interactions with various people can impact you in such a great way when you are open to them.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  8. #8
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    If you come into contact with a person that is in bad shape look them dead in the eyes and dont talk to them different than anyone else.

    Another thing he mentioned was that people talked to him like a retarded child and it pissed him off.

    I am not so receptive. I just dont show pity until its due. He was not pitiful. His soul is equal with all others and he was a warrior.

    I am extremely judgemental but I know a real man when I see one. His "state" and the things he endured daily made him more of a man than most will ever be.

    Thank you all for reading this.

    That man helped me a lot.
    I used to come back from custody exchange thinking I was a piece of shit but it gradually turned into me accepting that what

    Some things you cant change, but most you can.

    Thats a great thing to realize.

    I am strong and young. Pretty mich whatever I want will be mine. The struggles on the way are the only things that make any of it worthwhile.
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  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am strong and young.

    I'm strong and old. The struggle is real, but very worthwhile.
    balance and Obs like this.
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  10. #10
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'm strong and old. The struggle is real, but very worthwhile.
    I’m just old!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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