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Thread: Before work or after??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Before work or after??

    When are you guys training during the work week? By the time I’m done with work, I am so exhausted that the thought of going to the gym is daunting, plus I am hungry. But if I go home and eat, the chances of me leaving the house are slim to none lol.

    I have tried training before work a couple times and did not like it. I would have to get up around 5am to train before work and I am far from a morning person lol. But I like the thought of getting it done and out of the way early. Just wondering when you guys that work “normal” hours train and what ended up working best for you.

  2. #2
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    its a MINDSET thing . you need to just change your mindset .. think of your workout like your 'happy hour'. your at work just waiting for the day to end so you can finally get the hell out of the office and go pound some weights and unwind.

    if you can't workout after work, then your looking at your workout as 'work' also . need to change your mindset and look at your workout as your free time to do what you love

  3. #3
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    Oct 2010
    Yeah man I know... I’m definitely lacking in the motivation department.. especially since I came off of all gear and trt. I remember religiously going to the gym after work ready to kill the weights no matter how hard I worked that day.

    Going to the gym during the week is basically a chore and something I have all but completely avoided. My motivation is low as I am watching myself wither away after dropping gear/trt. But I will not be happy if I completely lose everything I’ve worked for so I need to just get into a routine again, wether it be training in the morning or night. Just wondering what my fellow brothers have found worked best for them.

  4. #4
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    I understand completely .. shit I frickin own the gym and I'm having a hard time getting in right now.

    for muscle building and adding size , workout later in the day
    for cutting and trying to lean out , workout in the morning

    either choice right now, I guarantee you its going to be a chore until you get your motivation back

    I just the other day snagged a barbell from my gym and put it in my basement with some plates . if I don't make it into the gym I'm going to at least hit some bent over rows, presses, etc.. in my basement for 20 mins

  5. #5
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    try Pretending your still on gear and that may help to motivate you to go to the gym and train hard.

  6. #6
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    I have a pretty sweet set up in my basement but my fiancé gets up for work later than I do and I wouldn’t want to wake her up lol.

    Curious what your rationale is for working out later in the day for size and early for cutting?
    Last edited by yeahbuddy289; 11-21-2019 at 07:20 PM.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I have a pretty sweet set up in my basement but my fiancé gets up for work later than I do and I wouldn’t want to wake her up lol.

    Curious what your rationale is for working out later in the day for size and early for cutting?
    Less glucose in your body earlier in the day so a higher chance of tapping into fat stores. A dumbed down version of how GH will like explain it lol.

    When lacking motivation, I find it best to go in the morning and get it over with. I actually almost prefer that most of the time as opposed to letting the stress of your day get in the way of your workout. The only time I really train in the PM is on leg day so I can eat 5 guys afterward haha

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearheaded View Post
    its a mindset thing . You need to just change your mindset .. Think of your workout like your 'happy hour'. Your at work just waiting for the day to end so you can finally get the hell out of the office and go pound some weights and unwind.

    If you can't workout after work, then your looking at your workout as 'work' also . Need to change your mindset and look at your workout as your free time to do what you love
    thanks, gh

  9. #9
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    I prefer after work, like Gh mentioned its my happy place to relieve the stress and my lifts are always better at night. I do go in the afternoon sometimes but I am able to take a couple hours in the afternoon that most people cant.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I have a pretty sweet set up in my basement but my fiancé gets up for work later than I do and I wouldn’t want to wake her up lol.

    Curious what your rationale is for working out later in the day for size and early for cutting?

    for the average person with a normal schedule (gets up at 7am goes to bed at 11pm), its been shown that our peak body temperature and peak performance capabilities are most elevated from about 3pm - 6pm, after having had around 3 meals in.

    so for putting on size your going to want to be at your peak when your at your strongest and can push the most weight and intensity. again, this is most likely going to be in the late afternoon after having had a few meals in.
    if you can bench press 225 for 20 reps max first thing in the morning, you'll likely be able to hit that weight for like 22 reps later afternoon (this has been studied).

    now for cutting , you don't need to be at peak performance and strength, you just need to get the work in . doing your workout first thing in the morning is fine. plus you've been fasted for like 10 hours and your body is already in a lipolytic state, so when you go to train blood sugar is already low and your body is already using fat for fuel.

  11. #11
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    its cold alot
    Both Am cArdio pm weights

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  12. #12
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    I’ve never been able to lift in the morning. Cardio sure, but weights... I’m not a morning person, my strength just isn’t there. I mean maybe by 8 or 9am, but I’ll never be a 4am guy.

    I don’t care how tired I am after work. I can always slam a rockstar and get after it.

  13. #13
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    Always before, and lifting before always sets me up for a happier and more productive workday.

    I don’t bother with extra cardio much, because I work a manual labor job that has me walking 8-10 miles per day, before even considering the “real” work.

  14. #14
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    I tried going Friday morning before work... it wasnt too bad. Maybe I can get into a routine of doing that... we’ll see what happens this week.

    Gearhead thanks for the info on morning/afternoon training. I do have a question though... would someone like me who is no longer on gear benefit from a morning workout when testosterone is highest?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I tried going Friday morning before work... it wasnt too bad. Maybe I can get into a routine of doing that... we’ll see what happens this week.

    Gearhead thanks for the info on morning/afternoon training. I do have a question though... would someone like me who is no longer on gear benefit from a morning workout when testosterone is highest?
    People really overthink this stuff. The amounts in the natural fluctuations throughout the day amount to three-fifths of fuck all in real world results.

    As an example, when I am using IM injections for TRT, my levels hover in the 850-975 range. When I use subq, it drops to the 650 range. That’s a roughly 30% difference that I maintained, synthetically for six months, and saw nearly no change in either direction.

    Your natural flux amounts to dick. Just train when you actually get the best performance out of yourself, whatever the time of day is.

  16. #16
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    Before work is hard because I’d have to be up at 430am to get a workout in before showering and leaving for work - but it’s the most productive for me because I’m not drained and exhausted like i am after a long day at work. Plus I’m always working overtime. And I’ve got kids and they are always up my ass when I get home from work. But at 430am the only person that is up is me. Now if only I could wake up at 430 consistently.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Gearhead thanks for the info on morning/afternoon training. I do have a question though... would someone like me who is no longer on gear benefit from a morning workout when testosterone is highest?
    unfortunately it does not work that way . naturally higher test levels don't do shit for muscle building in general. 'muscle building' is a very very very small part of what natural testosterone production does (it does 80 other things, and muscle building is at the bottom of the list) .. also muscle building in relation to test levels is not linear in nature , meaning as test levels go up , muscle building capability does not go up in linear fashion with it.

    so it makes zero difference if your morning Test levels are 440 ng/dl and your afternoon test levels are say 370 ng/dl .. has zero impact on muscle building or performance.
    in order for Testosterone increases to turn on more protein synthesis and muscle building, the jumps have to be dramatic. thats why exogenous test supplementation works.. you can use Test and jump from 390 ng/dl one day to 10,000 ng/dl a week later. that type of jump is what turns on all the muscle building machinery . but natural fluctuations , even if they are pretty darn high , don't do a damn thing for muscle building .

    on a side note -- there are naturals that weight train fasted because natural HGH levels have been shown to be more elevated when fasted .. umm , well ok, but do you know what is 1000x more anabolic then growth hormone or testosterone ,, FOOD . lol. these guys are missing the point. they are stepping over 100 dollar bills to pick up pennies .

    I'd just train whenever you feel the strongest and are able to stick to it consistently and adhere to your program . adherence and consistency out weigh pretty much everything else
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-23-2019 at 07:18 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    When are you guys training during the work week? By the time I’m done with work, I am so exhausted that the thought of going to the gym is daunting, plus I am hungry. But if I go home and eat, the chances of me leaving the house are slim to none lol.

    I have tried training before work a couple times and did not like it. I would have to get up around 5am to train before work and I am far from a morning person lol. But I like the thought of getting it done and out of the way early. Just wondering when you guys that work “normal” hours train and what ended up working best for you.
    My work is labor intensive to the point I cant move half the weight after.

    It will also teach you to pace yourself at work.

    I set up 315 ona bar bench after work one day. I damn near died and I was still pumped and wound.
    I had to roll it down my body and sit up then unload the bar to put it back up from what would have been a set of 10.

    250... Nope not even one rep.

    205... Got 8 reps.

    Got up pissed off as fuck and left.

    Winny is a cortisol inhibitor as GH will tell you which is known for increased endurance.

    Well, even at anon labor intensive job that is mentally taxing, cortisol levels take a toll.
    This does not make your muscle fibres weaker.
    It takes full piss and vinegar to meet hypertrophy max.

    You cant tear it down better when its in a more catabolic state and they days duration takes its toll very heavily.

    I advise lifting in the morning and learning to take it easier on your bod and mind the rest of the day.

    Imo which is bro science, the optimaltime to workout is when epinephine response peaks, right about the time that coffee kicks in.

    What you do the rest of the day will directly reflect on your results.

  19. #19
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    Up at 3 am eat, relax, go to gym before work.
    In case that is not enough, afternoon workout keeps the blood flowing.
    Most intensive workout is in the morning.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. #20
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    My job is pretty physically exhausting as well as mentally. Things have gotten worse for me after starting at a new place about 2 years ago... I am working harder than I ever have and I think that is what is hindering my workouts. I’m stressed, mentally and physically drained after each day. I’m hoping maybe I can make a morning routine work for me.

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