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Thread: beginning of the rise of the anti-Christ upon the nations

  1. #41
    When all seems to be at peace in this world will come the great darkness.
    When everyone speaks of peace, the great tribulation will come.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post

    Do you delete this topic for me?

    I don't want to discuss religion with anyone here.
    Why will they think I'm a bore
    Its all good dave.
    I will shut up but I promise you any time you follow a large group such as religion or political it is all about $.

    It doesnt matter what party or denomination or even non-denomination its all talk to bring in money.

    Teenage and early 20's girls should think I am hot AF. I dont conform to shit.
    I feel a little cheated.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    When all seems to be at peace in this world will come the great darkness.
    When everyone speaks of peace, the great tribulation will come.
    Yes but no one says what I am saying.
    Everyone thinks its worse than its ever been because of social media in their face 24-7.

    So I guess we are good.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    When all seems to be at peace in this world will come the great darkness.
    When everyone speaks of peace, the great tribulation will come.
    If you all will start talking about how peacful it is we can end this shit show now lol

    How like life...
    When shits going all good, Jesus comes back "Suprise mfers! I am ending this fkin world now!"

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    What in the fuck are you on about Dave?

    About a single global government where all religions will be abolished.

    And a global government system will take over.
    A single coin in all will be used.
    They will implant a chip in each person to can track.

    You will only be able to buy in supermarkets that have this chip. This chip is the mark of the beast written in the book of the apocalypse.

    Whoever submits to the mark of the beast will lose salvation in Christ.

    I'm talking about the anti-christ government that is about to happen.

    The Pope is asking a world leader to address world poverty and other political aspects.

    It sure is the anti-christ ..

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    About a single global government where all religions will be abolished.

    And a global government system will take over.
    A single coin in all will be used.
    They will implant a chip in each person to can track.

    You will only be able to buy in supermarkets that have this chip. This chip is the mark of the beast written in the book of the apocalypse.

    Whoever submits to the mark of the beast will lose salvation in Christ.

    I'm talking about the anti-christ government that is about to happen.

    The Pope is asking a world leader to address world poverty and other political aspects.

    It sure is the anti-christ ..
    you need to read more history books rather then religious evangelical fantasy dogma books .. all this shit has already happened in history

  7. #47
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    the best way to become educated on whats going to happen in the future , is to simply study the past/history

  8. #48
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    all you evangelicals that think this 'anti christ' is going to suddenly show up one day in the future and create a one world govt. and economy and get people under one humanist religion.. um yeah your all about 2000 years late to the game. this same shit has been repeated over and over and over again in every world economy .
    just because you suddenly became "enlightened" to these facts and its NEW to you and your world view .. doesn't really mean it new to civilatzion and society. its just new to you
    its like the Martrix. this shit been going on forever way before you decided to swallow the red pill for yourself

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    What in the fuck are you on about Dave?
    I am talking about a single system of world government where all religions will be abolished.
    This gorveno is the government of the veiled antichrist!

    That is, a great world politician dominating all nations.

    I don't know if you watched Pope Francis Christmas Mass on TV on Christmas Eve, but he said that in May 2020 he will have an event to discuss the appointment of a new world leader where he would help in situations. most deplorable in the world.

    Poverty, health, sustainability, peace, etc.

    The Pope is trying to accelerate the rise of the antichrist.

    When the antichrist appears, he will be an ordinary man whom no one will suspect; who dominates your mind is Lucifer Satanas.

    Lucifer is the antichrist, he will make peace in all the world.
    He will abolish the mess in the world; and people will love you without knowing your real intentions.

    Your government will abolish all religions; There will be a single currency for free trade between countries.

    And all the inhabitants of the world will receive a mark known as the mark of the beast mentioned in the book of Revelation of the Bible.

    Don't think it's just a book, not is bro.

    This mark of the beast will be a chip placed worldwide, so that this world government has control over all human beings around the world.

    Those who do not accept this chip will see their own children with nothing to eat hungry.

    They will be persecuted by the military of this government; the empire of lucifer in the form of a man here on earth.
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 12-30-2019 at 08:55 PM.

  10. #50
    GearHeaded let me tell them the truth

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I am talking about a single system of world government where all religions will be abolished.
    This gorveno is the government of the veiled antichrist!

    That is, a great world politician dominating all nations.

    I don't know if you watched Pope Francis Christmas Mass on TV on Christmas Eve, but he said that in May 2020 he will have an event to discuss the appointment of a new world leader where he would help in situations. most deplorable in the world.

    Poverty, health, sustainability, peace, etc.

    The Pope is trying to accelerate the rise of the antichrist.

    When the antichrist appears, he will be an ordinary man whom no one will suspect; who dominates your mind is Lucifer Satanas.

    Lucifer is the antichrist, he will make peace in all the world.
    He will abolish the mess in the world; and people will love you without knowing your real intentions.

    Your government will abolish all religions; There will be a single currency for free trade between countries.

    And all the inhabitants of the world will receive a mark known as the mark of the beast mentioned in the book of Revelation of the Bible.

    Don't think it's just a book, not is bro.

    This mark of the beast will be a chip placed worldwide, so that this world government has control over all human beings around the world.

    Those who do not accept this chip will see their own children with nothing to eat hungry.

    They will be persecuted by the military of this government; the empire of lucifer in the form of a man here on earth.
    history.. its only because you have been born in and living in a golden age the last 100 years you think this "end times" thing is yet to come. but if you were a student of history you would see these end times and world travesty have happened again and again.
    everything you mentioned has already happened, only 100x worse then you can imagine .

  12. #52
    can say:

    This Davi is crazy, look at what he's saying.

    But I'm not crazy, I'm telling the truth.

    There is a political drive to place a single world government release; anti-christ government

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    GearHeaded let me tell them the truth
    history repeats.. nothing new under the sun . so in a way your right . but to the wise and experienced , this is just another chapter in human history which always repeats itself

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I am talking about a single system of world government where all religions will be abolished.
    This gorveno is the government of the veiled antichrist!

    That is, a great world politician dominating all nations.

    I don't know if you watched Pope Francis Christmas Mass on TV on Christmas Eve, but he said that in May 2020 he will have an event to discuss the appointment of a new world leader where he would help in situations. most deplorable in the world.

    Poverty, health, sustainability, peace, etc.

    The Pope is trying to accelerate the rise of the antichrist.

    When the antichrist appears, he will be an ordinary man whom no one will suspect; who dominates your mind is Lucifer Satanas.

    Lucifer is the antichrist, he will make peace in all the world.
    He will abolish the mess in the world; and people will love you without knowing your real intentions.

    Your government will abolish all religions; There will be a single currency for free trade between countries.

    And all the inhabitants of the world will receive a mark known as the mark of the beast mentioned in the book of Revelation of the Bible.

    Don't think it's just a book, not is bro.

    This mark of the beast will be a chip placed worldwide, so that this world government has control over all human beings around the world.

    Those who do not accept this chip will see their own children with nothing to eat hungry.

    They will be persecuted by the military of this government; the empire of lucifer in the form of a man here on earth.
    We all have an rfid chip in our debit cards

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by bomb_r2 View Post
    We all have an rfid chip in our debit cards

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk
    Lol we all got opinions and assholes too.

  16. #56
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    I'm coming clean.
    I am the antichrist and you will all bow and recieve my mark. Attachment 177842

    I reckon it will be a tat of some brand!
    Gonna touch yer forehead with a hot welding rod!

    Then I am gonna start a one world government where we all are capitalists and have to be responsible for our own plights.

    Except for the pope...
    I will take special care of that sumbitch.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-30-2019 at 09:14 PM.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I'm coming clean.
    I am the antichrist and you will all bow and recieve my mark. Attachment 177842
    My brother's name is Mark so technically I already have one

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    history repeats.. nothing new under the sun . so in a way your right . but to the wise and experienced , this is just another chapter in human history which always repeats itself

    The Queen of England (Elizabeth), at the age of 93, in her speech in October 2019, announced that one of her Government's priorities is: ONE WORLD LEADER!
    Gradually, world geopolitics (Queen Elizabeth) and other leaders such as Presidents and Religious such as Pope Francis have announced that the coming of this ONE WORLD LEADER is needed.
    Taking into account the facts and the latest events, we can say that (it is fulfilled today, the prophecies of the book of Revelation) and soon we will attend the election and presentation of a Man (supreme leader), who will govern above all world presidents and reigns!
    Such a man (the antichrist), quoted in several biblical passages, will have the support of technology (IBM, Microsoft, Google, Facebook) and through it will become Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent!
    Things have now come out of theory and become REALITY!

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I'm coming clean.
    I am the antichrist and you will all bow and recieve my mark. Attachment 177842
    ok Ceaser Nero .. lets do the math and see how we can calculate the 'mark of the beast' which is the 'number of a man' and his number is "666"

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok Ceaser Nero .. lets do the math and see how we can calculate the 'mark of the beast' which is the 'number of a man' and his number is "666"
    If you follow the original german spelling of my last name, its me!
    Plus Im german!
    I win twice

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    If you follow the original german spelling of my last name, its me!
    Plus Im german!
    I win twice
    duetcha eh..
    ich speckin die deutsch nicht so gut

  22. #62
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    davie .. I love you brother !!! I know where your at. take your time and read your bible with a clear mind and without 'fear'. this antichrist satan is taking over the world end of days bullshit has been a horrible mark on christnedome. read with faith and hope , not bullshit FEAR of the enemy, don't give that bullshit any props

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    duetcha eh..
    ich speckin die deutsch nicht so gut
    Me either

  24. #64
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    if you read your bible and go to church , and at the end of the day all you fear is Satan, the anti-christ, demons, world stress , etc..
    then you missed something big time!!

    if your not laying your head on your bed every night fearing Jesus mother fucking Christ himself , and his work horse bad ass apostle Paul. then you don't have a clue . these are the baddest mother fuckers on the planet . ever.. satan is a terd and the anti christ is acid reflux.
    at the end of the day , Jesus himself has the sword coming out of his mouth that will pierce your soul and decide your fate . not some dirty weak ass little demon, or anti christ, or devil .
    get your priority straight and fear only what you should fear. don't be deceived

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    The Queen of England (Elizabeth), at the age of 93, in her speech in October 2019, announced that one of her Government's priorities is: ONE WORLD LEADER!
    Gradually, world geopolitics (Queen Elizabeth) and other leaders such as Presidents and Religious such as Pope Francis have announced that the coming of this ONE WORLD LEADER is needed.
    Awe shit, my great grandfather was in church and he stood up and said, "This goddam bitch (pointed at greatgma)is trying to kill me! You think Im kidding but I'm not!"

    He was only 89!

    He had alzheimers but that is aside from the point.
    I always knew that was her plan... Stayin married to him for 70 years just to kill his old ass!

    Crazy ass great grammaw!

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    I have ready access to God's Stick so it's all good.

  27. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    davie .. I love you brother !!! I know where your at. take your time and read your bible with a clear mind and without 'fear'. this antichrist satan is taking over the world end of days bullshit has been a horrible mark on christnedome. read with faith and hope , not bullshit FEAR of the enemy, don't give that bullshit any props

    I believe 110% Bible scriptures, brother.

    Thank you so much for the kind words.

    But I still do not agree with your statements; that the idea of ​​global government is a tale of pure lies. I am trained by the Bible; I went to church years ago.

    Today I am distant, but I still have my faith in God and believing

    Brother, GearHeaded I started your article; I started now, so I can't evaluate.
    But you can be sure that I will read yes. I have a very open mind for new learning, but I can evaluate right from wrong.

    When you talk about the world of steroids; I see you speak well and it all makes sense. But your statements about this topic of mine make no sense to me.

    However, thank you brother; I love love you GearHeaded too. It may seem gay to say that to a man, but you're a guy I consider.
    Like many others here in the forum.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I believe 110% Bible scriptures, brother.

    Thank you so much for the kind words.

    But I still do not agree with your statements; that the idea of ​​global government is a tale of pure lies. I am trained by the Bible; I went to church years ago.

    Today I am distant, but I still have my faith in God and believing

    Brother, GearHeaded I started your article; I started now, so I can't evaluate.
    But you can be sure that I will read yes. I have a very open mind for new learning, but I can evaluate right from wrong.

    When you talk about the world of steroids; I see you speak well and it all makes sense. But your statements about this topic of mine make no sense to me.

    However, thank you brother; I love love you GearHeaded too. It may seem gay to say that to a man, but you're a guy I consider.
    Like many others here in the forum.
    Jesus... Get a room you two...

    "Brother against brother," remember?

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post

    The real American dream^^^
    I fundamentally disagree with the statement that "In America, you are on your own." Maybe my perspective has changed being in this place for the past 6-years where the legal system and government are in complete disarray and is entirely dysfunctional and whoever pays the judge the most wins. There is, for the most part, zero justice here beyond what you can exert yourself. I understand the country I love has many flaws, but I do get the feeling that people are trying to do their part, that does not exist in any shape or form here.

    I am sure exerting your own personal justice sounds like a dream to some but remember, there is always, 100% of the time, someone more powerful than you depending on what situation you find yourself in. The number of moral jumps I have had to take trying to function here would shock some of you and some of the actions I have had to choose would, without a doubt, land me in jail in literally any western country, but here, I'm just looking after my family and people close to me.

  30. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Jesus... Get a room you two...

    "Brother against brother," remember?

    You're crazy, I have my girlfriend in the bedroom at the moment.

    GearHeaded is just a guy I consider
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 12-30-2019 at 10:06 PM.

  31. #71
    Please Obs With Nothing Gay! lol

  32. #72
    It's love in christ jesus remembers ...

    There's nothing gay here

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    It's love in christ jesus remembers ...

    There's nothing gay here
    I am only kidding around.
    I am utilizing the culture and langage gap.
    You are good man, just teasing.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I fundamentally disagree with the statement that "In America, you are on your own." Maybe my perspective has changed being in this place for the past 6-years where the legal system and government are in complete disarray and is entirely dysfunctional and whoever pays the judge the most wins. There is, for the most part, zero justice here beyond what you can exert yourself. I understand the country I love has many flaws, but I do get the feeling that people are trying to do their part, that does not exist in any shape or form here.

    I am sure exerting your own personal justice sounds like a dream to some but remember, there is always, 100% of the time, someone more powerful than you depending on what situation you find yourself in. The number of moral jumps I have had to take trying to function here would shock some of you and some of the actions I have had to choose would, without a doubt, land me in jail in literally any western country, but here, I'm just looking after my family and people close to me.
    The american dream is gine for the common man.
    I just meant to show the fact and why it is gone.

    Given any rule system I will wind up in the 1% of top survivors. Mainly because I know politics and how to get sheep to follow.

    Thats just it btw...
    You get people to believe in you and do it for you.
    Republican or Democrat... It's just a fkin word.

    The common man will never understand that no one gives a shit about him. It's all about money.

    This is the perfect time to explain this btw:

    People on this board think I am knowledgeable about AAS because of a fkin reputation.

    Once you reach a point you cant hide from them. The sheep fking throw themselves at you. It makes me furious!

    I am a goddamn redneck that cuts trees and shot shit I was advised against and didnt take things I was advised to.

    People will NOT think for themselves. They follow dogma straight to their grave.

    Jesus Christ, I joined one of the most touted source boards and ascended to #3 reputation in about 8 months.

    Fucking people are goddamn stupid!
    They ache for something to follow and in the end they follow only someone seeking power and money!

    Even this post will have no effect! There will still be cunts claiming I know something I don't!

    I know me!
    I know people!

    That is all.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-30-2019 at 10:26 PM.

  35. #75
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    I just woke up from a long nap after work and had a dream about the Antichrist. Right after waking up I see this thread. It was odd because there was something obvious about him being who he was that his followers were not able to notice, Something medical or genetic. I remember gravity being mentioned. Dreams can be weird.

    I do believe that we are in the era of the Antichrist whether I think it's on my lifetime or the generation right after mine is another story. It's easy to point the finger at who it could be because there are several people in positions of leadership and influence who already agree with such globalist policies. I would not be surprised if environmentalism was a part of the globalist dictatorship. In a book called The First Global Revolution the left admits they are using environmentalist lies to create global governance and the the U.N. even had policies to push us in that direction through local influence. In this book they admit they will use communism and fascism to get us there.

    Just be careful because there are a lot of lairs out there who use this info in their theories to push us in a direction politically. This became very obvious to me about 20 years ago after a specific event was exploited by many prominent online voices and leftists. Stay away from the rabbits hole. After time they just make you hate your country as intended and there is a lot of influence from specific foreign governments to do so.

  36. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am only kidding around.
    I am utilizing the culture and langage gap.
    You are good man, just teasing.

    You too warrior; Happy Holidays to you in advance.
    Because tomorrow I will not enter the forum here.
    Although new year is just a fucking date change year.
    But happy new year there, brother in advance

  37. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    I just woke up from a long nap after work and had a dream about the Antichrist. Right after waking up I see this thread. It was odd because there was something obvious about him being who he was that his followers were not able to notice, Something medical or genetic. I remember gravity being mentioned. Dreams can be weird.

    I do believe that we are in the era of the Antichrist whether I think it's on my lifetime or the generation right after mine is another story. It's easy to point the finger at who it could be because there are several people in positions of leadership and influence who already agree with such globalist policies. I would not be surprised if environmentalism was a part of the globalist dictatorship. In a book called The First Global Revolution the left admits they are using environmentalist lies to create global governance and the the U.N. even had policies to push us in that direction through local influence. In this book they admit they will use communism and fascism to get us there.

    Just be careful because there are a lot of lairs out there who use this info in their theories to push us in a direction politically. This became very obvious to me about 20 years ago after a specific event was exploited by many prominent online voices and leftists. Stay away from the rabbits hole. After time they just make you hate your country as intended and there is a lot of influence from specific foreign governments to do so.

    You're a wise guy,

    Many think this is a crazy idea, but it's not. They are looking to start the anti-christ government.

  38. #78
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    How many giddam time have I said I am no one to get advice from!!!?

    Yet the pm's flow in.

    "You seem to know a lot..."

    Wtf do I know!?

    I shot 5 billion grams of shit and pounded iron, hating myself every second, with cholesterol and bp and heart rate so out of whack I wont live to see 50?

    Want some advice?

    Fucking follow your own two feet and stop living for what you think could be or what someone else might be!

    I might be the baddest mfer who ever lived but you probably oughta stake your life and soul on your own self.

    Politics, religion, advice on AAS...

    I can find any damn thing I want to hear and prove it via pub med!

    People are gd vaginas!
    DOING IS 99% and the rest don't mean shit.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-30-2019 at 10:47 PM.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    I just woke up from a long nap after work and had a dream about the Antichrist. Right after waking up I see this thread. It was odd because there was something obvious about him being who he was that his followers were not able to notice, Something medical or genetic. I remember gravity being mentioned. Dreams can be weird.

    I do believe that we are in the era of the Antichrist whether I think it's on my lifetime or the generation right after mine is another story. It's easy to point the finger at who it could be because there are several people in positions of leadership and influence who already agree with such globalist policies. I would not be surprised if environmentalism was a part of the globalist dictatorship. In a book called The First Global Revolution the left admits they are using environmentalist lies to create global governance and the the U.N. even had policies to push us in that direction through local influence. In this book they admit they will use communism and fascism to get us there.

    Just be careful because there are a lot of lairs out there who use this info in their theories to push us in a direction politically. This became very obvious to me about 20 years ago after a specific event was exploited by many prominent online voices and leftists. Stay away from the rabbits hole. After time they just make you hate your country as intended and there is a lot of influence from specific foreign governments to do so.
    I hope it comes by my house first.
    I have a lot of atonement to do but I will try to kill it first.

    Lotta try here.
    I will give my all and fry in hell with the rest I guess.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    The american dream is gine for the common man.
    I just meant to show the fact and why it is gone.

    Given any rule system I will wind up in the 1% of top survivors. Mainly because I know politics and how to get sheep to follow.

    Thats just it btw...
    You get people to believe in you and do it for you.
    Republican or Democrat... It's just a fkin word.

    The common man will never understand that no one gives a shit about him. It's all about money.

    This is the perfect time to explain this btw:

    People on this board think I am knowledgeable about AAS because of a fkin reputation.

    Once you reach a point you cant hide from them. The sheep fking throw themselves at you. It makes me furious!

    I am a goddamn redneck that cuts trees and shot shit I was advised against and didnt take things I was advised to.

    People will NOT think for themselves. They follow dogma straight to their grave.

    Jesus Christ, I joined one of the most touted source boards and ascended to #3 reputation in about 8 months.

    Fucking people are goddamn stupid!
    They ache for something to follow and in the end they follow only someone seeking power and money!

    Even this post will have no effect! There will still be cunts claiming I know something I don't!

    I know me!
    I know people!

    That is all.
    I do not think it is gone for the common man. Perhaps we need some new fire to reignite the idea of that dream, but I do not believe it is gone. I do think the investment, and I do not just mean money, is much higher now, and one must be able to see the big picture in a much clearer way than previously. The American dream, for me, only ever meant that you could, without judgment, live the life of your choosing.

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