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Thread: War climate: Usa vs iran

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  1. #1
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    Gdmn it...
    I cant stop laughing!

    Oh shit!

    I am gonna get my ass chewed out!

    Nothing personal dave. Everyone loves you it was just a funny translation mishap.

    Funny enough I almost shit myself laughing and am wiping away tears

  2. #2
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    I went to bed laughing & I’m getting ready to start work and I’m starting the day laughing. God bless this place.

  3. #3
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    I am just glad none of us were elected president. LOL

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am just glad none of us were elected president. LOL

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    Charger, never thought of you as a peace-loving, tree-hugging liberal. Are you heading down to Australia to save some Koalas next?

    JK, lol.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am just glad none of us were elected president. LOL

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    I wouldnt mind having a cool headed person like you or BG.

    Just plase God keep dave outta there lol

  6. #6
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    I have a 101 degree fever and brain fog right now..sick as a dog , so what I post may not be rational

    years and years ago I was pretty anti Middle East. definitely anti Iran . but after time researching a culture that goes back 6000+ years I no longer am that way. heck I'd even consider living in certain middle eastern areas.

    but at the same time I'm also a red blooded gun owning free American patriot (whose family line is descended from 100s of years of American citizenry and who were high ranking officers in the civil war .. for the south of course)

    but I'm not going to be a dogmatic conservative asshole in my political views either.. nations have been waging war against Iran for 6000 years . meanwhile America has only been a nation for a couple hundred. though our roots may go back way beyond that.

    just saying, there is nothing new under the sun. history repeats itself and always has. there is no 'new' war culture between us and Iran

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    years and years ago I was pretty anti Middle East. definitely anti Iran . but after time researching a culture that goes back 6000+ years I no longer am that way. heck I'd even consider living in certain middle eastern areas...
    That's a bit like saying "I'd like to live in America because the Anasazi Indians were such swell people.

    Except now the Anasazi are nowhere to be seen. By the same token neither are the Sumerians and it was the Sumerian culture that made Mesopotamia the world's first great civilization. Except it vanished almost 4000 years ago. Hassan Rouhani doesn't govern based on the philosophy of Gilgamesh any more than Donald J. Trump bases his on Crazy Horse.

    ...but I'm not going to be a dogmatic conservative asshole in my political views either....
    I'm a conservative asshole (and unapologetically so) but I'm not dogmatic. Each and every one of my political views was derived from a reasoned decision based on an educated understanding of the strengths and shortcomings of the differing forms of government balanced against the nature (and needs) of man.

    If you look at the views of demoncrat demigod John F. Kennedy measured by today's political yardstick, he sizes up as a right-wing extremist. Because that's how far to the political left the demoncrats have pushed the definition of a centrist (as a consequence of demoncrat policy shifts beginning with LBJ's Great Society). To them you only rate the 'centrist' label if you agree to compromise with their socialist proposals. If you don't agree, that can only mean you're a right-wing extremist. Which is how the political landscape has shifted so unnaturally far to the left. The right always compromises and the left compromises only when there's no other choice. So personal liberty has been losing ground in great chunks in favor of "civil" liberty for more than half a century. Government is no longer in the business of assuring "equal opportunity," it's about guaranteeing "equal outcome." Making sure you can be a success in life, no matter how big a fuck-up you are.

    If the left doesn't consider you a right-wing extremist that probably means your political views are naïve. Or stupid. Or both.

    But back on topic, I was still a teenager when I came by the view that the best way to deal with Arabia was to build a wall around it. A wall so high that none of them could get out. Then throw guns and ammo over the wall ... and wait. Wait until the gunfire dies down. Because once it's stopped altogether that only could mean that there -- at most -- is one of them left alive.

    Yes, that was a bit hyperbolic but the fact remains that at its roots the Muhammadan Arab culture is fractious and self-destructive. Which is why democracy is such a rarity in Arabia. As the late, great Paul Harvey often said, "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." Arabs as a rule won't support a government that promises equality for all because that would mean equality not just for non-Muhammadans but also for the competing Muhammadan sects. And women. And that they cannot abide. None of it. They prefer governments that will aid them in the persecution of those they see as their enemies, especially apostates and 'false' Muhammadans (there's little that Muhammadan Arabs love more than invoking the No True Scotsman logical fallacy). And allow them to continue to suppress women.

    Pretty much the only idea you can count on Arabs to unify behind ... is hatred. Of another religion/nationality/religious sect [pick one].

    And that traces back to an ancient Bedouin proverb, "I against my brother. My brother and I against our cousin. My brother, my cousin and I against the neighbors. All of us against the stranger." Which amounts to a culturally codified xenophobia.

    As if that weren't cause of discord enough, they had to go and complicate it even more by perpetuating another ancient Bedouin tradition, "Dam butlab dam" (phonetic Anglicization from the Arabic). Blood begets blood. Never forgive. Never forget. No offense may ever go unavenged, no matter how slight, and revenge must be taken at all cost.

    The line is paraphrased in the biopic Lawrence of Arabia but T.E. Lawrence really did say, "As long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel."

    A hundred years on and Sunnis still war against Shiites. Shiites war against Sunnis. Both war against Kharijites. And the world views them all as a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel. And not without good reason.

    ... just saying, there is nothing new under the sun. history repeats itself and always has. there is no 'new' war culture between us and Iran.
    President Thomas Jefferson embarked on the first American war against the Muhammadans in 1801 for pirating American ships. Which shows the Muhammadans have a longstanding ambivalence toward the rule of law. The only law they respect is Sharia, and then only as administered by their own particular Muhammadan splinter group.

    They are a destabilizing influence wherever they go, which is why their influence should be minimized and their expansionism blocked whenever possible. And by any means necessary.
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 01-11-2020 at 02:04 PM.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    I may have been a little radical with the nuke remark. A few bombers, alot of drones and take the leash off of our military boys and let them do what they were trained and it'll be over in no time

  10. #10
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    Good article, if long ...

    Terminating terrorists and assessing assassinations

    Whatever the operational efficacy of targeted assassinations may be—or not be—the conscience of every decent individual should rebel at the thought that arch-purveyors of terror should be permitted to pursue their deadly profession with impunity

  11. #11
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    So with that said, should the US be physically present in the mid-east? It seems like a lot of effort & not much if anything accomplished.

    A base would be practical, but other than that???

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    So with that said, should the US be physically present in the mid-east? It seems like a lot of effort & not much if anything accomplished.

    A base would be practical, but other than that???
    I think if we just flew by and blew them up every 10 years and didnt have a constant presence or try to help them rebuild, it would save lives and money while still getting the point across.

    I.e. wipe out Iranian politicians... Done.

    It is entirely up to the citizens of a country what they have as a gov.
    The next ones in office there would tread carefully.

  13. #13
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    Not as an american or a conservative...

    I like the underdog thing but when your entire political and religious tactics are to walk up to all the biggest kids in school and taunt and slap them, saying "Fight me bitch."

    I really dont give a shit if that "underdog" gets its ass beat every day.

    They are like stupid kids.

    "Don't stick that fork there son... You will get zapped."


    I fuckin told you stupid.

    But Iran just keeps picking the fork up and doing it again and crying about it.

  14. #14
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    This president's rationale for blowing him up is bullshit. He had no legit power to do that. His excuse was nonsense.

    Think about it. Sadam was a bad man. Killed thousands. We took him out, and there are thousands of more dead american soldiers today from what followed in Iraq. We discovered that the ungrateful savages who live there are ungovernable using normal government. You need to keep them down with extreme violence. Sadam knew his people, we didnt. Now they want us out.

    Taking out that Iranian general eventually would have been good. There should have been a well thought out plan, arrived at after due deliberation, and consultatiuon with the necessary principals in congress. Also, any consideration of any possible blowback would have been part of the discussion. That hasty impulsive decision by that insecure, orange boob in the whitehouse puts every American at much greater risk.

    His latest lies about having intel on four embassy bombings is utter bullshit. He lost any credibility a long time ago. He always says he doesnt trust our country's intel agencies, so there's that.

    Esper even admitted on TV that he didnt see any evidence of imminent threat of embassy attacks. That matters, because only with the imminent threat of attack can the president authorize that kind of operation without the prior approval of congress. He appears to suggest the president is suffering from delusions, because he said he thinks the president really believed that, while implying that there is no basis for such a belief.

    We are not safer today than we were two weeks ago.
    Last edited by C27H40O3; 01-12-2020 at 10:59 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    This president's rationale for blowing him up is bullshit. He had no legit power to do that. His excuse was nonsense.

    Think about it. Sadam was a bad man. Killed thousands. We took him out, and there are thousands of more dead american soldiers today from what followed in Iraq. We discovered that the ungrateful savages who live there are ungovernable using normal government. You need to keep them down with extreme violence. Sadam knew his people, we didnt. Now they want us out.

    Taking out that Iranian general eventually would have been good. There should have been a well thought out plan, arrived at after due deliberation, and consultatiuon with the necessary principals in congress. Also, any consideration of any possible blowback would have been part of the discussion. That hasty impulsive decision by that insecure, orange boob in the whitehouse puts every American at much greater risk.

    His latest lies about having intel on four embassy bombings is utter bullshit. He lost any credibility a long time ago. He always says he doesnt trust our country's intel agencies, so there's that.

    Esper even admitted on TV that he didnt see any evidence of imminent threat of embassy attacks. That matters, because only with the imminent threat of attack can the president authorize that kind of operation without the prior approval of congress. He appears to suggest the president is suffering from delusions, because he said he thinks the president really believed that, while implying that there is no basis for such a belief.

    We are not safer today than we were two weeks ago.
    I fully agree.
    I especially agree with the second paragraph.

    We need to maintain a strong military presence all over the world though. We have to remind them that we take what we want.

    If not someone will be taking from us.

    Trumps reasoning/excuse was just something to shut the sheep up.

    Money, power, and respect; thats the game.

    Without fear, there is no respect.
    Just ask my kids. They aren't afraid of ma. They constantly talk back to her.

    They won't say a damn thing back to me if I tell them to do something. It's not that they understand respect. They arent old enough to get it. They fear me, fear consequences. Thats the only reason its peaceful when I am home.

    Same reason people hit the brakes when they see a cop. Same reason employees act busy when they been fucking off and the boss walks in.

    We have the bulk of the money and the power.
    If you let that respect part slide it will all go away.

    I cant stand trump. I hate the progressive piece of shit.
    Obama or any democrat, would have handled the situation on their knees sucking Iranian cock. Thats a first class ticket to losing the power and money.

    Fear is tbe only thing people in this or any other country understand.

    The biggest mistake we have made is to try and liberate people not of our nation by aiding enemies of those states.

    The MEK were the peaceful muslims. We helped them and soleimani killed them.

    We could just let that slide.
    A little piss ant flexed against us and got his ass blown off as if he were a standard citizen who killed 141 MEK.

    We need to get our nose out of other counties shit but... Too late. Someone called down the thunder and was served.
    Yes we go poking our fingers where they dont belong and they might get bit, but we are already holding this snake, so we might as well slam it on the ground and break every bone and organ in its body.

    Its not personal. It's a reckoning.
    The settling of a past due account.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-13-2020 at 01:06 AM.

  16. #16
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    You are right about trump. But i think it is better to be respected than to be feared. When they fear you, you always have to worry that they are always looking for ways to get that knife into your back. When they respect you, they dont want to rock the boat and get someone who they would have to fear, and eventually stab in the back.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    You are right about trump. But i think it is better to be respected than to be feared. When they fear you, you always have to worry that they are always looking for ways to get that knife into your back. When they respect you, they dont want to rock the boat and get someone who they would have to fear, and eventually stab in the back.
    They are all always looking to get that knife in our back. Countries compete for power and expansion. Within a country its citizens might be socialists, but we are all capitalists in the end.

    We should keep to ourselves just for the fact that those third world places cant even keep their own citizens in check.

    Iran doesnt need a nuke.
    None of the apes of the mideast do.
    We gotta do what we can to supress them and keep them in their place.

    Its us or them. They wont ever respect.

  18. #18
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    i concur about the nukes. That part of the world has demonstrated over the years that they dont have the temperament to be responsible with anything dangerous, especially nukes. N. Korea and Israel included.

    Surely none of those primitive countries could have gone 75 years without using nukes, if they had them. We are far above the rest in that respect.

    Although when like a billion chinamen flooded into North Korea in 1950, we should have used one or two tactical battlefield nukes, just to even the playing field. That was surely a grimy thing for China to do.

    Last edited by C27H40O3; 01-13-2020 at 10:36 AM.

  19. #19
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    A nice little exchange about being loved vs. being feared, dig this flick.

  20. #20
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    I love all of this talk! My company stocks are up $40.

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I love all of this talk! My company stocks are up $40.

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    Pow! And thats all politics are. Swaying the average mind in a state of fear, to influence futures.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Pow! And thats all politics are. Swaying the average mind in a state of fear, to influence futures.
    Thought you would like that.

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I love all of this talk! My company stocks are up $40.

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    Imagine how much they would have been up under President Pence! We would have a Republican Congress due to no backlash over that impeached clown who is in there now.

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  24. #24
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    The market has stayed strong while Trump has been in office, my primary concern. It was great during Obama’s 8 years, that’s why I was surprised he caught so much shit.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    The market has stayed strong while Trump has been in office, my primary concern. It was great during Obama’s 8 years, that’s why I was surprised he caught so much shit.
    Presidents are accused of creating the economy. It's completely false. The common mans money just shifts hands and the rich know when and how to play both sides.

    They know its a game and reap full benefit off the fact they understand the game.

    Thats not all though.
    Clinton is praised for the greatest economic expansion.


    Clinton invented the internet and cell phones? He was the one who decided to stick all those towers and fiberoptics in the ground? He was the one who put digital communications as the forefront? A monkey with a machinegun as president would have had the same effect as his presidency.

    The economy is influenced more by previous administrations than the current.

    I.e. blood for oil bush pre Obama is the reason gas prices fell. All that war paid back.

    The average person is short sighted. Those that see the bigger picture and have the money to play off that premise rule.

    I hear so many conservative idiots saying "Trump didn't want the job, he did it for America!".

    Yeah! A billionaire seeks to become a trillionaire, just for the good ol boy swinging a hammer and God, guns, and guts! Merica!

    If people could accept the fact that no one cares about them as a high level politician, things would change.

    Trump was a vote against the establishment and by in large, the most extreme change we have seen. Suddenly America was about capitalism and profit again. I voted for trump.

    Thats the last vote I will cast in a federal election.
    A man has more power in who he choses as mayor. Thats about 3% of the population that chooses that on an average basis.

    My towns mayor is a cunt. The only reason he is mayor is because no one runs against him because no one wants to be the mayor of a piss ass little town. He has more power over my daily life than trump.

    People talked about "the draft" with Iran. These were the common people. Uh... No... Unless hundreds of thousands die in a single day in an on soil attack on the US, there will never again be a draft.


    Its because the common man changed.
    The general consensus would pitch such a fit losing the absolute safety of their children, they would revolt.

    The "overton window," if you reach too far outside the window of the common mans acceptable so called ideals, you will get your arm cut off. Full scale riot would ensue in a draft scenario and all high level politicians got to the point they are by understanding the window.

    People are pussies. Wgat do you think these inner city bitches would do today if they were put on sugar and coffee rations? They would curse the government. They would curse that they were expected to sacrifice anything to support an effort they didnt agree with. They would kick scream and throw a fit. Those people are the democrat party.

    The ones calling the democrats snowflakes have been talking about revolting since the last civil war and all they will ever do is talk, because they are retarded as democrats on average. If someone in their party blatantly pisses on their rights like trump has, they still kiss feet and chase that party. They are called republicans.

    Republicans are so gd stupid they placed a ban on abortion after.... What? 8 weeks?

    Ok.... So those 80 million abortions in the past... Those were democrats killing their offspring. Offspring that would have been 95% future democrats.

    They think its wrong. Well, me too. So if you dont like it, dont participate in it. Spare me the "obamacare abortion,forced to pay" bullshit.
    Republicans have done the same with the war on drugs. More lives have been lost due to regulation than when it was legal.

    Political parties are just something to get sheep into two warring pens so that those with foresight can reap the benefits.

    Trading money, left to right and right to left.

    I like it.

    Its the purest form of capitalism.
    Elite take the most and the non-hacker gets the shaft. Thats America.

    Once a man understands this, he will never really give a shit who is president.
    Exactly why I will never vote again.
    In the eye of the public I will be whatever the sheep around me want me to be.
    In reality, I am free. I follow my own two feet and keep no illusions. I am not swayed by elite. I understand their lies and the reasons they are told.

    No one of power gives a fuck about you or anyone else. It's human nature and the only way to gain power.

    As long as the elite think like I do, we will never be dethroned, as the most powerful nation. You can beat ideas and commonalities, but you can't fucking beat money. Once you understand its all about money, all the rest of the bullshit is an afterthought...just ways to make more money.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-13-2020 at 11:45 PM.

  26. #26
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    I could paste that post on a Tshirt and wear it.
    Republicans would love it.
    Right up until their dumb asses realised I did not give two fucks about them or their pen of sheep.

    Am I the last Goddamn open capitalist alive?

    Fuck your politics. I have my own.

  27. #27
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    Ya know... I have people in my daily life that think I am their friend that would hate reading what I just wrote. They aren't my friends.

    They want me to believe like they do and only think they are my friends because they think I believe similar to them.

    Thats not a friend.

    Thats a piece of lint I use to my benefit.
    Real friends see beyond politics. Polotics are nothing more than a tool for making money.

  28. #28
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    Iran can't have the bomb without Saudi also having one because Iran is king dogshit among the Shiites but Saudi is king dogshit among the Sunnis. And the Sunni hate the Shiia hate the Sunni because the other isn't a "true Muslim." They don't pray the way we do so they're not true muzzies (the "No True Scotsman" fallacy).

    For better or worse the current nuclear club has proved itself reasonably responsible in their use. Nobody has nuked anybody since 1945. The loose cannon in the current group is Pakistan but the Pakis have gone as far as to remove the warheads from their missiles and store them in a better secured location than a missile silo in case radical military elements revolt and manage to seize a missile site.

    So if I ran gets a nuke the Saudis will have to have one, then we've got a whole new arms race that's Arab-vs-Arab, Shiia-vs-Sunni.

    But what's so troubling about Iran being so determined to have The Bomb is that there is NO existential threat to Iran. The Saudis aren't trying to overthrow them militarily, nor is anyone else. Which necessarily leads to the conclusion that they want it for offensive use, not defensive. And that idea paints a bright red bullseye on Israel.

    If the Arabs all bombed each other into the stone age I'm not sure anyone could tell the difference. Except for the flow of oil. It's no biggie to the US any more because we're a net exporter of energy (all thanks to POTUS45) but not all the world is that fortunate. A lot of our Allies and trading partners would collapse if the supply of oil from the Middle East were cut off. And it is entirely possible that that situation could reach a point where no one but the US could prevent an international disaster.

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