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Thread: For those with a 23 and Me, Ancestry, etc DNA profile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    For those with a 23 and Me, Ancestry, etc DNA profile

    Hey Everyone,

    I forget where I found out about this website / program, it may have even been here in an older post. I searched the name but didn't get any hits, so I don't know. Anyway, it's a website called Promethease and if you've had your DNA tested by one of the many kits on the market, you can run those results through it for about $12. Here's an excerpt for a description of what it does:

    Promethease is a literature retrieval system that builds a personal DNA report based on connecting a file of DNA genotypes to the scientific findings cited in SNPedia.

    Customers of DNA testing services (such as 23andMe,, FamilyTreeDNA, Genos, etc.), biomedical researchers and healthcare professionals use Promethease to retrieve information published about their DNA variations.

    The report is extensively customizable and tells you if the gene variations are good, bad, and what they could possibly do. It can be kind of scary when you see all the the things that you could have or get, but that's all it means, that you could get or have something, not will. I think it's beneficial to see if it's something you could look out for and might be able to change your diet or lifestyle to be able to avoid it. Below are two pictures with best screen shots I could get to show you what it looks like. This is from my info with just a few gene variations of many; I still haven't gone through all of them. I've just looked at what was the most important or serious ones to me.

    Hope this helps if you're interested in this kind of thing.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2020-02-02 at 4.06.34 PM.jpg 
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ID:	178113
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2020-02-02 at 4.07.43 PM.jpg 
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ID:	178114
    Last edited by JohnnyBreeze; 02-02-2020 at 04:20 PM. Reason: misspellings

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Next door to your mother
    Very interesting! Might give it a try.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J327A using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    Stay away from it. They might sell their info to, or get bought out by, an insurance company in the future, and use that info to deny you or your family insurance.

    You never know.

    Genetic Tests Can Hurt Your Chances Of Getting Some Types Of Insurance
    Last edited by C27H40O3; 02-03-2020 at 12:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    You’re not getting my DNA without at least arresting me 1st

    I can care 2 shits less about my ancestors

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Its all a conspiracy by the underground world government to track us.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    You’re not getting my DNA without at least arresting me 1st

    I can care 2 shits less about my ancestors
    My sister got me years ago to do this for her since I have the Y chromosome, now I am in the system. I have heard great things about the data you can get but there is ZERO privacy as it relates to your information.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    I don’t need the data, I go pre holocaust from my mom’s tales

    To get ones dna - seeing people get busted for shit they did 30 years back. . . Fuck all that. This is one thing you can’t escape - worse than a Matrix style tracking device under your skin

  8. #8
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    It's a little too late to worry about protecting my DNA, I've been very casual about sharing it.

  9. #9
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    You give it to one of these companies and it becomes a commodity to be bought and sold. Health insurance companies would be stupid not to buy into it so they can charge you according to your genetic risk factors. And your children inherit their genes from you so you're cursing them to the same fate. It's not just you who's affected.

    That's toothpaste that won't go back in the tube.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    You’re not getting my DNA without at least arresting me 1st

    I can care 2 shits less about my ancestors
    Gospel words here, gents...!!!

    Fuck this bullshit.

    No DNA without apprehension.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Its all a conspiracy by the underground world government to track us.
    I might almost believe this, too...???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    This was a real benefit for me as I am at risk for serious, yet preventable diseases that I didn't know about before using Promethease. However, like the original post said, this is for those who have already gotten a DNA profile. If you are worried about home DNA services by all means do not get one, this thread wasn't intended for you.

    The way your DNA profile is used for Promethease is plainly spelled out for you before you agree, not in a huge legal TOS document. None of the personal data you enter is linked to your DNA profile. If you are paranoid about health insurers using your DNA then read up on federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Later on down the road life insurers may ask for it if you have it, but they could also require you to take one before covering you now. There are no federal laws against a life insurer requiring you to take one before selling you coverage, and only two state laws prohibit it.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2007
    I very much question the reliability of these tests.
    My sister did it and her profile absolutely did not fit our lineage. Maybe there was a mailman or two along the way but its obvious we are siblings and it in no way fit our primarily german ancestry.

    I literally think they looked up the most common spelling of our last name and wrote out bullshit percentages based off their stories.
    One spelling of my last name can be taken as English which is the most common.
    The other is plainly much closer spelling and German most all my ancestors.
    The results came back with almost zero German.

    It was just simply bullshit.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I very much question the reliability of these tests.
    My sister did it and her profile absolutely did not fit our lineage. Maybe there was a mailman or two along the way but its obvious we are siblings and it in no way fit our primarily german ancestry.

    I literally think they looked up the most common spelling of our last name and wrote out bullshit percentages based off their stories.
    One spelling of my last name can be taken as English which is the most common.
    The other is plainly much closer spelling and German most all my ancestors.
    The results came back with almost zero German.

    It was just simply bullshit.
    There you go... Sounds like simple good business practice:

    Why run the expensive test/s when we can just bullshit the client (he/she will never know anyway).


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I very much question the reliability of these tests.
    My sister did it and her profile absolutely did not fit our lineage. Maybe there was a mailman or two along the way but its obvious we are siblings and it in no way fit our primarily german ancestry.

    I literally think they looked up the most common spelling of our last name and wrote out bullshit percentages based off their stories.
    One spelling of my last name can be taken as English which is the most common.
    The other is plainly much closer spelling and German most all my ancestors.
    The results came back with almost zero German.

    It was just simply bullshit.
    Well first, this thread is about using the DNA profile from a home test kit to run through a program that cross references genetic variations with known conditions and diseases. It has nothing to do with the ancestry results that any of the kits may return. A couple questions though.

    1. Did you have your DNA tested with the same kit as your sister?
    2. Did you have your DNA tested at all with any kit? I don't know how ancestries are linked between the different brands. I wasn't interested that much in my ancestry results. I wanted to know what diseases I could be at risk for and if I could make any lifestyle changes that could help me prevent them.
    3. How do you know that your ancestry is primarily German? With human migrations, older generations could have moved from one part of the world where their lineage started, to another. A lot of times family members aren't aware of this, and people get back surprising ancestry lineages because they never knew the truth. Family communication was different 60-70 years ago, so maybe those German grandparents might not actually have Germanic lineages. This was just an example (using Germany) and I'm not implying your family members didn't know about others, I'm just trying to stress that it happens more often than you would think.

    Anyway, other members' reservations about security aside, this is something to think about before dismissing these tests as invalid. Also, I'm sure there are statistics into the accuracy of them online if you just look.

  16. #16
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyBreeze View Post
    Well first, this thread is about using the DNA profile from a home test kit to run through a program that cross references genetic variations with known conditions and diseases. It has nothing to do with the ancestry results that any of the kits may return. A couple questions though.

    1. Did you have your DNA tested with the same kit as your sister?
    2. Did you have your DNA tested at all with any kit? I don't know how ancestries are linked between the different brands. I wasn't interested that much in my ancestry results. I wanted to know what diseases I could be at risk for and if I could make any lifestyle changes that could help me prevent them.
    3. How do you know that your ancestry is primarily German? With human migrations, older generations could have moved from one part of the world where their lineage started, to another. A lot of times family members aren't aware of this, and people get back surprising ancestry lineages because they never knew the truth. Family communication was different 60-70 years ago, so maybe those German grandparents might not actually have Germanic lineages. This was just an example (using Germany) and I'm not implying your family members didn't know about others, I'm just trying to stress that it happens more often than you would think.

    Anyway, other members' reservations about security aside, this is something to think about before dismissing these tests as invalid. Also, I'm sure there are statistics into the accuracy of them online if you just look.
    Its in our faces.
    Its it our genetics.
    Its in our last names.
    Its in the areas we settled in.
    Shit ye not... I am white lol

    My grandfather really likes to go down the line explaing our lineages.
    He would have scoffed at the results.

    Im not saying the tests are all bogus and they claim they are infallable. In which case there some pissed off english folks out there being called krauts by ancestry dna, because our results got switched.

    Im not cutting down your thread and I dont share everyone elses government conspiracy theories.
    They dont need our dna.
    If they say "jump" you say "how high" or you go to prison or get killed.
    If longevity is what you seek it seems like a great idea to me. Collect all the data you can.

    The sisters dna was tested not mine. She is 100% my sister I promise lol she wasn't an accident like my and my brother.
    Last edited by The road; 02-09-2020 at 12:35 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If I get the chance I am gonna spell my last name the old german way and try the ancestry dna just because I want to know.

    Hell maybe I will try two of the companies and compare results.
    I should have done this before.

  18. #18
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    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    If I get the chance I am gonna spell my last name the old german way and try the ancestry dna just because I want to know.

    Hell maybe I will try two of the companies and compare results.
    I should have done this before.
    I just looked it up, and if you do run a test primarily for ancestry results, I would go with 23 and Me because they allow you to link with all of the other Ancestry services. So no matter what test your sister ran, you will be able to link up with her as a family member. Some of the others test kits may do it as well though, I don't know. No need to run two tests though. I think the way all of them work is that it looks for people that have enough of the same DNA to be relatives, gives you a likely recommendation, then asks you to confirm.

    I didn't think you were cutting down my thread. I also think that the others (who commented about privacy) have valid concerns, and I share them too, I just wanted these results more than I was concerned about potential privacy risks. I also think they could have shared their concerns in better ways than "fuck this bullshit" or "I could give two shits" though. Especially since all the information was for a different service and for people who had already gone down that road. Here is a site with a pretty good rundown of potential risks and benefits of home DNA testing. You have to read very carefully what you are consenting to, but there has been some scary privacy breaches too. There is a link in the article on how you can remove your DNA data from the testing sites if you want.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    If I get the chance I am gonna spell my last name the old german way and try the ancestry dna just because I want to know.

    Hell maybe I will try two of the companies and compare results.
    I should have done this before.
    When I sent mine in, I didn’t trust them to test it right, so I gave a totally fake name. I was afraid that they would just hook up the same last name. when I finally got it back, it found a bunch of my cousins and other relatives, so I know it works because they had no idea who I really was.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. #20

    For those with a 23 and Me, Ancestry, etc DNA profile

    Lmao the conspiracy theorists in this thread....

    Just so you all know, if it weren’t for dna sampling and education, we would have had a lot more people dying of cancer and other disorders.

    Also, don’t be so naive as to think that discussions involving insurance companies capitalizing on this strategy. It’s clear to anyone and everyone in that field at some point they’ll have to be regulations for companies not allowing to turn you down due to dna.

    Besides, you boycotting this and potentially missing out on catching something early on, is literally only worse for you. Countless number of people will be doing this over the years, so you not doing it because of “insurance conspiracies” and “privacy” is a waste of principle.

    Lmao at privacy, like what privacy do we even have these days anyways? You’re dna hardly reveals anything that would be something you could be concerned with other people knowing, that they couldn’t figure out in a far easier way.

    Seriously guys, especially if you have children, wouldn’t you want to know if you and your spouse gave a gene correlating with breast cancer? The best way for fight diseases (especially cancer) is prevention and early as possible treatment.
    Last edited by Staynattybruh; 02-09-2020 at 10:47 AM.

  21. #21
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    idgaf - we live, we die

    The end.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    a land far from here.

    For those with a 23 and Me, Ancestry, etc DNA profile

    Quote Originally Posted by Staynattybruh View Post

    Seriously guys, especially if you have children, wouldn’t you want to know if you and your spouse gave a gene correlating with breast cancer? The best way for fight diseases (especially cancer) is prevention and early as possible treatment.
    If you do have children, would you want the cops come arrest him because his DNA uploaded online supposedly matches a DNA sample on an open rape investigation?

    Look at that guy they grabbed because his brother had his DNA online.

    “A DNA Company Wants You to Help Catch Criminals
    FamilyTreeDNA was criticized for secretly working with the FBI. Now it’s explicitly asking potential customers to help law enforcement.”

    “Give us your DNA. Help catch a criminal. That’s the message of a recent ad from the genetic-testing company FamilyTreeDNA. The video stars Ed Smart, whose daughter Elizabeth Smart was abducted at age 14, exhorting viewers to upload their DNA profiles to the company’s website.”

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    ^ exactly, fuck off

    Shit, I don’t wanna find the 3 kids I had 20 years ago that I had never idea existed

    Don’t get arrested either - u know they have to collect this shit now

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    If you do have children, would you want the cops come arrest him because his DNA uploaded online supposedly matches a DNA sample on an open rape investigation?

    Look at that guy they grabbed because his brother had his DNA online.

    “A DNA Company Wants You to Help Catch Criminals
    FamilyTreeDNA was criticized for secretly working with the FBI. Now it’s explicitly asking potential customers to help law enforcement.”

    “Give us your DNA. Help catch a criminal. That’s the message of a recent ad from the genetic-testing company FamilyTreeDNA. The video stars Ed Smart, whose daughter Elizabeth Smart was abducted at age 14, exhorting viewers to upload their DNA profiles to the company’s website.”

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    First of all, let’s compare how many incidents like that happen to the actual growing progresss we make Medically with genetic research and the number of rapists and murderers that have been caught because of dna .

    You’re really arguing that because someone was arrested because there dna is similar to their brothers ( which they would of figured out through more dna analysis) is worst than your daughter being raped and not finding the bastard because of your paranoid theory that you’ll be caught for something?


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    ^ exactly, fuck off

    Shit, I don’t wanna find the 3 kids I had 20 years ago that I had never idea existed

    Don’t get arrested either - u know they have to collect this shit now
    Sound like a shitbag after this comment.

    No wonder you don’t want dna profiling, sound like a real loser.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Staynattybruh View Post
    Sound like a shitbag after this comment.

    No wonder you don’t want dna profiling, sound like a real loser.
    Coming from a mystery internet troll - thx

    Maybe I’ll go get it done done - so I won’t b such a shit bag

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