Hey Everyone,
I forget where I found out about this website / program, it may have even been here in an older post. I searched the name but didn't get any hits, so I don't know. Anyway, it's a website called Promethease https://promethease.com and if you've had your DNA tested by one of the many kits on the market, you can run those results through it for about $12. Here's an excerpt for a description of what it does:
Promethease is a literature retrieval system that builds a personal DNA report based on connecting a file of DNA genotypes to the scientific findings cited in SNPedia.
Customers of DNA testing services (such as 23andMe, Ancestry.com, FamilyTreeDNA, Genos, etc.), biomedical researchers and healthcare professionals use Promethease to retrieve information published about their DNA variations.
The report is extensively customizable and tells you if the gene variations are good, bad, and what they could possibly do. It can be kind of scary when you see all the the things that you could have or get, but that's all it means, that you could get or have something, not will. I think it's beneficial to see if it's something you could look out for and might be able to change your diet or lifestyle to be able to avoid it. Below are two pictures with best screen shots I could get to show you what it looks like. This is from my info with just a few gene variations of many; I still haven't gone through all of them. I've just looked at what was the most important or serious ones to me.
Hope this helps if you're interested in this kind of thing.