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Here's what happened to me today...
I have an older gym bro who is a Personal trainer, AAS user and a dealer.
Today, i saw him giving anavar to a beginner, that's 5'4' and weigh 110lbs.
I went "Hey man, don't you think he needs to get his training and diet right first?".
He then goes to say "Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."
Let me tell you guys a few interesting things about this guy...
- His physique/career (the kind that easily impresses non gym goers) was mainly fueled by growth hormones and orals.
- Did i mention he has a shit tier knowledge in nutrition too?
He constantly tells me he wants to look like those classic physique bodybuilders and keep asking me how to get bigger.
- Gets pissed at me when i simply tell him that he is not eating enough
- He also competes in physique once, left halfway because it's "unfair", never competes again.
- He calls me weird for wanting to use only Test for my first cycle and not wanting to start using now. (I'm turning 21 this year, am gonna wait till i'm at least 23 to start, ain't falling for that shit)
We were great friends at first, but each and every day, and each decision he makes, his ego, just makes me lose respect for him as a person.
To be honest, the only reason i am still friends with him now is that he's gonna teach me how to inject myself.
"Look, i have been in the gym longer than you, i know what i'm doing."
Been in the gym longer than me? Yes, i give you that.
You know what you're doing? Nah, fuck off.
You may spend all that time in the gym as you like, but you will never end up going anywhere if you do fuck all.
I swear to God, man.
What would you do if you had a friend like that?
1). He wouldn't be a friend any longer.
2). If I didn't know how to inject, I would get a very ripe orange and practice on it to get the feel. When you are ready to start injecting, if you aren't flexible or comfortable injecting glutes, start on delts or quads.
^^^ That's just the way I'm wired to think; to each his own.
If he is your source, work towards finding another one in the near future.
Last edited by almostgone; 03-02-2020 at 10:00 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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