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Thread: Why no one is talking about Coronovirus

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    Ok not to change the subject, but to bring it back in a different way.

    In the past heavy tren dose has caused me some respiratory issues. Lets just say a person is on one of those cycles that impacts their respiratory system, and bamm a damn Corona virus infected person gets a day pass to your gym and spreads it all over the lockerroom and you get it.

    Do you feel you are at a higher risk of death because your respiratory system is not 100% while on this massive cycle? Just a hypothetical!
    I never shoot tren very high and its always ace, so if i had to guess probably not

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by SingNirvana View Post
    People are panic buying here. I hope it will stop soon.
    Same here, most shelves were empty. I ran out of sanitary alcohol and couldn't find any, tried 3 supermarkets. Cashiers wore gloves and medical masks, on entry I was stopped by security and pointed towards a hand sanitizer dispenser on the wall. There was actually a poster but I missed it. Gosh, if this is the panic instigated by a virus, I hope I'll never see what a war does.
    Last edited by sv.elia; 03-11-2020 at 03:33 PM.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  3. #43
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Same here, most shelves were empty. I ran out of sanitary alcohol and couldn't find any, tried 3 supermarkets. Cashiers wore gloves and medical masks, on entry I was stopped by security and pointed towards a hand sanitizer dispenser on the wall. There was actually a poster but I missed it. Gosh, if this is the panic instigated by a virus, I hope I'll never see what a war does.
    When you consider the actual broad scale impact, pandemics have the potential to be far nastier than any war. Even something as rough as WWI doesn’t compare in casualties to the worst viral/bacterial outbreaks, and that’s before you even consider durations. The wars dragged on for years. Often times the diseases claim the most in a very short period of time, and then taper off.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    When you consider the actual broad scale impact, pandemics have the potential to be far nastier than any war. Even something as rough as WWI doesn’t compare in casualties to the worst viral/bacterial outbreaks, and that’s before you even consider durations. The wars dragged on for years. Often times the diseases claim the most in a very short period of time, and then taper off.
    They sure do. I rushed to say that they're not worth the panic. Things got out of control in Eu, and as of today it started to show in my country as well: schools are closed, shops work for a short amount of time, borders with Italy got closed (all bus lines, trains, fligths to and from Italy were suspended), citizens that went to Italy for work cannot come back though some managed to squeeze in, events that involve the participation of more than 100 people are banned, my county and several others in the country got marked for confirmed cases. Still, Italy has it far worse than us. I hear the US suspended all travel to Europe for some 30 days, rightly so imho.

    I'm not afraid for myself and really grateful my immunity is as it is.

    Would it be far-fetched to think that a certain few work to "save" the planet from overpopulation? Poor and elderly get targeted in particular. The way I see it things work in favour of achieving a global union of states, with one bank and one elite race. And whatever stays in between gets eradicated. Oh, and I don't believe the conflict in Levant happened because of oil, but rather because they're non-democratic people and would never accept that sort of unity. So now they're refugees blending with the rest of civilization. That, or I'm just a girl that doesn't understand politics.

    On a psychological level I think of the world as I would of an urban jungle. Where every individual is self-centered and has the potential to turn dangerous. And helps you if in the act finds help for him/herself. When I meet people commenting it's hard to find true friends, I'm like: you're not supposed to find friends everywhere you go, it's an exceptional cause for celebration when you do.
    Last edited by sv.elia; 03-12-2020 at 11:10 AM. Reason: chipped grammar
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  5. #45
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    I’m waiting to see if school resumes after spring break around here before I take my ass in the gym

    Gives me time to do 250 push ups at home per day - y not, seems like a fair safety precaution

  6. #46
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    What in the fuck guys. Colleges closing...NBA season delays all kinds of shit. This is killing our economy. This virus has a death rate of around 3.5 percent as far as i know and usually thats for the 65 and over people. For some reason , weakened immune systems or what its killing the elderly. Its also shutting our country down.
    The hit our economy is going to take may be more deadly than the virus? I hope not, i hope this goes away real soon but i have a feeling its not. The widespread panic is worrying me more than the virus. Damn guys

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    What in the fuck guys. Colleges closing...NBA season delays all kinds of shit. This is killing our economy. This virus has a death rate of around 3.5 percent as far as i know and usually thats for the 65 and over people. For some reason , weakened immune systems or what its killing the elderly. Its also shutting our country down.
    The hit our economy is going to take may be more deadly than the virus? I hope not, i hope this goes away real soon but i have a feeling its not. The widespread panic is worrying me more than the virus. Damn guys
    Personally, I find the whole goddamned thing hilarious.
    You rightly point out that the elderly are the only ones at any real risk for widespread mortality. Guess who votes and watches daytime TV.
    Are you really surprised? We’ve been due for something like this for decades, and our whole population is determined to fuck it up.

  8. #48
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    I think that this article from a doctor in Italy explains why we are seeing the actions taken that we might think are ridicules, but really aren't.
    I would hope that our healthcare system is better. My daughter is in-charge of a local ER and there are days that she comes home exhausted just from normal daily activity in the ER. There are days when just heart attacks, strokes, drug addicts with a tooth ache coming in for a pain pill, mothers with infants that have a runny nose etc etc ... overwhelm the staff. Now add 100 people with the corona virus that are having a hard time breathing! The death rate may increase because we don't have enough room and healthcare professionals for this situation.
    So I agree with shutting stuff down as a precaution. Do I like seeing my 401K tank ... 19 months away from retirement ... HELL NO!

  9. #49
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    It’ll blow over

    I say in 2-4 months

    This year has been nothing but up & down dog shit world wide

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    I think that this article from a doctor in Italy explains why we are seeing the actions taken that we might think are ridicules, but really aren't.
    I would hope that our healthcare system is better. My daughter is in-charge of a local ER and there are days that she comes home exhausted just from normal daily activity in the ER. There are days when just heart attacks, strokes, drug addicts with a tooth ache coming in for a pain pill, mothers with infants that have a runny nose etc etc ... overwhelm the staff. Now add 100 people with the corona virus that are having a hard time breathing! The death rate may increase because we don't have enough room and healthcare professionals for this situation.
    So I agree with shutting stuff down as a precaution. Do I like seeing my 401K tank ... 19 months away from retirement ... HELL NO!
    Rock solid article!

    My wife & I are a tad closer to retirement but watching our investments shrink has been sucky & based upon how quickly the market bounces back, might each have to work longer.

    My wife works as an outpatient physical therapist & we are discussing just how surprised we have been that patients are still coming in for PT, for as little as a chronic neck or shoulder ache. Then the patient gets in the treatment room & says, I didn’t want to say anything earlier, but I think I’m sick with something, but can you still take care of my neck?

    The article made a point of the grim reality of having to prioritize who gets treated & who doesn’t because of the healthcare system possibly getting overwhelmed.

  11. #51
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    Here is another problem with this thing. Last night on the news they said 3 more cases in Wisconsin. Well the 3 cases are in counties just south of me. Today I go read the articles about the 3 cases. Well they traveled internationally and domestic. They probably traveled via the closest airport to them (Milwaukee). Well guess what I just returned from a trip to Mexico, traveled on March 1st and March 8th via Milwaukee. They didn't release any info as to what flights they were on etc .... It would be nice to know if I was exposed so that I could limit my contact to people that are vulnerable. One of the guys that works for me has a 3 year old daughter that has already had 4 heart surgeries and had one about 2 months ago. Am I putting her at risk? I don't know because the local and state health officials don't provide detailed information about people that are infected.

  12. #52
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    As to not blame individuals that have or had contact with more risky locations or individuals, I think the reality of this is that we all have the potential to put each other at risk & be particularly mindful of protecting/watching for those that are more susceptible (such as your friends daughter). The incubation period seems to never extend beyond 2 weeks from all I’ve read, so that can give you some peace of mind, but seriously, as creepy as it sounds, who knows if we didn’t come within 6 feet of someone yesterday who had contact with someone who had contact someone who had contact with someone that was a high risk?

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    As to not blame individuals that have or had contact with more risky locations or individuals, I think the reality of this is that we all have the potential to put each other at risk & be particularly mindful of protecting/watching for those that are more susceptible (such as your friends daughter). The incubation period seems to never extend beyond 2 weeks from all I’ve read, so that can give you some peace of mind, but seriously, as creepy as it sounds, who knows if we didn’t come within 6 feet of someone yesterday who had contact with someone who had contact someone who had contact with someone that was a high risk?
    Precisely why handwringing over it is pointless, unless you plan on throwing everyone into quarantine and going all Outbreak measures on it.

  14. #54
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    Another fine day at Sam’s Club

    Gawd, society doesn’t stand a chance if anything real happened

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  15. #55
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    My God, now a Hollywood actor has it (and nba players). Holy - shit, the end is really near.

    But what pisses me off just a bit (but it’s a perfect reflection on the inequality of access to great healthcare), is how there is immediate testing available for them, when the lack of tests available is what is contributing to this situation.

    A huge shit-show and not enough toilet paper.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post

    A huge shit-show and not enough toilet paper.

    Shit, sums up Sam's Club & WallyWorld by my house

    I mean seriously, we(the sheeple) - stand no chance if real shit hit the fan

    Edit -

    This is kinda comical to me really. I was born and raised in Leningrad CCCP till the age of 8-9 or so. . . Lol, people frantic here < LMAO. . . . I remember my parents standing in line once a month for food and supply rations. . . .People, here - specially in the US, have no idea of how other parts of the world even work or look. . . . We(me, my parents & people around us) ate nothing but onions & potatoes for months in, some us(luckily not me or my parents) formed boils from nutrition deficiency < yes, srsly
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 03-12-2020 at 07:07 PM.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    This is kinda comical to me really. I was born and raised in Leningrad CCCP till the age of 8-9 or so. . . Lol, people frantic here < LMAO. . . . I remember my parents standing in line once a month for food and supply rations. . . .People, here - specially in the US, have no idea of how other parts of the world even work or look. . . . We(me, my parents & people around us) ate nothing but onions & potatoes for months in, some us(luckily not me or my parents) formed boils from nutrition deficiency < yes, srsly
    Lol, we still have the saying "are we waiting on rations or something?" when encountering long lines. Luckly only jokes remained of that period. Although the entire eastern part is scarred developmentally-wise from the communist era. I was born a few years after it ended but I encounter people that say they had the right to a single chicken per month per family and being a cashier was a real perk back in the day.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Lol, we still have the saying "are we waiting on rations or something?" when encountering long lines. Luckly only jokes remained of that period. Although the entire eastern part is scarred developmentally-wise from the communist era. I was born a few years after it ended but I encounter people that say they had the right to a single chicken per month per family and being a cashier was a real perk back in the day.

    You aren’t from the mother land r u?

    Yeah - it was intense to live through as kid. But, it sure built some srs character - to say the least. . . Rations here

    Yeah, I remember when my dad got a job at a meat processing plant - it was the first time I ever tasted meat(products anyway) - hot dogs, and something I still can’t put a name to < but, it resembled 20/80 ground beef(yeah, 20/80). . . I seen my parents grind this shit with a hand meat grinder.

    In school - lunch was a piece of toast with cheese & triangular box of milk

    First time I have seen a real grocery store(with food on its shelves) was in Austria in 89

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    You aren’t from the mother land r u?

    Yeah - it was intense to live through as kid. But, it sure built some srs character - to say the least. . . Rations here

    Yeah, I remember when my dad got a job at a meat processing plant - it was the first time I ever tasted meat(products anyway) - hot dogs, and something I still can’t put a name to < but, it resembled 20/80 ground beef(yeah, 20/80). . . I seen my parents grind this shit with a hand meat grinder.

    In school - lunch was a piece of toast with cheese & triangular box of milk

    First time I have seen a real grocery store(with food on its shelves) was in Austria in 89
    Lol, you don't mean thiiis?

    Attachment 178362

    We still use that. And then cook at stoves with gas cylinders. I had the same lunch at school, I'll refrain from commenting on that bread's taste It's like this place remained 50years in the past, lol. Supermarkets at least get popular, first in town was built when I was ten. I've sure had my fill of character building and am looking forward to moving to a different place. But it's a nice feeling, makes one more appreciative of living a life of comfort. I roll my eyes twice over when I hear some first world problems.

    Attachment 178363
    Last edited by sv.elia; 03-14-2020 at 12:23 PM. Reason: added stuff, hope I'm not derailing the thread too much lol
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Lol, you don't mean thiiis?

    Attachment 178362

    We still use that. And then cook at stoves with gas cylinders. I had the same lunch at school, I'll refrain from commenting on that bread's taste It's like this place remained 50years in the past, lol. Supermarkets at least get popular, first in town was built when I was ten. I've sure had my fill of character building and am looking forward to moving to a different place. But it's a nice feeling, makes one more appreciative of living a life of comfort. I roll my eyes twice over when I hear some first world problems.

    Attachment 178363


    That def brings back memories, most of which I don't appreciate

    1st world probs - silly Americans


  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post
    All my orals come from China, cheap as chips for years, something I need to fork out 160nin Australia I can get same from China for 35 ish... Now with corona going on I am worried and thinking if China is an option anymore....

    Anyone else concerned? Should stop China?

    On top of that, I heard that manufacturers all over the world using Chinese Supplies are stacking up supplies to ensure they have enough when RAWS are banned in China, aren't we running a risk of corona in these raw supplies also?

    Should we be concerned about what carries in our gear in next 6 months when those corona infected RAWS are used to make our gear?
    You are dead now.
    I am technically a zombie.
    Shot too much chinese gear and I lust for pussy and brains.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Lol, you don't mean thiiis?

    Attachment 178362

    We still use that. And then cook at stoves with gas cylinders. I had the same lunch at school, I'll refrain from commenting on that bread's taste It's like this place remained 50years in the past, lol. Supermarkets at least get popular, first in town was built when I was ten. I've sure had my fill of character building and am looking forward to moving to a different place. But it's a nice feeling, makes one more appreciative of living a life of comfort. I roll my eyes twice over when I hear some first world problems.

    Attachment 178363

  23. #63
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    Whats really funny is I havent been out to buy tp in weeks or anything.
    Plenty of tax papers to wipe my ass on here in America.

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