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Thread: Holiday to America for Rodeo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Lightbulb Holiday to America for Rodeo

    I haven't received my compensation payout yet, but if/when I do, I wanna fly to America to attend a rodeo for a few days.

    I don't know the first thing about rodeos, but at a glance, it seems like 'The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo' is the one to be at.

    Anyone here know anything about rodeos? Any advice on which one to go to? Which hotel/motel to stay in? Where to get kitted out with the right clothes?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    I live in close proxemics to 3 of the best rodeos in the US. National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO. The Greeley Stampede in Greeley, CO and Cheyenne Frontier Days in Cheyenne, WY.

    Outside of those 3, it would be the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, NV.

    Many will agree that Frontier Days is the king of all rodeos. 10 days of all you can handle riding, roping and wrangling. Carnival, concerts, food and booze. There are a number of western wear stores in Cheyenne or in Fort Collins, CO (35 miles south).

    The Boot Barn will have you covered in all the gear you could wear in a week. Plenty of hotels...Hilton Marriott and other budget hotels. Book in advance, it’s a shit show. They run shuttles and you can easily Uber. Cheyenne, WY itself is kind of a shit hole. The only cool city in WY is Jackson Hole and it’s 8 hours away. You can easily fly into Denver (massive airport) and be to Cheyenne in roughly 2 hours....very very easy drive.

    Could also plan a day or two in Denver and wash all the newly acquired funk off of you that you’ve acquired in Cheyenne.

    The Stock Show and The Stampede are also great rodeos and easily accessible from Denver. Plenty of Western Wear stores near both as well as place to sleep and eat.

    Vegas would be a great time too, but feels less authentic being on the strip

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Please watch yourself! Not everyone can tolerate certain things.

  4. #4
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    Side note about Frontier’s also the place where place Lane Frost died after being gored, so it will always be memorialized in the annals of rodeo history. If you don’t know who Lane Frost is, you should read up on him. Lane, Tuff Hedeman and Ty Murray are some of the baddest ass dudes who have ever ridden a bull. They all made names for themselves in Cheyenne putting on clinics.

    You could also head south of Denver an hour to Colorado Springs and visit the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, it’s pretty damn impressive. There’s a place east of there in Peyton you can pay to ride a bull or bareback a Bronc if you’re feeling extra inspired.

    If memory serves, Obs did some rodeoing (I think anyways) so maybe he’ll have some suggestions...
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 04-05-2020 at 10:18 PM.

  5. #5
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Please watch yourself! Not everyone can tolerate certain things.

    Dude is priceless...Sasha Coen has a giant set of balls and they were in full display that day! Lol

    Oh ya, and WY has the least amount of Covid cases in the country so it also has that going for it (it’s also the least populated state).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    We would have waded kimbo up in a ball and killed him.

    I rode Bulls from the age of 13 to 23. It's not like it is today. Back before my brother became piece of shit on drugs, he used to stir shit with Ropers until he got a reaction and then he would beat the shit out of them. When you were riding with broken bones in a cast it was particularly annoying watching a bunch of pussies carrying dry clean long sleeve shirts still in the bag across the arena. They would bitching about the mud and the dirt getting their little pretty boy clothes dirty.

    They always put bull riding dead last because that's the only way any would stay to the end of the rodeo. Everybody just wanted to see bull riders get fucked up. Nobody gave a shit about Barrel Racers and fucking Ropers. Nor did they give a fuck about bronc or bareback Riders.

    Tuff Hedeman was a pussy bitch btw.
    We rode with big names and most of them were candy asses.
    Scared of getting hurt and scared of headbangers. Its so bad now that the pbr wont even allow the kind of stock we rode then.

    Fuck rodeo. Its a pussy circus act now.

    And whatever pussy started the idea that the cowboy was a polite gentleman must have been a farmer.

    Cowboys were hard mfers that stayed out for days and rode into town and partied, fkd whores, brawled, and shot one another.

    Drinking fighting riding fuckin cowboying.
    Last edited by The road; 04-05-2020 at 10:36 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    The shit you see on tv and at the rodeo is not the way cowboys did it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Not f’n round here road. You ever talk with cowboy mike? Genuine man, really appreciated him, really miss him. You and I (and Mike) are from different worlds, but I think we share many ideals.

    Fuck, you road a bull? Damn!!!

    I’ll add this, and not trying to one up ya, cause riding a bull would’ve better. But in her 70’s this woman had LEGS (one session she had on these killer striped pantyhose on that floored me, swear to God)!

    Treated a 1940’s Hollywood starlet In her Beverly Hills Home. She told me all about Frank Sinatra & Gene Kelly. The view from her pool and her ruby red bedroom were something to behold.

    Still; riding a bull, now that’s bad ass!

    Life and this forum provides some interesting shit, you think?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post

    We would have waded kimbo up in a ball and killed him.

    I rode Bulls from the age of 13 to 23. It's not like it is today. Back before my brother became piece of shit on drugs, he used to stir shit with Ropers until he got a reaction and then he would beat the shit out of them. When you were riding with broken bones in a cast it was particularly annoying watching a bunch of pussies carrying dry clean long sleeve shirts still in the bag across the arena. They would bitching about the mud and the dirt getting their little pretty boy clothes dirty.

    They always put bull riding dead last because that's the only way any would stay to the end of the rodeo. Everybody just wanted to see bull riders get fucked up. Nobody gave a shit about Barrel Racers and fucking Ropers. Nor did they give a fuck about bronc or bareback Riders.

    Tuff Hedeman was a pussy bitch btw.
    We rode with big names and most of them were candy asses.
    Scared of getting hurt and scared of headbangers. Its so bad now that the pbr wont even allow the kind of stock we rode then.

    Fuck rodeo. Its a pussy circus act now.

    And whatever pussy started the idea that the cowboy was a polite gentleman must have been a farmer.

    Cowboys were hard mfers that stayed out for days and rode into town and partied, fkd whores, brawled, and shot one another.

    Drinking fighting riding fuckin cowboying.
    I will buy into what The road / Obs says here; except for the end statement "...and shot one another."

    Through my research for my Master's Degree thesis, I have discovered that PAST western cattle towns (Dodge City, Abilene, Wichita...) had by far more restrictive firearms regulations than they have in contemporary times. I was quite surprised to discover this...

    I can site sources, if anyone likes, as I have all of this on file... I have yet to finish this fucking thesis... It's killing me... At the ripe young age of 54, I just can't motivate myself to knuckle-down and get with this academic writing; it sucks...

    Thanks gents!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Not f’n round here road. You ever talk with cowboy mike? Genuine man, really appreciated him, really miss him. You and I (and Mike) are from different worlds, but I think we share many ideals.

    Fuck, you road a bull? Damn!!!

    I’ll add this, and not trying to one up ya, cause riding a bull would’ve better. But in her 70’s this woman had LEGS (one session she had on these killer striped pantyhose on that floored me, swear to God)!

    Treated a 1940’s Hollywood starlet In her Beverly Hills Home. She told me all about Frank Sinatra & Gene Kelly. The view from her pool and her ruby red bedroom were something to behold.

    Still; riding a bull, now that’s bad ass!

    Life and this forum provides some interesting shit, you think?
    Yes I rode lots.
    I wasn't good at it like my brother. Brother was pro and could have held the world title if not for women and drugs.
    We got all walks here father prox, lotta diversity.

    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    I will buy into what The road / Obs says here; except for the end statement "...and shot one another."

    Through my research for my Master's Degree thesis, I have discovered that PAST western cattle towns (Dodge City, Abilene, Wichita...) had by far more restrictive firearms regulations than they have in contemporary times. I was quite surprised to discover this...

    I can site sources, if anyone likes, as I have all of this on file... I have yet to finish this fucking thesis... It's killing me... At the ripe young age of 54, I just can't motivate myself to knuckle-down and get with this academic writing; it sucks...

    Thanks gents!!!
    They got those laws because of cowboys.
    Those laws were ignored in many towns too.
    I have a great ancestry of people who were complete and total psychotic aholes because they had to be.

    All the great outlaws came from missouri/arkansas/kansas/kentcky for a reason.
    There werent duels like they show very often. That was a high class mans way of ending a dispute. In realty most were just shot dead in drunken brawls and 4-5 cowboys riding into a small town well outnumbered the lawmen there.

  11. #11
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    In actual reality rodeo rough stock riding was exactly like chris ledoux said and george straight amarillo by morning.

    Im not talking about weekend warrior cowboys.
    I mean earning a living at it.

    We used to bust ass cutting chord wood to get entry fee money and drive into the rodeo on fumes.
    If you bucked off you didn't eat and hit a buddy up for money home. If you won it was beer and party.

    One time we drove to minneapolis and it was just my brother riding at a prca show. A pro show I didnt qualify for. We got there and had zero dollars after entry fee. No way home.

    Bj Schumacher was sitting behind my brother before the rodeo and made a smart ass comment about my brothers new unused protective vest. (Prca requirement to ride)

    My brother was a straight forward no bullshit asshole cowboy. He didnt even respond. I couldnt believe BJ wasnt picking his teeth up. Brother said "Ah hes just a pussy, I aint worried about it."

    What BJ didnt know was that my brother had that new vest because he had hocked his old one at a pawn shop and it lapsed and he lost it to the pawn broker. He was a real fucking cowboy and had sacrificed everything to get there.

    Lo and behold his bull came out and he sat him so Goddamn perfect and the bull switched up in the spin. It was the most beautiful ride I have ever seen anyone make. It was picture perfect.

    He walked away with $10k for that ride.
    He also tirned out the highest score ever made on that bull by anyone.

    I was so Goddamn proud of him!
    He won't ever know.
    He was absolutely born for it and pissed it away.
    He was also one of the last true strength riders.
    Nearly everyone else rode off form and balance which is much safer. Strength riders get beat up bad.

    Justin would sit dead center and never move. Just grit and kill. Others would throw themselves to the center and be all over the place. On a shitty performing bull it killed his score because he made it look easy. On a true high scorer though with a reputation, he made 90+ point rides.

    That day in minneapolis he was in the zone. I have seen thousands of rides and been to hundreds of shows but that ride was fucking art in its purest form.

    Anyway that was real cowboy shit.
    You were broke and beat and starving or you were rich and throwing hundreds all over the bar.

    I fucking miss my brother.
    Spent more hours of my life with him than any human on the planet x2.

    He had more grit and courage in his little finger than any man I have met. He was absolute in all decisions and never looked back. I could count on him to have my back in any instance.
    We had no one but each other and raised each other. Never loved a human more. We rode and worked through hell together for 23 years.

    He made me who I am.
    I hope God remembers who he used to be like I do.

  12. #12
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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	178535

    This was the first championship buckle he ever won.
    It wasnt really fair.
    He was already winning the open class shows but qualified for jrs.
    Most of the bulls were 1500 lbs and he beat the shit out of them.

    Same time a couple of the new kids who are big names today got their asses handed to them by my brother in the same championship.

    One holds a world title now.
    They used to groan when they saw his caddy pull in.
    Last edited by The road; 04-06-2020 at 12:19 AM.

  13. #13
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    La Cocina
    Knew this would get your attention
    If it was me, I’d just go to a PBR event, he wants to see a rodeo. Big difference.
    I grew up around them, on the horse side. Family roped and barrel raced. I’ve been on the back of a few, just training bulls but was thrown by a former NM champ named Rebel.
    Very cool about you brother. It’s a much harder life than what is portrayed and the big money sponsored guys can forget real quick how they came up.
    Agree to disagree on Tuff, seen him ride and met him more than once. He was who Lane was looking for before he collapsed in Cheyenne. It doesn’t matter.
    My favorite was always Chris Shivers. Dude put up more high scores than I’ve ever seen.

    I love the bulls and I agree, they were always my favorite but not for seeing guys get fucked up. For seeing guys overcome it all and climb on knowing the odds weren’t in their favor.

    I liked all the rodeo for the most part. Bareback, steer wrestling and team roping to name a few.

    Regardless, Fluid if you want to check out a badass rodeo, look at the one I listed. Get your wranglers and you lariats and have a good time.

  14. #14
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20200406_002957.jpg 
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Size:	881.2 KB 
ID:	178536

    Just realized he scratched his first sons name in the back with his birthday... "Levi's"

    He was proud of this buckle because this was the one where he realized his potential.

  15. #15
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    La Cocina
    You know the three biggest lies is Wyoming?

    I paid cash for this truck...

    I won this belt buckle in a rodeo...

    I was just helping that sheep over the fence..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Knew this would get your attention
    If it was me, I’d just go to a PBR event, he wants to see a rodeo. Big difference.
    I grew up around them, on the horse side. Family roped and barrel raced. I’ve been on the back of a few, just training bulls but was thrown by a former NM champ named Rebel.
    Very cool about you brother. It’s a much harder life than what is portrayed and the big money sponsored guys can forget real quick how they came up.
    Agree to disagree on Tuff, seen him ride and met him more than once. He was who Lane was looking for before he collapsed in Cheyenne. It doesn’t matter.
    My favorite was always Chris Shivers. Dude put up more high scores than I’ve ever seen.

    I love the bulls and I agree, they were always my favorite but not for seeing guys get fucked up. For seeing guys overcome it all and climb on knowing the odds weren’t in their favor.

    I liked all the rodeo for the most part. Bareback, steer wrestling and team roping to name a few.

    Regardless, Fluid if you want to check out a badass rodeo, look at the one I listed. Get your wranglers and you lariats and have a good time.
    Tuff is prob a great guy but I am merely telling it from our side. Tuff went politician.
    Pbr sucked unless you already were rich. Their fines were ridiculous.

    Pbr was started for the riders because of prca fines supposedly. Now its worse fines.

    My favorite dude got kicked out for crack usage and stripped of his world title.

    Ronny Kitchens.
    He was a crazy mfer.

    Its wild having rode at the same shows as all the champ today and yesterday.

  17. #17
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    Apr 2007
    I cant forgive the roper part samp....
    Just kidding

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    You know the three biggest lies is Wyoming?

    I paid cash for this truck...

    I won this belt buckle in a rodeo...

    I was just helping that sheep over the fence..

    You gotta put the back legs in your boots so they cant get away.

    You can work smarter or work harder

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    You gotta put the back legs in your boots so they cant get away.

    You can work smarter or work harder

    I have to agree with you on the origin/s of "all the great outlaws came from...".

    With a scant few exceptions, they were, for the most part, from that area of the country...

  20. #20
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    I think it was a CBR show interview they asked Ronnie kitchens what he did with his earnings.

    "I spent it all"

    "...on what" they asked

    "Alcohol women and drugs."

    Dude was fearless and fked up on drugs.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I cant forgive the roper part samp....
    Just kidding

    My sisters did some team roping, have a soft spot I suppose. Tried some calf roping (my aunt boarded horses at her place and taught mostly western riding) little bastards are hard to hit. My lasso skills are about as poor as can be...

    Let’s just forget we ever had that conversation

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post

    My sisters did some team roping, have a soft spot I suppose. Tried some calf roping (my aunt boarded horses at her place and taught mostly western riding) little bastards are hard to hit. My lasso skills are about as poor as can be...

    Let’s just forget we ever had that conversation
    Guy my brother rode with a quite a bit actually there were two brothers he rode with but both were crazy as shit. The oldest brother we always thought was kind of more level-headed but he was a still nuts motherfuker. Well gorgeous knockout 10 is walking before the show Curtis was talking to my brother and he just shuts up immediately and walk straight at the girl. Curtis had a big fucking hole in his crotch cuz he was wearing a shity old pair of jeans. He gets 2 the girl and says loud as fuck where everybody can hear God damn girl you just made my dick chew through my pants.

  23. #23
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    They left together

  24. #24
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    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    You gotta put the back legs in your boots so they cant get away.

    You can work smarter or work harder
    Called stump breaking in SC, but those idiots around here will go after anything with a pulse and a hide.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Okay so should I definitely be planning for Cheyenne Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    Okay so should I definitely be planning for Cheyenne Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming?
    I think you’d dig it. Make sure and get concert tickets for the evenings too and tickets for the rodeo events you want to see. Fly into Denver and rent a car. Less than 2 hours straight north (all intestate highway).
    Easy in and easy out...

    Tough to beat IMHO

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