Stop making so much fucking SENSE, please. LOLI am never going to understand how people can be so fucking retarded as to think that a politician or person in power gives a shit about them. Everything is about money all of it. No one gives a shit about you no one with any power gives a damn about your freedom your money your well-being or anything else about you.
Why do you think Bernie dropped out of the race?
It's because his party told him to. You people will vote for the shiniest of two pieces of shit bitch about whoever's in office in blame them for everything wrong in your life. They manipulate you. That's how they got in the office that they're in.
They are master manipulators and I understand them very well. Maybe it's just because I'm a business owner and I have to do the same fucking thing with morons everyday. It was nice when I worked for someone and could just knock a son-of-a-bitch out or tell them what I thought. Now though I have to wine and dine make Democrats think I'm a Democrat and make Republicans think I'm a Republican to get the majority vote which is nothing more than money in my fucking wallet.
Yet we still get this fuck Trump fuck Hillary bulshit from people which are the majority. You are all sheep following and looking for someone to save you. This is America and in America you're on your fucking own.
If you believe a rich person promising you anything you are very goddamn stupid. You are the very thing that makes them rich. And rather than make yourselves rich you will just be bitching about those that are and take a promise from another rich person that says they will give you something.
Politics are a fucking game. This is not Trump's fault. Situation reversed if it was Hillary in office people would be blaming her. We don't have a politician problem. We have a people problem. Rather than stand up and go to fucking work people are hiding like chickenshit pussies and destroying everything. Rather than actually do anything people just bitch and sit in the fear.
Eventually all this shit will come Crashing Down and it won't be the fault of politicians. It will be the fault of the simpleton masses of sheep that believe them. I don't like Donald Trump or any politician because I know how they tick because I am one. I have a lot more malice towards pussies online bitching about someone not staying in quarantine then I do Donald Trump or any fucking politician. If you are hiding I don't like you. People like me we'll take a giant fucking shit on you if things do really truly collapse.
So many fucking sheep... on this board & well beyond.