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Thread: Gearheaded's crazy relegious thoughts

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    GH, I think of you as a friend and am not doing this to antagonize you. There simply is no one around here (at home, not the forum) that I know that I can have honest discussions with in which there is no intent to judge. Regarding “atheist” doctors, who do you suppose influenced many of them into action? And why are you so sure they are purely atheist and hate “society”? Whose version of “society”?
    I know you directed that at GH, but I just want to say that a person's religion is a poor indicator of their morals.

    In the past 5 years when I was homeless, some of the people who were nastiest to me were religious leaders (priest / pastor). Some of the people who were kindest to me were also religious.

    Short of actually getting to know someone, you can make a better guess about a person's morals from their job than their religion. For instance if a person works in a bank, they're probably pure evil.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    easy .. the hand of God works through anyone thats willing to help people . doesn't matter if they are atheist or anything else. its the willingness to help your neighbor and love people that is the hand of God.
    an Atheist may not believe in God .. but I have no doubts in the whole world that God can use an Atheist or anyone else
    TY GH. I’m hoping you & your family are having a good day today. Good luck with the welding, I admire your tenacity.

    Get better quickly!

  3. #43
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    in my opinon .. being "PEOPLESS" and hating your neighbor is what being 'GODLESS' is.. if your a muslim or catholic or jew or anything else and yet you despise your neighbor and don't love and help your family and friends then your godless and your religion means nothing..
    . if you have no motivation to help people your godless no matter what religion you claim .. doesn't matter your religion . doesn't matter if your atheist.
    God works through people helping people . thats the whole story of Christ and God becoming flesh and man.
    we kick ass , we take care of ourselves and our family, but we also help our neighbor out when needed. thats true religion, even if your an atheist , doesn't matter

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    I know you directed that at GH, but I just want to say that a person's religion is a poor indicator of their morals.

    In the past 5 years when I was homeless, some of the people who were nastiest to me were religious leaders (priest / pastor). Some of the people who were kindest to me were also religious.

    Short of actually getting to know someone, you can make a better guess about a person's morals from their job than their religion. For instance if a person works in a bank, they're probably pure evil.
    I quite agree with you FC. I wouldn’t go so far as generalizing someone’s morals based upon their occupation, lol, but think I understand where you are going with that thought. When we all were going out into public, going about our daily business; when I drove to work at 6 a.m. our sidewalks are filled with tents and folks in sleeping bags or covered in blankets. Someone needing $ at practically every stop-light. It’s hard (for me) to”turn off” that image & ignore that but I most certainly did & moved on with my life. To some extent, that is cruel and inhuman.

    We all have the capacity to be incredibly cruel or incredibly kind. It’s strange what motivates each of us to decide which way to go.

    On a cool note, our friend was working hospital duty today as a PT. Denny’s (a large restaurant chain out here) made and delivered breakfast for every hospital worker there this morning. That is up-lifting.

  5. #45
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    GH, despite not preferring fiction, this book is just that, a book written by John Irving called, “A prayer for Owen Meany”, and it is my all-time favorite read. I’ve read the novel over a dozen times and break down in tears every time. It helped lead me to Jesus and God.

    Now he is not your normal author, he wrote “The World According to Garp”. The movie did a great job of capturing his spirit, and clearly the ideas in that book / movie were odd, but always filled with wanting to do right.

  6. #46
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    I have met very few people with no ill will.
    I am not one of them.

    My mother and grandmother both have no real ill will toward anyone.

    I have been a judgemental cunt and hypocrite all my life.

    I have never seen an atheist without underlying ill will.
    I have met plenty of agnostics that were pure hearts.

    The idea that we are all meaningless happenstance and of no value besides the moment of our lives... Well, as MS would say, "That makes it a lot easier to load people on train cars and send them to their death."

    I am nowhere near what I was raised to be.
    I never chose faith for fire insurance. I chose it because I walked through the fire and turned away. I came back because I saw too many instances of someone looking out for me. Way too many times I missed death by fractions of a second.

    I have done the most dangerous things the planet has to offer as a lifestyle. I dont fear death at all. I fear God. I have done really bad shit. Chastised others only to find myself doing tbe same damned thing I had scorned them for. I lived afflicted of my actions the greater part of my life.

    There's a good example.
    I was split up with my ex wife and had always been down on gay people. I talked to a gay guy at my low point of affliction.
    We had a long discussion about faith. He said, "You are going to hate yourself and want to die every second until you realize we are all here by God's grace."

    Most don't know what grace is.

    It is God giving you a gift even though you dont deserve it. That is the premise of human life. We are all evil by nature.
    If you have kids you understand it.
    Jealous siblings, self centered interests, deceitful prospects...

    There is no commandment I haven't broke.
    One I was sure I would never violate and I have violated the shit out of it.

    I always admired Paul in the bible the most.
    He was so dedicated and tough. As a human I dont think any was greater. I am a damn far sight from paul.

    I can understand anyone believing any way tbh.
    Atheism is so far out there it pisses me off though. Muslims hate me. I get why though. For the most part we are a product of our environment.

    For some reason I have great difficulty looking at atheists in that light. I see weak people looking to stir shit for no reason other than their own personal satisfaction of proving their human intelligence, which comes right between piss and shit like every human.

    As if someone believing in a moral code entailing the primary trait of forgiveness, ever hurt them. I am not better than them. We are at total opposite ends of the spectrum.

    @proximal you need to look into the fulfillment of the old testament and read the new testament more. This is where most get their wires crossed and say the bible contradicts itself.

    Sacrifice was made to change the old ways which is exactly what the resurrection is about.

  7. #47
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    What I love about this place is many of us don’t shroud themselves in b.s. We can respond to each other as we really are, not who we perceive or hope that person is like. God, how f’n incredible is that. I have never encountered that it any job or friendship I can think of (except my wife and maybe one other, that’s it).

    Road, I never have nor never will read the Bible (though I quoted Jesus earlier, it was from another book I just finished). There seems to be the possibility of too much room for error and subjective interpretation of what happened. I can’t base my core beliefs upon that.

    Likewise, organized religion. I know and feel that God is with us always, not exclusively because of our membership to or participation in a “house of God”.

    Leave our “sins” behind and move forward to better ourselves. What else can be asked of us? We are born into imperfection. Does God not know that?

    See our faults and weaknesses and move on from them, or try to balance them with goodness. Who or what could not accept and forgive that?

    This is my hope at least.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    What I love about this place is many of us don’t shroud themselves in b.s. We can respond to each other as we really are, not who we perceive or hope that person is like. God, how f’n incredible is that. I have never encountered that it any job or friendship I can think of (except my wife and maybe one other, that’s it).

    Road, I never have nor never will read the Bible (though I quoted Jesus earlier, it was from another book I just finished). There seems to be the possibility of too much room for error and subjective interpretation of what happened. I can’t base my core beliefs upon that.

    Likewise, organized religion. I know and feel that God is with us always, not exclusively because of our membership to or participation in a “house of God”.

    Leave our “sins” behind and move forward to better ourselves. What else can be asked of us? We are born into imperfection. Does God not know that?

    See our faults and weaknesses and move on from them, or try to balance them with goodness. Who or what could not accept and forgive that?

    This is my hope at least.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post

    Road, I never have nor never will read the Bible (though I quoted Jesus earlier, it was from another book I just finished). There seems to be the possibility of too much room for error and subjective interpretation of what happened. I can’t base my core beliefs upon that.
    Try a Buddhist silent meditation retreat. Some people get caught up in the stories and the theory (e.g reincarnation, nirvana), while others such as myself just go there to meditate in silence for 10 days. You can do shorter durations.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    Try a Buddhist silent meditation retreat. Some people get caught up in the stories and the theory (e.g reincarnation, nirvana), while others such as myself just go there to meditate in silence for 10 days. You can do shorter durations.
    TY FC. I have thought of something similar before. I am a loner so the time and isolation would really suit me well.

    But being a home body more & more has worked just fine too. I was self-isolating well before this virus, lol.

    Saw a possum in the yard this morning. Definitely a different looking little fella. The world would definitely be a boring place if everything were exactly alike.

  11. #51
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    I can tell by your screen name and your avi , you know how to use a dead donkeys jaw bone and kill 100s of enemies with it .
    its good to have guys like you around
    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    I don't know about the avitar / screen name thing; not so sure...

    thats why you need to 'pick up and read' Xnavy you probably don't even know where the phrase "pick up and read" came from. which is fine. but you should know.

    to answer your question (even though wasn't really a question) ,, Sampson was a warrior of God (the first recorded 'strong man').. he was also innovative. he once grabbed a a donkeys jaw bone and had to use it to slay 1000 of his enemies .
    he was a bad ass mother fucker !
    unfortunately , through deception of Dellilah he fell

    its a life lesson . just keep hold of that donkey jaw bone and keep kicking ass. don't sleep and waiver and fall into the hands of deception . just keep kicking ass .

    these are lessons and real life stories found in the Bible . its not a book of religious bullshit like many people think

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    TY FC. I have thought of something similar before. I am a loner so the time and isolation would really suit me well.

    But being a home body more & more has worked just fine too. I was self-isolating well before this virus, lol.
    I've done 10 days of silence five times now. One of the things I've taken from it is that I'm very keenly aware of human communication. I'll explain what I mean.

    People communicate in all sorts of ways nowadays... by telephone call, by video call, text messages, sending letters in the mail, two empty tins of beans and some twine rope, even sign language.

    When two human beings are present in one place, face to face, having a conversation, less than 10% of the communication is verbal. Less than 10% of the communication is the words we say to each other.

    The first time a person does 10 days of silence with 50 - 100 other people, the lack of social stimulus, the lack of conversation, places a great strain on the mind. In fact it would probably be easier to be all by yourself than to be surrounded by dozens of people who won't speak.

    Get through those 10 days though, and do it a 2nd time and a 3rd time, and you'll start to see how much we communicate with each other without saying a word. This is why I find it a lot easier now to do 10 days of silence with a few dozen other people. Lots of stimuli for me to process.

    Saw a possum in the yard this morning. Definitely a different looking little fella. The world would definitely be a boring place if everything were exactly alike.
    Today I was out skating and I found a little dog..... the most friendy and affectionate little dog I've ever played with..... eventually I brought it to the vet to have its chip scanned. The vet asked me if I'd take the dog if the owner doesn't claim it so maybe they'll call me.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    thats why you need to 'pick up and read' Xnavy you probably don't even know where the phrase "pick up and read" came from. which is fine. but you should know.

    to answer your question (even though wasn't really a question) ,, Sampson was a warrior of God (the first recorded 'strong man').. he was also innovative. he once grabbed a a donkeys jaw bone and had to use it to slay 1000 of his enemies .
    he was a bad ass mother fucker !
    unfortunately , through deception of Dellilah he fell

    its a life lesson . just keep hold of that donkey jaw bone and keep kicking ass. don't sleep and waiver and fall into the hands of deception . just keep kicking ass .

    these are lessons and real life stories found in the Bible . its not a book of religious bullshit like many people think
    Yeah, and no shit, it wasn't a question...

    Well, for once, you are telling me stuff I already know... Normally you are informing me, and a lot of guys on here, with you knowledge of AAS, which is GREATLY appreciated by myself, as I have made abundantly clear numerous times, both publicly and via PM. (Except for the, "pick up and read" phrase"; I didn't know where that one came from, but I do now...)

    Samson and Delilah... Already got you on that one... Even knew all about the "life lesson" interwoven in the story...

    Yeah, perhaps I should read the book... I got a buddy in LA who cooks AAS, and he read the book some years ago; he said pretty much the same thing you've said...

    But I will repeat just once more: Never meant any offence by what I said about S and D avi, it was purely an attempt (obviously lost on all of you...) at humor. Although, the truth be told, in the world of swingers, there are any number of S and D screen names. Just simple fact. I trust you are astute enough to see that I meant no disrespect, to him, or to you... If you still have questions, scroll up and reread my post.

  14. #54
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    Agreed about communication FC. It’s why I’m better alone or if I communicate, do so by writing.

    In the classroom I have to be particularly cautious of my body language & facial expressions. It’s taken me 20 years in that setting & I’m just getting it down, lol.

    Nice job with the dog. We adopted a cat a few years back & he is not a pet so much as he is a family member.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post

    But I will repeat just once more: Never meant any offence by what I said about S and D avi, it was purely an attempt (obviously lost on all of you...) at humor. Although, the truth be told, in the world of swingers, there are any number of S and D screen names. Just simple fact. I trust you are astute enough to see that I meant no disrespect, to him, or to you... If you still have questions, scroll up and reread my post.
    For what its worth I didn't detect any disrespect right from the start.

  16. #56
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    OK, I will have to take you up on that... As I am an avid / voracious reader anyways...

    I would venture to guess, Old Testament, first...??? Advice, please?

    Do I read from "cover to cover" or do you skip around?

    You guys with knowledge, help a brother out.

    I'm not fucking you guys around. I am NOW, going to read that book.

    Advice, please.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post

    OK, I will have to take you up on that... As I am an avid / voracious reader anyways...

    I would venture to guess, Old Testament, first...??? Advice, please?

    Do I read from "cover to cover" or do you skip around?

    You guys with knowledge, help a brother out.

    I'm not fucking you guys around. I am NOW, going to read that book.

    Advice, please.
    New Testament, Gospel of John, All of Chapter 8.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    tSampson was a warrior of God (the first recorded 'strong man').. he was also innovative. he once grabbed a a donkeys jaw bone and had to use it to slay 1000 of his enemies .
    he was a bad ass mother fucker !
    unfortunately , through deception of Dellilah he fell
    F’n Victor Mature. He was Stallone before Stallone, lol. Just finished with a Delilah that almost killed me. Now I’m growing my hair long to see if it helps keeps me stronger (actually am).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    thats why you need to 'pick up and read' Xnavy you probably don't even know where the phrase "pick up and read" came from. which is fine. but you should know.

    to answer your question (even though wasn't really a question) ,, Sampson was a warrior of God (the first recorded 'strong man').. he was also innovative. he once grabbed a a donkeys jaw bone and had to use it to slay 1000 of his enemies .
    he was a bad ass mother fucker !
    unfortunately , through deception of Dellilah he fell

    its a life lesson . just keep hold of that donkey jaw bone and keep kicking ass. don't sleep and waiver and fall into the hands of deception . just keep kicking ass .

    these are lessons and real life stories found in the Bible . its not a book of religious bullshit like many people think
    If there’s one thing we can all take away from the Bible, it’s that women will cause you trouble every time

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post

    OK, I will have to take you up on that... As I am an avid / voracious reader anyways...

    I would venture to guess, Old Testament, first...??? Advice, please?

    Do I read from "cover to cover" or do you skip around?

    You guys with knowledge, help a brother out.

    I'm not fucking you guys around. I am NOW, going to read that book.

    Advice, please.
    I've read cover to cover. multiple times .. easy to do when your bed ridden for a year or so. but you gotta other stuff to do , your not stuck in a bed unable to move and having to piss in a bucket.
    so I'd skip around.
    start with the gospel of John ,, then go to Romans.
    the first one gives you spiritual enlightenment and the other gives more logical facts about those same spiritual enlightenments

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've read cover to cover. multiple times .. easy to do when your bed ridden for a year or so. but you gotta other stuff to do , your not stuck in a bed unable to move and having to piss in a bucket.
    so I'd skip around.
    start with the gospel of John ,, then go to Romans.
    the first one gives you spiritual enlightenment and the other gives more logical facts about those same spiritual enlightenments
    Romans, corinthians lays down the law for today. Acts is a good trasition.
    Proverbs would be good second reading after the basics.

    I never took it out of context.
    Once you read a verse and quote it, 500 fuckers will find a contradiction in the old testament leaving jesus sacrifice null and void in their pre-biased mind.

    It makes me want to slap a bitch knocking the bible that never read it cover to cover.

  22. #62
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    I am 100% right on this subject. Everything else I say may be bullshit

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    New Testament, Gospel of John, All of Chapter 8.

    I guess I will start there...


  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    If there’s one thing we can all take away from the Bible, it’s that women will cause you trouble every time
    Man bro, all those pages; there better be more in there than that... Only because I already know that.

    I tend to be more honest with "moi meme" (unlike my veracity, or the lack of such, with the women who have the misfortune to come into romantic contact with me...), and blame myself, due to my relentless pursuit of those THREE HOLES...

    For the life of me, it has been my Achilles Heel; I just can't get enough of that....

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've read cover to cover. multiple times .. easy to do when your bed ridden for a year or so. but you gotta other stuff to do , your not stuck in a bed unable to move and having to piss in a bucket.
    so I'd skip around.
    start with the gospel of John ,, then go to Romans.
    the first one gives you spiritual enlightenment and the other gives more logical facts about those same spiritual enlightenments

    I am gonna take your word for it. You sound like you really know your stuff when it comes to this topic; unlike myself.

    GH, this is Old Testament? Only because I believe / know that there are two.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post

    I am gonna take your word for it. You sound like you really know your stuff when it comes to this topic; unlike myself.

    GH, this is Old Testament? Only because I believe / know that there are two.
    The books are new testament

  27. #67
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  28. #68
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    I have spoke of the trinity before but I dont think anyone understood. I hope the pope chokes on a dick and dies. I am not catholic.

    The world revolves on "threes."

    Think on it a bit.

    Kent Hovind is much smarter than me.
    If his straight forward approach suits you, look up the, "Cognitive Theoretic of the Model Universe," by Chris Langan.

    He goes into creation on a mathematical level very few can follow.

    The precursor is the same as hovinds though...

    The laws of physics cannot exist without one another.
    A matrix cannot exist without precognition.

    So some thing must determine for a start of any kind.

    He was spot on but he was refused by academia because he called it "God".

    His proof exceeds any proof against it.
    He is also of immeasurable IQ.
    They dont come any more intelligent.

    He is also a former bodybuilder and bar bouncer from Missouri.
    I sympathize a bit.

  29. #69
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    Isn’t high IQ and Missouri a contradiction??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Isn’t high IQ and Missouri a contradiction??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    That is just objectively funny :-)

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    2 + 2 = 4

    correct . we all know this since first grade. we 'believe' it to be true .. BUT . show me the number 2. prove to me that number even exists.. you can't do it. sure you may type it out or write it on a piece of paper, but thats just a pen mark or ink mark, thats not really the "number 2" itself ... prove to me the number 2 is even real. let alone how two 2s make a 4.
    yet we all trust this to be true even though it can't be shown physically.

    its the same with God. he is what he is. it is what it is. just like the number 2 example, you just have to trust it to be true.

    but one BIG difference. God did come and manifest and show himself in Christ. Immanuel, God with us.

    I'm still waiting for the number 2 to come down and prove itself to me that it even exists or is it just a concept that exists as a symbol or idea representation on a piece of paper

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    2 + 2 = 4

    correct . we all know this since first grade. we 'believe' it to be true .. BUT . show me the number 2. prove to me that number even exists.. you can't do it. sure you may type it out or write it on a piece of paper, but thats just a pen mark or ink mark, thats not really the "number 2" itself ... prove to me the number 2 is even real. let alone how two 2s make a 4.
    yet we all trust this to be true even though it can't be shown physically.

    its the same with God. he is what he is. it is what it is. just like the number 2 example, you just have to trust it to be true.

    but one BIG difference. God did come and manifest and show himself in Christ. Immanuel, God with us.

    I'm still waiting for the number 2 to come down and prove itself to me that it even exists or is it just a concept that exists as a symbol or idea representation on a piece of paper
    The word is not the thing.

    I wouldn't be surprised if you are familiar with that quote, GH...

    S.I. Hayakawa

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    weren't you banned ? your first post back your replying with bullshit on a religious thread . interesting .. you atheist bitches can all just die then
    The admin has punished me for being disrespectful. I lost my temper. Highly intelligent people almost never lose temper. I sometimes fail and hate myself for that. I am flawed.

  34. #74
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    Forum member The Road did play a major role in me losing temper. But not he or anyone else shall be blamed. It's my temper it's my responsibility to control myself.

    I am going to publish the whole story though. Not in my or anyone else's words, just all the exchange between us two. One thread plus half a dozen one-way private hate messages that came from The Road.

    No other reason than to hear what people think. I mean, pretty sure it'd feel good if the vast majority of people sided with me.

    I know I'm right, but so do you I'm sure. But if you have thousands of people participate one can be proven wrong real quick regardless of what he 'knows'

  35. #75
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    Just out of interest, you know. I still can't understand how people can believe in such crap.

    And not any people! People of the greatest empire in the World. What the fuck, you're supposed to live by example;

  36. #76
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    My ban was lifted a while ago btw. I just don't feel like being part of a community where top members are delusional people. They even claim admins are the same. I wonder how prevalent this crap is on here. Going to investigate, might get some useful data for a science project I'm thinking about...

  37. #77
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    How do you acquire faith in God, where do you begin? How do you know for certain that your faith based beliefs are true?

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scabtree View Post
    How do you acquire faith in God, where do you begin? How do you know for certain that your faith based beliefs are true?
    You start off by choosing to believe.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by wavefunction View Post
    My ban was lifted a while ago btw. I just don't feel like being part of a community where top members are delusional people. They even claim admins are the same. I wonder how prevalent this crap is on here. Going to investigate, might get some useful data for a science project I'm thinking about...
    Only 4% of the United States populous identifies atheist so you better get used to it you fucking queer. I know you're just a Euro cunt but we are the dominant Nation of the world. You atheist aren't that prevalent anymore.

    You are incredibly outspoken though.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scabtree View Post
    How do you acquire faith in God, where do you begin? How do you know for certain that your faith based beliefs are true?
    How in the hell does one acquire belief in scientific ideas that are proven wrong everyday and incomplete as a whole? Who the hell has enough faith in Mankind's fucked-up ways to even consider that science is correct? How in the hell do people Trust a faith that is responsible for 90% of the genocide in human history? Atheism takes more faith then being a Christian or Muslim or an agnostic especially. You have got to be a very special sort of person to look at incomplete information and demand that you are superior in your beliefs which are nothing more than than just tiny insignificant beliefs with very little evidence backing them whatsoever.

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