Sorry Kel. But same goes to you; with you being there for him, the kid’s going to handle it well.
There’s some strong and decent fathers on this forum, nice hope for that generation - thanks guys. I see kids like these in class, it’s evident what their parents are like, and you just know that these kids are going to be great.
God, I miss being in school right now. Although these last couple months are hectic, they’re fun as hell. I miss pranking the kids and hearing their stories. Man oh man, prom houses.
Just how the parents can let their kids do that is beyond me.
my bank account just got drained to zero cause I have no revenue coming in (I own a gym shut down by the state),, there is no stimulus check. a 13 year old girl here locally just died of covid.. another man here locally killed his family and claimed cause "covid" was coming for us all. and yesterday a guy here not far from me burned down his 800k house blaming covid .. the world has gone mad!!
but yet Trump is all to blame ..
who cares. life love and the pursuit of happiness is all that matters.. loving your neighbors. loving yourself and killing your own vices and sins so you can better help others .. thats all that matters.
but the media wants to blame trump . lol . how blind is the world !!
Fifty years from now your 68 yr old daughter will look back fondly on the birthday she spent playing board games with her family.
If I have a family of my own one day then I'll keep a stockpile of boardgames and hope they get regular use through my kids' teenage years. That would be aiming for the sky, of course.
I got the best 30 min video uploading right now. It will hurt my business now but help it later because of pussies
I find this guy so inspirational:
Despite his circumstances he can still sing from his soul.
"Some day I wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me"
"It's a big weight....for a small woman". Dorian Yates in Blood & Guts preparing to deadlift.
It isn’t that it’s Obs. Who it is has nothing to do with it.
IMO it is a sick and twisted write up whoever it is about. His use of the Bible is just a ploy to try and justify him writing what he did.
I can’t stand people that do negative things and then use the Bible to justify them.
This is the same guy that killed his wife, isn’t it??????
I didn’t follow along back then.. but he has been trolling along here.
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Whoa...??? WTF...??? WTF...???
"Killed his wife..." Wow...!!! I wonder what she did to deserve that?
You know, guys oftentimes go for the jugular. Just wait till Obs gets back online here and whips up a shit-storm..!!! (I gotta check my popcorn)
Well, Obs / The road; he will take care of his business. Of that, I have no doubt...
I can hear David Buffer, "Lets get ready to rrruummmbbllee!"
Last edited by XnavyHMCS; 04-21-2020 at 08:22 PM.
Sometimes I have to make difficult decisions in my role as morale officer on this board. I don't like it, but my actions are necessitated by the laws of morality. I must act selflessly 100% of the time, while still upholding the decree of Marcus Aurelius emperor of Rome, "Would all of Rome be sacrificed for one good man?".
I'm not saying that everything I do is right. I don't make that claim. I do however claim that when I do wrong, I do so with right intentions. Sometimes my wrongdoing is just plain justified, and sometimes it's done with an aim to a positive end. Rarely am I pure evil.
I think you'll find you have a greater sense of personal welbeing if you regularly frequent 'gore' websites and watch people in their last moments of life, and really try to empathise with their suffering.
Hey Fluidic, what’s up with the dog adoption, get back to me on your post.
Cats really aren’t a bad option, some have a lot of personality; don’t discount them.
this morning I'm walking dogs at the pound
This one is either a German shepherd or Alsatian
Your such a jackass kimbo, just when people get used to your eccentric ways and start replying to you post you start to get cocky and go back to your dark ways and showing the true self that has gotten you banned a thousand times...the only reason you are still here is that admin can’t keep you away because you are the ultimate troll...fuck you where doing so good keeping it together for a while...
If our videos were put in weight categories for comparison then I'd win. I haven't weighed myself in about a month since I started on Clen and Var but I reckon I'm about 135 - 140 pounds right now. (I don't have a weighing scales at home -- I used the one at the gym). You're probably about 250 lb, right?
Thanks for the pic.
If our cat (indoors cat) wasn’t so skilled at getting out of his damn harness, I’d take him for walks. As it is, when I go into the back yard, he goes nuts, so we bought him a large mesh tent so whenever the wife or I go outside, so he comes out with us.
Back to quotes:
First-off let’s take it from the start
Straight out-can’t change what’s in my heart
No-one can tear my beliefs apart
You ain’t-never seen no one like me
Prevail-regardless what the cost might be
Power flows inside of me
Never-fail as long as I try
Refuse to be part of your lie
Even-if it means, I die, you can’t bring
You can’t bring me down!
Michael Muir ( Suicidal Tendencies )
“Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank,give a man a bank and he can rob the world “
Tyrell Wellick.
It’s a wonderful day in this neighborhood!
Mr Rogers
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Mathew 25:40
In the way that you treat the least of us, my brother, you treat I.
Real battle occurs within, everything else is easy.
I don’t like the drugs but the drugs like me.
Marilyn Manson
Yeah... OK, just a couple of short funny snow stories.
I came back from my first deployment, with the first platoon I did and we had leave right after 6 mos. in S. America, and plans to party before guys went their separate ways. Let's just say "it was snowing in Virginia in the middle of summer". And one of the old salts says, "let's go get the Chief high". Now it's still early, about 2200 when we get to his house, and he is up with his wife when we come a knockin. He tells her that we're gonna go downstairs to the garage and have a beer together. Once there, out comes the stuff, and since I was the new guy, I get assigned to beating it up. I chop out 5 fat ones and the boss says, "hey, let's get in the car and listen to some music." So, here I am, in the front seat with the Chief, 3 hitters in the rear, and I got this glass plate up at like chest level in between myself and the boss. He turns the ignition key and on comes the AC, at full throttle... Just dusted the dudes in the rear... It was straight out of Cheech and Chong.
Another time, I was just getting close to retirement and I had a French buddy who was dating a bartender in downtown Paris at the Cafe Oz on Rue Saint Denis, an Australian pub, which is still there by the way. She was a bartender in downtown Paris, so she had some connections (in fact, I think that the whole French army is connected -probably why they don't fight so well in contemporary times- because I never saw guys smoke so much hash, and no drug testing) and hooked me up. So one day, middle of the day, I am sitting at the bar in the Cafe Oz, and there is this American couple seated there and we start talking. They are first time in Paris, yada yada... I says, "You wanna get snowed?" and of course, the answer was affirmative. So I told'em I would go into the head / toilet, get everything ready. The guy said he would send his wife is first. So, I cut it out on the toilet seat cover (after cleaning it as best I could), 3 fatties. This dumbass broad. walks into the men's room, joins me in the stall, turns around, shuts and locks the door, turns to me, in this confined space and lifts the fucking toilet seat cover... I swear to God. It was again, like some thing from a movie... And she says, "Where is it; let's do it." We go back out to the bar and she is sitting there and her ol'man says, it's alright honey, blah blah blah... Then he asks me, "Can we still do some?"
Ahhhhhh...... The good ol'days...
Last edited by XnavyHMCS; 04-22-2020 at 11:03 PM.
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