If you can see the above pic, I'm meditating in the smaller shed (it's about 4'5" high).
I have to take two weeks unpaid leave from my work and so I think I'm gonna build my own meditation hut for out my back garden. Electric underfloor heating only costs $75 for one square metre. The inside of my hut will have a floor measuring 1 metre x 1 metre, and the height from floor to ceiling will be about 4'5" so I will have to kneel down to get inside it. It will basically be a minimally-sized cell.
I'll also have a propane/kerosene heater for when it's very cold.
I don't want it to look like a dog's kennel so I'll get a fancy roof to make it look like a pagoda (maybe a glass pyramid roof).
I met a guy at a nudist group that planted his own trees beside his house 30 years ago, and now he has his own little forest. It's pretty cool. I think he's fairly wealthy as he's also got an outdoor jacuzzi and sauna. Not a bad little setup.
My solicitor emailed me yesterday to ask permission to forward my medical records to the defense team, so hopefully this means I'll get a payout soon. I'm tempted to buy a bare piece of farmland and develop it from scratch. I won't be able to get planning permission to build a house so I think I'll start out with a mobile home. I could plant my own forest on it too.