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Thread: 3am wake up time

  1. #41
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    We are all snakes.

    This is a song directly built off the scorpion and the frog parable.

    All my kids love it.
    I am the lion and I cant be something else... Even for their sake.

    We are our nature. Self identity means all to me.
    I lived for someone else for 10 years of my life and it was all taken away. 5 kids in the balance. Three kids that will only ever know me as Dad because their faggot fathers ran off from them. But their mother used them as leverage because I had no legal hold over those kids. So I had to lose 3 kids.

    They're gone now. But I keep moving in same direction. I will be me. Some people will despise who I am and others will praise me. But I did the best I fucking could. Anyone who tries to deny that can suck a dick and die. Hell is not half full
    great song .. lots of truth there

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    not sure why guys on this forum give you such a hard time .. you got some pretty interesting things to share
    Quote Originally Posted by The road
    I once thought that too. He just seeks negative attention
    One thing that I take into account is that the primary motivating emotion on any forum to do with weightlifting, bodybuilding or powerlifting, is anger. I'm not talking about surface-level anger, or an immediate angry reaction to a recent event. More so I'm talking about old anger -- anger produced from an event that occurred years if not decades ago. This kind of 'old anger' influences our behavioural patterns and habits, everything from our taste in music to our favourite breed of dog. Old stale anger eventually rots and becomes depression (unless it is expressed). Anger must be expressed.

    So if somebody reacts adversely to me on this forum then I consider that their reaction might be more to do with something that happened in their life eight years ago, than to me personally. Also they say that it is people who are hurt that hurt other people. But I'm sure there are some people who think they have a genuine reason to dislike me.

    They tried to tell me in rehab 5 years ago that I was seeking negative attention, but that's a behaviour that anybody can temporarily fall into if they feel alienated (or if they are afraid that an elderly male nurse working in the rehab is going to try grab their dick in the middle of the night).

    Seeking negative attention is fine so long as it's the 'done thing'. This forum isn't a princess party.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    One thing that I take into account is that the primary motivating emotion on any forum to do with weightlifting, bodybuilding or powerlifting, is anger. I'm not talking about surface-level anger, or an immediate angry reaction to a recent event. More so I'm talking about old anger -- anger produced from an event that occurred years if not decades ago. This kind of 'old anger' influences our behavioural patterns and habits, everything from our taste in music to our favourite breed of dog. Old stale anger eventually rots and becomes depression (unless it is expressed). Anger must be expressed.

    So if somebody reacts adversely to me on this forum then I consider that their reaction might be more to do with something that happened in their life eight years ago, than to me personally. Also they say that it is people who are hurt that hurt other people. But I'm sure there are some people who think they have a genuine reason to dislike me.

    They tried to tell me in rehab 5 years ago that I was seeking negative attention, but that's a behaviour that anybody can temporarily fall into if they feel alienated (or if they are afraid that an elderly male nurse working in the rehab is going to try grab their dick in the middle of the night).

    Seeking negative attention is fine so long as it's the 'done thing'. This forum isn't a princess party.
    Fuck off you faggot motherfuker

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Jesus died at 3 p.m. . That is known as the hour of Mercy for Christians. The exact furthest distance you can get from that it's 3 a.m. .

    I used to haul milk. We hauled milk all night for many obvious reasons there was less traffic the farmers weren't out in the barns to talk to you and bullshit and hold you back and you didn't have to deal with the Department of Transportation highway patrol.

    Since we hauled milk all night we would try to time it where we got to the milk plant to get our trucks unloaded first as soon as they opened. These were very long routes 16 hours behind the wheel really takes a toll on you especially if you have any sort of Life whatsoever outside of work.

    There was this exit ramp we used to park and sleep at we were almost never there at the same time we came from different directions at different times. My father, his employer, myself, and a couple of other drivers we knew would all park at this exit ramp when we were coming that direction to take a nap. We were in day cab trucks there was no sleeper you just lean over on the steering wheel. It was a really shity life and it seems like all of us milk haulers lived that life.

    Anyway if you were coming from that direction you had timed it to get to be at the milk plant at about 4 to 4:30 in the morning. If you couldn't drive straight through and you gave up which tended to happen a lot around that exit ramp that put you there closing your eyes at about 3 a.m. .

    All of us guys had sleep paralysis and the most fucked-up Nightmares on that exit ramp that I can describe. I didn't want to sound like a pussy so I just kind of kept it to myself. Then one day I was running a route with my father's employer and he said that him and Dad are always pulling off on that ramp when they can't make it to the plant and they have the most fucked up dreams.

    Other drivers kind of chimed in about a too.
    Everyone knew that Jasper Missouri exit ramp at 3 a.m. was the haunted exit ramp.

    These dreams you would have in the sleep paralysis were terrible. If you've never experienced sleep paralysis I hope you don't. It literally makes it where you are scared to go to sleep.

    In sleep paralysis you know you are asleep you are fully conscious and unable to move and unable to wake yourself from your worst fear coming to get you. You will literally be screaming at yourself in your head to wake up. You think if I can just throw my arm or move my arm or something throw my body out of this sleep move myself then I can wake up and get away from this shit. But you can't...

    It was known as being "held down" in olden days.
    No matter how much you struggled you couldn't budge. A demon was sitting on you holding you down and that's exactly what happened in my dreams. The demon sounded like rough tires on asphalt. Like feathered tires with uneven tread. I would realize that I could not move and I could hear him coming from a long ways out.

    When he got to me you would just press me down.

    My other dreams there were just as bad or worse. A girl like that one in the movie Silent Hill would be behind my seat and her arms would come over the seat and she would put her hands on my shoulders and her fingers would grow like a foot long and hook under my armpits and just hold me there where I couldn't move. A lot of fucking people have died around that area. There were numerous very large Civil War battles in the area. The Indian mounds were very close to that area. I also don't know what it is about that whole area but I can't stand that place.

    Anyway you could sleep there just about any time of day but if you close your eyes at 3 a.m. on the Jasper Missouri southbound exit ramp off 49 Highway you're going to see some fucked up shit.
    JC, these dreams are the worst. They come to me less and less now, thank God, but my wife has to wake me.

    Once dreamt there was a devil & no God. That one still is in my mind nearly 35 years later.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Fuck off you faggot motherfuker

    See, I learned this along the way - ignorance can b bliss

    I won’t even read it - then I don’t have to reply


  7. #47
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    anyone tell me where this quote comes from

    ""But every night I burn
    But every night I call your name
    Every night I burn
    Every night I fall again
    "Oh don't talk of love" the shadows purr
    Murmuring me away from you
    "Don't talk of worlds that never were
    The end is all that's ever true
    There's nothing you can ever say
    Nothing you can ever do"
    Still every night I burn
    Every night I scream your name
    Every night I burn
    Every night the dream's the same
    Every night I burn
    Waiting for my only friend
    Every night I burn
    Waiting for the world to end"""

    first one to tell me wins

  8. #48
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    Burn by The Cure......

    ....but I cheated.

    Edit. Not really cheated, just used the available resources.
    Last edited by almostgone; 05-01-2020 at 10:28 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Burn by The Cure.......
    your not cheating anymore .. I bet you listening to it right now

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    your not cheating anymore .. I bet you listening to it right now
    Quit watching me at work!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Quit watching me at work!
    oh thats just big government spying on you ...
    the prophets and the seer does not need technology to see things. its in the winds and the waves and the birds/crows calls . don't need technology, just a listen

    messing with you .. but told you that you were listening to that song

  12. #52
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  13. #53
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    Dramk a bunch of ipa's at the burn site.
    Fell asleep when I got home.
    Now Im up at 3a.m.

  14. #54
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    I have sleep problems as well but I pin it on the fact that historically humans used to sleep in two shifts (or so it's believed), and in the modern day we don't have this type of flexibility.

    "Don Quixote followed nature, and being satisfied with his first sleep, did not solicit more. As for Sancho, he never wanted a second, for the first lasted him from night to morning."
    Miguel Cervantes, Don Quixote (1615) -> what's notable is that throughout the history writers refer to it as if "first sleep" and "second sleep" are common knowledge

    And then there's that type of insomnia caused by anxiety, in which you wonder if you did enough for things to run in your favor. In a crisis your brain will tell you to stay awake and fend off dangers. It really depends on the individual whether this extra awareness is required or not. You can be fending from imaginary dangers or real ones. Personally I have the job that I have via an application that I sent at 4am. My fear of unemployment caused excessive vigilance which got me work in a matter of days. Anxiety can be a good thing for survival, it's a sign one carries his/hers world on one's own shoulders.

    I can only guess how much that anxiety amplifies when you carry someone else's world on your shoulders as well. It's a noble thing to do though.
    Last edited by sv.elia; 05-02-2020 at 04:51 AM. Reason: found a better reference to the segmented sleeping pattern
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  15. #55
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    So - I need to b in bed, asleep by lets say 10(maybe 11)at the latest before - I still wake up at 5

    Wife & her new bff had to start “that” conversation at like 10 < of course that got me going till a solid midnight. . . So, yeah - here I am - typing at 5am

    Still so worth it

    But, 5 hours of sleep just don’t do me - her new & def improved bff is one of those natural insomnia nuts - she barely sleeps 3 hours a nite, since she refuses all meds & drinks like a fish

    Well, I know I’ll b missing some sleep in the next upcoming week(s) - but, if that’s not time well spent - I don’t know what is

    Back to reading & hearing them snore

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    I have sleep problems as well but I pin it on the fact that historically humans used to sleep in two shifts (or so it's believed), and in the modern day we don't have this type of flexibility.

    "Don Quixote followed nature, and being satisfied with his first sleep, did not solicit more. As for Sancho, he never wanted a second, for the first lasted him from night to morning."
    Miguel Cervantes, Don Quixote (1615) -> what's notable is that throughout the history writers refer to it as if "first sleep" and "second sleep" are common knowledge

    And then there's that type of insomnia caused by anxiety, in which you wonder if you did enough for things to run in your favor. In a crisis your brain will tell you to stay awake and fend off dangers. It really depends on the individual whether this extra awareness is required or not. You can be fending from imaginary dangers or real ones. Personally I have the job that I have via an application that I sent at 4am. My fear of unemployment caused excessive vigilance which got me work in a matter of days. Anxiety can be a good thing for survival, it's a sign one carries his/hers world on one's own shoulders.

    I can only guess how much that anxiety amplifies when you carry someone else's world on your shoulders as well. It's a noble thing to do though.
    ^ great post !

    I think a lot of my anxiety comes from having had to take care of a family , church members (yes I used to preach), business, clients etc.. for most my life.
    I was self employed at 22 and have been ever since (I'm 43 now).. building multiple businesses and employing lots of people and providing them with livelihoods,, lots of financial stress running million dollar business as well.. then 4 kids I home schooled. and being a leader at church and concerned for peoples souls on top of it all. and now 40 or so clients I coach and worrying about their health and well being ,, and an 800 member gym to run and worrying about that and all those people I meet daily..

    I think I stretched myself too thin and have the weight of the world on my back . thats what caused my bad anxiety and sleep disorders and the inability to just relax and shut off my brain .. of course there are spiritual struggles as well.

  17. #57
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    "Therefore stay awake, because you do not know on what hour your Lord will come""
    Matthew 24

    when Jesus was praying and battling the serpent and filled with such anxiety that he began sweating out droplets of blood ..

    ""Then Jesus returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”"
    Matthew 26

    sleep anxiety been around for thousands of years ... Shepards don't sleep . they always watch after the flock

  18. #58
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    Ya kno, if I followed this - I’d b dead

    Considering my probs/addictions

    I sleep as much as possible

    Losing 2 hours of sleep last nite & I feel a bit like shit today

    I look back at some shit that I lost sleep over & think wtf - that wasn’t worth it

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Yes, but regrettably for me, it’s my bladder waking me up.
    Me too. Except I am half your age. Tiny bladder syndrome for me.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ^ great post !

    I think a lot of my anxiety comes from having had to take care of a family , church members (yes I used to preach), business, clients etc.. for most my life.
    I was self employed at 22 and have been ever since (I'm 43 now).. building multiple businesses and employing lots of people and providing them with livelihoods,, lots of financial stress running million dollar business as well.. then 4 kids I home schooled. and being a leader at church and concerned for peoples souls on top of it all. and now 40 or so clients I coach and worrying about their health and well being ,, and an 800 member gym to run and worrying about that and all those people I meet daily..

    I think I stretched myself too thin and have the weight of the world on my back . thats what caused my bad anxiety and sleep disorders and the inability to just relax and shut off my brain .. of course there are spiritual struggles as well.
    True type A.
    Everyone wants to be a type A and thinks they are. Very few actually live up to it. Always in a hurry to achieve. Work beyond four others. Craving dangerous risks... Felling dead without your ass on the line.

    Yet every lazy fuck gen Y person I know thinks they are type A thpughI can outwork a dozen of them.

  21. #61
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    Also just of Clue... I have only met one type A personality that smoke marijuana. The natural reaction for a Type A when they are on a downer of any kind or something that levels them out, is 2 absolutely flip out and have the worst time of their life.

  22. #62
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    its 1:30 am here .. fuck the 3:00 am witching hour ,,, I simply don't sleep at all anymore .. I've been up for days now. its crazy

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its 1:30 am here .. fuck the 3:00 am witching hour ,,, I simply don't sleep at all anymore .. I've been up for days now. its crazy
    I don’t know you for shit - and, I won’t pretend to

    Relax man - even if it is medically induced. . . Man, I miss the gym more than I ever thought

    Right now I’m trying to get ahold of an owner of a Indy gym in Scottsdale, to see if he’ll let me go in on my own - so far no reply

    Again - these 2 keep me up till midnight

    I think I’m officially at the friend zone point - lady(& wife) stfu & leave me alone - I would of rather gone into my once 24x7 gym last nite then listen to their bull shit

    At least I fell back asleep & made it to 5:30

  24. #64
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    For the past few months I have been waking up at 2-3 AM, and it’s driving me insane! Even I do twoadays and get to sleep by 10:30-11, still up at 2-3. I am not a baller either so the lack of sleep definitely catches up to me. I’ve tried everything except for a cpap machine.

  25. #65
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    Made it to 6:30 < but, it almost feels a tad late to jump on my day

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    does anyone else wake up auotomically at 3am on the dot , even though you may not fall asleep until 1am ???

    no matter what ,, 3am is always calling me .

    just curious if any of you get that .

    maybe its the "witching hour" and people spiritual enlighten have senses to see whats going on.. or maybe mr Natty Mike O'hearn would just get up and go to the gym at that time . maybe he was on to something . idk
    I get this a lot too. Nothing demonic now however I have had my experiences with the other side. I think once you are marked it's something you can never shake off.

  27. #67
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    Made it to 4:20am

    I’m starting to see that it’s so difficult to sleep because I don’t wear or wind down. I’m used to covering the whole town in a day along with having contacts with tens of people - now, it’s like a day that never launches

    Thank u antipsychotics - I’d lose my marbles by now. I’m even to the point of not wanting to drink or get stoned just to stay dumbed down.

    Again - great year we’re having

  28. #68
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    I'm getting tired of this 3am wake up call

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    anyone tell me where this quote comes from

    ""But every night I burn
    But every night I call your name
    Every night I burn
    Every night I fall again
    "Oh don't talk of love" the shadows purr
    Murmuring me away from you
    "Don't talk of worlds that never were
    The end is all that's ever true
    There's nothing you can ever say
    Nothing you can ever do"
    Still every night I burn
    Every night I scream your name
    Every night I burn
    Every night the dream's the same
    Every night I burn
    Waiting for my only friend
    Every night I burn
    Waiting for the world to end"""

    first one to tell me wins

    Knew the lyrics right away - the Crow is absolutely a top 10 movie for me.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Knew the lyrics right away - the Crow is absolutely a top 10 movie for me.
    amen.. glad to see brothers out there with a keen mind

  31. #71
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    probably not a bad time to go to the gym

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    probably not a bad time to go to the gym

    Agreed - its 11am here in the UK !

  33. #73
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    up at 3am again.. its an endless cycle. I could use the sleep, but 3am calls me every day. its dark , but quiet and still.
    have a couple hours before viewing the sun rise

  34. #74
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    Click image for larger version. 

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  35. #75
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    Yup, gotta take a wiz again. Same time almost every morning. Thank God for the phone or I’d trip and kill myself.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Yup, gotta take a wiz again. Same time almost every morning. Thank God for the phone or I’d trip and kill myself.
    Probably a good idea to put in some low brightness nightlights. It’s not world’s greatest idea to go flashing a cell screen into your eyes (even if only momentarily) in the middle of a short duration sleep/wake cycle.

  37. #77
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    I’m still up at 3am usually. Last night after that crazy thread that disappeared by the time I just woke up, I stayed up until 4:30 am. Once I heard the birds chirping outside my window, I know it’s time to get to sleep.

    I worked for 14 years from 11pm to 7am, and another 8 years or so from noon to around midnight to get overtime.

    I can never fall asleep until hours after midnight. When Roku and firestick came out, I appreciated it more than most.

    I probably gained 25 pounds of fat in 6 years since I got them, staying all night in front of the tv, but at least I keep busy before getting tired enough to fall asleep.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Probably a good idea to put in some low brightness nightlights. It’s not world’s greatest idea to go flashing a cell screen into your eyes (even if only momentarily) in the middle of a short duration sleep/wake cycle.
    I just point the screen down for a little light. Night lights? Then it’s grab bars in the shower shortly after. I think I’ll push off the inevitable for a while longer.

  39. #79
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    this 3am thing is getting kinda old ,, not sure if its a blessing or a curse

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this 3am thing is getting kinda old ,, not sure if its a blessing or a curse
    Ehh, I tried afternoon training, but due to my end of work day being so variable, I had to stop that dumb shit.

    So I’m back to 1:30 am wake-ups on training days during the week.

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