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This is the era of near instant communication. If your company doesn't have a website, twitter feed, facebook account, LinkedIn presence, etc, then you need to get one (actually ALL of them) NOW. You will have to be diplomatic in wording but get the message out that you are very much active and accepting business. That will counter any negative vibes your addict friend might try to spread. A well crafted online presence may also get you more business than you know what to do with, so prepare to staff up accordingly.
If you are legally responsible for the company, then you control the information. That doesn't mean you can't accept input from your partners - you definitely should. But if your name is on the paperwork, and you don't have any LEGALLY BINDING WRITTEN agreements otherwise, then every single call is yours to make: the buck stops with you.
As for the addict friend (sounds like he is in sales), tell him to take some time off to get his sh!t together. If he can't or won't, then you will have to fire him. There may be some intricate legal issues in your jurisdiction, so do the due diligence to make sure you are operating legally, but cut his a** loose if he can't get it together. In a team, any team but ESPECIALLY a small one, everybody pulls their weight or has to go. Give him a chance to get it together (implement a performance improvement plan aka PIP if you need to) but recognize that you can't let him drag you all under.