pretty nuts how fast the whole world suddenly got turned upside down overnight
Dude - I can’t leave the house, I have nowhere to go
Our fucking car lot has tumbleweeds
Sorry, thought I’d try.
Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........![]()
Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........
Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:
sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....
Of all the people I know that died lately from freak accidents etc... No corona cases or deaths.
L.A. Times this morning - 1/2 of Covid deaths in Los Angeles are in nursing homes.
So I go to the farmer’s market this morning with my wife. Nicely organized, only so many allowed at a time, you can’t handle the produce, just point it out, etc. Everybody with masks, nice distancing, super respectful. But, then I pass this vendor and the dude is not wearing a mask. As I walk by the m-f’r sneezes, barely covering his mouth & all over his products. Irony of all ironies, the asshole is Chinese, kid you not.
2 cases in a town of 1000 with one gas station and one store....
Neither fatal and most of us travel an hour to work in KC.
Yeah wow... This shit is contagious af.
Meanwhile the gas station at 7 am is loaded down so bad ypu cant park and have to wait till someone leaves to pull in.
Last edited by The road; 05-10-2020 at 02:42 PM.
These mfers out here aint washing their hands either.
Most males piss inside 30-45 seconds in and out.
I time them. No sink or dry noise.
We did have one incident when someone opened the freezer door to the busch light and sneezed but a similar altercation happened long before covid.
The numbers have never made sense. I always wondered why the whole world has made a huge deal out something that isn't as deadly as many other contagious diseases. The only thing I wonder is if there is alot more to it than they are telling us to prevent more panic and chaos.
Its 2020.
People didnt stop having sex without condoms because of aids.
They damn sure arent gonna cater to you by wearing a mask all day.
You have a choice.
You can grow your own food or stay home. Lots of grocers delivering.
The norms at pur markets have been mask free.
You are way too worried about this being as bad as they claim. Its not.
Life goes on.
You know how many sweaty ass illegal mexicans picked those vegetables before you got them? Sneezing? Coughing?
The things you dont know didnt kill you.
If you knew what actually went on with milk you would never drink it again.
Prox do you actually think this quarantine prevented deaths?
For it to work everyone has to care and be careful. People like me didnt.
Shit I was in ten gas stations per day sometimes as much as I piss. I washed my hands a couple of times...
You quarantine sick and exposed people not everyone.
I have heard that in Sweden (Where the hell is that wanna be viking guy from the Scandinavian countries when you need him?), the nation implemented little to no social distancing measures and their death rates and rates of infection have been seen to be no higher than the standard flu.
Some doctors I know, here in Central Europe, are saying that it appears to have been a gross over-reaction by the world's governments.
I am in agreement with The road. Herd Immunity is the best defense. People are gonna get sick, people are gonna die (like they aren't anyways?), but we have to keep living and working... WTF...
I had a guy higher up the ladder bitch at me one time because I came to work sick.
I told the boss the day I am sent home because I am sick is the day you are all to big of pussies to have me and I wont return.
Maybe we should reevaluate letting people with weak immunities out in public at all?
Seems much more logical.
the supposed "cure" (ie the quarantine and lock down) , was 10x worse then any damn virus . one of the worst mistakes made in world history.
viruses are a part of life , they are how humans evolve. if it wasn't for viruses our species would of died off long ago.
viruses are not 'alive' . they are Dna and Rna substrands that attach to cells and build up our DNA and make us evolve to th surrondings of our environments so we can continue to evolve as a species .
however, total lock down and quarantine and total economic collapse makes us de evolve.
worst mistake mankind ever made thus far..
I'm afraid of whats coming down the pike next from these fools
We can invent reasons we all need to be kept out of public too!
We will call it P.U.S.S.
(Personally Underachieving Sickness Sufficiency)
"I can't go to work! I'm PUSS!"
We can break it down into subcategories so the gov can look after us.
Me for example: smoke, drink, likes new pussy....
Well that make me succeptible to a shit ton of transmittable diseases. Couple that with not giving a shit...
I'm certified PUSS! Keep this mfer locked away!
"Whew my PUSS check finally came in! Thank god! Gonna go fuck some bitches, get drunk, and smoke a bunch of cigarettes!"
Then I would have to choose women from the PUSS group...
Dear God
there is a big difference between FEAR and DANGER.
Danger is real and tangible and something you need to act on or fight against or run from (like a grizzly bear chasing you in the woods) . but Fear is just an emotion thats all in your head and there is no real threat even present.
the system has everyone paralyzed in a state of fear. its a tactic that has been used in war for thousands of years. fear is very powerful tool to control the masses (mainly the sheep)
You’re mistaking the difference between fear and anxiety as the difference between fear and danger.
Fear is the psychological and physiological response (fight or flight) to real, definable danger.
Anxiety on the other hand, is a ‘fear like’ reaction to something either intangible, imaginary, completely abstract, etc. usually resulting in chronically elevated stress markers.
Haha, fair enough. I was using the actual clinical division of two things. Anxiety has become and increasingly large problem for much of the developed world, even before this shit took off.
Our species survived and thrived by learning from negative stimuli. In the face of a world without real threats to our survival, mammalian brains tend to make shit up to worry about.
Even things such as “the economy”, mortgages, etc. are abstracts with no direct threat, no reason to instill a fear response. Yet, here we are.
When you look at the lesser developed parts of the world where ‘real problems’ still exist, you don’t tend to see these same chronically elevated stress markers. It’s hard to worry about abstracts when you still have a real tangible threat (like being stalked by animals that can kill you, starvation, etc.) to deal with.
We are stuck in Sweden during this Pandemic, and they implemented pretty much everything except a lockdown. Difference seem to be people actually stick to physical distancing (Never understood social distancing), which I why the numbers have plateaued. All of a sudden, conservatives (who usually hate the socialist nation of Sweden) LOVE it and liberals (Who often BRAG about the social welfare system there) HATE it. People believe what they want to think especially if it is something they already think is happening. All you got to is read this thread. Anyone slightly wary of the government usually now thinks they are trying to lock everyone away forever, and everyone who typically trusts the government thinks no questions should be asked.
In the end, the biggest difference we have noted here is that not a single decision has been made by politicians. They have asked the Swedish version fo the CDC, what do we do and that has created the policy and then they looked at what was happening on the ground and made changes accordingly. Quite refreshing considering the shit show I am watching at home!
Regardless, going to be able to move home soon and I am going kiss the damn ground when I do it.
Last edited by tarmyg; 05-11-2020 at 07:22 AM.
Well unfortunately we didn’t isolate the infected early enough, we let it into the country. Had that been done in February, this would be an all-around different scenario.
Do I think isolation saved lives, I do. But now that we are using hind site & it is obvious that the isolation should have been limited to a certain portion of our population. Back in February/March little to nothing was definitively known about this. Even now, you have this new twist that is putting kids in ICU.
I’ve posted this forever now; the medical community wasn’t ready. There would have been more Covid deaths and more non-Covid deaths.
I get it, the economy is fucked now, as are a lot of people. I am not blind to that one bit.
I have 2 attachments. Something I posted a month ago when deaths were 14,000 and something recently released from NY.
If China gave us data like this in February/March & we could actually trust China, well then this whole scenario would have played out differently once again.
I know two nurses that were recently laid off due to lack of work. I know of a hospital that has 225 beds but currently only 16 beds are occupied.
then you look at the epicenter in NY and they never even used the Javit center 1000 beds and they took it down and they never used the Navy ship either..
our hospitals are empty and our nurses are being sent home. this is all an exaggeration and news hype. the news is using footage from Spain and saying its a Manhattan hospital.
CNN was recently busted for hiring a bunch of people off the street to pack them into a line to go into a 'covid' tent for testing , because it was totally dead and they needed more people for the feature.
I think our hospitals were totally ready, and still are ready , they just mainly remain empty . but the news wants you to think otherwise
GH. My wife, our friends all work in the medical profession PT’s, RNs, Physicians & administrators, top to bottom. My wife and her friends are treating Covid - 19 patients in the ICU at this very moment. The reasons nurses and other employees are losing work, the reasons why the medical profession is losing $ is because they ceased elective and non-essential surgeries. You don’t randomly put Covid patients in any available rooms. They must be isolated and ICU can only handle so many. My friend is one of the head surgeons at Cedars Sinai, he works less than one day a week.
And of course this is affecting urban areas more, thus some hospitals will be more vacant than others.
You may “think” they weren’t ready but I know our facilities out here weren’t and I’m not relying on the “news” for my information.
Of course, population density makes something like this orders of magnitude worse in centers, while remaining null to negligible for 95+% of the populated landmass.
I think that’s where a lot of these thoughts are stemming from. When you have huge swaths that look like nothing is happening (other than shutdowns pissing people off), it’s easy to think that you’re being completely duped.
On the other hand, we REALLY need to take this as a lesson on “broad brush orders” being stupid as fuck for a country this size, this diverse, and this spread out. Even within just a 100 mile radius of where I live, I can see the entire spectrum from utter “5 people per sq. mile” middle of nowhere, to extremely dense population centers that could become problematic hotspots in a hurry.
Treating everything as though it were the latter just leads to a shitload of pissed off people.
Null or negligible? You and others absolutely knew FOR A FACT that certain areas would hardly be touched?
Null or negligible. I’m guessing in certain areas of the country they don’t get affected by colds or the flu because that only happens in high density areas.
In hindsight you can make a lot of claims, but at the time nobody in the medical profession were sure of anything so excessive precautions were taken.
Oh, I’m not saying that any of us are psychic. All we have is hindsight for the time after new experiences. My point is that this needs to be learned from. When we fuck up, we need to admit it and improve response for the future.
It’s nice to think that we could implement measures like what South Korea did, but we just can’t. Even if you ignore the infrastructure and logistical issues with this (think extremely remote areas that have little to no cell service, etc.), you’d probably have full scale riots within a week.
So, when you consider these things, our two options are to either do this silly shit again, or stop acting like every part of our landmass is one homogeneous, evenly distributed group and adjust accordingly. Being “American” means absolutely fucking nothing when you look at the big picture.
Or we could unfuck our infrastructure and bring it into the current century everywhere, but yeah, best of luck with getting that done.
Of course this is a learning process and I agree with much of your last post.
Honestly, I’m sincerely happy many of you guys here (and your families & friends) turned out to not be affected. I’m sincerely happy that a good portion of age ranges turned out to not have a stronger chance of hospitalization and death. Shit my wife is going on 63, and because of what we have learned in only a couple of months, feels relatively safe treating those patients in the ICU.
My entire argument was that we know shit now, that we didn’t before.
But then again, what’s this stuff happening with infants - who the fuck knows, but it’s spreading. And, are we sure it’s going to be limited primarily in high density areas? Do any of you want to potentially risk someone’s child over that gamble? Anyone want to roll the dice on that one? Cause it ain’t me.
That requires cost benefit analysis that can’t be done with completely unknown variables. Are more infants at risk from the disease, or from the bad shit that comes with an economic downturn? The “if it saves one life” shit conveniently ignores side effect deaths. We don’t get to ignore problems that we do understand, just because we’re faced with one that we don’t.
Well, if you’re comfortable telling that to a grieving parent, more power to you.
Are you comfortable explaining to a child that they lost a (or both) parent(s) to the increases in domestic violence that we’re seeing (assuming that they themselves survive), that their sacrifice was necessary to maybe save someone they’d have most likely never met?
There’s no win in this. It’s shit all the way around. In such situations, numbers and rationality have to take over; feelings be damned.
Uh, I’ve counseled students that have tried to kill themselves because of home issues. Have you?
Work in healthcare and try to explain to someone why their family member died, I have, have you?
They don’t want bs cost analysis, one life matters crap. They want to know why they died and if it could have been prevented.
Once again, feel free cost analyzing infants or anyone else’s lives, but you be the one there to explain it to them when they die.
I’d be more than happy to, but no one would give me that job any more than they’d give it to an AI that possesses no sympathy programming. I refuse to apologize for damage mitigation measures that benefit the whole of the body.
Don’t get it twisted; this applies in both directions. If it turned out that shutting down swaths the economy was the better strategy, I’d be behind that too. Unfortunately, we won’t know which works better until trying both.
You can’t be “on the side of caution” when dealing with the aforementioned unknown variable. Which side that is has yet to be determined.
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