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Thread: Body Dysmorphia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Next door to your mother

    Body Dysmorphia

    How bad do you have it? I'm skinny fat. At least that's how I feel. People call me "big man," "mr. muscles," etc. I don't see it. And I'm def not BIG. 5'7", 190-195, probably a good 20% bf. Do I have body dysmorphia? Or is it just that I have different standards than the normies? Maybe both?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I’m sure all of us have it to some degree, although I don’t consider it a “disorder”. They label every human condition and state of mind a disorder now in days.

    With that said I spend 2+ hours a day lifting weights. I track my calories and macros, and injecting steroids, peptides, and whatever else I can use to maximize the work I put in to it’s full potential. The top of my fridge and counter top is covered in hundreds of dollars in supplements.

    My neighbor sits in his garage and drinks 15+ beers everyday and is completely content with himself. So... yeah. Must be easy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Wtf, I was just gonna start a thread quite similar - but, didn’t feel like typing atm

    Well, I’m personally quite content where I am at. . . . But, I don’t want to ever see it go. So, it’s a tad of a different issue - I suppose

    I’m keeping it up, regrowing bitch tits, a hernia & now without a gym. . . I’ll only stop when my body no longer lets me

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Next door to your mother
    Double inguinal hernia here. I'll never stop. Feel like shit with a few days off. Home gym is up & running. Need gym to re-open tho'. Not quite enough equipment in the home gym.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Got an inguinal hernia I’ve been babying too for awhile, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any worse, so piss on it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Vanity is a bitch, I feel either too small or 2 fat - most of the time I just try not to think about it. I feel like I should be way bigger & leaner with all the sauce I pumped & protein packed crap I scarfed down

    Oh well,

    It's y I turned my does way down - what's the point. . . With 5x more juice I look 5% better

    Who cares

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    I think we all feel it, it comes with the lifestyle. It’s about having a healthy recognition though. I’ll admit to feeling too small or too fat a lot. It’s inside most of us, but especially people that commit to this life.

    I’m down 17 pounds through my cancer journey so far, haven’t touched a real weight in almost 2 months and feel tiny and weak. I’m still 6’3” and 250 pounds and when I see people I know for the first time since my diagnosis the first thing they say is “you look great”. Of course I think they’re lying and I’m sure they expectations from talking to me are that I’ll look like a skeleton...because that’s how I feel at the moment. I’m still bigger than 95% of the people around me at any given time.

    I’m trying to learn to be healthier and happier even when I’m “smaller”. At the end of the day, your mental physical conditioning should be stronger than your physical. I used to beat the shit out of myself. If this were happening to me at 25 as opposed to 45, I wouldn’t be able to take it.

    I have to remind myself that some guy is busting his ass right now to look like I look now...cancer, no gym and all.

    Puts it in perspective that way. I do miss the heads turning, the kids pointing and all the vain shit that comes with looking like a monster, but at the same time I’m still loving myself too and am proud of the work I’ve put in over the years.

    Cue the theme song from “Rocky”!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    calgary alberta canada
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Vanity is a bitch, I feel either too small or 2 fat - most of the time I just try not to think about it. I feel like I should be way bigger & leaner with all the sauce I pumped & protein packed crap I scarfed down

    Oh well,

    It's y I turned my does way down - what's the point. . . With 5x more juice I look 5% better

    Who cares
    Dude you definitely have it you are not small or fat by any means. That being said I have it to a degree as well. But I'm nowhere near as big as you . I have a lot of work to do this year. I took a big bodybuilding break in lieu of martial arts training now I'm mixing the 2 but leaning towards getting bigger.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I think most of us on the forums can objectively say there are things we could improve upon, and it's not body dysmorphia in that regard. It is body dysmorphia when it consumes you, when you spend large portions of the day dissatisfied with your life because of some perceived physical flaw. Imo, none of us on this forum have a legitimate reason to feel that badly about ourselves. We have two legs, two arms, we can work out, we can put on muscle. The end result should never be the focus if you want to achieve something. The satisfaction is in the journey. If we were all happy with how we looked all the time, none of us would be working out. There was just a study done that showed fat people are happier than fit people... go figure. If you're happy, you tend to be complacent.

    We all try to put our best selves out there, especially on the internet, but it's normal to fluctuate. Fat/muscles come and go in this lifestyle. The core of who you are should be secure in whatever shape you happen to be in. I've been eating like shit the past few weeks, starting to look sloppy, but I'm still happy because I got to focus on other projects I'd been procrastinating over. I will always strive to be within 10% of my best, and as long as I'm trying, I'm happy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I am 6'2" 235 about 18-20% bf.
    I hear from people that I'm big, I dont see it.
    I wake up look in the mirror and see that 190lb twiggy guy I was after I lost all my weight.

    I get done lifting and think things are finally coming around.

    I look in the mirror before bed and see that 255lb fat slob I use to be.

    It's a vicious cycle but it keeps me pushing hard.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    With that said I spend 2+ hours a day lifting weights.
    Two hours per day is a good hobby. When I was learning to play the harp I practiced for an hour a day.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Like someone said above, we all have it to some degree I think as well.
    For many of us buillders (whatever building you are into), it's even worse since we usually compare ourselves
    with someone we've seen or know.

    The HARDEST part here, at least for me, is that pictures always bring me down, always.
    I can train like crazy, get compliments, look in the mirror and feel awesome and wanna take a shot to share - aaaand I'm broken haha

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    It's y I turned my does way down - what's the point. . . With 5x more juice I look 5% better
    I concur. I run multiple synergistic compounds now at low dose for blasting. Then on 100mg/week TRT rest of time.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Cornish View Post
    How bad do you have it? I'm skinny fat. At least that's how I feel. People call me "big man," "mr. muscles," etc. I don't see it. And I'm def not BIG. 5'7", 190-195, probably a good 20% bf. Do I have body dysmorphia? Or is it just that I have different standards than the normies? Maybe both?

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    I'm 6'0, 215lbs, 34" waist, people say I'm big and I don't think so, only because that word is subjective. We are in the bodybuilding world so big means pro bb'er. They live in reality where big is anyone with some muscles and not a fat tub of disgusting fatbody.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I think a little bit of body dysmorphia is necessary otherwise we'd all just look like shit and would not bother looking after our appearance.

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