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Thread: My friends grandfather just died from COVID 19???

  1. #1

    My friends grandfather just died from COVID 19???

    My friends grandfather who was in good health took a nasty fall down a flight of stairs ended up in with a brain hemorrhage, and in a coma. he was in the ICU for a couple weeks, the doctor said their was nothing they could do for him, and gave the family the option to pull him off of life support which they made the tough decision to do so. once all was done and he passed the doctor stated the cause of death was COVID 19 apparently he exhibited symptoms while in a coma with internal bleeding, and before he died without the family's knowledge, or permission they tested him and he tested positive. prior to his fall he was visited by a family member, seemed to be in perfect health other than some age related issues (mobility, hearing, etc), and has not left his house in over a month.

  2. #2
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    First off, very sincere condolences to you and your friend’s family. I mean that.

    I would recommend that they contact both a lawyer and Medicare and sue them for fraud. If they feel his patient rights were violated because they did something unethically, that will only add more credence to the law-suit.

    If the hospital used the death for additional funding, the consequences are severe if they are busted. Have been in healthcare for 35 years; Medicare does NOT fuck around with fraud. You would have to be an ass in this day and age to risk it as the consequences do not outweigh the benefits.

    All my best, again, sincere condolences.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    First off, very sincere condolences to you and your friendÂ’s family. I mean that.

    I would recommend that they contact both a lawyer and Medicare and sue them for fraud. If they feel his patient rights were violated because they did something unethically, that will only add more credence to the law-suit.

    If the hospital used the death for additional funding, the consequences are severe if they are busted. Have been in healthcare for 35 years; Medicare does NOT fuck around with fraud. You would have to be an ass in this day and age to risk it as the consequences do not outweigh the benefits.

    All my best, again, sincere condolences.
    Thanks. I agree something should be done about it but the family is not that way they will just let it be. I'm in NY and our governor has already been called out for manipulating the numbers apparently they were declaring covid 19 the cause of death without even testing almost seems like a money grab for the state and when they don't get anything from the federal government they're just going to use this as an excuse to raise taxes when the state was broke before this whole thing.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    Thanks. I agree something should be done about it but the family is not that way they will just let it be. I'm in NY and our governor has already been called out for manipulating the numbers apparently they were declaring covid 19 the cause of death without even testing almost seems like a money grab for the state and when they don't get anything from the federal government they're just going to use this as an excuse to raise taxes when the state was broke before this whole thing.
    I’m in Los Angeles, no matter. This pandemic is political & claims will be made both ways. MEDICARE doesn’t care! Nor do laws that violate patient rights. Sue & take action! This cannot be tolerated!

  5. #5
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    Good lord...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    Thanks. I agree something should be done about it but the family is not that way they will just let it be. I'm in NY and our governor has already been called out for manipulating the numbers apparently they were declaring covid 19 the cause of death without even testing almost seems like a money grab for the state and when they don't get anything from the federal government they're just going to use this as an excuse to raise taxes when the state was broke before this whole thing.
    I’m altering my statement a bit. And again, my condolences, I don’t like to be callous in this situation.

    In N.Y. I believe you can get additional Medicare funding even if it is suspected that Covid-19 could have plausibly led to the death. That will still be ok by Medicare apparently. I don’t believe this is the case in all states however.

    Being in Medicine, I know Medicare does meticulous chart reviews to watch out for fraudulent charges. I have seen horrible penalties, jobs lost and departments closed because of this.

    However, I am also familiar with the greed involved in medicine & it would not surprise me to see this as causing administrators pressuring physicians to play with the numbers to offset some of their other loses by this pandemic.

    What would be interesting is that after we see an end to this, is if you see some class-action lawsuits against facilities for fraudulent claims, particularly since those claims led to a loss of income, jobs or businesses.

    Hospitals can be audited, charts pulled & if something is not right, trust me, it will be picked up and the $ must be re-paid. However, it will take several months after this pandemic for these audits to happen and they take time.

    You always perceive that the medical profession would be beyond bs like this, but they are just as bad as others.

    Doing more checking now on Medicare regulations regarding getting extra funding for Covid.

    But like I mentioned if there are loopholes like the one in NY, that’s one big ass loophole.

    Again, my condolences and I apologize if I came off negative as I was wrong with my facts.
    Last edited by Proximal; 05-10-2020 at 04:52 PM.

  7. #7
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    Condolences for your loss.

    A person I know in the billing department of our local hospital told me that part of the stimulus package for hospitals allows them to bill Medicare 20% more for all covid patients. This is why they make sure they test everyone no matter what their in the hospital for.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Condolences for your loss.

    A person I know in the billing department of our local hospital told me that part of the stimulus package for hospitals allows them to bill Medicare 20% more for all covid patients. This is why they make sure they test everyone no matter what their in the hospital for.
    Maybe the elderly. They wouldn't test mine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Condolences for your loss.

    A person I know in the billing department of our local hospital told me that part of the stimulus package for hospitals allows them to bill Medicare 20% more for all covid patients. This is why they make sure they test everyone no matter what their in the hospital for.
    This is just one source, so can’t validate its complete accuracy. . .
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Maybe the elderly. They wouldn't test mine.
    They didn’t have enough tests available road, a LOT of folks didn’t get tested, nor are they still.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    They didn’t have enough tests available road, a LOT of folks didn’t get tested, nor are they still.
    I am sure.
    They always come up with one at the time of death though ey?

    Test a dead 80 year old but not a child.

  12. #12
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    "My god this mans heart stopped beating and he appears to be struggling for breath!"

    "Get the covid test!"

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I am sure.
    They always come up with one at the time of death though ey?

    Test a dead 80 year old but not a child.
    Road, first off it’s your kids, so I’m going to tread VERY lightly and with the utmost respect.

    I deleted what I posted as to just stop again.

    I’m sorry, if was your kids, I was in the wrong.
    Last edited by Proximal; 05-10-2020 at 07:02 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Road, first off it’s your kids, so I’m going to tread VERY lightly and with the utmost respect.

    I deleted what I posted as to just stop again.

    I’m sorry, if was your kids, I was in the wrong.
    You're good man. All just opinions anyway. It was my kids but they weren't high risk.
    Imo no one is.

    Of the things we can crash the economy over this bug is a silly one.

  15. #15
    Here in NY they were testing anyone. They truly think that if you test everyone it will just magically end this thing.

  16. #16
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    No, it will possibly identifyi if you can affect others at greater risk than yourself.

  17. #17
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    I heard something along the lines of what Proximal said; "Hospitals get added funding for every "confirmed" Covid death..." I can't attest to the veracity of that, but if it is true, then the motivation is obvious...

    I extend my condolences to the TS, concerning the loss of a family member...

  18. #18
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    If a patient is hospitalized with Covid, the added costs are immense to the facility. You don’t just pocket the $ and buy a new car.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    If a patient is hospitalized with Covid, the added costs are immense to the facility. You don’t just pocket the $ and buy a new car.
    Just had someone else tell me about a guy who had a heart attack while roofing a house and died at the hospital cause of death covid 19. I guess a family member argued it and the doctor said I like my job and I'm just doing what I'm told. This thing just seems like a money grab for a lot of people and nobody's questioning it out of fear. Again not by any means saying that this virus isn't bad but it seems people are taking advantage of it.

  20. #20
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    Look, am I denying that happens, particularly if there are loopholes like that in NY? But, IF he had coronavirus, then he had to be treated differently (even if he was there for something else). That’s the point, the level of care changes, the time and supplies change & this costs $. Are you saying it’s wrong for a hospital to not want to lose $. If he was a Medicare patient, there will be chart reviews if wrong doing is suspected.

    The family that argued simply has to contact Medicare and believe me, if they were cheated out of the $, Medicare WILL get it back & jobs will be lost.

    There is a process in place for Medicare fraud, I suggest those that have concerns like yourself contact Medicare. It’s that simple.

  21. #21
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    No source checks
    I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather

    Money is the root of all evil...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather

    Money is the root of all evil...
    I thought it was booze and women.

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