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Thread: Flu vaccine - causing Covid positive tests

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    Flu vaccine - causing Covid positive tests

    if you had a flu vaccination , you may test positive for Covid even though you were never exposed to covid.

    this is artificially driving up the numbers and making this "pandemic" a much bigger deal then it really is.
    that way the government can enact there new social and political policies upon the masses.

    old people are dying of natural causes and pneumonia, etc. like they always do every year. but being they had flu shots they are testing positive for Covid. even though they were not exposed.. so they get marked as having died from Covid 19

    the numbers are artificially being driven up to keep society in a state of fear..

    the Flu is a Covid virus .. when you take the vaccine you get a small amount of that virus injected into your body. thus can test positive for Covid 19.
    this has been planned for year perhaps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Which brings is back to Event 201.

    I thank God everyday that we're fortunate enough to have a small amount of an emergency fund, I'm back at work, we have insurance, and a decent stash of food, maintenance meds, and if necessary weapons. Although we don't have a fancy house, it's good enough for us.

    IF society in this country hasn't imploded within the next few months, I'm either going to take advantage of the penalty tax exemption and raid my 401k in the amount just shy of the next tax bracket, and the rest will be going into stable asset and bonds funds in my 401k. It's not a sure thing with the stable value funds, but at least I'm going to try to play it safe for a 55 year old man.

    If it comes down to it, I have quite a few metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps with multitap ballasts I got on a barter deal years ago. I'm not above turning a bathroom into a vegetable garden! Between that and the wildlife on our land and 3 wells, we'll manage.

    Things are so much in flux now. Then suddenly the Justice Department determines what most of us felt/ knew. Gen. Michael Flynn got railroaded.

    Even with 4 more years I think the swamp still may not get drained.
    Last edited by almostgone; 05-10-2020 at 04:34 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    So true. I never get vaccines myself I rarely get sick anyhow. Even when I did a lot of drugs in my dumb young years I was healthy. I had a flu shot once and I was as sick as a dog....

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2jz_calgary View Post
    So true. I never get vaccines myself I rarely get sick anyhow. Even when I did a lot of drugs in my dumb young years I was healthy. I had a flu shot once and I was as sick as a dog....
    I recently heard a very successful doctor say "if theres ever going to be a civil war again in this country again, its going to be over forced vaccinations"

    'they' are already planning for a second wave of "corona" (ie, they are going to roll it out again). they are talking about mandatory vaccinations, and then getting a vaccination ID card that will allow you to go back to work, school and ability travel.

    when you apply for a job, instead of just giving your drivers license and SS number , you'll have to give your vaccination ID as well . when you go to school you'll have to have a vaccination ID . when you travel , no longer just a passport, you'll need a vaccination ID.

    freedom loving "we the people" won't stand for that shit

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    calgary alberta canada
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I recently heard a very successful doctor say "if theres ever going to be a civil war again in this country again, its going to be over forced vaccinations"

    'they' are already planning for a second wave of "corona" (ie, they are going to roll it out again). they are talking about mandatory vaccinations, and then getting a vaccination ID card that will allow you to go back to work, school and ability travel.

    when you apply for a job, instead of just giving your drivers license and SS number , you'll have to give your vaccination ID as well . when you go to school you'll have to have a vaccination ID . when you travel , no longer just a passport, you'll need a vaccination ID.

    freedom loving "we the people" won't stand for that shit
    The number of the beast? Your compound is sounding better every day. Lots of beautiful land in British Columbia.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The fuk I drove around a truck without a valid license plate 10 years. The IRS can't stop Millions of people from defrauding them. I doubt they ever successfully pull off anything but stretching themselves thinner with more and more bullshit rules that they can't enforce as it is

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    The fuk I drove around a truck without a valid license plate 10 years. The IRS can't stop Millions of people from defrauding them. I doubt they ever successfully pull off anything but stretching themselves thinner with more and more bullshit rules that they can't enforce as it is
    But you are in MO. That explains it. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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