This past week I made a skate ramp out my back garden from some chipboard, 2 x 4, sheet metal and about 60 screws and nails.
I wanted to make a skate ramp anyway but really it was just practice for making my one-person meditation hut.
The floor inside my hut will measure 2½ ft x 2½ ft. The ceiling will be 4½ feet high.
Originally I had intended on making the interior floor exactly 1 metre x 1 metre because I can get cheap electric underfloor heating for about $75 per square metre. After thinking about this for a while though, 1 m x 1 m is excessive. So I've decided to go with 2½ ft x 2½ ft.
I've ditched the idea of using electric underfloor heating; I want my my meditation hut to be movable and portable, and so I would like to use a fuel heater (kerosene or propane). The volume of space inside my hut will be about 28 cubic feet and so I would need to figure out a way to heat it but to have the heater situated outside the hut so that the hut does not fill with toxic fumes.
I've been searching the internet looking for ideas on how to heat a dog's kennel without electricity but I have yet to find a way to have a propane heater outside a kennel that will provide heat inside the kennel (and therefore will not release toxic fumes into the kennel).
Anyone got any ideas on how to situate a heater outside the space it is heating? Or perhaps does somebody have an idea for effectively extracting the fumes while retaining most of the heat inside?
Or does anyone have a different idea altogether for heating my hut without electricity?