Originally Posted by
Fluidic Cameron
I've tried a few different religions, lived in a temple and went to a few meditation centres, churches, mosques. I've read the biographies and autobiographies of the people I most admired hoping that I would somehow touch my own soul up against theirs.
It is ironic that the group that I criticise the most, the Catholics, has spoken the most sense about alcohol, substance abuse and drugs:
There are alcoholic fathers and mothers all over the world who make their children feel loved.
Please read that last paragraph a second time.
Some of these parents read their child a story at bedtime and enroll them every year in swimming lessons. Some of them even teach their child a musical instrument, and again some of them even show their child how to turn wood and weld metal in the garage.
Speaking as a grown man who hasn't seen any member of his family in 5 years, and whose expartner suicided 4 years ago, I can tell you that when I reach back into my memory, I'm not really reaching for resources or anything that I can touch with my hand. To the parents among you who are reading this, I can tell you that your child when they grow up won't be thinking back on remote control cars, iPhones and front-and-back-brake-discs for their bicycle.
It is in our nature to make associations between bad things and bad consequences, and so a lot of us think that alcohol is the devil, or drugs are the devil, or even gambling is the devil (we can talk more about whether this is a behaviour or an emotion).
I don't think that it is fair to criticize anyone for anything other than what they have done. So if a person drinks a fifth of gin every day, and still keeps their household in order, then what can you really accuse them of?
Some people try to sort their life out by cutting out all substances -- alcohol, drugs, whatever -- and this seems to be a good idea for a lot of people. But we must maintain respect for the people who haven't done anything wrong and yet still drink a little and smoke a little.
There is a member of this forum who posts pretty much daily, and who admits to daily drinking out of necessity, and I think most of us here have the greatest respect and admiration for him -- I mean if I lived within 50 miles of him I'd probably call around now and again (and probably make up excuses for why I had to come around).
Don't lose sight of what we're trying to do here in life. Every single one of us boils down to this:
All of us are nothing more than a genetic lottery and life experiences.
I have a steadfastly strong admiration for the people whom I see struggle daily in life, the people who above all make their children feel loved while they simultaneously keep themselves ticking over at great effort.