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Thread: The mainstream media did this to America

  1. #761
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    It is rather amusing. Beetle posts all this stuff, but never responds to any comments. He probably just sits back to see who he can bring in to debate with others while he is sitting back watching the action.
    Psychology 101. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #762
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    It is rather amusing. Beetle posts all this stuff, but never responds to any comments. He probably just sits back to see who he can bring in to debate with others while he is sitting back watching the action.
    Psychology 101. LOL

    Or he could only be intelligent enough to copy and paste and not smart enough to form his own opinion.

    But truthfully what he practices is Lying 101.
    If you post enough lies your opposition has to waste its time trying to disprove your lies.
    Meanwhile any ignorant reader can easily fall prey to to misinformation.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #763
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Or he could only be intelligent enough to copy and paste and not smart enough to form his own opinion.

    But truthfully what he practices is Lying 101.
    If you post enough lies your opposition has to waste its time trying to disprove your lies.
    Meanwhile any ignorant reader can easily fall prey to to misinformation.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I don’t read it and don’t get involved.
    I guess it’s time for me to start my flower power postings. LOL
    We all need to take a trip to Yasgur’s farm and play a song and have a celebration.

    You young guys won’t understand.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #764
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    The demoncrat art of magical thinking

    It is not surprising that Democrats prefer pleasing fantasy to sobering reality

    Roger Kimball

    I should clear up one thing straight away. I do not believe that Joe Biden is guilty of magical thinking. Magical thinking, though specious, is a form of thinking. It is a truth universally acknowledged that Joe Biden is not guilty of thinking of any kind, ergo, Joe Biden is not guilty of magical thinking. Quod erat demonstrandum.

    But Biden’s supporters? Well, that is another matter altogether. There you see a wild efflorescence of magical thinking.

    What is magical thinking? It is the irrational belief, rampant among primitive peoples and those exposed to too many woke college seminars, that our thoughts influence or ‘constitute’ reality.

    In the present case, we see Biden’s supporters telling us, and through telling us, telling themselves, that their candidate is ahead in the polls and is therefore likely to win the election in November.

    They omit to say that their polls are fantasy polls: that they are of registered, not likely, voters, that they oversample Democrats or suburban women, that they fail to factor in the phenomenon of the shy Trump voter, who fully intends to vote for the President but is not happy about advertising it to random pollsters.

    Among some architects of this fantasy, there is a strategy. The idea is that by claiming something is true one can influence opinion, at least at the margins, and up the odds of its becoming true. In itself, this is not irrational. If you hear something often enough, not only do you remember it, you also begin to believe it.

    That, anyway, is the theory. How does it work in practice? Pretty patchily, I’d say, and for confirmation I offer the spectacle of the late evening of November 8, 2016. Remember all those shattered faces at the Javits Center, home of the Hillary victory party that never was? There they were, etched with grief, moist-eyed, mute or maundering, sown with an incredulity that had not yet degenerated into rage. You saw something similar among the talking heads at CNN, MSNBC and the other major dispensers of Democratic propaganda. This couldn’t be happening. Recall the sad/funny footage of Ben Rhodes that night. It was a grief observed. ‘I, I can’t even…I c-can’t…I, I mean I c-can’t…I c-can’t put it into words…I don’t know what the words are…’

    I could help, Ben. The words were: ‘Hillary lost, Donald Trump won.’

    It’s actually quite simple. Most people think, rightly, that politicians as a tribe tend to be cynical and corrupt manipulators of the public. But what the Australian philosopher David Stove said about philosophers applies to politicians too: ‘They are hardly ever cynical manipulators of their readers’ minds. They do not produce delusions in others, without first being subject to them themselves.’

    By the time that October 2016 rolled around, I was confident that — barring some unforeseen catastrophe — Trump was going to win. I watched as he crisscrossed the country, drawing ten, twenty, thirty thousand fans to his rallies day in and day out. I took on board his performance at these events: seemingly casual and off-the-cuff but forcefully hammering home a menu of important points about immigration, taxes, judges, the US military, international trade and foreign policy. Most of the polls continued to place Hillary way ahead until, suddenly, she lost, around about 9 p.m. on election night.

    How could this have happened? I don’t mean how could Hillary have lost — she ran a terrible campaign, was hugely unappealing personally and she was lazy. (For his part, Trump was a dynamo, always on the move, always before the public, never missing a chance to mix it up with the media or his opponents.) What’s harder to understand is the origin of the Dems’ magical thinking — a form of fantasy that is at least as powerful a force in 2020 as it was in 2016. I think there are two main sources of the delusion. One is the habit of credulity that is a by-product of all utopian thought. The Democrats have mutated into the party of nowhere, so it is not surprising that they prefer pleasing fantasy to sobering reality.

    The other is the attack on objective truth that, in various ways, has been the gospel proclaimed by fancy professors for the past several decades. Students are everywhere taught to be suspicious of truth, to proclaim the relativity of values. This is a brain-addling teaching, but one that you would have to look far and wide to find a place it hadn’t reached.

    Epistemic nihilism, in fact, is the order of the day in all the best colleges and universities. But the result is not so much a failure as a promiscuity of belief. Right now, today, Democratic cities across the country are being torn apart by vicious race-mongers. Anyone with eyes to see knows that Trump is all that stands between us and a race war. As I write, there is news that the economy added another 1.4 million jobs to the nation’s payrolls, significantly exceeding expectations. Unemployment, which had skyrocketed under the Chinese virus shutdown, is falling fast.

    These are huge accomplishments, as was Trump’s pathbreaking diplomacy that saw Israel, the UAE and Bahrain normalize relations. But the headlines have been filled with, for instance, a story from the Atlantic that the President avoided visiting a French military cemetery because the soldiers buried there were such ‘losers’. The ink wasn’t dry on that wretched column before it was refuted by several eyewitnesses. Yet it will be sedulously circulated. And it will give aid and comfort to those building cloud- castles about the results of the 2020 election. Once again, the Democrats are setting themselves up not only for major disappointment but for staggering disillusionment. That’s the trouble with magical thinking. Sooner or later, reality intrudes and destroys the web of fantasy that the spurious magic has spun.

    This article is in The Spectator’s October 2020 US edition.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    BLEXIT* holds Back the Blue rally in DC

    Black America, it's time to Back the Blue! Join us live from Washington D.C. as we rally to honor those who protect all Americans. Hear from Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Candace Owens and more.

    *What is BLEXIT?

    What is BLEXIT?

    ...Coined as a homage to Brexit in 2016, the term is meant to apply to African Americans leaving the Democratic political party.

    Its website describes the term as “a frequency for those who have released themselves from the political orthodoxy”....

  5. #765
    Wow. Another copy and paste.

  6. #766
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Boston, MA
    Does he do this all the time? Ignorance is bliss I guess

  7. #767
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  8. #768
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  9. #769
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    Mar 2013
    Antifa Members Cheer After A One Of Them Shoots A Trump Supporter In the Face Point Blank And Kills Him — Videos

    Twitter videos hosted at the site linked to above.

    Initially the press lied and said that the shooter was an armed security guard with no Antifa affiliation. But as it happens he's a registered demoncrat, has a Bernie sticker on the bumper of his car, and supports whatever leftist movement is available at the moment (Occupy Denver, Antifa, etc). At last report the murderer was being held on charges of first degree murder.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Twitter Censors Senate Candidate Lauren Witzke’s Immigration Views as ‘Hateful Conduct’

    Talk about your "snowflakes!"

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Whitmer lied, claiming they were far right extremists (which is something that doesn't exist). They're actually BLM and anarchists.

    WaPo Buries News BLM Supporter Allegedly Tied to Gov. Whitmer Kidnap Plot

    The far-left Washington Post buried the news one of the alleged plotters in the scheme to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) is a Black Lives Matter supporter....

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    First the BLEXIT rally in DC, now a 30,000-vehicle Hispanic motor parade in Myjammy

    These are random but relevant images from the web page. The photos are not linked to any video but there are several Twitter-hosted videos (that can't be linked to here) available if you follow the hotlink in the headline.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Backflip: W.H.O. Condemns Coronavirus Lockdowns, Just ‘Doubling’ Global Poverty

    The UK’s envoy to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) has condemned mass coronavirus lockdowns, slamming the “ghastly global catastrophe” caused by crashing the world economy.

    Dr. David Nabarro from the W.H.O. appealed to world leaders on Saturday, telling them to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method” of the coronavirus....

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    [url=[/url]Ulster Scots in Northern Ireland Support Trump

    So how many overseas pro-Joe Bite-Me rallys have you seen?

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Emboldened Antifa increasingly violent as national profile rises

    By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Antifa’s profile is rising so quickly that it even got name-checked at last week’s presidential debate.

    As the movement enters the mainstream, its sympathizers are escalating the violence from throwing rocks and blocking doors to physical assaults and, for the first time, killing.

    The rising level of violence from the group marks a sinister evolution from minor street crime to guerrilla tactics usually reserved for revolutionaries.

    “The fear is that we are witnessing the beginning of something that could be more violent over time,” said Michael Kenney, a University of Pittsburgh professor who has interviewed Antifa sympathizers.

    The November presidential election likely will be a seminal moment for the movement. Although its activists don’t like President Trump, they share no love for his political rival, Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden, according to academics.

    Indeed, Mr. Biden is too much of a centrist for their tastes.

    “They hate Biden and the Democratic Party, which they view as part of the problem, but they also don’t see Biden as an existential threat to America’s pluralist democracy the way they see Trump,” Mr. Kenney said.

    The shadowy, loosely organized movement doesn’t subscribe to any one political ideology but serves as an umbrella group for hard-left activists who aggressively oppose what they deem fascism and who advocate for positions that are often far left of the Democratic Party platform....

  10. #770
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    Mar 2013
    Joe Biden ‘Powerless’ Against Radical Left’s Demand to Pack Supreme Court

    Sen. Marsha Blackburn on Sunday warned grassroots activists that former Vice President Joe Biden was powerless to prevent the left from trying to pack the Supreme Court if they won in 2020.

    “This is not a leader who knows how to make a decision,” Blackburn warned activists in a phone call on Sunday. “He appears to be powerless when it comes to opposing the left.”

    Blackburn referred to a recent interview with Biden where he was asked whether voters deserved to know his opinion on court packing before the election.

    “No, they don’t,” Biden replied, growing agitated in an interview with Las Vegas reporter Ross DiMattei.

    ... Blackburn ridiculed the left’s talking points that it was actually Republicans who were “politicizing” and “packing” the Supreme Court, when they were actually just fulfilling their Constitutional duty.

    “Make no mistake, when they talk about packing the Supreme Court, they are talking about a partisan takeover and overthrow of one of our three branches of government,” she said....

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Goes to the arrogance of the administration of Sheikh Obama (piss be upon him), who let the plan go forward because he thought he could keep this hidden from the public forever.

    How CIA tried to wave FBI off Trump-Russia conspiracy as it pointed the finger at Hillary Clinton

    By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 11, 2020

    The CIA wrote a highly classified three-page memo to FBI Director James B. Comey and agent Peter Strzok telling them that 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a plan to blame Russian computer hacking on rival Donald Trump.

    The Washington Times obtained a copy of the heavily redacted memo sent to the FBI on Sept. 7, 2016, weeks after Mr. Strzok had opened the Crossfire Hurricane probe into the Trump campaign on suspicion of conspiring with the Kremlin.

    Then-CIA Director John O. Brennan wrote in notes that Mrs. Clinton allegedly approved the plan, one declassified document shows....

  11. #771
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Oh my, three Christmases in one October?

    Trump Claims Upcoming Release of ‘Breathtaking’ Documents About ‘Crooked Hillary’ and More: ‘Things Nobody Can Believe’

    But Trump was parsimonious with details:

    "...You see what’s going on. We caught them cold, we have them cold and now they have to do something about it, but other documents are going to be released, Maria, which are breathtaking. Wait until you see what’s coming out....”

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Denver's NBC affiliate News9 admits shooter who assassinated a Trump supporter was their security guard

    ... but the problem with that claim is ...

    Man Charged With Murder Of Right-Wing Protester Did NOT Have Security Guard License In Denver

    The Denver Department of Excise and Licenses told CBS Denver in a statement that Dolloff is not licensed to be a security guard in the city:

    We searched our records and there is no record for an active licensed security guard now or ever for an individual named Matthew Doloff or Dolloff. If he was operating as a security guard, he was in violation of the law. Administratively, a security guard operating without a license could be fined up to $999 dollars and face up to a year in jail. The company he works for is also legally responsible for making sure all their security guard employees have a license and could face administrative action against their required security guard employer license if they have security guards working without a license. We have an open administrative investigation in this case. If there is a violation of Denver rules, the security guard employer is subject to having their license show caused and there would be a public hearing to determine the status of the license going forward. This case is in the investigative portion and there has been no show cause issued.

    There is also a potential criminal aspect to this.

    Ruh-roh. So in the eyes of the City of Denver, he wasn't a security guard, he was just another rioting thug ... with a gun.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Breonna Taylor: Anatomy of A Racial Hoax

    How Oprah Winfrey and Black Lives Matter are colluding in a plot to perpetrate a social injustice.

    From the instant this story broke the MSM has bent over backwards portraying Miss Taylor as an upstanding member of the community and a victim of circumstance. But the evidence that has come out since then is that her public life and her private life was very different. Privately, she had had successive relationships with men who she knew were drug dealers. And still was living with one of them when she was killed. Plus, the photos and videos police found in her apartment would make Miss Taylor appear to be someone who had wholeheartedly embraced "thug life."

    So if she was a victim of circumstance, they were circumstances of her own making. What happened to her was the foreseeable consequence of a long chain of bad decisions, not bad policing.

    In spite of the facts now in evidence, Orca Winfree is championing her cause, to include paying for 26 "giant" billboards bearing Miss Taylor's image and the message “Demand that the police involved in killing Breonna Taylor be arrested and charged.”

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Sweet, sweet irony

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    Sydney Powell does not mince words. Or fuck around. If she says she's got the goods, you can take that to the bank.

    Sydney Powell — Timeline of Treason

  12. #772
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

  13. #773
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Biden held a rally in Phoenix ... and NO ONE came.

    ... in the meanwhile, ...

    Trump supporters flood Beverly Hills in 'largest' and 'most diverse' rally on Rodeo Drive

    ... and ...

    Dance party for Trump on Rodeo Drive…

    This is pretty telling. That they don't even bother to 'hire' a crowd to attend his rallies, if only for the optics, tells me they don't give a fig about the election. It's a write-off; they know they've lost ...

    ... unless they stuff the ballot boxes ... a lot of ballot boxes.

  14. #774
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Get Your OFFICIAL Black LIES Matter instructional video!

    Don't delay; free Zippo lighter and can of Gulf Pride starter fluid to the first 10 callers!!!

  15. #775
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    VIOLENT REPUBLICAN RIOTERS queued up down the street, waiting to get in to tonight's Trump rally at the Orlando airport

    Speaking of the Orlando airport, here's a trivia question for you.

    Anybody know the first two characters in the "tail number" of all Disney aircraft?

  16. #776
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Mug shot collage of everyone arrested in last night's Black LIES Matter riots in Portland

    Explain to me how this is not a case of "Cultural Appropriation"?

  17. #777
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Where did you get my pic from?? LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. #778
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Sixty seconds of brilliance from black (former) police officer Brandon Tatum

    Speaking at the BLEXIT Support the Blue rally in DC

  19. #779
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hey, I've got to give it to them. Them demoncrat maggots are nothing if not classy!

    Whatever happened to, "Don't raise your voice, ... reinforce your argument?"
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 10-12-2020 at 07:38 PM.

  20. #780
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Peaceful Protesters in Portland tear down statues of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.

    There's a couple of YouTube videos, which is one more than I can link to this post, so follow the hotlink in the headline if you'd like to watch either.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Peaceful demoncrat Protesters publish online guide to disrupting the country if the election is close

    An organization of radical left-wing activists has posted an online guide to “disruption” that outlines a plan to shut down the country and force President Donald Trump from power in the event that the 2020 election is too close to call.

    The guide, “Stopping the Coup,” available as a Google doc, is being circulated by a group called ShutDownDC. It casts its plan for disruption as a response to an imagined “coup” by the president in the case of a close election.

    In an email promoting the guide, ShutDownDC declares: “Preventing Donald Trump from stealing the election and remaining in office is likely to take mass, sustained disruptive movements all over the country.” The guide is a manual to that “disruption.”

    Parts of the guide are committed to ensuring a “fair election.” Parts of it, however, read like a manual for staging a coup rather than a guide to preventing one:

    In the context of a coup or highly contested election we need to be clear that our actions must directly affect the structures and pillars of power. Our largest asset in this regard utilizes the ideas of non-compliance through massive, broad based direct action. Where we can, we need to be in the streets, on the highways, or at the sites of power and power holders. In our jobs and lives we must refuse to allow those taking control the legitimacy of the power they seek through strikes, slowdowns, and boycotts, and public refusal to accept an illegitimate ruling party.

    Another section urges activists to stop American life from continuing if the election does not go their way (original emphasis):

    In order to really win we will need to force some pillars of power (business, military, media, or other major institutions) to decide to side with the people, or at least get out of the way. If everyday life goes on, a despot will not leave power, and so there will be no incentive for real systems change. You want to think about what it might take to stop business-as-usual.

    The guide also says that activists plan on “physically protecting the vote count from counter-protestors, federal agents, or white supremacist militias.”

    The guide indicates that activists intend to “demand that no winner be announced until every vote is counted,” and that they will launch “mass coordinated action” to that end.

    The signal for action will be if President Donald Trump is declared the winner on Election Night:

    Trump may try to declare himself the victor before the votes are counted, or Fox News might call the race. Those who can should be prepared to take action against those who are feeding into the stolen election narrative, including social media companies that are letting falsehoods or incitements to violence spread.

    The guide imagines a number of bizarre nightmare scenarios — such as Attorney General William Barr trying “to seize all mail-in ballots and invalidate them” — and uses them to motivate readers and justify plans for “direct action.”

    One section says that in the case of a contested election, “we must take action” (original emphasis):

    In the end, the actual electorate might be split, half truly believing that Trump was elected legally, and half knowing that he was not.

    It is in this muddied context of legal and political wrangling that we must take action. We cannot wait to see how the chips fall. That will only ensure more power for the violent white supremacist machine that is the Trump administration and its supporters.

    We want to be clear here, though: we are not a group of Biden supporters. This is not about ensuring that the Democrats win, but actually preparing for the possibility that white supremacist violence will continue.

    The guide also suggests that activists will continue their “disruption” regardless of who wins the election: “We’re absolutely not saying the election is useless, but rather the reactivity of the right and the white supremecist [sic] will be present no matter who wins.”

    The guide also links to a variety of other documents, such as one devoted to preparing for the threat of violence, and another that lists allied organizations. All of the documents seem to benefit from professional-level skills in writing, layout, and design....

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    The leftist assassin who murdered Lee Keltner in Denver in probably is echelons above Antifa in the neo-Marxist power structure

    ...Dolloff’s radical leftist activism goes back at least to 2011 when the various Occupy movements were taking to the streets and disrupting both business and government. They were not as violent as Antifa, but were also not nearly as successful as Antifa or Black Lives Matter at wreaking havoc and rallying their extremist progressive comrades. Many who were there at the early stages of the insurrection graduated to become quiet leaders of Antifa in the background. They knew better than to get involved in being foot soldiers for the group, instead operating as organizers, trainers, and strategists.

    Was Dolloff one of these people? It seems unlikely that he changed his ideology; recent social media posts show he’s just as against President Trump and law enforcement as he was against corporate America and law enforcement back then. It also seems clear that his involvement in insurrection has not diminished but instead has gone underground. The theory that he’s a leader among Antifa appears to jibe with both his public absence from the group as well as his tenure among Neo-Marxist revolutionaries.

    [url=]The Gateway Pundit[url] collected other evidence that shows Dolloff was not only involved with Antifa’s predecessors in the past, but is also still involved with them today.

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    World Bank, UN, Harvard, Think Tanks Suddenly Warn Chi-Com Virus Lockdowns are Leading to Global Starvation, Food Disruptions

    COVID-19 has caused global economic disruptions that threaten global food supplies from Africa to Latin America to the United States

    As government restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19 have now been largely in place globally for most of 2020, international organizations are sounding the alarm that global starvation may be on the horizon due to food shortages and economic disruptions.

    In Africa, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development warns that the continent suffers a new threat to food security: COVID-19. The continent, which imported 85% of its food in 2018, is facing a crisis as the costs of food skyrocket worldwide due to economic disruptions from the pandemic.

    Elsewhere, in Latin America and the Caribbean, a collection of United Nations agencies are warning of rising hunger in a region already struck by food insecurity and right on the United States’ doorstep. The agencies warned:

    The agencies said the pandemic follows seven years of slow economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, and could result in the biggest drop in regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in a century; a decline of -5.3 per cent.

    This will push an additional 16 million more people into extreme poverty this year, in a region where nearly 54 million people were already experiencing severe food insecurity.

    COVID-19 is also affecting food systems, with domestic food prices rising higher than other basic items. Increased unemployment means millions are unable to buy enough to eat, while many others are forced to find cheaper food that is less nutritious.

    The United Nations has previously noted a link between hunger and migration, explaining that research generally agrees ” food insecurity is one of the dimensions influencing migration,” and that “environmental and financial shocks that reduce access to food and increase food costs,” potentially including a pandemic that disrupts the global food chain, “coupled with weak institutions and a lack of employment opportunities, also contribute to migration.” All of this may set the stage for a post-COVID migrant crisis.

    However, food insecurity issues are not limited to Africa and Latin America. In the United States, more than one in six adults was food insecure only two months into the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.

    According to the Urban Institute, “the COVID-19 pandemic has put millions of families at risk of experiencing food insecurity,” and studied the pandemic’s impacts on the country as of May....

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Still 30% too high

    Viewership for NBA Finals Finale Crashes Nearly 70%, Beaten by Random Sunday Night Football Game

    On a night when the NBA broadcast its most important game, you would think that the league would own the night. That, once again, turned out to not be the case.

    The viewership numbers for the sixth and final game of the NBA Finals are in, and they are atrocious. Game 6 drew, at its peak, 6.028 million viewers. To put that in perspective, Game 6 of the 2019 NBA Finals, which included a team from Canada and did not include LeBron James, drew 18.34 million viewers.

    Those figures represent a 66 percent drop.

    To put it in further perspective, last night’s edition of Sunday Night Football, a game which featured a losing Vikings team against the Seahawks, a non-major market team, beat out the NBA’s ultimate game by earning nearly twice as many viewers with 12.008 million.

    The heavy viewership losses are consistent with disastrous viewership numbers from the first half of the series when games one through three drew consecutive, historically low numbers. Indeed, the low numbers are consistent with an entire season of bad television viewership performances....

  21. #781
    What If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama? | NowThis

  22. #782
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Where did you get my pic from?? LOL
    It was on the wall down at the Post Office, DUH!

  23. #783
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    It was on the wall down at the Post Office, DUH!
    I claim bullshit.
    The last time a post like this went viral is was about a riot in London but the mugshots were from a May Fair Day.

  24. #784
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    It is rather amusing. Beetle posts all this stuff, but never responds to any comments....
    I respond to comments where it's warranted. But as Mark Twain said, “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

    Besides, finding and preparing all this shit takes a big chunk of time, and I've got better things to do with what's left over than waste it arguing with someone who's taken the decision to live their life with their head stuck up their tuches.

  25. #785
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    I respond to comments where it's warranted. But as Mark Twain said, “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

    Besides, finding and preparing all this shit takes a big chunk of time, and I've got better things to do with what's left over than waste it arguing with someone who's taken the decision to live their life with their head stuck up their tuches.
    Copy and pasting right wing propaganda must take all
    of about 10 minutes.

    Surely you’ve must’ve memorized the Windows short cuts by now?!?!

  26. #786
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Mad Maxine Water's opponent's campaign video is BRUTAL!

  27. #787
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Republicans are the definition of pure hypocrisy. Hey Beet, check out this copy-and-paste:

    "When a vacancy on the Supreme Court arose nine months ahead of the election in 2016, Sen. Mitch McConnell said in no uncertain terms: “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President.”

    Now, after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg less than two months before Election Day, as voters are already casting ballots in many states, McConnell has reversed his position. His naked hypocrisy threatens the future credibility of our federal judiciary. "

    Do I need to explain that in layman's terms, or you got it?

  28. #788
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    Mar 2013
    GOP Senate report details Democrats' efforts to sabotage probe, protect Bidens

    The Senate Republicans’ explosive report on Hunter Biden’s oligarch-linked finances includes a side narrative on how Democrats, the senators say, tried to sabotage the investigation and protect Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden.

    The report, headed by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, tells of intrigue and backbiting as they fought Democratic heavyweights in both chambers.

    They say the Democrats concocted a story about a Ukrainian operative and then fed it to friendly “liberal press outlets.”...

  29. #789
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    Jun 2018

    Fox News Legal Expert Points Out Prosecutors Debunked Trump's Biden Conspiracy...

    "Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano explained that prosecutors in Ukraine and the United States dismissed unsubstantiated claims pushed by President Donald Trump and his supporters that former Vice President Joe Biden acted corruptly within the Eastern European country.

    "If you talk to [Trump's personal lawyer] Rudy Giuliani, he's got a lot of evidence of inappropriate behavior by the former vice president [Biden] and his son," Napolitano told the hosts of Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Tuesday. "Yet the prosecutors in Ukraine and even prosecutors here in the United States say there's no there there," the former New Jersey Superior Court judge pointed out."

    Whew... that was easy!

  30. #790
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    Mar 2013
    Pennsylvania has 58,000 'delayed' mail-in ballots, more than Trump's 2016 margin

    A massive batch of mail-in ballots has not reached voters in a key battleground state, leaving some wondering if they will be able to participate in the upcoming elections at all.

    The status of the ballots, numbering around 58,000, is also sparking concerns about voter fraud that could change the outcome of the election....

  31. #791
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    Jun 2018

  32. #792
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    I respond to comments where it's warranted. But as Mark Twain said, “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

    Besides, finding and preparing all this shit wastes a big chunk of time, and I've nothing better to do with my life than waste it arguing with someone who's taken the decision to live their life with their head stuck up their tuches.

  33. #793
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Denver shooter murdered Trump supporter over being slapped

    Frame #9 tells the tale. Fake Security is lifting his shirttail so he can produce his concealed firearm while his victim's hands are at his sides.

    The two converge and the physicality begins when Fake Security lays his hands on Lee Keltner. In frame #1 his left hand on Keltner's chest and his right hand is grasping Keltner's vest. In response, Keltner strikes Fake Security with an open hand, knocking the cap off his head. Frame 8, Fake Security lays his weak-side hand on his shirttail, a preparatory move to producing a firearm in IWB carry. Keltner's hands are at his sides. Frame 9, Fake Security raises his shirttail and the back side of his strong-side hand is visible atop where the grip to a concealed pistol in AIWB carry would be. Keltner's hands remain at his sides.

    Frame #9 shows Fake Security in the act of producing his concealed firearm. Keltner has yet given no indication that he intends using his OC spray. Fake Security clearly is under no threat to his life or of serious bodily injury.

    Keltner only produced his OC spray in response to having a gun drawn on him.

    Unfortunately, Colorado outlawed capital punishment earlier this year.
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 10-13-2020 at 12:39 PM.

  34. #794
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    A public service announcement from a demoncrat peaceful protester:

    Colorado Dem Operative Reveals Violent Agenda Should Trump Win
    ‘Guillotines Motherfucker’

  35. #795
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    "There's nothing special about being an American." -- Joe Biden

  36. #796
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Holy shit! It's Christmas every damn day! (This is EXACTLY why Biden has gone to ground)

    In what amounts to election tampering, Fakebook and Twitter are blocking this story.

    ‘Smoking Gun Email’ Shows Joe Biden Did Meet with Son Hunter’s Ukraine Partners

    A “smoking gun email” obtained by the New York Post shows Joe Biden lied when he said he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

    According to an email dated April 17, 2015, Biden, who was then the sitting vice president, met in person with Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma.

    Bursima is the sketchy Ukrainian energy company that put Hunter Biden on its board and paid him a reported $50,000 a month — a month! — even though Hunter has no known energy sector experience and doesn’t speak any of the languages spoken in that country.

    The date of the email is important. The meeting between Pozharskyi and the then-vice president would have taken place eight months before Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid from Ukraine unless the country agreed to fire a prosecutor who was looking into Burisma. The prosecutor was fired.

    In 2018, Biden bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations about how he got the prosecutor fired.

    “I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

    And the investigation into Burisma was shut down.

    “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the smoking gun e-mail from Pozharskyi reads.

    This isn’t the first piece of evidence that proves Joe Biden lied when he claimed “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

    Later last year a photograph was released of Joe Biden on the golf course with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, who sat on Burisma’s board. The photo was taken in April of 2014 when Joe Biden was vice president, and just two years before Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor looking into a company paying his son $50,000 a month.

    Pretty obvious how this works.

    Burisma puts Hunter on its board. Pays him $50,000 a month, even though he has no experience in the energy sector, even though he doesn’t speak the language. That money sure paid off. Oh, boy, did it ever. Direct access to the vice president of the United States. The very man with the juice to threaten Ukraine if they don’t fire the guy looking into the company.

    And according to Biden himself, that’s exactly what he did. He threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless the prosecutor looking into his own son’s company was fired.

    According to the Post, the emails were obtained after someone left a water-damaged MacBook Pro laptop at a computer repair shop. Whoever left it, never paid for the repair or came back to get it.

    “The computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019, according to the store’s owner,” the Post reports.

    Also on the laptop is a “raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.”

    The repair shop owner could not confirm the laptop owner was Hunter Biden, but there was a sticker on the laptop from the Beau Biden Foundation. Along with he video are documents and photos that sure make it look like this was Hunter’s laptop.

    The FBI seized the laptop in December, but not before the repair shop owner made a copy of the hard drive. He then gave the copy to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.

    Just this week we learned that Joe Biden’s son-in-law Howard Krein is chief medical officer for a firm called StartUp Health, an investment firm looking to invest in products to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, Krein is advising the Biden campaign on the coronavirus, a stunning conflict of interest, so stunning the far-left Politico reported on it.

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    They're going to grant immunity to all illegal aliens and give them citizenship, give statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, ban the legislative filibuster, and add five new über-left justices to SCOTUS. And once they control SCOTUS, it will declare the Electoral College unconstitutional. And in five years time, what used to be the United States of America will be virtually indistinguishable from Venezuela.

    Progressive Democrats Reveal Radical Platform: ‘Biden a Doorway, Not a Destination’

    A recently revealed policy charter developed by left-wing activist groups and intended for implementation by a Biden administration calls for guaranteed housing, raising the minimum wage, public ownership stakes in all corporations receiving bailouts, universal healthcare, expanded unemployment insurance for illegal immigrants, defunding police, and repairing “historic harms” while ending “systemic racism.” Progressive members of Congress, including the far-left “Squad,” have pledged to use the charter as a “legislative blueprint” to achieve what they have long desired to.

    Titled the “People’s Charter,” the new initiative provides a radical “roadmap” of progressive ambitions, claiming it can “heal the wounds from the pandemic, the economic depression, and a history of racism.” The charter has put into writing a list of legislative demands by far-left groups that are currently mobilizing millions of voters on behalf of the Biden-Harris ticket in order to achieve tangible victories and shift the Democratic party further to the left...

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Mail-in voting is a cluster-fuck.

    Nearly 29,000 Voters Received Incorrect Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania County
    Nearly 29,000 incorrect ballots were sent to voters in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, according to election board officials.

    WPXI reports:

    New ballots are being sent out after 28,879 voters in Allegheny County received incorrect ones.

    Elections Division officials said on Wednesday that mailing of the new, corrected ballots will be completed by Oct. 17, with most being delivered the week of Oct. 19.

    The issue was the result of a ballot image mapping error by Midwest Direct, the company contracted to handle the printing, collating and mailing of ballots, officials said....

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Oh look! A USPS worker brought "several trash bags" full of undelivered mail home and put them out on his curb to be picked up as garbage

    A U.S. Postal Service worker in Baldwin, PA was busted after bringing a ton of undelivered mail home with him and putting "several trash bags" full of it out to the curb on garbage day to be picked up and trashed....

    __________________________________________________ _____________


    BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Biden, Obama Reportedly ‘Didn’t Really Want To Get’ Osama Bin Laden, ‘He [Was] Being Protected’

    “Well yeah, ’cause he’s being, I told Curt today, I said he, he’s being pro’ ah uh, he is being protected by us. We don’t really want to get him . . . we want him under the radar screen because he basically made a deal that he’s not gonna ah . . . hit us here in the US.”

    -- Brian Ettinger, Biden associate and attorney

  37. #797
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Biden is SICK! (as if you hadn't already figured that out for yourself)

  38. #798
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Biden sez: 54% of Americans "probably shouldn't" vote for him.

    ... or is that 56%? I get confused sometimes.

  39. #799
    Trump is sicker...

    "She does have a very nice figure... If [Ivanka] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

    If you don't have any children then you are forgiven for not understanding how no sane parent would ever talk sexually about their children.
    But trust me... no good Christian... no good American... and no good person talks like this.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 10-14-2020 at 03:33 PM.

  40. #800
    'Unmasking' inquiry ordered by Barr finds no wrongdoing by Obama officials

    yet another Obamagate conspiracy proven false...

    Don't worry Trumpettes...
    Trumpy Bear will come out with yet another bullshit claim in his last three weeks.

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