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Thread: The mainstream media did this to America

  1. #1161
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I do however agree with you being a "smooth talker"...
    although I would word it differently...

    Guys like you and S&D have far more patience then I.
    Y'all are able to keep your emotions in check far better.

    Maybe you both have lower estrogen 'cause of the lower body fat.
    DD- Let’s team up and see if we can get Kelkel pissed off. I want to see him pissed off. He is to calm and collected to be a real person. LOL

    Just imagine his vascularity when he is pissed off !!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #1162
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I appreciate your comment!

    I can't disagree with your smooth talking viewpoint but I will elaborate a bit. Take Obama for example, in my opinion he was one of the best orators I've ever seen yet he achieved very little (my opinion). Then there's the current president who's not a politician and can be rude, crude and abrasive. He holds nothing back where sometimes he should. Yet his achievements in one term have been more than most do in two terms. He looked at government from a business perspective, not a political one. I guess what I'm trying to spit out is that someone who could walk that middle road would really be good for our country. Hoping for the best as whoever is president is my president.

    Maybe the old Teddy Roosevelt style: "Speak softly and carry a big stick"
    My pleasure. Seriously, look at the calming effect on this thread and the post Covid thread, to name only two. Not blowing smoke up your butt, but it’s a effect that carries over to everyone.

    Agree with a lot of your post. You know, I voted for Trump in 2016 for the very reason that I thought that change was needed & we needed fresh perspective and experience (particularly business). I honestly wasn’t impressed by anyone during the democratic debates including Biden. Up till this February, I thought Trump had the election in the bag.

  3. #1163
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    What happened to the constant stream of lies from beetlegeuse? Did the clown show become too much? It’s not like you, beetlegeuse.

  4. #1164
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Ok, the lower estrogen comment made me laugh out loud while sitting at my desk and stuffing my face with my dog on my lap. I'll get back to the other post when I can but always know that I respect your viewpoint whether we differ or not.
    I think someone doesnt understand how estrogen really works and its not being high or low that makes you mellow (Smooth talker) but the fact it is balanced and at proper levels that helps to not be emotional one way or the other.

  5. #1165
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    Silly me. And here I was thinking SCOTUS only was supposed to base its rulings on the Constitution, case law, established legal precedent and relevant supporting documents. But it turns out that John Roberts' cowardice takes precedence over them all.

    Justice Thomas is 100% correct. And so was Ben Franklin.

  6. #1166
    mainstream as in normal.... it's the little quirky outlet channels that talk of conspiracy theories and survivalist doctrine that hoard up all the tp. come on

  7. #1167
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    GH, I thought that you said that you were an anarchist; doing some looting are you ?
    why do you have to focus on if English is his 1st or 2nd language maybe he made a typo?

  8. #1168
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    why do you have to focus on if English is his 1st or 2nd language maybe he made a typo?
    NGR you won't get a response from him. He was booted some time ago now.
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  9. #1169
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  10. #1170
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Silly me. And here I was thinking SCOTUS only was supposed to base its rulings on the Constitution, case law, established legal precedent and relevant supporting documents. But it turns out that John Roberts' cowardice takes precedence over them all.

    Justice Thomas is 100% correct. And so was Ben Franklin.
    What do cry babies do when they lose an election?
    Claim that the election was stolen from them.

    What do the cry babies do when they lose in court?
    Claim that the courts are fraudelent.

    What's funny about this post of yours is that in order for it to be true...
    The SCOTUS majority... three of whom Dr. Supreme Leader Dump appointed himself...
    Got there asses kicked by a minority.

    And that is exactly what the alt-right has nightmares about every night of there pathetic lives...
    The alt-right is nothing but a bunch of insecure white folk scared that the black, or brown, or queer, or Jewish minority is going to take their "power" away.

    So it is humorous that you made a post trying to prove that the alt-right's leader should be able to clinge to his position of "power" but in reality you also exposed the undebelly of their pathetic lives.

  11. #1171
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    What do cry babies do when they lose an election?
    Claim that the election was stolen from them.

    What do the cry babies do when they lose in court?
    Claim that the courts are fraudelent.

    What's funny about this post of yours is that in order for it to be true...
    The SCOTUS majority... three of whom Dr. Supreme Leader Dump appointed himself...
    Got there asses kicked by a minority.

    And that is exactly what the alt-right has nightmares about every night of there pathetic lives...
    The alt-right is nothing but a bunch of insecure white folk scared that the black, or brown, or queer, or Jewish minority is going to take their "power" away.

    So it is humorous that you made a post trying to prove that the alt-right's leader should be able to clinge to his position of "power" but in reality you also exposed the undebelly of their pathetic lives.
    Very harsh Dog

  12. #1172
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    What the unitelligent out there can't seem to understand is that...

    Orange Julious lost this election simply because people voted against him.

    Humpty Dumpty has many followers...
    White Evangelicals...
    The Alt-right pathetics...
    and BG's favorite... the Qbelievers...

    America however thankfully had 7 million more people vote AGAINST Trump than for him.

    Sidenote for those you love history: Hillary lost her election for much of the same reason. Many people voted for Trump simply because they were voting against Hillary.

  13. #1173
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Very harsh Dog
    What is your definition of alt-right?

    The Alternative Right, commonly known as the "alt-right," is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.

    : a right-wing, primarily online political movement or grouping based in the U.S. whose members reject mainstream conservative politics and espouse extremist beliefs and policies typically centered on ideas of white nationalism

    The alt-right (abbreviated from alternative right) is a loosely connected far-right and white nationalist movement. A largely online phenomenon, the alt-right originated in the U.S. during the 2010s, although it has since established a presence in various other countries. The term is ill-defined, having been used in different ways by various self-described "alt-rightists", media commentators, and academics. Groups which have been identified as alt-right also espouse white supremacism, white separatism, right-wing populism, anti-immigration, racism, anti-communism, anti-Zionism, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, antifeminism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

    NOTE: I am not saying that any white person voting for Trump is alt-right.
    I am saying that the alt-right is part of his base.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 12-20-2020 at 11:10 AM.

  14. #1174
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    Wanted to add some levity, I thought it was kinda funny. And no, this is NOT my preconceived idea of Trump supporters, just thought it was funny.

  15. #1175
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    What do cry babies do when they lose an election?
    Claim that the election was stolen from them.

    What do the cry babies do when they lose in court?
    Claim that the courts are fraudelent.
    DD wouldn't all that exactly sum up what the left has done to Trump for the past 4 years? Not my President, Illegitimate, stole the election, Russion interference hallucinations in effort to destroy an incoming president and so on. Not a one way street. It goes both ways!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Orange Julious lost this election simply because people voted against him.

    Many people voted for Trump simply because they were voting against Hillary.

    "Orange Julius". Man I haven't heard that phrase in years. I used to love those drinks! Showing your age!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    NOTE: I am not saying that any white person voting for Trump is alt-right.
    I am saying that the alt-right is part of his base.
    And we're not saying everyone voting for Joe is far left, but the far left is part of his base.
    Last edited by kelkel; 12-21-2020 at 09:34 AM.
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  16. #1176
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    A shooting every 126 minutes in gun-free, demoncrat-run utopia of Chicago in 2020 thru Dec 16

    Over 4,000 people were shot in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago starting January 1, 2020, through to December 16, 2020.

    The Chicago Tribune reports the exact figure at 4,005 shooting victims, fatal and non-fatal shootings combined.

    A separate body of data from the Tribune lists homicides, noting 744 people were killed January 1, 2020, through December 16, 2020....

    Comes to one homicide with a firearm every 11-1/2 hours.

    __________________________________________________ _______________________________

    5 Ways Biden and Harris Reveal They KNOW They Lost The Election

    Lenora Thompson | 12/20/2020

    Y'know, for people who are supposedly so confident in their Big Win on Election Night, Mr. Biden and Mrs. Harris sure aren't acting like people destined for an Inauguration Ceremony!

    They should be rushed off their feet preparing guest lists, meeting with the Inauguration Committee, having fittings for their outfits, etc. etc. Instead they're behaving like Willy Wonka's famous spoonerism: "So much time and so little to do!"

    #1. Harris Fails to Resign from Senate
    No hurry, Kamala. Heavy sigh. We'll wait. I'll merely mention that effective November 16th, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama had lickety-split resigned his Senate seat, a mere twelve days after Election Day.

    We're now 45 days post-election, and one week post-Electoral College vote, and Kamala "The Kondescending" Kommie has yet to resign her Senate seat. Money talks, bull$hit walks. She's determined to have a paycheck, even if it means revealing she knows they lost. Wow!

    Do you hear that? It's the sound of a glass ceiling not shattering. Not that woman. Not ever. Kamala herself has revealed that she knows it.


    #2: Haute Couture...NOT!
    By December 7th, 2016, we already knew exactly which fashion designers were refusing the great honor of designing Melania Trump's clothes for the Inauguration Ceremony and Inaugural Ball. Famous, hoity-toity designers like Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs who, apparently, did not want their creations living forever at the Smithsonian.

    Conspicuous by their absence this year are the names of any designers selected to design the Inaugural outfit and ballgown for our supposed next First Lady, "Doctor" Jill Biden. Oh yeah, and Kamala too.

    Vogue made a half-hearted attempt at drumming up enthusiasm on Nov 11th when Brooke Bobb wrote, "While the inaugural gowns of first ladies go down in history—we’re sure designers across the U.S. are lining up for the chance to dress Biden."

    Yep, still waiting on that queue. Haven't heard a word.


    #3: Listen to the Sound of Silence
    Theoretically, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies should be the one committee where politics can be set aside and we can all just enjoy being Americans who love their country.

    Not this year! In fact, they're stalemated. They tried to vote in the House to get the ball rolling but the Republicans shot 'em down. Publicly, not much is happening planning-wise.

    Let's compare that to 2016, shall we?

    By Nov. 16th, 2016, Missouri Senator Roy Blunt was already offering tickets to the Inauguration on his website. By Dec 16th, Politico was telling you how, when and where to watch the livestream and announcing the parade line-up.

    This year? "Listen to the sound of silence."

    Of course, the glaring vacuum of information is being blamed guessed it: covid-covid-covid.

    If anyone actually believed Biden had won, we'd be hearing everything from which musicians would perform to who would be giving the prayers and benediction. Instead, there's zilch, zip, nada, nothing.


    #4: Cabinet Appointees NOT Quitting Their Day Jobs
    So far, we've heard a lot about which pathetic life forms Joe Biden has selected to fill his Cabinet but we haven't heard anything about them actually behaving like those appointments are for real.

    If I knew I'd be moving to Washington D. C. in January, I'd be taking positive steps now. Maybe put my house on the market or up for rent. Check out new schools for the children. Put furniture in storage. Has anyone heard of any appointees acting like they were going anywhere!?!

    Bit of advice: Take a lead from Kamala's book and don't quit your day job.

    Oh wait. You haven't. Mm-hmm. Good call. Also...


    #5: Climate Change, Climate Change, Climate Change
    For you, I broke my resolve to not look at Joe Biden's tweets. To follow his tweets is to lose IQ points.
    I only made it back to December 12th when I realized something weird: This guy is not tweeting like the next President. He's playing it safe, mostly tweeting about climate change, climate change, climate change.

    So I toddled over to Kamala's twitter. Twenty-three seconds ago she tweeted, "The climate crisis is not a partisan issue." Same thing: climate change, climate change, climate change.

    They're not acting nor tweeting nor talking like winners nor the next leaders of the Free World. They're playing it safe. Not making waves. Not building treason on top of treason.



    The great thing to remember about liars and cheaters like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is that they, more than anyone else, know that they're lying. Usually, liars over-act to convince themselves of their lie. In this case, possibly because they committed treason, Biden and Harris are under-acting.

    They're not even trying to behave like the lie is reality. They're doing a spectacularly bad job of acting like winners at all. It's a gift. A gift to the MAGA crowd.

    Trump Won! Biden/Harris lost...and they know it!

    Deal with it!

  17. #1177
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    2020, The Invisible War

    December 21, 2020 | Richard Bledsoe

    “Don’t be deceived because you are not hearing the sound of gunfire, because even so you are fighting for your lives. And you’re fighting against the best organized and the most capable enemy of freedom and of right and decency that has ever been abroad in the world.

    -Ronald Reagan

    War is a conflict over control. There’s been many types of war throughout human history. We’ve had hot wars and cold wars, civil wars and Phoney Wars, ranging in scale from local skirmishes to global engagements. I’m not sure if we’ve ever experienced what is occurring now: the Invisible War, which has been ramping up for decades. It’s not really invisible any longer, but it does remain largely hidden by powerful forces of denial, ignorance, disinformation, and collusion.

    This war is the remaining free people of the United States squaring off against China, and really most of the rest of the world as well; even many of our so-called allies were conquered long ago, through the insidious corruption of the globalist administrative classes. The liberty of the United States is the final obstacle for the New Dark Age they lust for, where the Aristocracy of the Well Connected wield unaccountable power over masses of cowed serfs. Read up on the Great Reset, if you have any doubts about the horror, suffering and destruction our betters intend to inflict on the rest of us.

    2020 has shown me that moment Ronald Reagan warned against, the rise of a generation that would accept the extinction of liberty, could be right now. This blog used to be about how the elitist undermining of the arts was an attack on civilization, and how we could fight back. Now as a citizen I must address unfolding events beyond art, even though I still see the connection.

    As visionary William Blake described, “Empire follows art, and not vice versa.” Under the psy op that is Postmodernism, the globalist governing strategy, the course of our larger culture and institutions have indeed declined as art has been lost to us. As I described in my 2018 book, Remodern America: How the Renewal of the Arts Will Change the Course of Western Civilization:

    Ruling class totalitarians use Postmodern art as a tool of oppression. Elitists have weaponized art into an assault on the foundations of Western civilization. This deceitful cabal seeks to destroy any principled perspective on the lies, manipulations, and abuses they commit. The scourge of Postmodern relativism as a cultural force is no accident; it’s a top-down driven campaign. Hyping soulless, unskilled art has a toxic, weakening effect on society as a whole.
    The establishment went scorched earth on art, manipulating it into irrelevance with their Cultural Marxist tropes and attitudes. Now they’re trying to do the same thing with reality itself. It’s sort of like how the Nazis used Guernica as a dry run for blitzkrieg tactics. The lessons the elites learned from their destruction of the arts are being applied against the timeless sequence of cause and effect, and the relentless actuality of truth. Postmodernists believe language controls reality, not the other way around. They actually believe if they just insist enough, from their positions of authority, nature and humanity will bend to their will.

    Our governing classes are working in unison towards their absurd but deadly goals because for generations a careful war plan has been followed. Communists-initially the Russians, now the Chinese-have bought our elites and made them into an army of anti-American sleeper agents. Conformity is the price of admission to the avenues of power. No one gets in without selling out. As a result, our institutions are stocked top to bottom with operatives whose level of commitment to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic ranges from fellow traveler to enemy combatant. They are bound together through a code of Omertà and webs of mutually assured destruction regarding the crimes and corruption they were allowed to indulge in as members of the Inner Party.

    Our country is infested with traitors. Our politicians, Big Tech, academia, the media, and corporate board rooms are all working together to fulfill Khrushchev’s prediction America would be conquered without firing a shot. The fake election of Joe Biden is supposed to be the final straw.

    I must say I’m surprised how many pundits from outside the cabal seem to be ready to capitulate. Get your mind clear. Stop with the think piece articles gaming out Biden’s policies and personnel, like he actually won the vote, as if his ascension (really the ascension of his CCP overlords) is just the outcome of another 4 year election. Accepting Joe Biden as President is an extinction level event for the United States. Act accordingly.

    We aren’t in a matter of politics any longer. We aren’t even in a place of legality, despite all the lawsuits President Trump and his advocates are involved in. The long slow corruption of our judiciary and legislative bodies were very successful battles for the Chinese, and I expect we’ll get no justice or results from those venues now. The swamp will not drain itself.

    President Trump talked this year about the invisible enemy. It’s not a virus he means. I’ve touched on this topic several times in this blog, each time with greater understanding of its significance:

    This is war, and we need to recognize it as such. As I stated in “The Postmodern War on America,” a June 14, 2020 post about what we were going through at the time:

    When I started writing this piece just a few short weeks ago, I had plenty to say about how the wacky woo hoo virus hysteria exposed massive corruption and Chinese influence in our traitorous elitists. Arbitrary and needless shutdowns devoured American prosperity, coincidentally right when a new trade agreement undercut Chinese market manipulations, and a tectonic scale spy scandal started emerging regarding the Obama administration and all their cronies.

    China’s rigid totalitarian system is the desired outcome of the majority of the world’s administrative classes. They won’t admit this, but look at their actions, instead of listening to their empty words.

    Events overtook the essay I was preparing. So now we have divisive race riots being inflamed, on top of the Overblown Outbreak. This is just a continuation of the same war, a new battlefield of the thoroughly planned and prepared Postmodern assault on the United States.

    This is Postmodern War for the 21st century. It’s not fought openly with bombs and soldiers. It’s combat waged by other means, with biological agents, economics, propaganda, data manipulation, sabotage.

    More events have overtaken even that essay now, and we are on the newest field of battle, Stolen Election 2020. Not only did Trump win bigly, his massive coattails would have bolstered the Senate and flipped the House too, if the cheating hadn’t happened.
    But I end all of this on a hopeful note. Not Obama’s version, Hoax and Chains, but the genuine article. Because it occurred to me, what if I have this all backwards?

    True, for decades the Communist Chinese were waging their Invisible War on us. But then Trump happened. It ruined the covert nature of our destruction. Now it’s all out in the open. An exposed enemy becomes a target, and we are now in a target rich environment to say the least. All which is needed is a leader who is willing to pull the trigger, and I believe President Trump is that leader. His recent invocations of Harry Truman, Andrew Jackson, Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln demonstrate Trump is well aware of his responsibilities-and also his opportunities.

    2020 has been an elitist driven assault, but it was also a reactionary move. The establishment had to go on countless kamikaze style charges against their own interests to try to undo the efforts of one man and the few well-placed advocates he has in positions of power. Trump and his circle have secrets of their own, and their own invisible gambits taking place.

    The elites brought ruin on us, yes, but they’ve also decimated their own strongholds. Cities are emptying, the media is reviled, Hollywood is crushed, public indoctrination/education is scattered, university enrollments are dwindling, and Xi’s hands on the levers of power are exposed.

    This is a war. But what if the real nature of this war ends up being Americans from outside the compromised upper echelons lured the New World Order into a trap? That in aiming for the accelerated final destruction of the United States, the globalists made themselves vulnerable, and they will be the ones themselves destroyed?

    That would be a yuge accomplishment.

    “Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.”

    -Sun Tzu

  18. #1178
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    DD wouldn't all that exactly sum up what the left has done to Trump for the past 4 years? Not my President, Illegitimate, stole the election, Russion interference hallucinations in effort to destroy an incoming president and so on. Not a one way street. It goes both ways!

    "Orange Julius". Man I haven't heard that phrase in years. I used to love those drinks! Showing your age!

    And we're not saying everyone voting for Joe is far left, but the far left is part of his base.

    I loved the Orange Julius, damn we had one in our local mall. Our local mall is all but shut down now thanks to covid and Amazon. Sure was a great drank, I remember when I was a kid, approaching 30 year ago my grandparents would take me there and get an orange julius when they would get their exercise in walking the town mall..good times

  19. #1179
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    DD wouldn't all that exactly sum up what the left has done to Trump for the past 4 years? Not my President, Illegitimate, stole the election, Russion interference hallucinations in effort to destroy an incoming president and so on. Not a one way street. It goes both ways!
    I'll be the first to admit politicians suck.
    Remember. I am a registered independent.
    I personally just think Trump has taken it to a extremely dangerous level.

    Hillary Clinton conceded the day after the election.
    Sure she bitches and moans still.

    Trump however has his pardoned crony tweeting about martial law.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	martial law.jpg 
Views:	48 
Size:	52.7 KB 
ID:	180376

    And if you don't think Trump spam tweeting about a stolen election is dangerous to America then I truly worry for America.
    Because if an intelligent man like yourself doesn't see how harmful having over half of Republicans believing that the election is a fraud than America truly is lost.
    (Please read any of Beetlegeuse's posts to see how half of Republicans view the election.)

    And in case you forgot what the alt-right does when inspired...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Oklahoma bombing.jpg 
Views:	54 
Size:	256.3 KB 
ID:	180377

    And as far as Russia goes..
    Why is it that every agency in America is saying that the largest hacking in history is being done by Russia but Trump after a week of saying nothing...
    finally blames China instead?

    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 12-21-2020 at 01:11 PM.

  20. #1180
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I'll be the first to admit politicians suck.
    Remember. I am a registered independent.
    I personally just think Trump has taken it to a extremely dangerous level. I can't disagree that he chooses his words poorly at times. Many times actually.

    Hillary Clinton conceded the day after the election.
    Sure she bitches and moans still.

    Trump however has his pardoned crony tweeting about martial law.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	martial law.jpg 
Views:	48 
Size:	52.7 KB 
ID:	180376

    Agree, marshall law should not be on the table or even discussed. But calling him a croney when he was set up by government agencies is a bit harsh.

    And if you don't think Trump spam tweeting about a stolen election is dangerous to America then I truly worry for America.
    Because if an intelligent man like yourself doesn't see how harmful having over half of Republicans believing that the election is a fraud than America truly is lost.
    (Please read any of Beetlegeuse's posts to see how half of Republicans view the election.

    Oh I definitely see the danger and he should use the courts and stay off twitter much more. But remember for four years Trump's been a fraud in the eyes of the left and for that entire time they used every trick in the book to try and bring him down. And are still threatening to put him in jail post presidency.

    But I do disagree with your premise as you're basically saying if someone doesn't believe the way you do in this case then they're not intelligent.

    And in case you forgot what the alt-right does when inspired...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Oklahoma bombing.jpg 
Views:	54 
Size:	256.3 KB 
ID:	180377

    Is there a need for me to post multiple riot pictures?

    And as far as Russia goes..
    Why is it that every agency in America is saying that the largest hacking in history is being done by Russia but Trump after a week of saying nothing...
    finally blames China instead?

    Im not up on who he's blaming but no doubt the US needs to do better when it comes to self-protection and also retaliation. Do you think Joe will be tough on China? Do you think he'll allow the DE AG to continue to investigate Hunter. Interesting stuff DD.

    in bold above

    Next few months will be interesting! And I seriously enjoy the thought you put into your posts.
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  21. #1181
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    Net 6-8 weeks will definitely be interesting, to say the least.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  22. #1182
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    YouTube keeps deleting this video and somebody else ends up uploading it again ...

    ... and there's a reason for that.

  23. #1183
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    YouTube keeps deleting this video and somebody else ends up uploading it again ...

    ... and there's a reason for that.

    That's an easy one...

    YouTube keeps deleting it because they can.
    They have the right.
    It is their platform.
    They don't want dangerous misinformation spread on their platform.

    Somebody else keeps posting it because there exists a bunch of guys who look like Seth Holehouse who are upset they lost an election.
    They are upset. And sad. Many are probably crying.

    What do you think the reason is???

  24. #1184
    Here's a good one of two of your (both white) demi-gods...

  25. #1185
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    That's an easy one...

    YouTube keeps deleting it because they can.
    They have the right.
    It is their platform.
    They don't want dangerous misinformation spread on their platform.

    Somebody else keeps posting it because there exists a bunch of guys who look like Seth Holehouse who are upset they lost an election.
    They are upset. And sad. Many are probably crying.

    What do you think the reason is???

    The reason is because big Tech is all left leaning as is 90% of the media. Which is why Section 230 needs to be revamped. They have zero civil liabilities and are free to suppress the speech of one particular party in favor of the other. It's glaringly obvious.

    And what makes his opinion dangerous? Because one party doesn't like it? "They don't want dangerous misinformation spread on their platform"? It's not dangerous, it's an opinion. Labeling it "dangerous" is just convenient and is a suppression of free speech. You Tube, Facebook, Twitter etc all want to control the narrative and so far it's working for them.

    Lets not forget all the images of crying people on election night 2016.
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  26. #1186
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    Big Tech’s sinister pro-Biden bias and other commentary

    By Post Editorial Board | December 20, 2020

    From the left: Tech’s Sinister Bias for Biden

    The “Facebook-owned social-media giant Instagram” is characterizing “well-established criticisms” of Joe Biden and his 1994 crime bill as “False,” reports blogger Glenn Greenwald. A post on the platform “said nothing more than what Biden’s chosen running mate, Kamala Harris, has herself said” — namely, that the ’94 law “contributed to the mass incarceration of Americans generally and African Americans specifically.” Indeed, many “media outlets, criminal-justice experts and politicians from both parties” have said the same. Yet Instagram plastered a “False” label on the post, saying it had “no basis in fact.” A tech giant declaring someone “a disseminator of disinformation for voicing long-standing and well-documented criticisms of” Biden is a scary preview of “a future in which unseen tech overlords police our discourse by unilaterally arbitrating truth and falsity, decree what are permissible and impermissible ideas and rigidly impose the boundaries of acceptable debate.”

    Small-biz owner: Are We Just Collateral?

    At The Federalist, small-business owner John Romano laments what COVID-19 has wrought for the boutique travel company he runs with his wife: “Our revenue is down more than 99 percent. We’ve had a total of two clients since March — a father and daughter who were receiving medical treatment in Paris.” Will their business survive? “The worry is that the government is implicitly saying to us, and a million other small businesses, that we’re simply collateral damage of the pandemic.” Sure, there has been some aid, but after 10 months of absolutely no revenue, the government help is insufficient. “Washington needs to give small businesses a genuine, real chance to survive. Big business may do the heavy lifting, but we make up 45 percent of America’s GDP. Small business is the lifeblood of this economy.”

    From the right: Don’t Normalize Impeachment

    Friday marked a year since the House voted to impeach President Trump in “the only presidential impeachment that didn’t bother to allege an actual crime,” writes Fred Lucas at National Review. Of the three presidential impeachments in US history, Trump’s “stands out for lowering the bar,” since “the House accused Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — neither actual crimes and both applicable to almost any president.” If such an arbitrary standard is normalized, it will desensitize “the public to a legitimately impeachable offense by a future president.” Some future chief executive may well need to be impeached, and the risk is that Dems’ “petty impeachment” will prevent that. Let that “serve as a cautionary tale to Republican leadership during the upcoming Biden administration.”

    Conservatives: Roberts’ Self-Defeating Quest

    In a slew of important cases before the Supreme Court, observe Adrian Vermeule and Varad Mehta at The Washington Post, Chief Justice John Roberts “has engaged in strategic maneuvering: His goal appears to be to preserve what he takes to be the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, by disproving any suspicion that the justices vote ideologically or otherwise ­engage in political behavior.” The problem: “Because it is so clear that he is crafting opinions with this end in mind, the chief justice defeats his own aims.” His effective rewriting of the ObamaCare law in 2012 was the most notorious example. More recently, he held that while the administration could add a citizenship question to the Census, its reasons for seeking to do so were invalidly “pretextual.” Liberals and conservatives alike noticed that Roberts had tried too hard to strike a “Solomonic” posture. “That the strategy was so easy to detect and explain meant — paradoxically — that it had created an appearance of judicial politicking and was thus unsuccessful on its own terms.”

    Culture critic: Why We Need Beethoven

    “These days,” seethes The Week’s Matthew Walther, we’re “accustomed to reading . . . the works of Beethoven” as “racist, sexist, classist.” Yet the composer, baptized 250 years ago last week, “speaks to us across the waste of centuries, to the noblest ambitions of our species, to courage, to honor, to fraternity, to justice, above all, to love.”

  27. #1187
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    The reason is because big Tech is all left leaning as is 90% of the media. #1 below Which is why Section 230 needs to be revamped. They have zero civil liabilities and are free to suppress the speech of one particular party in favor of the other. It's glaringly obvious.

    And what makes his opinion dangerous? Because one party doesn't like it? "They don't want dangerous misinformation spread on their platform"? It's not dangerous, it's an opinion. #2 below Labeling it "dangerous" is just convenient and is a suppression of free speech. You Tube, Facebook, Twitter etc all want to control the narrative and so far it's working for them.

    Lets not forget all the images of crying people on election night 2016. #3 below
    #1 You have Parler and Fox and OAN and Newsmax
    Post whatever you want.

    Free speech doesn't mean someone has to provide you with a platform to speak.
    Twitter can allow whomever they want on their platform. It is their platform.
    Perhaps you would like the government to run all private companies? (or just certain ones?)

    #2 His opinion has been disproved by the courts. Did you watch the video? The shit he said he fact checked. Please. All that shit got thrown out in court.
    Fuck, Fox News and Newsmax have retracted their claims of the exact same bullshit claims.
    So if the courts say it is bullshit... And if the right wing media admits it was bullshit... Why should YouTube have to allow some guy to post the same old bullshit?

    Why is it dangerous you ask?
    Perhaps you don't realize that the alt-right stormed and breached the Oregon State Capitol yesterday.
    Or perhaps you forgot of the alt-right's plot to kidnap a governor and start a civil war.

    Freedom of speech does not allow you to yell fire in a crowded movie theater.

    So please try to be objective and realize that yes... Trump is being reckless and putting lives at risk.
    YouTube allowing a yahoo to post debunked claims that the election was stolen would put lives at risk.

    Post it at Parler. Or 4chan. Or stormfront.

    #3 People were upset that Hillary lost. The also were scared that Trump won. Their cries were justified in my opinion.
    People asking for martial law have Trump's ear.
    His alt-right have already tried to start a civil war.
    It amazes me that people don't see it.
    It is in plain sight.

    Remember: The FBI has classified the white militia movement as the largest domestic threat.
    Extremists Pose a Violent Threat, FBI and DHS Officials Say

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	proud boys.jpg 
Views:	67 
Size:	337.1 KB 
ID:	180390

    Just a couple of good ole boys flashing white power signs defending the good ole white USA.

    interesting side note:
    section 230 was written by two Republicans, Chris Cox and Ron Wyden...
    and now perhaps the greatest Republican ever wants to abolish it.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 12-22-2020 at 08:23 PM.

  28. #1188
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    #1 You have Parler and Fox and OAN and Newsmax
    Post whatever you want.

    Free speech doesn't mean someone has to provide you with a platform to speak.
    Twitter can allow whomever they want on their platform. It is their platform.
    Perhaps you would like the government to run all private companies? (or just certain ones?)

    #2 His opinion has been disproved by the courts. Did you watch the video? The shit he said he fact checked. Please. All the shit got thrown out in court.
    Fuck, Fox News and Newsmax have retracted their claims of the exact same bullshit claims.
    So if the courts say it is bullshit... And if the right wing media admits it was bullshit... Why should YouTube have to allow some guy to post the same old bullshit?

    Why is it dangerous you ask?
    Perhaps you don't realize that the alt-right stormed and breached the Oregon State Capitol yesterday.
    Or perhaps you forgot of the alt-right's plot to kidnap a governor and start a civil war.

    Freedom of speech does not allow you to yell fire in a crowded movie theater.

    So please try to be objective and realize that yes... Trump is being reckless and putting lives at risk.
    YouTube allowing a yahoo to post debunked claims that the election was stolen would put lives at risk.

    Post it at Parler. Or 4chan. Or stormfront.

    #3 People were upset that Hillary lost. The also were scared that Trump won. Their cries were justified in my opinion.
    People asking for martial law have Trump's ear.
    His alt-right have already tried to start a civil war.
    It amazes me that people don't see it.
    It is in plain sight.

    Remember: The FBI has classified the white militia movement as the largest domestic threat.
    Extremists Pose a Violent Threat, FBI and DHS Officials Say

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	proud boys.jpg 
Views:	67 
Size:	337.1 KB 
ID:	180390

    Just a couple of good ole boys flashing white power signs defending the good ole white USA.

    Well i mean people can hate the white man all they want, it doesnt bother. What bothers me is democratic run states and cities allowing black lies matter and antifa to burn down buildings lol but thats ok. Its those damn right wingers doing all the destruction. This country will always be divided unfortunately

  29. #1189
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Well i mean people can hate the white man all they want, it doesnt bother. What bothers me is democratic run states and cities allowing black lies matter and antifa to burn down buildings lol but thats ok. Its those damn right wingers doing all the destruction. This country will always be divided unfortunately
    I don't hate white men.
    I hate white supremascists.

    Pretty much dislike anyone who claims they are superior to others because of their sex, or religion, or sexual identity, or whatever...
    You know... as they say... All men are created equal.

    Can't be equal and superior at the same time.

  30. #1190
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    If thats true that’s extremely strange numbers

  31. #1191
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    If thats true that’s extremely strange numbers
    It is simple math.
    LA county has 4.3 million registered voters.
    South Dakota has about 55 counties and 572,000 registered voters.

    So it is very easy to win far less counties but win far greater votes.

    In this case LA voters would crush the entire state of South Dakota but lose the county vote 55-1.

    note: what that tweet shows is an example of using math to represent the truth
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 12-22-2020 at 08:40 PM.

  32. #1192
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    #1 You have Parler and Fox and OAN and Newsmax
    Post whatever you want.

    Parler is brand new. My point stands that the media is over 90% liberal.

    Free speech doesn't mean someone has to provide you with a platform to speak.
    Twitter can allow whomever they want on their platform. It is their platform.
    Perhaps you would like the government to run all private companies? (or just certain ones?)

    Less govt is the best govt. Yes, they are private companies who preach that they are unbiased. We all know better.

    #2 His opinion has been disproved by the courts. Did you watch the video? The shit he said he fact checked. Please. All that shit got thrown out in court.
    Fuck, Fox News and Newsmax have retracted their claims of the exact same bullshit claims.
    So if the courts say it is bullshit... And if the right wing media admits it was bullshit... Why should YouTube have to allow some guy to post the same old bullshit?

    As if the left doesn't post BS as well? Big tech has been censoring opposing views for a long time to achieve their goals. Look at the Swallwell or Hunter issues currently on-going as an example. Hell, if it were Trumps kid and not Hunter there'd be a special counsel in a heartbeat.

    Why is it dangerous you ask?
    Perhaps you don't realize that the alt-right stormed and breached the Oregon State Capitol yesterday.
    Or perhaps you forgot of the alt-right's plot to kidnap a governor and start a civil war.

    Absolute idiots who deserve a long time in prison. Not bail reform (no cash bail required) like the left seems to like anymore. Remember Portland and the other cities that antifa types basically destroyed.

    Freedom of speech does not allow you to yell fire in a crowded movie theater.

    So please try to be objective and realize that yes... Trump is being reckless and putting lives at risk.
    YouTube allowing a yahoo to post debunked claims that the election was stolen would put lives at risk.

    Post it at Parler. Or 4chan. Or stormfront.

    It's still just an opinion. Because you don't agree with something doesn't make it wrong. If the courts found parts of it incorrect, then I agree. Speaking of reckless, does the left leaning media that refused to cover anything that will hurt Biden seem reckless? Not reporting issues / facts? Again, in effort to achieve their objective.

    #3 People were upset that Hillary lost. The also were scared that Trump won. Their cries were justified in my opinion.
    People asking for martial law have Trump's ear.
    His alt-right have already tried to start a civil war.
    It amazes me that people don't see it.
    It is in plain sight.

    Remember: The FBI has classified the white militia movement as the largest domestic threat.
    Extremists Pose a Violent Threat, FBI and DHS Officials Say

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	proud boys.jpg 
Views:	67 
Size:	337.1 KB 
ID:	180390

    Just a couple of good ole boys flashing white power signs defending the good ole white USA.

    ​Total aholes. But they're on both sides of the discussion as well.

    interesting side note:
    section 230 was written by two Republicans, Chris Cox and Ron Wyden...
    and now perhaps the greatest Republican ever wants to abolish it.

    Doesn't matter who wrote it or who wants to abolish it. It was signed into law 25+ years ago. The internet and media in general has completely evolved since then and laws pertaining to the internet have not kept pace.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  33. #1193
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Doesn't matter who wrote it or who wants to abolish it. It was signed into law 25+ years ago. The internet and media in general has completely evolved since then and laws pertaining to the internet have not kept pace.
    One could easily extend this argument to the constitution. In fact people do. Right or wrong I am not sure.

    The issue, imho, with social media right now is that people assume being anonymous and stating insane opinions is somehow protected. To paraphrase the late justice Scalia as they allowed corporate money into the elections, speech is free, no one ever said it should be anonymous.

  34. #1194
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    Sep 2020
    I’ve been intrigued lately by the “captive audience doctrine”, which is meant to protect people from unwanted speech or protests. Essentially modifying the first amendment saying all speech is free and if you don’t like it, cover your ears and eyes. The doctrine says no to that and people have a right not to hear it.

    It’s actually my argument as to why athletes don’t have a right to protest at a sporting event you have paid to go to and now you are captive to something that you didn’t pay for or go to the event for.

    I’m curious if it could apply sometimes to social media if it’s a platform you always go to and the “offensive” words/opinions cannot be avoided. And no, this thread would not apply, because you can chose to avoid the thread. However if there was absolutely no way to avoid it, you would be a captive audience.

    That said, offensive & negative stuff from both sides.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	F8D1544C-0686-4E1A-A157-BA2B1FDE6AFE.jpeg 
Views:	45 
Size:	475.9 KB 
ID:	180394  

  35. #1195
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I’ve been intrigued lately by the “captive audience doctrine”, which is meant to protect people from unwanted speech or protests. Essentially modifying the first amendment saying all speech is free and if you don’t like it, cover your ears and eyes. The doctrine says no to that and people have a right not to hear it.

    It’s actually my argument as to why athletes don’t have a right to protest at a sporting event you have paid to go to and now you are captive to something that you didn’t pay for or go to the event for.

    I’m curious if it could apply sometimes to social media if it’s a platform you always go to and the “offensive” words/opinions cannot be avoided. And no, this thread would not apply, because you can chose to avoid the thread. However if there was absolutely no way to avoid it, you would be a captive audience.

    That said, offensive & negative stuff from both sides.
    I understand your point, and I agree... but - it’s much more harmful when the leadership and news channels that support the leadership blatantly lie to the public for their own personal benefit. Kneeing at a game is peanuts when you got Donny and his puppet McKenany (however you spell that witches name) lying like they breathe - and half the country believes them.

  36. #1196
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    Mar 2013
    In 2020, Vote Fraud Claims Were Not 'Baseless'

    ... Here is what we do know:

    Nevada: The Silver State rushed a universal vote-by-mail measure through the legislature in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, known as AB 4, lacked safeguards to assure voter identity and was implemented without cleaning voter rolls of deceased voters, those who had moved, or who had become ineligible to vote.

    Attorney Jesse Binnall testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Dec. 16 as to what resulted.

    He had proof of nearly 90,000 fraudulent or improper votes that were cast, including instances where:

    More than 42,000 people voted multiple times.
    At least 1,500 people listed as "dead" voted.
    More than 19,000 non-residents voted.
    In excess of 8,000 people cast mail-in votes from non-existent addresses.
    Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses.
    Nearly 4,000 non-citizens voted.

    Considering Biden took Nevada by 33,596 votes, these allegations are serious.

    Arizona: The Arizona Republican Party alleges more than 100,000 ballots might have been improperly cast in the Grand Canyon State, including some 28,000 duplicated ballots in Maricopa County alone.

    Arizona GOP party chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward also addressed in one of her video reports the subject of "fake news" outlets, that tend to mischaracterize allegations of voter fraud.

    "We are trying to have integrity in our electoral process," she said, adding: "We have every right to make legal challenges."

    Again, only 10,457 votes separate Biden and President Donald Trump on Arizona, a 0.3% difference.

    Wisconsin: President Trump's legal team sought to have some 221,000 ballots disqualified that were cast in the state's two most heavily Democratic counties — Dane and Milwaukee.

    At issue were incomplete absentee ballot envelopes where clerks filled in missing information, as well as those that were issued without a proper request, and still others that were the subject of ballot harvesting.

    In a narrow 4-3 ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected the challenge, claiming the campaign was "not entitled to the relief it seeks."

    The campaign filed its petition for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.

    Only 20,682 votes separate Trump and Biden in the Badger State, 0.61%.

    One can hardly say this is a "baseless" claim, and pure reason has many people suspicious.

    Biden underperformed Obama in 80% of Wisconsin counties but hugely outperformed in just five counties to win the state.

    Michigan: While the Trump campaign has made an issue of the voting systems and software used throughout the state, allegations of widespread fraud remain unproven.

    The Trump legal team has presented additional evidence of voter fraud and irregularities before the Michigan state Senate Oversight Committee on Dec. 1.

    In one instance, a "Guard the Vote" volunteer testified he went through 30,000 of the 172,000 Detroit absentee ballots — about 17%. Some 229 were dead voters and 2,660 listed invalid addresses.

    Finally, Republican poll watchers were denied access for proper ballot monitoring due to alleged COVID-19 concerns.

    Pennsylvania: Nothing about the Keystone State made sense.

    Like Detroit, Philadelphia election officials denied Republican poll watchers adequate access into counting rooms, requiring them to seek a court order.

    "Trump campaign staffers marched into the PA Convention Center with a court order giving them the right to stand 6 feet away from sorters, instead of the previously allotted 20 feet," reported CBS3 Philly reporter Alecia Reid.

    Most recently, a group of 17 Republican state lawmakers released a blockbuster statement Monday, alleging 202,377 more votes were cast than there were voters who voted. State Rep. Frank Ryan, who has a background as a certified public accountant, led the investigation and released a statement.

    "These numbers just don't add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania's presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error," the statement said.

    Georgia: The biggest bombshell was a video that appears to depict news media and poll watchers being ushered out of the counting room in an Atlanta tabulation center.

    After all but a few workers left, suitcases of what appear to be ballots are removed from underneath a table and are run through machines.

    Georgia failed to use signature verification and other measures to certify mail-in ballots. Rejection rates — not allowing non-eligible mail-in ballots — plummeted in 2020 from the 2018 election.

    Other irregularities:

    In addition to outright claims of fraud, state and local officials in at least four states — Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia — used the pandemic to make last-minute changes to their state voting laws.

    The U.S. Constitution provides only each state legislature may set the time, place, and manner of elections.

    This prompted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to file a lawsuit against the four states with the United States Supreme Court for allegedly exploiting "the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election."

    In a statement he said, "Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this union together. Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election."

    Despite the fact 18 more states signed on to Texas' petition, the Supreme Court dismissed the case, citing lack of standing. Only Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented.

    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a student of history, compared the long list of anomalies to another election nearly 200 years in the past.

    "The more data comes out on vote anomalies that clearly are not legitimate the more it looks like 2020 may be the biggest presidential theft since Adams and Clay robbed Andrew Jackson in 1824," Gingrich tweeted. "State legislatures should demand recounts."

  37. #1197
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    A Fulton County, Georgia poll worker scans the same batch of ballots FIVE TIMES

    Who are you going to believe,
    the demoncrat party or your own lying eyes?

  38. #1198
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    Mar 2013
    Why Every Legal Vote Matters

    Every Legal Vote is a citizen coalition using reports, affidavits and math to answer the key 2020 election questions: was there fraud, was it widespread, and did it impact the outcome of the election? See something suspicious? Let us know. This site is not able to validate such information, but will share it with those who can. Help preserve election integrity.

    NEW: Election Night Timeline

    The Top 10 Proofs of Fraud

    Fraud is real. Fraud happens every day. In elections, fraud is a common issue. Regardless of what Twitter and Facebook say, fraud has happened in many elections in the US. Here are some of the top 10 ways that fraud can happen in an election:

    1: Stopping the Count

    2: Mail-in Ballots

    3: No Witnesses Allowed

    4: Too Many Voters

    5: Changing the Vote

    6: Imbalanced Votes

    7: Dead People Voting

    8: Ballot Mishandling

    9: Statistical Analysis

    10: Media Fraud

  39. #1199
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    Mar 2013
    More people are showing up for the many Pro-Trump "Stop the Seal" rallies springing up across Japan than there were at any single Biden campaign appearance.

    The same is happening in Taiwan.

  40. #1200
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Biggest Horse-Race Fixer of All Time Says Democrats Stole Election. Here's How.

    ... [N]o other conservative media personality has friends like I do. In addition to many of the top GOP politicians and the president of the United States, my list of buddies includes some "only in Vegas" characters such as "Richie." Richie is a professional gambler and a convicted horse-race fixer.

    Back in the day, Richie may have been the greatest and most prolific horse-race fixer in history. He fixed over 1,000 horse races in 11 years at every racetrack in California, bribing over 100 jockeys. Eventually, he was convicted and served time in prison.

    That was 25 years ago. Today, Richie is one of the good guys and a respected member of his community, as well as a noted philanthropist. But Richie still has his street smarts -- something no one in Washington, D.C., has. For over 50 years, he witnessed the smartest and sharpest scammers and cheaters in the gambling world. No one can spot a scam like Richie. My buddy has a Ph.D. in the Art of the Steal.

    Richie watched and studied the 2020 presidential election. He calls it "the greatest scam and steal in world history." He says anyone who denies this election was stolen is a criminal who was in on the scam; a bribed politician or bureaucrat who benefits from the scam; or a complete naive moron.
    CARTOONS | Steve Breen
    View Cartoon

    What does the world's greatest horse-race fixer believe happened on election night? Richie says it's clear that President Donald Trump won in a landslide in key battleground states, so big that Democrats had to move quickly to plan B and bring in reinforcements -- vans, U.S. Postal Service trucks, even planes filled with fake ballots, in the wee hours of the morning, with no GOP witnesses watching.

    The millions of fake ballots reportedly cast for Joe Biden weren't enough. Democratic scammers had to call a timeout and obviously brought in millions of additional fake ballots to erase Trump's massive lead.

    In a coordinated conspiracy so easy to see -- Richie calls it "amateur hour" -- five states clearly agreed at the same time to pause or stop counting votes, thereby buying themselves time to have millions of additional fake ballots filled out, trucked in or, in some cases, flown into nearby airports.

    In the case of Georgia, there are accusations of scammers faking that a pipe burst and caused a flood, during which they rolled out suitcases filled with ballots, all of which was caught on video.

    Any idiot who isn't blind can see what happened, says Richie. It was as if a brazen gang of 50 carrying AK-47s and not wearing face coverings robbed five banks at the exact same time, showed their IDs on the way out the door, and then got a blind eye turned by every FBI agent and every judge. Maybe people are in denial. Maybe the D.C. swamp got to them. Maybe they're in on the scam. A lot of respectable people in power must be getting filthy rich on this scam, says Richie.

    Some telltale signs of the scam: reports that GOP witnesses had to be removed from the room; that these ballots had only one name filled out (Biden) because scammers were rushing and didn't have time to fill out down-ballot races; and that many of the ballots looked pristine because they were clearly never mailed but rather rushed from printing presses to counting rooms.

    Street-smart Richie says this case is such a slam dunk that any judge who throws it out is dirty and any prosecutor who can't convict these scammers should lose his or her license to practice law.

    Richie compares this case to Scott Peterson's 2004 murder trial. Peterson got the death penalty based only on circumstantial evidence. This 2020 election scam was so obvious it makes Scott Peterson look innocent by comparison.

    Yet here we sit, with a conspiracy so deep that political leaders, mainstream media, social media, judges, prosecutors, the U.S. justice system, and virtually every person in power in D.C. act as if nothing happened. And they do it so casually, so matter-of-factly, that Richie says it's easy to conclude they're all in on the scam.

    Jan. 20 will determine whether we are still a nation of laws or a corrupt, third-world banana republic where horse-race fixers tell the truth and politicians are the real scam artists.

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