I fully respect your views and also your willingness to be so frank about them.
I don't think the military should've been involved since day 1.
Both the present Secretary of Defense and the former Secretary of Defense feel the same way.
I believe that the military isn't trained for such matters. Our police force is.
You think the milatry should've been involved since day 1.
Trump probably agrees with you.
It's America. People have different views and that is part of what keeps America great.
I don't like the rioting one bit. I think the rioters should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
I feel for the law enforcement. They put themselves in harms way to protect my rights everyday.
What I think complicates this matter is that many confuse the peaceful protestors with rioters.
They are not one and the same.
Fuck, the vast majority of the rioters have zero interest in BLM. (My opinion.) They are common thieves, thugs, and/or polictically or idealogically motivated assholes.
I don't think this matter has been handled well by most everyone.
I personally think that the police were too lax on the rioters. I personally think they were overly cautious because they were trying to not heighten the tension.
(If a policeman kills a rioter it may instill more rioting....)
My guess is that the higher ups told them to be extra cautious.
However, I will stand by my belief that Trump used force to break up a peaceful demonstration.
They weren't rioting.
Yes I know that a statement was put out there by the park police.
I know that the statement cites " At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. "
However I find it hard to believe that no proof has been shown to back up that statement.
Surely there was plenty of news crews there as well as cell phones.
I have seen plenty of video showing the brutality imposed on the protestors.
I have seen no video of the bricks, or frozen water bottles, or caustic liquids.
I am strongly opposed to the violent dispersals of peaceful protests.
And it is even more sickening to me that the violence was simply so Trump get get his picture taken in front of a church while he held a bible.
The church clergy even stated their displeasure with Trump.
If Trump wants to use the military then it is my understanding that he needs to invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act.
I know many of you view me as a liberal.
I am not affliated with any party.
I am pro-police. (I do recognize that there are bad eggs in the bunch.)
I am pro-gun. (I do think that background checks should be required.)
I am very pro-miltary. (More so for the soldiers then some of the higher ups.)
What I am not is pro-Trump.
And I am concerned for America because I know there are many people who simply vote along political party lines no matter who the canidate.
And I know that many of the religious and pro-gun will only vote Republican.
And I am fearful what Trump will do if given another four years.