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Thread: I tried to buy a Firearm and the sale was placed “on hold”

  1. #1
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    I tried to buy a Firearm and the sale was placed “on hold”

    Ive never for the life of me bought a gun and not left with it the same day. Not today, my background check was placed “on hold until June 11th”

    Was not given an exact reason why. Has anyone ever had this happen? Talk about pissed off, my record is clean no excuse I couldn’t buy a gun today the only excuse i got from the store was “ you have a common last name or they could just be backed up”

    Thats a new one for ole cuz

  2. #2
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    FFL and background checks for US has hit a new world record for the most hits in world history ... look it up

  3. #3
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    2 million new gun owners. System is backed up.

  4. #4
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    I had never heard of anything like this and felt insulted. I did a brief google search but not much came up, I actually looked at a forum from 2005....

    So what your sayin is be patient and calm down right?

  5. #5
    I think this may be what you are talking about...

    I have never bought a gun so I don't know exactly.

    As an aside: imagine how pissed everyone would be if this happened when Obama was president. That probably would've started the next civil war. (Or the ongoing civil war if you want to argue that...)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Ive never for the life of me bought a gun and not left with it the same day. Not today, my background check was placed “on hold until June 11th”

    Was not given an exact reason why. Has anyone ever had this happen? Talk about pissed off, my record is clean no excuse I couldn’t buy a gun today the only excuse i got from the store was “ you have a common last name or they could just be backed up”

    Thats a new one for ole cuz
    Never had that problem; just picked up another pistol within the last week or so.
    Now, CWP/ CCW was quite a wait. It was about 112 business days, because the system wasn't prepared for the influx of new applications back then.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    I had never heard of anything like this and felt insulted. I did a brief google search but not much came up, I actually looked at a forum from 2005....

    So what your sayin is be patient and calm down right?
    there is more going on then you think

  8. #8
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    A buddy bought a G17 yesterday, CBI (Colorado) was backed up until today. He was lucky to even find one, bought the MOS even though he won’t use the sight. Paid for a feature he won’t use just because there is no stock. Total time on his wait was 18 hours

    Bought my 10 year old a .22 at the end of February, we were out of there in 8 minutes.

    Times are crazy...

    Regardless, it’ll be worth the wait Cuz.

  9. #9
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    I think all the states run their own mirror of the NICS database, and when your FFL calls for your background check, he calls the state, not the feds. Might be a technical problem with their database.

  10. #10
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    Who buy’s registered guns anyways - Lol

    I have 2 registered, one in my wife’s name & one in my neighbor’s

    The rest - well

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    2 million new gun owners. System is backed up.
    God bless America...!!!

  12. #12
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    I tried to buy my gf a rifle for her bday.

    Apparently I was denied because of felony indictment.
    It made for an awkward situation.

    So we bought it in her name.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    God bless America...!!!
    I disagree.

    The people who wait until the news scares them to buy a gun are the ones that dont need one.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I think this may be what you are talking about...

    I have never bought a gun so I don't know exactly.

    As an aside: imagine how pissed everyone would be if this happened when Obama was president. That probably would've started the next civil war. (Or the ongoing civil war if you want to argue that...)
    It happened during Obama as well. Gun prices soared after Sandy Hook and systems were backed up. Why did you go political?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    It happened during Obama as well. Gun prices soared after Sandy Hook and systems were backed up. Why did you go political?
    I didn't realize it happened during Obama.
    I stand corrected.

    I was trying to make a joke.
    If you remember... many claimed that once Obama was in that guns would be outlawed.
    So... I joked saying that if you tried to buy a gun during Obama's presidency and couldn't.... people would think their fears were realized and start a war.

    I guess my joke wasn't any good.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I didn't realize it happened during Obama.
    I stand corrected.

    I was trying to make a joke.
    If you remember... many claimed that once Obama was in that guns would be outlawed.
    So... I joked saying that if you tried to buy a gun during Obama's presidency and couldn't.... people would think their fears were realized and start a war.

    I guess my joke wasn't any good.
    That administration tried pushing so many gun bills it’s sickening. Now the left is pushing to defund the police, lol.

    I purchased a 3D printer and will start making some guns soon.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I tried to buy my gf a rifle for her bday.

    Apparently I was denied because of felony indictment.
    It made for an awkward situation.

    So we bought it in her name.
    Depending on your state, you might be able to purchase blackpowder pistols and rifles. In some states, they're not considered "firearms" and thus no background checks are issued. Check with the laws.

    And as far as that felony indictment goes, talk to a lawyer about getting your rights restored. It might cost a little cash, but you deserve your American rights.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I disagree.

    The people who wait until the news scares them to buy a gun are the ones that dont need one.
    Everybody needs a gun. Even these people who are just now realizing it. The culture in this country is changing and not for the good. People know the police cannot and will not protect them. And beyond that, the government's goons might just be the very people you need to protect yourself from.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I didn't realize it happened during Obama.
    I stand corrected.

    I was trying to make a joke.
    If you remember... many claimed that once Obama was in that guns would be outlawed.
    So... I joked saying that if you tried to buy a gun during Obama's presidency and couldn't.... people would think their fears were realized and start a war.

    I guess my joke wasn't any good.
    During Obama's reign, finding .22LR was a challenge. It was so bad that even when I wasn't looking for .22lr, if I saw a brick of it at the store, I bought it before somebody else could.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Depending on your state, you might be able to purchase blackpowder pistols and rifles. In some states, they're not considered "firearms" and thus no background checks are issued. Check with the laws.

    And as far as that felony indictment goes, talk to a lawyer about getting your rights restored. It might cost a little cash, but you deserve your American rights.
    It was indictment.
    I didnt get my rights taken.

    Legal advice on a steroid board....

    Learn the difference between:
    Last edited by The road; 06-09-2020 at 06:17 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Everybody needs a gun. Even these people who are just now realizing it. The culture in this country is changing and not for the good. People know the police cannot and will not protect them. And beyond that, the government's goons might just be the very people you need to protect yourself from.
    No not everyone needs a gun just like not everyone needs to vote and many people shouldnt be in this country.
    Last edited by The road; 06-09-2020 at 06:18 AM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Everybody needs a gun. Even these people who are just now realizing it. The culture in this country is changing and not for the good. People know the police cannot and will not protect them. And beyond that, the government's goons might just be the very people you need to protect yourself from.
    It’s funny. I’ve had friends text me over the last couple of months Cape I need a gun. What do you recommend. What ammo do I need. Can you teach me to shoot. These are people ho used to look at me like I was crazy for carrying everyday. I tell them better late to the party than missing the party.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    No not everyone needs a gun just like not everyone needs to vote and many people shouldnt be in this country.
    Respectfully Sir, I disagree. I want everyone to have a gun and I think this country (not the govt.) should be in everyone.

  24. #24
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    Try buying a handgun OR a long gun in Illinois. Hey, here is a math question: If I let the government know I have 7 guns, & they eventually take my 7 guns (by force), how many do I have left??? 27....I lied about only having 7 guns....

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    It’s funny. I’ve had friends text me over the last couple of months Cape I need a gun. What do you recommend. What ammo do I need. Can you teach me to shoot. These are people ho used to look at me like I was crazy for carrying everyday. I tell them better late to the party than missing the party.
    so its not just me. this is good to hear. heck I thought I was being set up with the amount of people texting me asking about guns. even a close family member who is a left winger anti gun to a degree asked if I had an extra AR or AK he could buy from me.
    I'm like man with all the different people reaching out to me about it, this has got to be some sort of set up . good to know its not just me

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    It was indictment.
    I didnt get my rights taken.

    Legal advice on a steroid board....

    Learn the difference between:
    If you're trying to buy a gun and got denied, your rights were taken. We can split hairs here all day, but the answer is still to speak to a lawyer in regards to it.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    It’s funny. I’ve had friends text me over the last couple of months Cape I need a gun. What do you recommend. What ammo do I need. Can you teach me to shoot. These are people ho used to look at me like I was crazy for carrying everyday. I tell them better late to the party than missing the party.
    I've kind of changed my opinion on guns chambered in 9mm and 5.56/223. During this whole thing those rounds flew off the shelves while .40S&W, .308, 30-06, 30-30, 10mm and .45ACP remained well-stocked. If I were asked for my recommendation for a gun I'd recommend one in those calibers.

    But still though, the best for home-defense is a shotgun. You can get a Maverick-88 for pretty cheap and it's basically a Mossberg 500. Plus in your in a situation where you need to defend your home and family, you're probably going to be pretty nervous. You're not going to be as good of a shot as you are at the range hitting paper or metal targets. With a shotgun loaded with birdshot, if you get it aimed in the right direction, you're probably going to hit the target with at least one or two pellets. Plus the risk of over-penetration is greatly reduced (which is a factor a lot of people don't think about when selecting a weapon). You want to hit the intended target. You don't want to accidentally kill an innocent person on the other side of the wall.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I've kind of changed my opinion on guns chambered in 9mm and 5.56/223. During this whole thing those rounds flew off the shelves while .40S&W, .308, 30-06, 30-30, 10mm and .45ACP remained well-stocked. If I were asked for my recommendation for a gun I'd recommend one in those calibers.

    But still though, the best for home-defense is a shotgun. You can get a Maverick-88 for pretty cheap and it's basically a Mossberg 500. Plus in your in a situation where you need to defend your home and family, you're probably going to be pretty nervous. You're not going to be as good of a shot as you are at the range hitting paper or metal targets. With a shotgun loaded with birdshot, if you get it aimed in the right direction, you're probably going to hit the target with at least one or two pellets. Plus the risk of over-penetration is greatly reduced (which is a factor a lot of people don't think about when selecting a weapon). You want to hit the intended target. You don't want to accidentally kill an innocent person on the other side of the wall.

    your likely not going to kill or stop the criminal breaking into your home either .. shotgun with bird shot is ridiculous for home defense.
    be proficient with the real tools and its not an issue. learn how to place a Glock 19 9mm round 15 times rapid fire into your target to stop the threat.
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    bird shot in a shotgun just going to get yourself killed . um its for killing birds, not whacked out 230 pound meth out criminals breaking into your home.

    that being said. a shotgun is a great weapon, have one next to my bed.. but it don't got no "bird shot" in it. bear slugs and 00 tactical buck shot.. the ax is preferred choice though for some thug breaking into my house
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    on a side note your point about calibers . um you should just own all of those calibers. I do and I reload them.. its not a matter of either or its both

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    If you're trying to buy a gun and got denied, your rights were taken. We can split hairs here all day, but the answer is still to speak to a lawyer in regards to it.
    Thank you for the advice.
    I can buy a gun any time I want legally though.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    Respectfully Sir, I disagree. I want everyone to have a gun and I think this country (not the govt.) should be in everyone.
    I am gonna import 100 of the top deadliest Islamic terrorist and then go to the hood and hand out AK-47's.

    If you cant name the three branches of government you shouldnt be allowed to vote.

    In my opinion there should be a basic test to be allowed to vote. Nothing fancy. Just ten basic questions on taxes etc.

    No many many many people out there dont deserve and cannot handle freedom. They dont even understand what it is for the most part.
    Last edited by The road; 06-09-2020 at 08:01 PM.

  31. #31
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    Dude you're buying a weapon that has one purpose: to kill, and you are mad you have to wait a day or two? I bought my first gun in 2007 and had to do the same thing. If they're doing their job right, it's to ensure you are not a lunatic that is going to murder a bunch of people. How would you like it if someone bought a gun and walked out the same day, no questions asked, and murdered someone you love?

    People never think until it happens to them smh.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Dude you're buying a weapon that has one purpose: to kill, and you are mad you have to wait a day or two? I bought my first gun in 2007 and had to do the same thing. If they're doing their job right, it's to ensure you are not a lunatic that is going to murder a bunch of people. How would you like it if someone bought a gun and walked out the same day, no questions asked, and murdered someone you love?

    People never think until it happens to them smh.
    Oh shit... Now you gone and done it

  33. #33
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    Lets put holds on anything that could kill.

  34. #34
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    You can use anything to kill, but a gun has one purpose, and one purpose only. Maybe you can crack open a beer with it or play spin the glock.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    You can use anything to kill, but a gun has one purpose, and one purpose only. Maybe you can crack open a beer with it or play spin the glock.
    Target practice? Hunting? Entertainment? Protection? Ammonium nitrate has one purpose... No wait it has lots of purposes. If you're going to start making things legislatively restricted in order to prevent someone from having the capability of using it then I see no reason to stop there

  36. #36
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    It's either you're right or it's not and they have no right to restrict it

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    your likely not going to kill or stop the criminal breaking into your home either .. shotgun with bird shot is ridiculous for home defense.
    be proficient with the real tools and its not an issue. learn how to place a Glock 19 9mm round 15 times rapid fire into your target to stop the threat.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2346.jpg 
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ID:	179122
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2444.jpg 
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ID:	179123

    bird shot in a shotgun just going to get yourself killed . um its for killing birds, not whacked out 230 pound meth out criminals breaking into your home.

    that being said. a shotgun is a great weapon, have one next to my bed.. but it don't got no "bird shot" in it. bear slugs and 00 tactical buck shot.. the ax is preferred choice though for some thug breaking into my house
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0272.jpg 
Views:	84 
Size:	939.3 KB 
ID:	179124

    on a side note your point about calibers . um you should just own all of those calibers. I do and I reload them.. its not a matter of either or its both
    to add to this point , I've done my fair share of pheasant hunting . using a shot gun with bird shot and when the dogs got them out of the grass and in the air and I blasted them with "bird shot" , I still had to pick them up and twist and break their necks cause they were not dead from the shotgun blast. thats a 2 pound bird.. you really want to use bird shot to protect your home and family from a 230 pound meth head breaking into your home

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Target practice? Hunting? Entertainment? Protection? Ammonium nitrate has one purpose... No wait it has lots of purposes. If you're going to start making things legislatively restricted in order to prevent someone from having the capability of using it then I see no reason to stop there
    Target practice and hunting are just preparing for killing. Entertainment is subjective. Protection is, again, meant to kill. I don't see a problem with vetting potential gun owners and stopping psychopaths from buying guns. If you want target practice, you can use a paintball gun, too. A lot more fun to go paintballing than shooting at a static object.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I can buy a gun any time I want legally though.
    Yesterday you said you got denied because of a felony indictment.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Dude you're buying a weapon that has one purpose: to kill, and you are mad you have to wait a day or two? I bought my first gun in 2007 and had to do the same thing. If they're doing their job right, it's to ensure you are not a lunatic that is going to murder a bunch of people. How would you like it if someone bought a gun and walked out the same day, no questions asked, and murdered someone you love?

    People never think until it happens to them smh.
    Your first sentence sounds about as liberal pussified garbage that one could possible spew. But theres no changing your mind so im not arguing that it is sole purpose is designed to kill.

    Ive bought about two dozen guns in my adult life this isnt “buying my first gun today guys and got denied” just to clarify.

    And lastly someone that broke into my house would more than likely not buy the weapon at a dealer , id lean to a private sale myself cash sale and nothing is traced except the first owner.
    It literally has nothing to do with original post of why im having to wait this time. They already know im not a lunatic bc my social security number was listed. Its an irrelevant argument but yea i am still mad about it by the way lol
    Hopefully soon ill get the go ahead

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