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I thought the same thing after my first yoga class, but let me be honest: it humbled me. I thought 'yeesh, I got this. what is this, a bunch of stretching?' About 1/3 of the way through, I thought 'hmm, this is hard.' And just to be clear: it kicked my ass. So, it is much more than just stretching. I've been a few times since but to 'gentle yoga' ie beginners level where you don't have to do exactly what is going on. I'm still not big on yoga classes...
I have incorporated a few of the moves I learned there in my post workout stretching (about 10 to 20 minutes post squat and deadlift days). It helps with DOMS, cool down, and range of motion for sure, all of which are important to me. There are probably other benefits, though I would stop short of some of the life changing claims that a lot of practitioners make.
And I thought the same thing about flexible people. I thought there is no way I can do those moves. My body just don't do THAT. That said, I maybe took it as a bit of a challenge and have come to believe that I can be more flexible, though not all pretzle-y. That's probably more important to us on the north side of 50 or so.
PS - Yoga pants are cheating, y'all. Well, the ones that are formed like Kim Kardashian are, the regular tights are not. Here is how to tell the difference: if you set the pants out by themselves and you think 'damn, those would make me look all badonk-a-donk', then they cheatin'. If, on the other hand, YOU put on a pair of pants that look like socks and STILL look all McKayla Maroney, then you got it!