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Thread: Any good gunsmiths in here????

  1. #1
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Any good gunsmiths in here????

    Building a couple AKs currently, one is cambered in 5.56 and I would like to cut the barrel, thread it, and then pin a muzzle device on it to bring it to 16”.

    I believe I have found all the proper tooling to cut the threads, but I’m having a hard time finding the correct tools to face and crown the barrel. It looks like there are different size and angle options? I’ve been trying to get as much info as I can but I’m not sure which ones I need.

    If anyone here could link me to the correct tools to face and crown a 5.56 barrel I would greatly appreciate it!! And yes I have seen videos of it being done with a file and a brass screw head lol but that would be my absolute last resort.

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Building a couple AKs currently, one is cambered in 5.56 and I would like to cut the barrel, thread it, and then pin a muzzle device on it to bring it to 16”.

    I believe I have found all the proper tooling to cut the threads, but I’m having a hard time finding the correct tools to face and crown the barrel. It looks like there are different size and angle options? I’ve been trying to get as much info as I can but I’m not sure which ones I need.

    If anyone here could link me to the correct tools to face and crown a 5.56 barrel I would greatly appreciate it!! And yes I have seen videos of it being done with a file and a brass screw head lol but that would be my absolute last resort.
    No idea how to do that. Sounds like something I’d be interested in knowin. I’ll be following.

  3. #3
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You should be able to buy facing tools, and crowning tools. Just look them up they're shouldnt be any problem sourcing them. If one of your AKs is going to be 556 I would thread it 1/2×28. That way you can choose any 555 muzzle device you want.
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  4. #4
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    I have all the tools needed to thread it- annular, die, thread alignment tool. I will be threading it 1/2 28 RH. I already have my muzzle device picked out and on its way. It’s going to be permanently attached to the barrel after I cut it to keep things legal.

    I see places like brownells have facing and crowing tools but there are so many different ones and I don’t know how to tell which ones I need for my barrel.

  5. #5
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    Sorry for not addressing your Q but I just wanted to make sure you knew the ATF's definition of "permanent" requires the muzzle device be mechanically affixed by two different means, like pinning and silver-soldering.

    Odds are extremely slim the ATF will ever take an interest in your muzzle device (unless you're in Antifa), so it all comes down to how risk-averse you are.
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  6. #6
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Sorry for not addressing your Q but I just wanted to make sure you knew the ATF's definition of "permanent" requires the muzzle device be mechanically affixed by two different means, like pinning and silver-soldering.

    Odds are extremely slim the ATF will ever take an interest in your muzzle device (unless you're in Antifa), so it all comes down to how risk-averse you are.
    I know from personal experience that as long as you aren't an asshole with a criminal record and you aren't dealing with an ATF officer with a chip on his shoulder, then you can get by with a lot by playing dumb. "You mean, I'm not grandfathered in...", I'm sorry, I was completely unaware that...."

    I got a visit after some asshole at the range told on me.

    As a DIY guy myself, I totally appreciate that you want to thread it yourself, but you should call around and check pricing. The last time I had a gunsmith do mine, he only charged me 65 bucks. That's way cheaper than buying a new barrel if you fuck it up. While I don't profess to be a gunsmith by any stretch, I used to do my own threading when I had my lathe, but threading, relief, facing, crown, etc was cut with inserts and a highspeed steel thread cutter. So a different method than what it sounds like you're doing and one I have zero experience in. Good luck!

  7. #7
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    You think you could post photos of the barrels before, during and after? I'd kind of like to see how it's done.

  8. #8
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Pretty positive AG could have some input here. The guy could manufacture pretty much anything out of thin air.

  9. #9
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    Yes sorry I meant pin and weld. Going to drill a hole through the muzzle device and drill into the barrel enough to “dimple” it. Then put a pin in, and weld over the top of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Sorry for not addressing your Q but I just wanted to make sure you knew the ATF's definition of "permanent" requires the muzzle device be mechanically affixed by two different means, like pinning and silver-soldering.

    Odds are extremely slim the ATF will ever take an interest in your muzzle device (unless you're in Antifa), so it all comes down to how risk-averse you are.

  10. #10
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    That was my plan originally to have it done professionally. I doubt I’ll do this enough to make all the tools worth it. But I can’t find anyone who isnt backed up for months.

    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I know from personal experience that as long as you aren't an asshole with a criminal record and you aren't dealing with an ATF officer with a chip on his shoulder, then you can get by with a lot by playing dumb. "You mean, I'm not grandfathered in...", I'm sorry, I was completely unaware that...."

    I got a visit after some asshole at the range told on me.

    As a DIY guy myself, I totally appreciate that you want to thread it yourself, but you should call around and check pricing. The last time I had a gunsmith do mine, he only charged me 65 bucks. That's way cheaper than buying a new barrel if you fuck it up. While I don't profess to be a gunsmith by any stretch, I used to do my own threading when I had my lathe, but threading, relief, facing, crown, etc was cut with inserts and a highspeed steel thread cutter. So a different method than what it sounds like you're doing and one I have zero experience in. Good luck!

  11. #11
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    Coming along nicely, not sure what furniture I’m going to go with, I just through it together to test it. I still need to cut the barrel down and then send it out to get a black oxide finish.

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  12. #12
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
    Beetlegeuse is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nice looking shooter. I like the "classic" look. I always figure that if you're going to go all SOPMOD with an AK you might as well build an AR instead.

    Comrade Mikhail Timofeyevich would be proud.

  13. #13
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree on the classic look being the best. My first build was with an issued 1967 polish military akm parts kit. I’m a big fan of the AK, AR, and guns in general, so I enjoy having the variants of the AR and AK but it is a must for me to always have the “classic” version first before building variants.

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