Originally Posted by
Fluidic Kimbo
Up until 1950, we didn't know what DNA was. So a human could have been born XY in 1930 with a vagina, breasts, soft curves, soft voice, etc., and the only way we'd know the difference is that they can't have children (but you get infertility with XX females too -- approximately 11% of American females aged 15-44 are infertile).
In fact if you can find me an XY female with a perfect vagina, teardrop breasts and soft curves that doesn't have periods then I might opt for that.
When I was spraying the barrel of my Desert Eagle airsoft gun, I turned it over to spray underneath, but then I realised that the barrel sits on top of the stock and you can only see the sides and top of the barrel. What's the point in painting something if nobody's gonna see it? If you told me that my girlfriend had 2 hearts, 1 lung and another organ similar to a spleen that was connected between the two hearts, then I might find it intriguing but I really wouldn't care. I'm not in the business of dissecting my girlfriends and figuring out how their innards work. I know that there's some people who you give them a radio as a child, and they end up taking a screwdriver to it and looking at all the parts, but some people just listen to the radio.
I think there must be something in your psyche that is reacting strongly to the word 'testicle'. It isn't a a very feminine word, it makes us think of hairy muscular men with low voices. If it was located in a skin sack distended from the vulva then I might understand why you find that unattractive. When it comes to internal organs in the abdominal cavity though... it's a maze in there anyway... our intestines alone are 15 feet long.
Since I'm a computer programmer, I might have a unique view on DNA. I see DNA as a set of blue-prints (e.g. measurements of parts), instructions (similar to a computer's CPU instructions), and settings (e.g. configuration files). If you told me that our DNA has a file "My Documents\sex.txt" and it contains 0 for female and 1 for male, but that there's another configuration file somewhere called "Program Files\Masculanisation\config" with an entry "React_Testosterone=false", then I won't have much difficulty understanding that the baby can come out female even though "sex.txt" contains a 1.