If I ever want to consider what the real meaning of a word is, I think to myself does a 7-year-old know that word, and if you asked a 7-year-old what it meant, what would they say?

A good example is 'doctor'. Ask a 7-year-old what a doctor is and they'll tell you he fixes people when they're sick. But then you get engineers and scientists who finish their PhD and call themselves a 'doctor'. They like to explain it in terms of, "oh I'm not a doctor of medicine, I'm a doctor of engineering". But if that's true then a person with a PhD in medicine should be double-doctor (e.g. DrDr Johnson). And also why do people below PhD-level in medicine call themselves doctor if they haven't got a doctorate of medicine?

If you ask a 7-year-old to define love and hate, what would they say?

Here'a how the UK metropolitan police define a hate crime:

Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender
It seems that they've done the #1 most recognisable things that cults do : They have re-defined a word.

And ironically, crimes motivated by actual hatred don't get identified as hate crimes (e.g. I murdered the guy at the cinema because I've hated him and his sister ever since kindergarten).