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Thread: Are stricter gun laws, BANS coming to the land of the free?

  1. #201
    Join Date
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    If their "common sense" gun laws made sense, why would they have to be deceptive about them?

  2. #202
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    If their "common sense" gun laws made sense, why would they have to be deceptive about them?

    You can say what you want about AOC and her opinions on things, but she looks sexy as fvuk.

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You can say what you want about AOC and her opinions on things, but she looks sexy as fvuk.

    And she's bat shit crazy.

    I've found the crazy ones to be much more fun in the sack.

    Who says she's good for nothing?

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    And she's bat shit crazy.

    I've found the crazy ones to be much more fun in the sack.

    Who says she's good for nothing?
    Didn't your dad tell you that you don't put your D!ck in crazy

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Didn't your dad tell you that you don't put your D!ck in crazy
    Yeah, but he told me alot of shit. Most of which I didn't pay any attention to until it was too late.

  6. #206
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    Where civilians are allowed to go armed, they interrupt almost half of all active shooter incidents.

    This study shows that from 2014 thru 2019, 42.3% of all "active shooter" events that didn't take place in a "gun-free" zone were stopped by a citizen lawfully carrying a concealed firearm.

    Which is 42.3% more frequently than it happens in "gun-free" zones. And also is one hell of a lot more than "almost never happens."

    Unfortunately, over that same period, 64% of these events took place in "gun-free" zones. Which weren't really "gun-free" because when someone has taken the decision that they're going to do murder, they're not very likely to be dissuaded by a "No Guns Allowed" sign. In fact they probably look at them as an indicator of a "low-risk" and "target-rich" environment because the odds are 56% better that their rampage won't be interrupted by a "Bubba with a gun" if they stage it in a "gun-free" zone.

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    And she's bat shit crazy.

    I've found the crazy ones to be much more fun in the sack.

    Who says she's good for nothing?
    C'mon, I don't like the lady's political values or thought process, but you don't have to go there with it.

    I mean how can you ever expect to be respected if you aren't respectful of others?

    You have just sunk to the level and tactics of the ultra-progressive. I hope you're happy.

    Edit: Think on that for a while, Hugh. Seriously.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-08-2021 at 10:41 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  8. #208
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  9. #209
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    New York's demoncrat commissariat can't control its citizens, or make their guns illegal enough, so they've decided to see if suing the gun industry mightn't obscure the fact that they couldn't find their own ass with both hands in broad daylight.

    New York Democrats Seek to Sue Gun Makers as Shootings Surge

    Democrats are looking for ways to sue gun manufacturers as shootings in New York City continue to surge.

    Some Democrats are also seeking to make it more arduous to legally purchase firearms.

    WSKG reports that state Sen. Zellnor Myrie (D) is sponsoring legislation to allow New York residents to sue gun makers who “don’t take steps to prevent their products from being sold and purchased illegally.”

    Myrie commented, “I again ask this industry: what are you going to do about your products that are killing our people? You have experienced record profits this past year … and while you make record profits, we experienced record death.”...

    an•thro•po•mor•phism ăn″thrə-pə-môr′fĭz″əm

    n. Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. As in:

    " ...your products that are killing our people... "

    Yup, all by themselves. Them guns are walking off the assembly line and taking the bus to NYC, then walking around the streets looking for some unsuspecting, god-fearing, helpless, hapless, law-abiding citizen to kill.
    Kind of reminded me of this scene

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Eloquently stated

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Eloquently stated
    Hahaha I have a way with words.

    I just think AOC is pretty sexy looking.

  12. #212
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Hahaha I have a way with words.

    I just think AOC is pretty sexy looking.
    Yes, a true wordsmith.

    Didn't know a thing about AOC till today, but agree 100%. She is hot!

  13. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    C'mon, I don't like the lady's political values or thought process, but you don't have to go there with it.

    I mean how can you ever expect to be respected if you aren't respectful of others?

    You have just sunk to the level and tactics of the ultra-progressive. I hope you're happy.

    Edit: Think on that for a while, Hugh. Seriously.
    I thought about it.

    And you're right. Just because I don't agree with her political views, doesn't give me the right to make those kinds of statements about her. Or anyone else for that matter.

    I should've been more tasteful and less suggestive. I don't like it when progressive people do that to others. And I did sink to that level.

    My comments about her in the sack were immature and totally inappropriate. My apologies for posting it here like I did.

    I do still believe she's a lunatic though. Because of the crazy stuff she says and pushes. And I won't apologize for that, I can't. But I do respect her convictions, even if I disagree.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 06-08-2021 at 05:09 PM.

  14. #214
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    Buzz, don't get involved in the correction of other people. The comment was not directed at you.

    You're a valued member and we appreciate you , but the board doesn't revolve around you.

    I was handling a situation with another member, not you, so , please if it isn't directed at you, move on to another topic/stay out of the situation.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-09-2021 at 06:45 PM.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    No need to apologize to me Buzz. Hell as long as she looks decent, is female and is older than 21, I’m no longer picky myself, lol.

    Both are for you. One is made to order (though a little undersized up top), the other is literally “bat-shit” and perhaps crazy.
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    Last edited by almostgone; 06-09-2021 at 05:29 PM.

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Buzz, I am the polar opposite of AOC and her political beliefs and approach, but the "character assassination" of people stops here, and it stops NOW.

    We all know and appreciate your service to our country, but enough is enough. This board will NOT be portraying itself in this manner. Period, END OF STORY.

    AGAIN, we appreciate your service, but you ain't the only prior service member on this board. Now, disengage your mouth and think about those comments I made about respect. Were they directed at you?.....NO. They were directed at someone that is already on thin ice.

    So, NO, You stand there and let the chips fall where they may on yourself. As long as I'm a moderator, I WILL moderate.

    Now, please don't interfere with my correction of other's behavior. If it isn't directed to you, don't get involved in it.

    Are we clear? You're a respected member here,but you're getting involved in a situation that does not concern you.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-09-2021 at 07:56 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  17. #217
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    With the millions of guns in this country, if everyone shot them exactly in the same direction and exactly at the same time could the earth’s orbit be changed to help the current climate crisis ?

  18. #218
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    Buzz, you better be dropping by this summer! How’s the lifting going?

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    With the millions of guns in this country, if everyone shot them exactly in the same direction and exactly at the same time could the earth’s orbit be changed to help the current climate crisis ?
    LOL, there would be a rain of plated lead of epic proportions. We might need to factor that into the equation, Wango, allow for rotation during flight, and calculate a remote area for the return on the flak.

    We may need to get the head shed gents @ Cal-Tech to runs a sim on that first. That should give them something to chew on for a while!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    lol, there would be a rain of plated lead of epic proportions. We might need to factor that into the equation, wango, allow for rotation during flight, and calculate a remote area for the return on the flak.

    We may need to get the head shed gents @ cal-tech to runs a sim on that first. That should give them something to chew on for a while!

    respects to you ! UNerstood and there was a misunderstanding . No intent to be a trouble make most of the time .......... Peace brother and carry on with a tuff job !

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    respects to you ! UNerstood and there was a misunderstanding . No intent to be a trouble make most of the time .......... Peace brother and carry on with a tuff job !
    Respect to you, Buzz. Today is another day. Let's kick it right square in the @ss!!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Buzz, you better be dropping by this summer! How’s the lifting going?
    Brother I checked with the boss and she said a go for the end of the summer for ???? amount of time , because we go back to St George every Oct. not that we are true snowbirds but we like the hippie laid back attitude . 45 minutes to closest Walmart and NO chain stores bigger than IGA , Piggly Wiggly or ACE Hardware . 3 micro Brews and they do not give DUI"s We got Halloween , TG , Christmas & NY's covered and leave for more explorig in Jan. 2022 . I need your cell to send you some pix ...... Can't load them from computer and can't find the forum phone app ? Got some killer pix and near nudes ....... not of me
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-10-2021 at 10:51 AM.

  23. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Brother I checked with the boss and she said a go for the end of the summer for ???? amount of time , because we go back to St George every Oct. not that we are true snowbirds but we like the hippie laid back attitude . 45 minutes to closest Walmart and NO chain stores bigger than IGA , Piggly Wiggly or ACE Hardware . 3 micro Brews and they do not give DUI"s We got Halloween , TG , Christmas & NY's covered and leave for more explorig in Jan. 2022 . I need your cell to send you some pix ...... Can't load them from computer and can't find the forum phone app ? Got some killer pix and near nudes ....... not of me
    End of Summer, that sounds great. Got no problem with hippy, laid back attitude, the wife and I are very similar. Honestly, I can’t spend too much time with anyone, even folks I like. I’m socially f’d up in that sense. Plus need to be pounding down the alcohol. PM you my e-mail address and then can give you a phone # from that.

    How bout starting an accountability thread, want to see how you are progressing and got to keep you on track is you are relaxing too much, lol.

  24. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post

    But a 3D printer, fuck the ATF
    Fuck yes

  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    End of Summer, that sounds great. Got no problem with hippy, laid back attitude, the wife and I are very similar. Honestly, I can’t spend too much time with anyone, even folks I like. I’m socially f’d up in that sense. Plus need to be pounding down the alcohol. PM you my e-mail address and then can give you a phone # from that.

    How bout starting an accountability thread, want to see how you are progressing and got to keep you on track is you are relaxing too much, lol.
    Man your tuff ...... lol ! I think I have pick up that you are a rehab devil ! Not sure I am even to that point . As I was sharing with another member earlier . Easily distracted by a couple of post on here (Helping my mind like you would not believe - stimulates use of the southern language , lol) I am about to do my 2 1/10 - that is 2/10's of a mile old man walk around the neighborhood ...... 1/10 mile no rest I am ashamed to admit but only 6 mths ago I could not crawl the the bathroom or shower so this is part of the baby steps BS ! Then to Shhhhhhh Planet Fitness and my abdomen vacuum exercises and girly weight and band routine .

    Now for the really good stuff . I go back to the internal surgeon to find out why I have so much gas all the time (only had 10in of lower intestines removed and reattached) Why my belly bloats so much when on 4 meals a day and very tight food intake . Also many trips to the toilet daily . Back Injection went great from this past Tues. I am 6ft tall again and no limp . But really curious about recovery time if I choose to have separated ab muscles reattached - something diticulation women who have c-sections have this and they are told to diet and do vacuum exercises . That is the SUPER HARD way so I will see . Still packing to move this weekend .

    Also working on tow vehicle I am going to send you pix of ! You probably see them in CA , but I have never seen one close to this one in the southeast ! A 2000 Honda CR-V with a 4in lift and 30in tires with 2in wheel spacers and cut out fender wells and flares added . Not to mention all the other upgrades like built out the ass off road auto tranny and 2009 Honda Element Differential , struts , reworked heads and may be turboed by the time we get out there . You can see it on my FB page .

  26. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Man your tuff ...... lol ! I think I have pick up that you are a rehab devil ! Not sure I am even to that point . As I was sharing with another member earlier . Easily distracted by a couple of post on here (Helping my mind like you would not believe - stimulates use of the southern language , lol) I am about to do my 2 1/10 - that is 2/10's of a mile old man walk around the neighborhood ...... 1/10 mile no rest I am ashamed to admit but only 6 mths ago I could not crawl the the bathroom or shower so this is part of the baby steps BS ! Then to Shhhhhhh Planet Fitness and my abdomen vacuum exercises and girly weight and band routine .

    Now for the really good stuff . I go back to the internal surgeon to find out why I have so much gas all the time (only had 10in of lower intestines removed and reattached) Why my belly bloats so much when on 4 meals a day and very tight food intake . Also many trips to the toilet daily . Back Injection went great from this past Tues. I am 6ft tall again and no limp . But really curious about recovery time if I choose to have separated ab muscles reattached - something diticulation women who have c-sections have this and they are told to diet and do vacuum exercises . That is the SUPER HARD way so I will see . Still packing to move this weekend .

    Also working on tow vehicle I am going to send you pix of ! You probably see them in CA , but I have never seen one close to this one in the southeast ! A 2000 Honda CR-V with a 4in lift and 30in tires with 2in wheel spacers and cut out fender wells and flares added . Not to mention all the other upgrades like built out the ass off road auto tranny and 2009 Honda Element Differential , struts , reworked heads and may be turboed by the time we get out there . You can see it on my FB page .
    I’m not all that far in front of you with the walking distance Buzz. When I first started again post-Covid. Less than a mile was messing me up.

    You know, my whole life I’ve been a fighter/worker. I’m just willing to outwork the next guy if I have to because nothing seemed to come natural to me. And now with Father Time staring me down in the mirror every day, well I’ll out work that mfr too.

    Could it be Irritable Bowel Syndrome? For me, if my stomach swells it will be from ascites due to liver failure and I’ll be saying my goodbyes here (and everywhere else for that matter).

    My wife worked with plenty of those females when she was a therapist, in fact one of her co-workers/friends had the surgery done.

    Will check out FB next, just cooling off after working out. Looking forward to seeing that beast!

  27. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I’m not all that far in front of you with the walking distance Buzz. When I first started again post-Covid. Less than a mile was messing me up.

    You know, my whole life I’ve been a fighter/worker. I’m just willing to outwork the next guy if I have to because nothing seemed to come natural to me. And now with Father Time staring me down in the mirror every day, well I’ll out work that mfr too.

    Could it be Irritable Bowel Syndrome? For me, if my stomach swells it will be from ascites due to liver failure and I’ll be saying my goodbyes here (and everywhere else for that matter).

    My wife worked with plenty of those females when she was a therapist, in fact one of her co-workers/friends had the surgery done.

    Will check out FB next, just cooling off after working out. Looking forward to seeing that beast!
    Guess this thread has had many turns and from what I have seen that is not such a bad thing .

    You know I have not had a full BW panel since the coma and the Dr's were not fully aware of all the compounds flowing in my body , not to mention 2018 was the year of the ole Prostrate Cancer showing positive . All I need now is FKN liver issues . I have to take a GAS - X to get through any day . Theses are all post coma issues and I am hoping all related to being intubated .............. 52 lbs in 2 weeks is one hell of a diet !

    I think I will get a full male panel since they are free ..... only thing is I have to read my BW my MD either doesn't want to compare readings or reads them and ignores that he knows I have more than scripted meds ........ OK Sidebar - Like right now not my belly but my intestines are growling and that means I better find a bathroom . I do not want to even imagine it is lack of control due to age because all this started post rehab ..............Damn it to hell !

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-11-2021 at 01:31 PM.

  28. #228
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    Just sent the request Buzz.

    Oh shit, we really did deviate from the thread. But speaking of guns, none in the house when you visit Buzz, that’s my bosses rules, lol.

    Wait, where was the ugly mug?!? Very attractive looking to me. And check you out! By what you are saying above, I was expecting some ole geezer, but damn son; you don’t look your age.

    Killer wheels too!

    Hey we don’t come off as being old because we are on Facebook do we?
    Last edited by wango; 06-11-2021 at 02:13 PM.

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