I thought about posting this in the injuries and Rehab but I guess the lounge is more suitable.
I have always been very introspective even whenever I was out of it and going way too far. Knowing your own Mental Health and admitting it to yourself versus changing it is two different things.
Nothing I can say will change anyone's mental state but I can tell you what it's like going down the slide into absolute nothing and hitting rock bottom.
I have done things I never thought I would do and it was a long journey to the bottom. Everyone out there has a virtue or a moral code and certain lines they won't cross. If you catch yourself Crossing one line or thinking seriously about it I highly recommend you do whatever you have to do to get away from it.
It really doesn't mean much me saying that because lots of people told me that as I was stumbling.
I should have never left the gym I should have never let my work take control. I should have changed my mindset from being that I could take on the world and that I had it together into accepting that I couldn't be 100% in any place in my life. A good friend told me I would rather be 50% or 70% in every aspect of my life then to try to be one hundred percent in any place. He warned me many times to stop trying to live for my business and that was coming from a multi-millionaire that owns many businesses.
Once my work took me out of the gym it was a very short matter of time until my relationship with my girlfriend was over my business started to decline and I was spent. I just didn't give a damn anymore as I got more and more depressed I got more and more alcohol in me and more drugs in me and I chased more women and buried myself in booze and the wrong kind of pussy until I was totally threadbare.
I would go to work and come home at 10 at night to a woman that was pissed off at me and it made me mad so I just pushed her away that much harder. I didn't have to do that to make ends meet I could have turned some people away or put more on my employees. Once you start giving one thing 100% of your attention everything else will fall apart. Pretty soon you won't be able to give any of your attention to anything and you won't care to.
As you decline you may think that no one is feeling the pain with you but I assure you everyone is feeling your mistakes, every single person around you. I think every single closet alcoholic thinks that they are only hurting themselves.
Finding a balance in life means you are mentally healthy. If you can't balance everything with bodybuilding and lifting then you are not mentally healthy or something has to go/change.
If you catch yourself drinking or using drugs as a form of numbing the pain then you don't have very long. If you drink to cut loose and have a good time once in a while or even get plastered once in awhile or Tie one on it's no big deal. If you drink because your mindset is, "okay Fuck this shit," then you got a big problem.
I used the gym to battle depression and keep myself in check with something that I enjoyed as a release. Thinking that I could make it without it was very stupid of me. I knew better and I had even talked about it on here.
The strongest muscle you have is your mind so you better build it before any of your others.
Take a look at your life and the things that are important to you and ask yourself how you can balance them better and more evenly. This is not coming from a great successful person this is coming from someone who has gone down the slide to the bottom. Once you've gone too far you may not have very long to correct it.