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Thread: Wild Random Stories

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Had a tough day this week, really stressed. Already on BP meds and get orthostatic hypotension at times upon arising. So intelligently took a hit of super chilling pot and drank some booze (oh yeah, dieting hard, have dropped 15 pounds and carb depleted, what could possibly go wrong?). Was sitting and watching a baseball game for a long while, stood up, paused (no problems) took 2 steps, lost consciousness and toppled like a log backwards. Gouged my head on a sharp edge of furniture. Out for 2 minutes.

    When I became fully conscious, I’m my old self, felt no pain and saw the LAFD around me. 5 minute response time btw, it helps to live where we’re at. So feeling great I joked . . . . “ so what is it with you guys not wanting to get vaccinated?”. My wife almost shit herself, I thought I was being funny however. I did not get lifted from the floor gently, lol.

    Still feeling ok, no problems except massive bleeding, so I chose to walk to the ambulance. They could care less as I likely pissed them off. BTW the ambulance side door entrance is not meant for tall folks and whacked my head again, lol. I made peace with the EMTs, we joked around and they thanked me for making their night. Got 12 staples to the temple for a 4 inch gash and bled to the point that I don’t need worry about blood donations or hematocrit levels for a while. Pissed as I just got a great fade haircut that day & now it’s f’d. Currently feeling great, back to the gym on Monday.
    Damn man, glad you are ok, could have been worse…. That hypotension will get you. I know a couple of people who have “fainted” after getting up too fast. Take it easy, don’t go too heavy on Monday.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Damn man, glad you are ok, could have been worse…. That hypotension will get you. I know a couple of people who have “fainted” after getting up too fast. Take it easy, don’t go too heavy on Monday.
    Thank you, appreciated. I really thought I was ok, because I paused a couple seconds after standing (the wife saw me & I was steady), but 2 steps in she knew I was in trouble. Thank God she’s a bad-ass because nothing phases her.

    I swear, the HGH has thickened my skull. Yeah, will go easier tomorrow, but seated at machines won’t be an issue. Staples out on Friday.

    Obs, sorry to invade your thread, but I thought it made a pretty good story. Glad to hear you’re back at the gym and working at something you truly are gifted at. I told you before, you’re an artist.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Had a tough day this week, really stressed. Already on BP meds and get orthostatic hypotension at times upon arising. So intelligently took a hit of super chilling pot and drank some booze (oh yeah, dieting hard, have dropped 15 pounds and carb depleted, what could possibly go wrong?). Was sitting and watching a baseball game for a long while, stood up, paused (no problems) took 2 steps, lost consciousness and toppled like a log backwards. Gouged my head on a sharp edge of furniture. Out for 2 minutes.

    When I became fully conscious, I’m my old self, felt no pain and saw the LAFD around me. 5 minute response time btw, it helps to live where we’re at. So feeling great I joked . . . . “ so what is it with you guys not wanting to get vaccinated?”. My wife almost shit herself, I thought I was being funny however. I did not get lifted from the floor gently, lol.

    Still feeling ok, no problems except massive bleeding, so I chose to walk to the ambulance. They could care less as I likely pissed them off. BTW the ambulance side door entrance is not meant for tall folks and whacked my head again, lol. I made peace with the EMTs, we joked around and they thanked me for making their night. Got 12 staples to the temple for a 4 inch gash and bled to the point that I don’t need worry about blood donations or hematocrit levels for a while. Pissed as I just got a great fade haircut that day & now it’s f’d. Currently feeling great, back to the gym on Monday.
    Take care brother

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Thank you, appreciated. I really thought I was ok, because I paused a couple seconds after standing (the wife saw me & I was steady), but 2 steps in she knew I was in trouble. Thank God she’s a bad-ass because nothing phases her.

    I swear, the HGH has thickened my skull. Yeah, will go easier tomorrow, but seated at machines won’t be an issue. Staples out on Friday.

    Obs, sorry to invade your thread, but I thought it made a pretty good story. Glad to hear you’re back at the gym and working at something you truly are gifted at. I told you before, you’re an artist.
    never invading hoss... Glad youre ok

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ex wifes eldest son got caught at school with an empty airsoft pistol. His friend had gave it to him. He was arrested, expelled, and put house arrest.

    Today he cut off his ankle bracelet and ran away from his mothers house.

    No idea wtf is going through his head but he's gonna be going to a juvenile detention center when caught.

    Absolutely no idea wtf got into him....

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Sealed a contract on the removal of a single tree for $15,000. I won't likely come across another like this the rest of my career.

    Work is good now.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Gym is going good. Not going too hard with work but content.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Ex wifes eldest son got caught at school with an empty airsoft pistol. His friend had gave it to him. He was arrested, expelled, and put house arrest.
    Seems a bit extreme... I mean what would they have done if it was a real gun? Are they most concerned about it being a 'Realistic Immitation Firearam'? My Desert Eagle looks real, if you ran into a shop with this thing people would shit themselves.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    Seems a bit extreme... I mean what would they have done if it was a real gun? Are they most concerned about it being a 'Realistic Immitation Firearam'? My Desert Eagle looks real, if you ran into a shop with this thing people would shit themselves.
    Its the modern era... People look for things to panicover but not cutting slack for him. He knew better

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Ex wifes eldest son got caught at school with an empty airsoft pistol. His friend had gave it to him. He was arrested, expelled, and put house arrest.

    Today he cut off his ankle bracelet and ran away from his mothers house.

    No idea wtf is going through his head but he's gonna be going to a juvenile detention center when caught.

    Absolutely no idea wtf got into him....
    Dumb on his part but you know if he had been a gang banger or always in trouble and it was a real gun he would have gotten much less if anything at all.

    Yeah I know its "modern era" but its still over the top in most cases.

    You know you have about 1000 red flags with the gf and her kids and you are just going to get in deeper and deeper until you decide you need to help yourself instead of her. Been there done that.

  11. #51
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Dumb on his part but you know if he had been a gang banger or always in trouble and it was a real gun he would have gotten much less if anything at all.

    Yeah I know its "modern era" but its still over the top in most cases.

    You know you have about 1000 red flags with the gf and her kids and you are just going to get in deeper and deeper until you decide you need to help yourself instead of her. Been there done that.
    Done with ex gfs messes. I ripped her ass and told her not to contact me. She was driving me insane

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Done with ex gfs messes. I ripped her ass and told her not to contact me. She was driving me insane
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Said every man ever!
    Yeah I think most all of us have said that several time about the same woman and kept getting sucked back into the spiders web.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yeah I think most all of us have said that several time about the same woman and kept getting sucked back into the spiders web.
    Still no contact. I have had a girl stay with me lately and ex lives a few blocks away. Enjoying the peace.

  14. #54
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    Apr 2007
    I would rather be embarrassed and beat up than hurt someone again. I like the humble life. Whatever I had to prove I proved it.
    I just want to help people but I still have rage I gotta control. I apologized to someone today. I didn't get forgiveness but I was honestly glad. I would have hurt them in the past. Today though they could have punched me and I wouldn't have swung back.

    I want to leave this world square with my wrongdoings when I die. Only God can forgive me but as far as tit for tat goes I hope I can own everything I've done before I check out.

    That's my greatest wish.
    I can't lay down with the guilt. I've fucked up bad but I tried to live with honor. I tried to keep the percentages even though I fucked that up too. I have lived as a man of principle. I been polite to all unless I was crossed.

    I should have let shit go a lot more but I wouldn't forsake my honor code. I wish I had been more humble in the past but it is what it is.

    I wonder sometimes if life isn't just a way of God testing you to see if you will forsake your highest personal ideals to do whats right....


  15. #55
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    You were always a great writer obs…good to see you well bro…

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I want to leave this world square with my wrongdoings when I die.
    I no longer care about making amends. In order to make amends I'd have to look at the past.

    While you're dreaming of the future, or regretting the past, the present moment -- which is all you have -- slips from you and is gone

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I no longer care about making amends. In order to make amends I'd have to look at the past.
    I like that last quote

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    You were always a great writer obs…good to see you well bro…
    Good to see you ghetto

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    They let the oldest boy skate.
    He's back at home with his mom.
    I went to the hearing. The judge spoke to him like a 3 year old. He does not understand the seriousness.

    I told him he's got two strikes and if he screws up again he's going down for a ride he doesn't want.

    The judge actually said "Don't do anything else stupid and make me do something I don't want to do."

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    My back has been trash lately. Been riding powerchairs shopping. Girl I am seeing's bed is kicking my ass.

    Gonna buy her a new one for... my birthday.

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    They let the oldest boy skate.
    He's back at home with his mom.
    I went to the hearing. The judge spoke to him like a 3 year old. He does not understand the seriousness.

    I told him he's got two strikes and if he screws up again he's going down for a ride he doesn't want.

    The judge actually said "Don't do anything else stupid and make me do something I don't want to do."

    If I lived in a country where I had 2 strikes, and the next one would meant life in prison, I'd emigrate. Americans speak English, you'll get on fine in the UK and Australia.

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