So in my drunkenness I ended a 5-year relationship with my ex girlfriend who loved me very dearly. She absolutely begged for me back. And I just wasn't having it.
I moved into a new place and was dragging strange women home and we live in the same town so her friends were telling her about women that I had around which made her very jealous. Understandably so as well because she was watching some of my videos that I posted on Tik-Tok and some of those were talking about squirters and things like that.
So anyway I'm in my new place for about 2 months and I'm lying in bed asleep and the light gets flipped on. I woke up to her piss ass drunk standing over my bed. I mean it scared the bejesus out of me! She had her shirt and no pants or underwear on and she jumped on top of me and said we're going to have sex.
I said no the f we're not! Get your shit on and get out of my house. So she puts her pants and underwear back on and she is still barefoot. She started crying and then just started swinging on me. I got tired of getting hit so I put her in a headlock and dragged her outside my house about 20 or 30 feet and I ran back inside and lock the door.
Her coat and her shoes or lying in my bedroom so I quickly ran to the window and threw them outside because that window doesn't have a screen. I closed the window and started to walk down the hall and I hear glass shatter.
Now I know this woman I knew her for a lot of years and I know her screams and I have never heard her make a scream like that in my life I knew she had fucked up bad.
I know in the back of my mind she had to have cut herself very badly so I ran to the door and I'm already taking my belt off to use as a tourniquet. I brought her inside and was immediately putting a belt on her arm because it was bad and I mean bad. In the course of about 30 seconds she sprayed blood like I have never seen all over my house it was otherworldly there was even blood on my ceiling.
She had severed the veins right where they draw your blood from at the bend of your elbow. I am trying like hell to get this Blood shut off entirely and I know a little bit about emergency situations. I dialed 911 and put the phone on speaker and she said "hell no I'm not going to jail!"
So she starts swinging on me with her arm that I'm not holding and punching me so I swung her around the kitchen into my living room and laid her down and got on top of her. I'm having to hold one arm down with my arm and hold her body down and I'm having to hold the tourniquet on her arm with one fucking hand and it's just a damn belt it's not even a tourniquet.
She was screaming at the top of her lungs and I'm having to yell to dispatch (lost my voice for 4 days after) and her excitement is not helping matters any and the struggle and I was having to yell so hard for so long I was out of breath. Sweat was pouring off of my face onto her and it seemed like it took forever for the cops to get here they told me it was 11 minutes I think it was more like 20 but whatever.
Once I got the blood controlled every now and then I would let off just to get some blood flow into her arm which is also something everyone out there needs to understand you don't just clamp down a tourniquet. You have to let blood flow or you will explode capillaries and it can cause amputation.
Now I know where I live and I know how cops react whenever they see a guy on top of a chick when they walk in so I'm screaming to dispatch: you be sure and tell the officers before they get here that I'm only on top of her because she is being combative and if I let go of this she is going to die.
The cops rolled up and they came in with a real tourniquet and I repeated what I had told the dispatcher to them about why I was on top of her and luckily on their way in my house they had heard her screaming "let me bleed out."
The officers did a great job but I do have to say they were freaking ruthless with their tourniquet I kept telling them to let a little bit of blood flow while we were waiting on the ambulance.
Anyway she's still drunk so she decides to take her anger out on the cops which they don't tolerate very well and she's cussing everyone all the way into the ambulance and the ambulance people. I was trying to get her to calm down speaking to her calmly as I could, she wasn't having it. I kept telling the cops that I don't want her in any trouble she has two kids and she just made a dumb mistake drunk.
She got no charges and I'm thankful for that. They put 13 stitches in her arm and she had a cut on her wrist I didn't even see in all the chaos.
I don't think I have ever been so scared in my entire life that someone I cared about was going to die bleeding out in my floor. She sobered up at the hospital and I even went and picked her up.
I always said that she hit like a man but she busted out a double pane nitrogen-filled window and sent glass to the Far Side of the room across the hall. I don't think I can even do that it was insane.
Later on after we had made up and she had thanked me and apologized she came back over to my house and attacked me again. We were just sitting there talking and then she said why don't you love me and just started swinging on me again and I tried to restrain her like I did before and threw my back out. I actually backhanded her because I couldn't fight back anymore my back was screwed it knocked her in the floor and she finally stood up and walked out my door. I spent the following day scooting around the living room on my back because I couldn't walk trying to pick up all of the shit that she had knocked off the table. Took me about an hour and a half to clean my living room in that state. My back was screwed for a couple of months.
She finally paid it back though. Maybe six months later she was walking me through detox for 2 or 3 days straight with me laying in her bed saying I wanted to die shaking and sweating. I don't think I would have survived that without her.
We can finally talk to each other again like normal people.
The video is the aftermath of the blood that was lost and I said it wrong in the video the big spot on the carpet was where I held her down and I put the tourniquet on her mainly at the sink. Bear in mind most of the blood that you see is from about 30 seconds of time.
Admin if you don't want this up I understand but it's just blood in the floor. I will take it down if you request this is just a good spot for me to vent