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Thread: Wild Random Stories

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Wild Random Stories

    So in my drunkenness I ended a 5-year relationship with my ex girlfriend who loved me very dearly. She absolutely begged for me back. And I just wasn't having it.

    I moved into a new place and was dragging strange women home and we live in the same town so her friends were telling her about women that I had around which made her very jealous. Understandably so as well because she was watching some of my videos that I posted on Tik-Tok and some of those were talking about squirters and things like that.

    So anyway I'm in my new place for about 2 months and I'm lying in bed asleep and the light gets flipped on. I woke up to her piss ass drunk standing over my bed. I mean it scared the bejesus out of me! She had her shirt and no pants or underwear on and she jumped on top of me and said we're going to have sex.

    I said no the f we're not! Get your shit on and get out of my house. So she puts her pants and underwear back on and she is still barefoot. She started crying and then just started swinging on me. I got tired of getting hit so I put her in a headlock and dragged her outside my house about 20 or 30 feet and I ran back inside and lock the door.

    Her coat and her shoes or lying in my bedroom so I quickly ran to the window and threw them outside because that window doesn't have a screen. I closed the window and started to walk down the hall and I hear glass shatter.

    Now I know this woman I knew her for a lot of years and I know her screams and I have never heard her make a scream like that in my life I knew she had fucked up bad.

    I know in the back of my mind she had to have cut herself very badly so I ran to the door and I'm already taking my belt off to use as a tourniquet. I brought her inside and was immediately putting a belt on her arm because it was bad and I mean bad. In the course of about 30 seconds she sprayed blood like I have never seen all over my house it was otherworldly there was even blood on my ceiling.

    She had severed the veins right where they draw your blood from at the bend of your elbow. I am trying like hell to get this Blood shut off entirely and I know a little bit about emergency situations. I dialed 911 and put the phone on speaker and she said "hell no I'm not going to jail!"

    So she starts swinging on me with her arm that I'm not holding and punching me so I swung her around the kitchen into my living room and laid her down and got on top of her. I'm having to hold one arm down with my arm and hold her body down and I'm having to hold the tourniquet on her arm with one fucking hand and it's just a damn belt it's not even a tourniquet.

    She was screaming at the top of her lungs and I'm having to yell to dispatch (lost my voice for 4 days after) and her excitement is not helping matters any and the struggle and I was having to yell so hard for so long I was out of breath. Sweat was pouring off of my face onto her and it seemed like it took forever for the cops to get here they told me it was 11 minutes I think it was more like 20 but whatever.

    Once I got the blood controlled every now and then I would let off just to get some blood flow into her arm which is also something everyone out there needs to understand you don't just clamp down a tourniquet. You have to let blood flow or you will explode capillaries and it can cause amputation.

    Now I know where I live and I know how cops react whenever they see a guy on top of a chick when they walk in so I'm screaming to dispatch: you be sure and tell the officers before they get here that I'm only on top of her because she is being combative and if I let go of this she is going to die.

    The cops rolled up and they came in with a real tourniquet and I repeated what I had told the dispatcher to them about why I was on top of her and luckily on their way in my house they had heard her screaming "let me bleed out."

    The officers did a great job but I do have to say they were freaking ruthless with their tourniquet I kept telling them to let a little bit of blood flow while we were waiting on the ambulance.

    Anyway she's still drunk so she decides to take her anger out on the cops which they don't tolerate very well and she's cussing everyone all the way into the ambulance and the ambulance people. I was trying to get her to calm down speaking to her calmly as I could, she wasn't having it. I kept telling the cops that I don't want her in any trouble she has two kids and she just made a dumb mistake drunk.

    She got no charges and I'm thankful for that. They put 13 stitches in her arm and she had a cut on her wrist I didn't even see in all the chaos.

    I don't think I have ever been so scared in my entire life that someone I cared about was going to die bleeding out in my floor. She sobered up at the hospital and I even went and picked her up.

    I always said that she hit like a man but she busted out a double pane nitrogen-filled window and sent glass to the Far Side of the room across the hall. I don't think I can even do that it was insane.

    Later on after we had made up and she had thanked me and apologized she came back over to my house and attacked me again. We were just sitting there talking and then she said why don't you love me and just started swinging on me again and I tried to restrain her like I did before and threw my back out. I actually backhanded her because I couldn't fight back anymore my back was screwed it knocked her in the floor and she finally stood up and walked out my door. I spent the following day scooting around the living room on my back because I couldn't walk trying to pick up all of the shit that she had knocked off the table. Took me about an hour and a half to clean my living room in that state. My back was screwed for a couple of months.

    She finally paid it back though. Maybe six months later she was walking me through detox for 2 or 3 days straight with me laying in her bed saying I wanted to die shaking and sweating. I don't think I would have survived that without her.

    We can finally talk to each other again like normal people.
    The video is the aftermath of the blood that was lost and I said it wrong in the video the big spot on the carpet was where I held her down and I put the tourniquet on her mainly at the sink. Bear in mind most of the blood that you see is from about 30 seconds of time.

    Admin if you don't want this up I understand but it's just blood in the floor. I will take it down if you request this is just a good spot for me to vent
    Last edited by Obs; 10-05-2021 at 03:24 AM.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2007
    I had a live-in girlfriend that I had been trying to get out of my house for a couple of months and she was just straight-up squatting there.

    Whenever I was detoxing at my ex's she thought that I had gotten back together with my ex and was jealous.

    So anyway her and two of her friends were driving around my ex's house threatening her. My ex-girlfriend called me and told me what was going on so I went over there. I just wanted to make sure nothing was going to happen because I know how my ex is she doesn't back down.

    Anyway the squatter and her two friends pulled up and jumped out of the car and started to attack my ex-girlfriend in her yard. There was a really fat one that look like she might actually do some damage and my girlfriend was already dealing with two of them but I knew she would probably take both of their asses so I grabbed the fat one when she push me and I put her on the ground and got on top of her and I was just holding her there.

    The one I was holding down was the mother of one of the girls that was attacking my ex and she yelled to her daughter: get the gun out of the car!

    Her daughter starts to go to the car and I immediately jumped up off of her and ran inside my ex's house where my old 12 gauge is sitting behind the door I put a shell in the chamber. And when I got back outside one of them had hit her in the head with the gun and they had the gun pointed at my ex's head.
    Now I'm about 10 to 15 feet away with birdshot the daughter handed the little 9 millimeter pistol to her mother and her mother pointed it at me and I am pointing the shotgun back at her.

    Now I truly do not want to have to kill this person in my mind and I know that but I got about a quarter ounce of trigger squeeze left and her feet are going to come off the ground at that range.

    The only thing that saved her life was the pistol was pointing down towards my chest and stomach area and shaking like a leaf. I know in the back of my mind that if I catch a 9 mm I can still squeeze my roundoff and I will probably be able to shoot everyone that is attacking before I check out.

    That is optimal range for a modified choke and I could have sent that 9 mm in to her chest. At that range you're not just getting the shot you're getting the wad as well.

    Luckily the Fat one wasn't entirely retarded and she put the gun down and drop the magazine out but I kept a shotgun ready to blow her ass away because I never saw her rack the chamber out after a bit of time she went and set it back in her car.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-05-2021 at 02:05 AM.

  3. #3
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    Now this is the really insane part no arrests were made!

    Those dumb bitches called the cops!

    They somehow thought they could attack someone on their own property and then pull a gun when the scrap didn't go their way and that they would get away with it.

    They kind of got away with it for a time they weren't arrested on sight but we just got word from juvenile authorities that they are charging the 17 year old daughter but it is separate from the prosecutor's office so I expect the other two will catch charges. And they're not going to be charged lightly.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-05-2021 at 02:11 AM.

  4. #4
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    The fact is I don't want anybody going to jail over it I wouldn't wish prison on my worst enemy I just want those stupid fuckers to grow up and never do dumb shit like that again because they think they are gangsters or something and they're stupid and they almost got all of themselves killed. If I was 10 years younger and a little colder I would have just walked out and started wasting them.

  5. #5
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    If I have ever feared a person on this planet it is my brother. He is the best street fighter that I have ever seen in my life and as tough as nails. He has been screwed up very badly. I think he is schizophrenic. I didn't talk to him for years because of his drug use because I'm a hypocrite like that.

    Anyway you just can't turn the the butt head off. He had 27 skull fractures and was still combative with police when they found him after his motorcycle accident.

    In his schizophrenic like Behavior he kept accusing me of hacking his accounts which I have no clue how to do anything like that and I don't think he's being hacked I think he's on that much drugs or that messed up in the head.

    The crazy son of a gun drove 250 miles to fight me. Now at this point I have had so much crap going on at my house that When someone knocks on the door I jump out of my skin. The girl that was squatting in my house was here and we were getting along at that moment. I hear the knock on the door and I walked to the door and lo and behold my brother is standing between my two trucks taking his long-sleeve shirt off.

    I didn't really have much to say other than it's not going to be like when we were kids I'm going to hurt you.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-05-2021 at 02:30 AM.

  6. #6
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    I picked him up and slammed him down on my sidewalk and his head dragged the concrete and it raked the hair off the side of his head. He shit his pants when I jumped on top of him and I hit him in the head several times.

    Hitting him in the head was like hitting concrete. He kept putting his hands up and I grabbed his hands and shove them to his chest and said I'm going to Cave your face in with my forehead. He told me to stop and I stopped and I let him up. I was already feeling bad about it because this is my fucking hero.

    I told him to come inside and get cleaned up gave him some clothes and he started his shit with me in my kitchen so I hit him in the jaw and knocked him flat on his back. This time he quit.

    Anyway he might be crazy but he is an honorable man. I will respect anyone that will drive 250 miles to do what he did.

    I felt like shit for a month afterward I had a hard time sleeping.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-05-2021 at 02:31 AM.

  7. #7
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    I know no one is probably reading this but that chick I had that was squatting in my house was 44 years old. I like 40 to 50 year old women I don't know why I just think they're hotter than sin sometimes. I swear God has never put a badge on a woman that was better or tighter than that thing was.

    I don't know why but God hangs the really good stuff on the really freaking crazy ones.

    It is nearly impossible to get away from them. You'll split up for a week until you get horny and then you call them again.... Im sorry honey

  8. #8
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    I was dating this chick that lived in Vermont. She was pretty good-looking and 47 years old. She was a flight certified traveling trauma nurse and nurse manager. She made more money than most doctors. She was totally crazy about me and flew from Vermont to Kansas City Missouri to stay with me up on the Plaza and she paid for everything. We stayed at a five-star hotel and bar hopped both times that she flew down.

    The intention was whenever I possibly could and when she possibly could we were going to move to Florida together. She was living with a supposed EX but he was probably her boyfriend I'm not really sure and I didn't care at the time and I even told her that. I was dating multiple women at the same time and by that I mean they thought that I was their boyfriend and I told them they were my girlfriend.

    I really did want this chick though she was down-to-earth and she was the type that will not do drama the kind that is not going to jaw Jack you or bleed out in your house or some shit.

    Anyway I got pissed at her because her alleged ex called me and said that he was her boyfriend and wanted to know why she had been talking to me so much which she had a story for that which I really don't believe whatever though I don't care we split up for a couple of months.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-05-2021 at 03:34 AM.

  9. #9
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    We got back together because she contacted me through a friend and by that point I was drinking so hard it wasn't even funny but I tried to play along and I wanted to go to Florida badly and be with her it would have been so great to get away from my tree service and just be normal for a change in Florida which I love. Especially with a Rich chick....

    It just wasn't working out and I knew that I was not capable of a relationship and she finally called one day when she was ready to move to Florida and I was messed up on drugs. I told her I couldn't talk and it wasn't going to work because I would drag her down.

    That is one of the dumbest things that I have ever done. I still think about trying to contact herClick image for larger version. 

Name:	20210329_223126.jpg 
Views:	47 
Size:	687.3 KB 
ID:	181375

    When her ex or boyfriend or whatever called me I got mad and I elbowed out my truck window and I continue to Elbow the window frame after it was knocked out and cut the piss out of my arm. I've got some really nice scars from that one
    Last edited by Obs; 10-07-2021 at 12:33 AM.

  10. #10
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    There is one woman that was seeing for a while last winter that I completely and absolutely wanted and love very much. She just so happened to be a therapist and she was not my therapist that's just what her occupation was.

    I still have feelings for her big time. There was something about her personality even though she wasn't that hot or anyting but she was awesome in bed and she was so smart it was astounding.

    She is scared of me now and will not talk to me. She is scared to be around me because of stories that I told her. I wish I could go back in time and not tell those stories to her. She is a good soul and a great person and I hope she has a beautiful life.

    I miss her a lot. She told me that I have PTSD and I didn't believe her at first and then I took an online assessment and hit every single symptom.

    I have been in very high- stress environments all of my life. I used to love adrenaline. Then I grew up. Lately I just feel old and tired and beat up.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2018
    Damn it’s 4 am, I can’t sleep, and I read this shit… now I’m definitely not sleeping lol. I agree with you about the 40-some year olds. My current gf is 5 years older than me. One of the hottest and most sexual women I was with was in her mid 40s when I was 30.

    Sorry about your ex bro. My ex was kind of like that. She went crazy during our breakup. I left our house and went to my parent’s house during a fight and she came over and spent 2 hours banging on the windows and ringing the doorbell until I reluctantly called the cops. I warned her multiple times, but she wouldn’t stop. I told the cops I didn’t want to get her into trouble, and they didn’t arrest her but then I ended up looking like the asshole cause she was crying. She’s attacked me before, threw her phone at my head and made me bleed. She’d come in the other room after an argument, while I was sleeping, and try to attack me. I’ve had to hold her down multiple times.

    At the same time she could be the sweetest girl and she understood me like no one else. We continued being friends for years after we broke up and she still calls me to catch up. Sometimes the “crazy” ones also love you the hardest. With other girlfriends the relationship felt polite by comparison.

    It was hard seeing that video with the blood. Poor woman. You can’t help but feel like your heart breaks in two, even though she did it to herself. She must be in a lot of pain for her to do something like that. That’s what people don’t understand when they say “why don’t you just leave her and block her.” Because a girl like that loves so deeply that she will harm herself in the process of trying to get you back. It’s insane. I hope your ex is doing better.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Damn it’s 4 am, I can’t sleep, and I read this shit… now I’m definitely not sleeping lol. I agree with you about the 40-some year olds. My current gf is 5 years older than me. One of the hottest and most sexual women I was with was in her mid 40s when I was 30.

    Sorry about your ex bro. My ex was kind of like that. She went crazy during our breakup. I left our house and went to my parent’s house during a fight and she came over and spent 2 hours banging on the windows and ringing the doorbell until I reluctantly called the cops. I warned her multiple times, but she wouldn’t stop. I told the cops I didn’t want to get her into trouble, and they didn’t arrest her but then I ended up looking like the asshole cause she was crying. She’s attacked me before, threw her phone at my head and made me bleed. She’d come in the other room after an argument, while I was sleeping, and try to attack me. I’ve had to hold her down multiple times.

    At the same time she could be the sweetest girl and she understood me like no one else. We continued being friends for years after we broke up and she still calls me to catch up. Sometimes the “crazy” ones also love you the hardest. With other girlfriends the relationship felt polite by comparison.

    It was hard seeing that video with the blood. Poor woman. You can’t help but feel like your heart breaks in two, even though she did it to herself. She must be in a lot of pain for her to do something like that. That’s what people don’t understand when they say “why don’t you just leave her and block her.” Because a girl like that loves so deeply that she will harm herself in the process of trying to get you back. It’s insane. I hope your ex is doing better.
    Holy shit man I agree with everything you just said

  13. #13
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Damn it’s 4 am, I can’t sleep, and I read this shit… now I’m definitely not sleeping lol. I agree with you about the 40-some year olds. My current gf is 5 years older than me. One of the hottest and most sexual women I was with was in her mid 40s when I was 30.

    Sorry about your ex bro. My ex was kind of like that. She went crazy during our breakup. I left our house and went to my parent’s house during a fight and she came over and spent 2 hours banging on the windows and ringing the doorbell until I reluctantly called the cops. I warned her multiple times, but she wouldn’t stop. I told the cops I didn’t want to get her into trouble, and they didn’t arrest her but then I ended up looking like the asshole cause she was crying. She’s attacked me before, threw her phone at my head and made me bleed. She’d come in the other room after an argument, while I was sleeping, and try to attack me. I’ve had to hold her down multiple times.

    At the same time she could be the sweetest girl and she understood me like no one else. We continued being friends for years after we broke up and she still calls me to catch up. Sometimes the “crazy” ones also love you the hardest. With other girlfriends the relationship felt polite by comparison.

    It was hard seeing that video with the blood. Poor woman. You can’t help but feel like your heart breaks in two, even though she did it to herself. She must be in a lot of pain for her to do something like that. That’s what people don’t understand when they say “why don’t you just leave her and block her.” Because a girl like that loves so deeply that she will harm herself in the process of trying to get you back. It’s insane. I hope your ex is doing better.
    There are two types of couples on this planet there are the couples that argue and go to separate rooms or leave until things cool down. The other type of couples argue and one follows the other into another room and continues the argument when they try to leave the situation.

    I have done both but with my ex I was the one who tried to leave the situation. I have discussed this with her and we both know we both fucked up bad.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Damn it’s 4 am, I can’t sleep, and I read this shit… now I’m definitely not sleeping lol. I agree with you about the 40-some year olds. My current gf is 5 years older than me. One of the hottest and most sexual women I was with was in her mid 40s when I was 30.

    Sorry about your ex bro. My ex was kind of like that. She went crazy during our breakup. I left our house and went to my parent’s house during a fight and she came over and spent 2 hours banging on the windows and ringing the doorbell until I reluctantly called the cops. I warned her multiple times, but she wouldn’t stop. I told the cops I didn’t want to get her into trouble, and they didn’t arrest her but then I ended up looking like the asshole cause she was crying. She’s attacked me before, threw her phone at my head and made me bleed. She’d come in the other room after an argument, while I was sleeping, and try to attack me. I’ve had to hold her down multiple times.

    At the same time she could be the sweetest girl and she understood me like no one else. We continued being friends for years after we broke up and she still calls me to catch up. Sometimes the “crazy” ones also love you the hardest. With other girlfriends the relationship felt polite by comparison.

    It was hard seeing that video with the blood. Poor woman. You can’t help but feel like your heart breaks in two, even though she did it to herself. She must be in a lot of pain for her to do something like that. That’s what people don’t understand when they say “why don’t you just leave her and block her.” Because a girl like that loves so deeply that she will harm herself in the process of trying to get you back. It’s insane. I hope your ex is doing better.
    I'm fucking impressed you read all of that bullshit even the first post. Like I have said if I wrote a book no one would believe it. I have been to Hell and back in the past year

  15. #15
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    I used to go to my bedroom window when there was an argument in my house with my ex. She would follow me in and pin me in a corner that I couldn't get out of. She would swing on me and everything else I have been hit more times than his countable.

    I always just took it straight to the face and there was a point where I actually liked it. It was an electrifying anger that built up in me and every time I took a hit from her it started to feel good to the point that I didn't care anymore. I became sadistic.

    We are not equal. Men run the show. They run the household. Women react 2 men's actions. A woman is a reflection of her man. I will always believe that until I die

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I'm fucking impressed you read all of that bullshit even the first post. Like I have said if I wrote a book no one would believe it. I have been to Hell and back in the past year
    Lol well I guess you got a way of telling stories. Obs bedtime stories. This part of the forum, at the very least, missed your presence.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Lol well I guess you got a way of telling stories. Obs bedtime stories. This part of the forum, at the very least, missed your presence.
    Thank you for taking the time to read brother I was just trying to vent some of my shit out

  18. #18
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    I have done some really bad things in my life. I have also helped a lot of people that needed it whenever I was no better off than they were.

    I don't think I am a great person I don't like myself. I just hope that God will judge me sooner rather than later. I feel like I'm in purgatory awaiting judgment.

  19. #19
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    Purgatory is stasis. However, it appears you are moving forward. Let that give you piece of mind.
    On Sunday, during the Homily, the priest told a story that he said had originally come from Toni Morisson. In the story, a blind women is being harrassed by some kids. She is asked to guess if the bird in one of the kid's hands is alive or dead. She says that she does know that if it is dead, it is because the kid willed it. If it is alive, it is because the ...
    I'm telling it wrong so I'm gonna copy and paste, (it's on that Google thing):
    Finally she speaks and her voice is soft but stern. “I don’t know”, she says. “I don’t know whether the bird you are holding is dead or alive, but what I do know is that it is in your hands. It is in your hands.”

    As the priest explained it, people need to donate more to the church to keep it alive. LOL, true but on the way to getting there he spoke of something that more abstractly applies to this situation. Your happiness, progress, everything associated with that, it is like a plant that you have to water attend too.

    Also it is with langauge, it is powerful:
    She is convinced that when language dies, out of carelessness, disuse, indifference and absence of esteem, or killed by fiat, not only she herself, but all users and makers are accountable for its demise.
    So maybe, using the language that associates with tending that plant is also nutrients the plant requires.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I don't think I am a great person I don't like myself. I just hope that God will judge me sooner rather than later. I feel like I'm in purgatory awaiting judgment.
    This is the part to which I was responding.

  21. #21
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I have done some really bad things in my life. I have also helped a lot of people that needed it whenever I was no better off than they were.

    I don't think I am a great person I don't like myself. I just hope that God will judge me sooner rather than later. I feel like I'm in purgatory awaiting judgment.
    Come on Obs, you’re as sharp as they come & that is any easy math equation to solve! You’ve done good in the past, continue to balance out the bad with more good and what is God possibly going to say on judgement day? And, you don’t think he has a role in your acknowledgment of being on the wrong course, your recovery & your resurgence? Happy Wednesday, it’s a great day; finish the week strong.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Come on Obs, you’re as sharp as they come & that is any easy math equation to solve! You’ve done good in the past, continue to balance out the bad with more good and what is God possibly going to say on judgement day? And, you don’t think he has a role in your acknowledgment of being on the wrong course, your recovery & your resurgence? Happy Wednesday, it’s a great day; finish the week strong.
    Last night at 3 in the morning I got a knock on my door it was two Sheriff's. They had found my ex in town passed out in a yard with her pants down and she had peed herself. There's only one reason that she is in that state.


    The cops charged her with disturbing the peace because she was trying to get into a house and was so drunk that she didn't know where she was. She was so embarrassed when she woke up she demanded to be mentally instituted.

    Last night I went and picked her kids up from her house because of the other option was State custody which cops never want to do. So they came to my house and I went down to the hospital and pick her up we spent the night together.

    This morning though she came to her senses and finally sobered up she's in the hospital right now. I'm not making this shit up this is fact.

  23. #23
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    I believe that a woman is reflection of her man. Her man left her. Her Man became an alcoholic. She became an alcoholic and let everything go. I am not responsible for her actions but I am responsible for mine and I am the one who caused this shit.

    I just got off the phone with her mother who hasn't talked to me in over a year and we discussed what needs to be done with her. The fact is there's nothing we can do she has to do it for herself.

  24. #24
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    Today I took down one of the most dangerous trees in this state. Three tree services had refused to do it because it was so dangerous but me and my buddy did it. My morning started at 3 a.m. with cops knocking on my door and I somehow managed to get that done. I am thankful that my back didn't go out. I made a lot of money this week and is not done yet

  25. #25
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    I have to go feed her cats and her dogs and four squirrels that she adopted from a tree i cut.

  26. #26
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    Once you actually love someone you don't stop loving. You may not be in love with them but you will never stop loving them. I miss her a lot and I miss the life we had that I know it will never be like it was ever again. She is such a good girl and she is going to destroy herself if she doesn't stop. It's like looking at myself.

  27. #27
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    As gifted as a narrator that I’ve get come across. Seriously brother, you’re built for being a story teller. Gifted is an understatement…

  28. #28
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    I had to make a really bad cut today with my truck at full extension straight below the top of a dead tree with a zero degree drop window. I know it sounds really stupid but sometimes in this industry you just have to make a cut and pray.

    We had to drop a dead Tree Top into a pecan tree with my bucket truck two sheds and two houses below us. The idea was for it to hit the pecan tree hard enough that it would break apart and the pieces that came down would not be large enough to damage anything below it.

    This was a co-op job between me and my buddy Dusty's Tree Service. You couldn't have pulled a greasy string out of our assholes with a Mack truck when I made that cut. That tree slammed down into the pecan tree and didn't break a twig on the pecan tree but it totally disintegrated the dead tree Top. Some really light dead 2 in diameter shit hit my truck and that was it everything else Hit the Dirt.

    Earlier in the day we had tree limbs swinging over houses on speed lines and we had Porta wrap letting giant limbs purposely smash into the pecan tree so they would Splash apart and hit the ground away from the house.

    We employed pretty much every form of rigging technique known to mankind today. It just felt so good because none of the other tree services would touch this sketchy motherfuker. I am so incredibly proud of our crew

    When I came down out of that truck after the final cut on that Big Top me and Dusty immediately fist bump and hugged each other.

    It was a fucking amazing day
    Last edited by Obs; 10-06-2021 at 11:57 PM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    There is something that I can't get off my mind this evening. My ex who is in Research Medical psychiatric unit, she got upset at me because I forgot her birthday on the 5th of October.

    I actually meant to get her a gift and call her but I was so damn busy and stressed out and worried about myself that I forgot her damn birthday. I think that's why she got so drunk.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I swear it doesn't matter how much money I make I just can never get caught up from the last year. I owe so much money to so many people

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    day by day. it will be paid off.

    strap up ur boots every morning and earn.

    its always darkest before light brotha, and the light is right around the corner

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    My ex-girlfriend admitted to a psychiatric care facility but she may be getting out tomorrow

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I've been busting ass cleaning her house and her yard she had let everything go to shit. It looks good now though.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I know no one is probably reading this but that chick I had that was squatting in my house was 44 years old. I like 40 to 50 year old women I don't know why I just think they're hotter than sin sometimes. I swear God has never put a badge on a woman that was better or tighter than that thing was.

    I don't know why but God hangs the really good stuff on the really freaking crazy ones.

    It is nearly impossible to get away from them. You'll split up for a week until you get horny and then you call them again.... Im sorry honey
    Actually Im reading it for the 2nd time.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I swear it doesn't matter how much money I make I just can never get caught up from the last year. I owe so much money to so many people
    I hear that. Every time I get what I think is extra money to pay something off something else rears its ugly head and I end up owning 2x as much as before. At least it seems that way. Knock on wood, the last year I have been making headway thanks to the wife helping. Finally found one that give more than she takes.

    Stop blaming yourself for the GF/Ex situation. She is an adult and makes her own choices. Ill be she had plenty of problems before meeting you. She has to deal with her own demons and make the decision that her kids come first. I did the same thing for to many hears. Stop it.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Perusing this thread, a phrase comes to mind:

    Women, crazy in the bed, crazy in the head.

    For the most part, I have found that to be true...

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    My ex girlfriend just got out of the psych ward. I let her know how pissed off at her I was. Bigger shit on the horizon though not going to talk about that one yet. I just got out of the gym though and it's not going to take me any time at all to come back. I came out looking like a balloon animal again

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I just got approval to take down one single tree for $15,000. This will be the most difficult removal of my career but I am stoked about it

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Had a tough day this week, really stressed. Already on BP meds and get orthostatic hypotension at times upon arising. So intelligently took a hit of super chilling pot and drank some booze (oh yeah, dieting hard, have dropped 15 pounds and carb depleted, what could possibly go wrong?). Was sitting and watching a baseball game for a long while, stood up, paused (no problems) took 2 steps, lost consciousness and toppled like a log backwards. Gouged my head on a sharp edge of furniture. Out for 2 minutes.

    When I became fully conscious, I’m my old self, felt no pain and saw the LAFD around me. 5 minute response time btw, it helps to live where we’re at. So feeling great I joked . . . . “ so what is it with you guys not wanting to get vaccinated?”. My wife almost shit herself, I thought I was being funny however. I did not get lifted from the floor gently, lol.

    Still feeling ok, no problems except massive bleeding, so I chose to walk to the ambulance. They could care less as I likely pissed them off. BTW the ambulance side door entrance is not meant for tall folks and whacked my head again, lol. I made peace with the EMTs, we joked around and they thanked me for making their night. Got 12 staples to the temple for a 4 inch gash and bled to the point that I don’t need worry about blood donations or hematocrit levels for a while. Pissed as I just got a great fade haircut that day & now it’s f’d. Currently feeling great, back to the gym on Monday.

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