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Thread: weekend stories...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    weekend stories...

    schlitterbahn...unless you're there with your girl, or your family (i.e. kids), or you aren't older than 16, the place sucks...=) definantly not a place for college kids...=P there are tons of hot highschool chicks though that i felt bad about looking at...=P

    "hey there, little girl, how old do you think i am?"
    "uhh, 19?"
    "wanna go out on a date?"
    haha, just kidding!

    just so you know, schlitterbahn gets ranked #1 waterpark in the world every year by the travel channel. we went on a sat so it was packed...TONS of people. i never really realized how utterly out of shape america is as a whole. out of the thousands of people i saw, i was by far the most developed except for 2 other guys. one guy who looked like he was a juicer, and then an older guy (late 40's?) who had a great body. aside from them, i was pretty much more muscluar than everyone else there...and that aint saying much, cuz i'm on the bottom of the AR totem pole...=P

    after that, we went to a bbq. we were just chillin when all of a sudden, some guy pours beer all over this girl's head, then throws more beer in her face, starts screaming at her: "fuck you, get the fuck outta here, you're not wanted here, etc". she ran off. then the guy explained she offended the hosts of the party somehow. i thought, even so, that was pretty brutal...i don't think anyone should be treated that way (unless she did something >really< bad). they coulda just asked her to leave...

    -- cb

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey
    Getting beer in your eyes burns by the way. i got into a beer fight with a friend and she caught me right in the eyes, felt like i got maced.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    my weekend was by far the shittiest!!!

    was supossed to be in thr city friday(had to run to my gym to cover the nighttime because one of my employees couldn't come in) FRIDAY RUINED!!saturday i go to the beach for like two hours and my ex calls, who i still love, and after i get off the phone w/ her i meet this girl sitting next to #, dinner plans, SCORE!!oh , but wait, she had to cancel because of some shit w/ her gf. no ex, no new ass!!!SATURDAY RUINED!!!!!!!!!oh and yes, it's sunday, i'm at the gym doing paperwork and who calls?...................the ex!and what news does she have for me??her problems w/ her NEW MOTHERFUCKING BF!!!!!!!!!!!SUNDAY MOTHERFUCKING RUINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuck this bitch w/ her beer head!!!my weekend was the worst!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Fri/Sat night worked at my club downtown Toronto, no problems. Fri no hot chicks, Sat lot's of hot chicks. Good shit homey. Sunday morning, worked at my REAL job and lot's of medical problems with patrons. That sucked ass. Weekend = work filled = sucks ass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Hehe, good ole schlitterbahn. We used to go there all the time in highschool. However, it is fun even if you are and old fart like me (22) if you go with some friends or a date. cb--did you eat any corn on the cob or those giant turkey legs?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ichiban
    Hehe, good ole schlitterbahn. We used to go there all the time in highschool. However, it is fun even if you are and old fart like me (22) if you go with some friends or a date. cb--did you eat any corn on the cob or those giant turkey legs?
    i went with 5 other people. one of them is a good friend of mine, i didn't know 3 of them, and the 5th was a girl i wasn't attracted to, but she's cool. when we first got there, we waited in line for an hour for a ride which lasted about 15 secs. after that, me and my friend were like "peace"...and we spent the remainder of the day at the swim up bar getting hammered...=)

    no, didn't have roast corn or turkey...=( i felt guilty about the beer, so all i ate was bread, turkey, mustard, and tuna. which was stupid cuz it was my cheat day anyways...and i later cheated at cici's pizza. ha, we got to cici's 15 mins before closing and i had to eat 3 plates of pizza and a salad in 15 mins...=)

    22? you're a geezer! just kidding. i'm 23 and my friend is 24...i tease him about being in his middle 20's while i'm still in my early twenties...=)

    now when can i start dating your hot friends?

    -- cb

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    GOD!!! SCHLITTERBAHN SUCKS!!! Of course I live here in New Braunfels and can't stand all ya'll terrorists..whoops I mean tourists! Going once every couple of years is fine, but some locals go there every damn day during the summer. Also it's a pretty cool water park but c'mon, people from Detroit come here!!! For one thing, I'd be damned to drive all that way just form some stupid water park. Sorry guys, ya'll wouldn't understand my rantings unless ya'll lived in a damn tourist town. Summers suck azz around here do to traffic. I mean c'mon it might be a different town but how hard is it to drive? Ok, I'll calm down now....*breath*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    A few thoughts:
    C - This weekend you better bring all the fine girls out of the woodwork since I'm probably coming in.
    Tex - For the love of God, what is it with the traffic around 35 passing New Braunfels? I mean, it's NEW BRAUNFELS! Why would the traffic on 35 around there be worse than in San Antonio, or Dallas, or Austin, etc?????
    I went to the bars in Fort Worth on Friday, barbecued and had a couple friends barf everywhere (not my place) on Saturday, and went to the lake to jet ski on Sunday. Good times.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Posted by clockworks - Today at 01:13 AM after that, me and my friend were like "peace"...and we spent the remainder of the day at the swim up bar getting hammered...=)
    I have always wondered how much of the water at the bars are water and how much is pee

    Posted by BIG TEXAN - Today at 09:34 AM
    GOD!!! SCHLITTERBAHN SUCKS!!! Of course I live here in New Braunfels and can't stand all ya'll terrorists..whoops I mean tourists! Going once every couple of years is fine, but some locals go there every damn day during the summer. Also it's a pretty cool water park but c'mon, people from Detroit come here!!! For one thing, I'd be damned to drive all that way just form some stupid water park. Sorry guys, ya'll wouldn't understand my rantings unless ya'll lived in a damn tourist town. Summers suck azz around here do to traffic. I mean c'mon it might be a different town but how hard is it to drive? Ok, I'll calm down now....*breath*
    So that is where you live! I have to agree, that is crazy how many people come to New B. to go to that park. I guess it gets talked about a lot on tv (like the travel channel). I can certainly understand your frustration with the traffic!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    By the way, my comment up there about the traffic was more of a rhetorical rant than anything. I just can't believe how long it's taking to complete the @(#&$@(& construction going on through there. And what tourism places are there other than Schlitterbahn? I don't see how that one place could cause so much traffic.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well we have the Comal, Guadalupe rivers to tube on which draws more people than Schlitterbahn, we have ...well Schlitterbahn, also you cut through N.B. to get to Canyon Lake, also all the camping areas around here. But yeah traffic really pisses me off. I don't have road rage, it's just these idiots around here don't know how to drive as well with how long it's taking to finish all the construction!!

    ichiban- Yeah I'm stuck here in New Braunfels.... During the summer I can be found in the afternoons sitting by the river either throwing ballons full of paint at tubers or shooting their tubes with my pellet gun. Just let me know when you'll be heading down and I promise not to target ya.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Traffic SUX!!

    Posted by BIG TEXAN - Today at 10:47 AM
    ichiban- Yeah I'm stuck here in New Braunfels.... During the summer I can be found in the afternoons sitting by the river either throwing ballons full of paint at tubers or shooting their tubes with my pellet gun. Just let me know when you'll be heading down and I promise not to target ya.
    I will definately be sure and let ya know!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ya got nothing to worry darlin...I haven't done any of those things in years. Besides, the paint was body paint an washed off in the water, and as for shooting the tubes, well I'm a good shot and they'd just sink and the tubers would have to swim for it...... like I said, free passage to all AR members.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Friday- Went out with a friend of mine and this three beautiful girls. We went to this little place, but we didnt see any one besides the 4 40+ couples there. We decided to go to a Salsa club , after 20 minuts drive, we arrive and find out that they shut it down and its called Barbecue and Grill by Joe's....My friend left and I was left with three beautiful girls by myself. They took me to one of them's home to spend the night there, I was like "Sure....", but nothing happened with any of em, especially the one I was supposed to hook up with...I felt like a looser sleeping on the couch, buy myself.

    Saturday- Chilled at my pool for most of the day with some friends, dranks shit load of beer, the day was good. At night went out with two friends and the same three chicks. This time we had some dancing going on, partied till 2:30, then let the girls go and me and friend of mine helped this drunk guy to get to his appt, the prick was ungrateful, so we decided to steal his wallet, but we didnt succeed...smoked a joint and went home...

    Sunday- Sucked ass, I slept nly 5 hours, had to move out, furniture, clothes....then went to friends house to eat some pizza and stare at the tv....came home, went to the week begins again....

    probably the most exciting weekend in a long time....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Thursday - Went out with a new girl I'm seeing. We got a little banged up drinking had a good time. Went back to her house and had a better time.

    Friday - Me and a few buddies went to go see a band play local to us.

    Saturday - Went and baught a Home Theater System for my bedroom. Then that night went to my buddies house to hang and eat.

    Sunday - I get a call about my mom being rushed to the hospital. They thought she had a stroke but she didn't.... Thank god. So my Sunday I spent with her at the hospital so she wouldn't be alone.

    That was my weekend I'm beat.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    During the summer I can be found in the afternoons sitting by the river either throwing ballons full of paint at tubers or shooting their tubes with my pellet gun. Just let me know when you'll be heading down and I promise not to target ya.
    bahaha, that is hilarious...=P i'll be sure to let ya know when i'm coming...

    -- clocky baby

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ichiban
    I have always wondered how much of the water at the bars are water and how much is pee
    haha, a LOT...=P i would like everyone note though, that i got out of the water and went to bathroom EVERY time i needed to pee. my friend thought i was crazy for doing that and he kept peeing at the bar and telling me about it. at the end of the day i was like "great, now i'm covered in josh's piss".

    -- clocky baby

    p.s. going to public bathrooms while barefoot is gross

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Sunday - I get a call about my mom being rushed to the hospital. They thought she had a stroke but she didn't.... Thank god. So my Sunday I spent with her at the hospital so she wouldn't be alone.
    Glad to hear it wasn't a stroke.... hope it wasn't anything as serious. I hope she's feeling better Mud.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Glad to hear it wasn't a stroke.... hope it wasn't anything as serious. I hope she's feeling better Mud.
    Ditto on that.

    Is she back at home?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Let's see... my weekend.

    Friday night- Well took my pain killers and had a killer game of hide and seek going on with my daughter as my son took his nap. Wife got home and we went grocery shopping. Got home, ate, put the kids to bed and watched some tv and fell asleep on the couch. My daughter woke me up and we watched some cartoons until she fell asleep and I went to bed.

    Saturday- Got up as the wife went to work and cooked some breakfast for the kids and myself. Watched cartoons and chased my daughter around the house. Changed god knows how many diapers and fixed numerous bottles of formula. Wife got home and we shipped kids off to grandma's for the night. Me and the wfie went out to eat and have some drinks, went to go see Pirates of the Caribean. Forgot my money and had to drive back top the house. Damn near missed the movie. Got home about midnight, me and the wife stayed up until 3am just sitting outside talking and laughing. (I think we've managed to work past our problems) I haven't heard her laugh like that in a year or so. Finally went to bed.

    Sunday- picked up kids, mowed the grass, helped with laundry, nursed my wifes hangover (ok so I kept making a bunch of noise to piss her off ) Played wit hthe kids outside.. cooked dinner and went to bed.

    And that ladies and gentlemen was my adventurous weekend.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    I'll go ahead and contribute.

    Friday(if this could be considered weekend)- 3.5 miles, Work, gym. Watched Orielly and Hannity and Colmes. Went and played pool for a few hours at my usual hall. New intriguing bartender whom I'm seeing this evening. Went home at 2, ate a feast and hit the sack.

    Sat.- Alarm at 7am, 3.5 miles of cardio. Sat around the house, read for about 5 hours, did some laundry, planned this weeks diet, went and busted out a killer back day, came home watched Narc(very impressed) and went to sleep.

    Sun.- Alarm at 7am, 3.5 miles of cardio, read for about another 5 hours, did more laundry, saw Tomb Raider(Sucked big ones), read about another 3 hours, watched Sienfled re-run and went to bed.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Ditto on that.

    Is she back at home?
    Thanks guys!

    No she's still at the hospital and they are running test on her to see what the problem is. I can tell these doctors what the her problem is. She smokes 3 packs a day, eats like hell, and just doesn't take care of herself. This should be a wakeup call for her but she's so hard headed that she never will change.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Thanks guys!

    No she's still at the hospital and they are running test on her to see what the problem is. I can tell these doctors what the her problem is. She smokes 3 packs a day, eats like hell, and just doesn't take care of herself. This should be a wakeup call for her but she's so hard headed that she never will change.

    My grandmother was the same way for a long time bro. She smoked 2 packs a day and never was without a bottle of whisky in her hands and you couldn't tell her anything. She was going to do what she wanted to do. Finally had a wake up call about 3 years ago and quit everything. At 86 now after smoking and drinking for 60+. One of the lucky ones for sure

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    My grandmother was the same way for a long time bro. She smoked 2 packs a day and never was without a bottle of whisky in her hands and you couldn't tell her anything. She was going to do what she wanted to do. Finally had a wake up call about 3 years ago and quit everything. At 86 now after smoking and drinking for 60+. One of the lucky ones for sure
    I just hope my mom does what your grandmother did. It would be nice to have her around for awhile longer.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Good luck Mud, who knows this might make her realize just what she's doing to herself.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    I dont remember what I did last weekend i wish i knew

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Weekend was great....drove around Sicily...ate 9moderately) some great pasta...stayed in Catania...of course worked out Sat. mid-afternoon. Sunday..dealt w/ the G/F. Whcih is both good and bad!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Thanks guys!

    No she's still at the hospital and they are running test on her to see what the problem is. I can tell these doctors what the her problem is. She smokes 3 packs a day, eats like hell, and just doesn't take care of herself. This should be a wakeup call for her but she's so hard headed that she never will change.
    doh, can't influence her to hit the gym and eat good like you do? my mom and i finally have something in common cuz of this whole fitness/bb thing.

    glad to know she's alright.

    -- clocky baby

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hmmm Saturday (yesterday) my brother in law pulled up with a big ass boat with a gasoline engine in the driveway for me to fix for him. No start. Wires everywhere. My other wife's (two wives here) Deaf friends come over and "help" by poking around in the carburetor and fiddling with the points etc and I am trying to be nice so it is a couple of hours before I finally run them off. We borrow the coil and battery out of my 63 nova and the boat's engine cranks right up. I am supposed to be barbecuing but busy on the boat. Wife #1's niece does the honors at the grill and the aroma of burnt chicken parts fills the neighborhood as flames dance skyward. Hot as hell. Can't keep a cold beer. Everybody leaves and I don't have anything done.

    Today, Sunday. B in L back again, this time with an old 75 horse Johnson outboard for me to fix. Didn't fix it. Heavy bastard. He gave it to me. Moved it all over the place until I finally found a place that neither wife has a problem with. Oh, he also brought over a nice little 9 horse motor for our little skiff that he got for nothing. Needs carb for sure, possibly some foot work too. Didn't fix that either. Asked him to please get that big ass boat out of the driveway and he speeds off to Mandeville with it before I remember to get the coil back for my little Nova. Spent the rest of the day moving the 9 horse mercury around here and there and wherever wives were pointing fingers until I said fuck it, it stays right there forever and ever amen as I dropped it on the cement floor of the garage. Fixed wife #2's puter. I set it up about once a week and she unsets it and it is always my fault. I yelled at her a bit for downloading and installing every "free" program and opening every email atachment she runs across and shutting down zone alarm to "fix" things, before reinstalling xp and firewall, which felt really good. (the yelling, not the puter hassles) No sex. No booze. No fishing. No afternoon naps. No fun, except the yelling this evening. So, all in all, a pretty good weekend.

  30. #30
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    Jul 2003
    Went to the gym, sat in with the woman, watched tv, post whored on AR. The usual...

    I remember when I had a social life lol.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Friday-Lounged on the couch alll day. Watched movies, didn' do much at all. Then that night... Best friend of mine for 15 years has a surprise party planned for tonight. First we all meet up at a restaurant and get our grub on. Guess whos there? My ex....great its starting good already. Then the girls go back to he house we're having the party at and get the keg(and start drinking BEFORE we get there...bitches). So we go to my house and start to get our buddy drunk before we go to the "strip club". He finally gets restless so we head off to the "strip club" but first we gotta stop by this girls house and drop something off. So we get there and yell "surprise". Him being drunk, has no idea what we are talking about so walks in, to go to the bathroom while the person does the dropping off. Well he comes out and I'm like..'who should i give the money to paying for us to drink the keg". He goes" they got a keg???". Well at this point I think, damn I just fucked up the whole surprise...then this chick walks into the room and didn't seem that surprised. He goes "Surprised?...for what" (Mind you he still is FUCKING OBLVIOUS to the fact that this is a surprise party FOR HIM MOVING AWAY FOREVER. So he goes "Ohhhh shit..did you guys get me a stripper?!?!" alllll excited. Me and my buddy fall on the ground dying from laughter , when we could finally control our laughter we yell at him..."This is your going away surprise party!!!!"
    He starts laughing and then we all just start sippin on some berrr. The rest of the night was somewhat of a bore...I mean, it was a party, there was hotties...but what all can you do when your ex is gawking at you and basically checking on you whenever you start a convo. 1ish go home, clean my apt till 2am cuz I don't feel like doing it before I go to the gym on Sat.
    Sat- So going to go to the gym but running short on time so I take my boxer for a run and totally smoked him on the way. Get my ride washed for the night...and go to my parents house for my dads bday. Watched the home baseball team lose...then sip on some Dom P like a tru playa duz. lol Then drive the hour drive home hurry up get ready and my buddy picks me up to go to a movie with some peeps. Freddy v. Jason. Decent flick,more funny than scary...for real. Then after the movie lets out, about 12...we opted to go party hopping over the bars to save some dough. We head over to this 3 kegger our boy is throwing...Well..we get there and the five-o are already there..Well 75% of the people..I'd say bout 100 leave. I throw a fat dip in and basically just sit there and chill with some boys...we go to some latenight fast food joint cuz my boys wanted some grub so my boy ends up meeting the lead singer of.....great!!! now i cant think of the band name. theyre seriously tight tho, and i dont even like punk all too much. Drove back to their telly, kicked it for another 15 and decided to 86 it.
    Sunday- Killer tricep/trap workout. Then went to work...came home watched super troopers...decent movie. i guess...Now here I am a 2:23 pacific am. Bored as all hell and no chicas in sight. Sportscenter's on so I'm gonna bounce...

    All in all pretty boring weekend..I mean I did DO stuff...but it was pretty uneventful..oh well, win some lose some, I'll come back next week and let you know if it came out any better. Latttttter


  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Thurs. - went out with a bunch of people from work and drank till 3:00am.

    Friday - took the day off, went out on my buddies boat to the beach to find ladies. Friday night 20 of us went to Dinner (VIVO) and had a great time, hit more bars that night

    Saturday - Air and Water show in Chicago, went out on my bro's 47ft Apache boat and tied up with more boats. After that we had a Dock party with a DJ and over 200 people showed up. Partied with BOB PROPERT for the Chicago Blackhawks. met a really great girl, and we ended the night by going back to my buddies private bar at his house and watched a movie on his 10ft screen!!!!(daredevil SUCKS)

    Sunday - More Air and water show and more drinking on the lake. A police boat pulled up with all the pilots from the Thunderbirds and we drank with them. (of course the bastards stole all of our women)

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    last night my gf and i were at deep la in hollywood which has a fairly good mix of homosexuals and straight people, typical of real house music crowds. anyhow we saw some gay guy try to mack on this straight guy and i guess the gay guy tried to kiss him which aparently pissed this straight guy off quite a bit so he shoved the gay guy. gay guy cocks back and drills the straight guy right in the side of the face be4 they start tussling and bouncers break it up.

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