schlitterbahn...unless you're there with your girl, or your family (i.e. kids), or you aren't older than 16, the place sucks...=) definantly not a place for college kids...=P there are tons of hot highschool chicks though that i felt bad about looking at...=P
"hey there, little girl, how old do you think i am?"
"uhh, 19?"
"wanna go out on a date?"
haha, just kidding!
just so you know, schlitterbahn gets ranked #1 waterpark in the world every year by the travel channel. we went on a sat so it was packed...TONS of people. i never really realized how utterly out of shape america is as a whole. out of the thousands of people i saw, i was by far the most developed except for 2 other guys. one guy who looked like he was a juicer, and then an older guy (late 40's?) who had a great body. aside from them, i was pretty much more muscluar than everyone else there...and that aint saying much, cuz i'm on the bottom of the AR totem pole...=P
after that, we went to a bbq. we were just chillin when all of a sudden, some guy pours beer all over this girl's head, then throws more beer in her face, starts screaming at her: "fuck you, get the fuck outta here, you're not wanted here, etc". she ran off. then the guy explained she offended the hosts of the party somehow. i thought, even so, that was pretty brutal...i don't think anyone should be treated that way (unless she did something >really< bad). they coulda just asked her to leave...
-- cb