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Thread: Help from the older men here.. going through a breakup.

  1. #1
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    Help from the older men here.. going through a breakup.

    Hey guys. So me and girlfriend split about 3 months ago now. I’m having a hard time with this one not sure why maybe it’s cuz I’m getting older. I’m 30. Anyway, I need some advice on how I can get over this and move on with my life. I think about her a lot and I definitely miss her very much. I sent her some flowers a couple weeks ago but heard nothing back so I’m assuming it cannot be reconciled. Anyone who can give me some advice on things I can do or ways to help me get through this. Oh and I just started PCT a few days ago with clomid/nolva and hcg. Thinking maybe this might be making it worse. Idk why but honestly I don’t give a fuck about many things in life but women seem to always be able to bring me down. Nothing else brings me down not ever but if I lose a women I love I’m fucking lost in the world. Does anyone else feel that way?

    Last edited by tbjake34; 11-23-2021 at 09:52 PM.

  2. #2
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    30 is older? lol My last breakup/divorce was when I was 54. No it doesnt get easier and yes it gets a LOT more expensive.

    Not trying to make light of your situation. I remember very clearly what its like especially if you arent over the other person.

    Some alone time is good but if you are really felling upset/depressed about it then the OLD saying is true. The best way to get over a girl is to get on another one. Have some fun but be careful about the rebound. Most every guy ends up falling for another one soon after a bad breakup because in your imagination she is near perfect and she must be the reason the universe wanted you to break up and go through the previous pain. No its not. Dont get attached to anyone until some time has gone by and make sure she feels the same way and its not just in your head.

    Best of luck

  3. #3
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    30 is old hahaha, spring chicken more like. It has been three months so she obviously wants to cut ties. Move on keep your chin up, also no HCG in your PCT.

  4. #4
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    Get back on and move along plenty more women out there. You tried and she never replied so maybe she’s moved on. Not trying to rhythm here. 30 is still young…

  5. #5
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    breaking up is like death.. losing someone you loved and trusted, you will go through the stages of grief... time heals all wounds and that's a fact.. stop enabling women to be the end all to your happiness, you are responsible for your own happiness, who you are and your goals and asperations.. ...
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  7. #7
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    Thank you for all the replies. And yes I’m seeing a girl from the gym this weekend. I’m making myself even though I don’t really want to I’m going to go smash she’s like 22 she’s been sending me nudy pics for the past year I’ve just always been with my ex so I’ve never jumped on it.
    Last edited by tbjake34; 11-24-2021 at 01:05 PM.

  8. #8
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    Why no hcg in my pct?

  9. #9
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    Your 30? It’s says you joined here in 2005 you would’ve been 14.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    Your 30? It’s says you joined here in 2005 you would’ve been 14.
    Yea I was like 14-15. I started taking gear really young bro like crazy young. Ive been on and off gear for the better part of 15 years.

  11. #11
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    Getting pussy didn’t make me get over any of my exes any faster. Love has nothing to do with sex IMO. You have a bond with another person, you love their soul. The longer you’ve been with someone, the longer it will take to get over them, unless you hated them. Time is the only cure, IMO. You can distract yourself, use drugs, do cycles… but only time can heal the pain.

    Also, it’s hard enough going through a breakup natty, much less when you’re hormones are fluctuating like crazy. I would go to a low Trt dose for a while and clean out. I’m talking 6 months not a few weeks. There’s more to life than running gear, and maybe your girl was sick of the bullshit. I know most women don’t want to put up with some roid monkey who’s always jealous, in a bad mood, etc.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Getting pussy didn’t make me get over any of my exes any faster. Love has nothing to do with sex IMO. You have a bond with another person, you love their soul. The longer you’ve been with someone, the longer it will take to get over them, unless you hated them. Time is the only cure, IMO. You can distract yourself, use drugs, do cycles… but only time can heal the pain.

    Also, it’s hard enough going through a breakup natty, much less when you’re hormones are fluctuating like crazy. I would go to a low Trt dose for a while and clean out. I’m talking 6 months not a few weeks. There’s more to life than running gear, and maybe your girl was sick of the bullshit. I know most women don’t want to put up with some roid monkey who’s always jealous, in a bad mood, etc.
    Yea that’s why she left me. She wanted me to come off gear and I kept telling her that I was going to stop and then I’ll start using it behind her back and she caught me like three or four times taking shit again and then she finally just left because I wouldn’t stop

  13. #13
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    Idk I’m just going to start banging chicks and see if that helps.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Because hcg is suppressive
    I’m going to use it to get everything started then I’ll pct for 4 weeks and get back on cycle. Test, primo, anavar.

  15. #15
    Dude touch your life forward, if she liked you, she would be trying to get closer to you.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Dude touch your life forward, if she liked you, she would be trying to get closer to you.
    Yea true.. I mean it’s not like I think I’m getting her back it’s just hard cuz I fucking miss her and all that shit.

  17. #17
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    By 30 I had one ex wife under my belt

    By an act of god of some form - I’m alive past 40(41 now) - still married to wife #2, but - yeah, we’ll just leave it at that

    Don’t take personal things out of context - it’s hard af, that I know

    But, as long as you got your health - who cares

    Unless you have kids, that’s where it’s a slippery slope

    No kids from wife #1, one son from #2

    Life sure changed a lot for me in the last few years - for me at least, she’s - well, not as on board as one would of hoped

    It’s all day to day at this point -

    30 < ain’t shit, unless u share 3+ kids together. Lol

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Hey guys. So me and girlfriend split about 3 months ago now. I’m having a hard time with this one not sure why maybe it’s cuz I’m getting older. I’m 30. Anyway, I need some advice on how I can get over this and move on with my life. I think about her a lot and I definitely miss her very much. I sent her some flowers a couple weeks ago but heard nothing back so I’m assuming it cannot be reconciled. Anyone who can give me some advice on things I can do or ways to help me get through this. Oh and I just started PCT a few days ago with clomid/nolva and hcg. Thinking maybe this might be making it worse. Idk why but honestly I don’t give a fuck about many things in life but women seem to always be able to bring me down. Nothing else brings me down not ever but if I lose a women I love I’m fucking lost in the world. Does anyone else feel that way?

    Run a 3 months trencycle. Then u will not get so emo about it.
    I did.
    And...after it didnt get any worse. Or better. But it migth give u a good break from your sorrow.
    No bs, im serious.

    Google is filled with other tips to cut it. And they go for juiceheads like us too.

    Sent fra min SM-G998B via Tapatalk

  19. #19
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    Mate shit happens and sometimes you can do fuck all about it….
    If she wanted to break up it’s how it’s meant to be….
    I have found after a breakup that hurt me I used to dive straight back in to another,you still hurt but seeing other birds does take your mind off it a little……
    IMO it helps
    It helped me anyway…

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  20. #20
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    30+ here as well and have shared that pain in several ways, and I like you have women as my only real nemesis.
    - Definitely bang a new one, but do NOT take a home a psycho or ogre-like one! DO NOT! Remember that we get post nut syndrome, and remember that drama with a new one will make you wanna return to old even more.
    You need a whore who use you for your body, or one that is grown up enough to let you have her as a rebound.
    I have tried em all, grown up ones are unicorns.
    - Remove all ways for you to see her and do not read old messages or see old pictures, if you share friends or hangout at the same places, try avoid that for a while.
    - Gym gym gym gym, training is rehabilitation per definition.

    For now you need to focus on your primitive basics and let it flush out. Some will say "get a hobby", I say hell nah, your emotions and mental state will go bonkers, just crazy people can get a new hobby in all of that.
    Just be primitive - Gym, Eat, Sleep, Fuck, Drink, that's it!
    A few good mates will help.
    And try not pile other issues on you in the same time like e.g. getting a loan and run overseas, I have done that as well, it will bite you.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    grown up ones are unicorns.

    Now, that is gosh darn truth right there!

    I was talking with a older friend of mine(not by much, he's 49) - divorced 13 years back. . . . No one serious ever after:/

    I started talking with a 11.1 at the gym the other day. We clicked real good for a min, I asked her how old she was - she was 1/2 my age. . . . .Ugggggh. . . .I thought she was a bit older(maybe 25,26+) - whatever is whatever

    So, personal shit - ain't got nothin on me. Health 1st - everything else will fall into place

  22. #22
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Hi! I’m not sure you should want her back.

    You and her weren’t on the same page with gear. Couples should be able to to have meaningful conversation - secrets and lies don’t make a good foundation.

    Perhaps spend some time reflecting on how approach differently. I don’t see this relationship healing and obvious to me - she is NOT the ONE!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Couples should be able to to have meaningful conversation - secrets and lies don’t make a good foundation.
    Both are as good as facts - imo

    We need to be on the same page - I’m too old too pussy foot around & BS

    And, I can’t stand being with someone who I can’t have a real conversation with on a regular basis - maybe it’s not a must for other folk, but is to me

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Hey guys. So me and girlfriend split about 3 months ago now. I’m having a hard time with this one not sure why maybe it’s cuz I’m getting older. I’m 30. Anyway, I need some advice on how I can get over this and move on with my life. I think about her a lot and I definitely miss her very much. I sent her some flowers a couple weeks ago but heard nothing back so I’m assuming it cannot be reconciled. Anyone who can give me some advice on things I can do or ways to help me get through this. Oh and I just started PCT a few days ago with clomid/nolva and hcg. Thinking maybe this might be making it worse. Idk why but honestly I don’t give a fuck about many things in life but women seem to always be able to bring me down. Nothing else brings me down not ever but if I lose a women I love I’m fucking lost in the world. Does anyone else feel that way?

    I can relate to you. I actually just broke up with my girlfriend. Been through it many times. I suggest to keep yourself busy and maybe go on a few dates. Time, time also heals everything. Good luck

  25. #25
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    If your ex is still alive then you're really only touching the iceberg of human emotion. Mine died 5 years ago and I'm still not right.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    If your ex is still alive then you're really only touching the iceberg of human emotion. Mine died 5 years ago and I'm still not right.
    Real talk

  27. #27
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    Thank you for all the replies. Yea I have been focusing on myself more and that seems to be helping. I would just hope on a heavy cycle and become a hermit and just go bodybuilding full throttle again but I told myself I’d pct after my last blast even if it’s just for 4 weeks I want to take some time off. Fucking women man.. why can’t they just be cool and not up your ass 24/7 about something. I’m just counting the days till my next cycle and I’ll be so focused on that I’ll forget about her.
    I’ll feel like as a bodybuilder juice head it’s harder to find women to date. Anyone else agree?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    I’ll feel like as a bodybuilder juice head it’s harder to find women to date. Anyone else agree?
    I think it's more a case of where you find the girl. If you meet her at church then she's less likely to fuck you over than if you met her at a rave.

    With that said, I've met some lovely girls at raves and some horrible girls at churches. But if you average them out, I'd rather choose from a pool of 60 church girls, than choose from a pool of 60 rave girls.

    You just try getting into meditation too... it just makes life easier in general.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    I’ll feel like as a bodybuilder juice head it’s harder to find women to date. Anyone else agree?
    Not for me particularly. It may be my location. If you are looking for a real connection, try Match....

  30. #30
    If this is the reason she left, then she’s not going to change and it sounds like you’re not going to change either. if you were sneaking gear behind her back, It sounds like you prefer to work on yourself more than work on your relationship with her. If that’s the case, then she’s probably not the right one for you anyway. When you find the right person you won’t even question the compromises you need to make in order to be with that person. I’m 50. 30 is really young.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Thank you for all the replies. Yea I have been focusing on myself more and that seems to be helping. I would just hope on a heavy cycle and become a hermit and just go bodybuilding full throttle again but I told myself I’d pct after my last blast even if it’s just for 4 weeks I want to take some time off. Fucking women man.. why can’t they just be cool and not up your ass 24/7 about something. I’m just counting the days till my next cycle and I’ll be so focused on that I’ll forget about her.
    I’ll feel like as a bodybuilder juice head it’s harder to find women to date. Anyone else agree?

    Maybe I missed - but, u got kids yet?

    Ever want kids, etc. ?

    Women - shit, come on man. . . “They” are always somethin, me & wife #2 been going through it for min here recently.

    If mid life shit wasn’t enough, I had a intracranial explosion. . . I’m so all over the place & she’s not far off from me - we’re tryin to put things together, but it def ain’t easy. My son is gonna be 10 next month, been tryin to have another ever since I came out the nut house - no go. A decade of roids apparently took its toll. And, I don’t wanna come off - she’s not gettin any younger, etc.

    So, both of us are at some cross roads - career & life wise I suppose

    I just try my best to take it easy & let things fall into place - but, still keep my eyes peeled

  32. #32
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    I do want kids that’s why I’m kind of concerned because I put a lot into her and we both wanted kids but wanted to be married first and I bought a ring and everything but could never propose to her because I didn’t know if I could be with one women the rest of my life and she can be a real bitch sometimes. She was getting pissed that I hadn’t proposed to her yet as well. Idk I think we fought more then we didn’t fight though our relationship fell apart towards the end.

    Anyway, banged a 22 year old broad last night. It was good but I didn’t really want to do it but I thought it would help. And gotta say I don’t feel any better lol I’m to the point in my life I’ve had so much pussy that its not that I’m looking for I’m looking for a good women to be with but that’s fucking impossible to find.
    Last edited by tbjake34; 11-27-2021 at 04:44 PM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    I’m looking for a good women to be with but that’s fucking impossible to find.
    Narrow down your search. Go volunteer at an animal shelter, or a psychiatric facility, or dishing out hot food to the homeless. If you meet a girl doing that then there's a good chance she's worth keeping.

    Or even just take up a new hobby. Horseriding is almost all women.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    I’m looking for a good women to be with but that’s fucking impossible to find.

    Ha ha! Fuck no

    And, if they were once good - they’re shit now. Y I’m still married - best of the worst, I guess

    I was talking to an acquaintance of mine. He’s 49, 3 kids - all grown. Divorced for 13 years - never been in a long term relationship since. I can’t do it at this point in my life - I need pussy on the regular & don’t have time to go chase it. Between health probs & work - and, so on

    I really don’t know at this point, I don’t seem to be able to have more kids thx to a decade of roids. Still need to set some sort of example for my son - so, it’s all day to day

    That’s it

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Hi! I’m not sure you should want her back.

    You and her weren’t on the same page with gear. Couples should be able to to have meaningful conversation - secrets and lies don’t make a good foundation.

    Perhaps spend some time reflecting on how approach differently. I don’t see this relationship healing and obvious to me - she is NOT the ONE!
    I never liked her anyway.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I never liked her anyway.
    She wasnt very good at giving head either, right?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    She wasnt very good at giving head either, right?
    I had a gf one time who was quite the connoisseur at this activity. It was a plus.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I never liked her anyway.
    Best one liner EVER!

  39. #39
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    Help from the older men here.. going through a breakup.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    She wasnt very good at giving head either, right?
    Another one liner. lol
    Last edited by GirlyGymRat; 11-29-2021 at 07:23 PM.

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