Originally Posted by
Test Monsterone
Getting pussy didn’t make me get over any of my exes any faster. Love has nothing to do with sex IMO. You have a bond with another person, you love their soul. The longer you’ve been with someone, the longer it will take to get over them, unless you hated them. Time is the only cure, IMO. You can distract yourself, use drugs, do cycles… but only time can heal the pain.
Also, it’s hard enough going through a breakup natty, much less when you’re hormones are fluctuating like crazy. I would go to a low Trt dose for a while and clean out. I’m talking 6 months not a few weeks. There’s more to life than running gear, and maybe your girl was sick of the bullshit. I know most women don’t want to put up with some roid monkey who’s always jealous, in a bad mood, etc.